Results for 'Polynomial clones'

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  1.  26
    Polynomial clone reducibility.Quinn Culver - 2014 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 53 (1-2):1-10.
    Polynomial clone reducibilities are generalizations of the truth-table reducibilities. A polynomial clone is a set of functions over a finite set X that is closed under composition and contains all the constant and projection functions. For a fixed polynomial clone ${\fancyscript{C}}$ , a sequence ${B\in X^{\omega}}$ is ${\fancyscript{C}}$ -reducible to ${A \in {X}^{\omega}}$ if there is an algorithm that computes B from A using only effectively selected functions from ${\fancyscript{C}}$ . We show that if A is Kurtz (...)
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  2. Harm, law and reproductive.Anna Smajdor Cloning - 2010 - In Matti Häyry, Tuija Takala, Peter Herissone-Kelly & Gardar Árnason (eds.), Arguments and Analysis in Bioethics. Amsterdam: Brill | Rodopi.
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    The structure of the paradoxes of self-reference, Graham Priest.A. Thousand Clones - 1993 - The Monist 76 (3).
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  4. Ana borovečki, Henk ten have, Stjepan orešković, ethics committees in croatia in the healthcare institutions: The first study about their structure and functions, and some reflections on the major issues and problems 49-60.Gabriele de Anna, Begetting Cloning, Ruiping Fan, Confucian Filial Piety & Long Term - 2006 - HEC Forum 18 (4):374-376.
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  5. Cloning Centering at Egoism.Yusuke Kaneko - 2019 - The Basis : The Annual Bulletin of Research Center for Liberal Education 9:245-260.
    Cloning research caught a great deal of attention when Dolly the sheep was born (§4). While some fear surrounded the attainment (§§14-15), Wilmutʼs research itself has grown well, providing a less vicious manner to gain ES cells (§12). In this article, we review the progress of cloning research along with the concern of medical circles about its application to reproductive cloning, that is to say, making replicas of human beings (§§16-21). Note that all the content is ascribed to the author (...)
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    Reproductive cloning and a (kind of) genetic fallacy.Dr Neil Levy & Dr Mianna Lotz - 2005 - Bioethics 19 (3):232–250.
    ABSTRACT Many people now believe that human reproductive cloning – once sufficiently safe and effective – should be permitted on the grounds that it will allow the otherwise infertile to have children that are biologically closely related to them. However, though it is widely believed that the possession of a close genetic link to our children is morally significant and valuable, we argue that such a view is erroneous. Moreover, the claim that the genetic link is valuable is pernicious; it (...)
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  7.  19
    Polynomial Time Uniform Word Problems.Stanley Burris - 1995 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 41 (2):173-182.
    We have two polynomial time results for the uniform word problem for a quasivariety Q: The uniform word problem for Q can be solved in polynomial time iff one can find a certain congruence on finite partial algebras in polynomial time. Let Q* be the relational class determined by Q. If any universal Horn class between the universal closure S and the weak embedding closure S̄ of Q* is finitely axiomatizable then the uniform word problem for Q (...)
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    Polynomials and equations in arabic algebra.Jeffrey A. Oaks - 2009 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 63 (2):169-203.
    It is shown in this article that the two sides of an equation in the medieval Arabic algebra are aggregations of the algebraic “numbers” (powers) with no operations present. Unlike an expression such as our 3x + 4, the Arabic polynomial “three things and four dirhams” is merely a collection of seven objects of two different types. Ideally, the two sides of an equation were polynomials so the Arabic algebraists preferred to work out all operations of the enunciation to (...)
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  9.  22
    On Polynomial-Time Relation Reducibility.Su Gao & Caleb Ziegler - 2017 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 58 (2):271-285.
    We study the notion of polynomial-time relation reducibility among computable equivalence relations. We identify some benchmark equivalence relations and show that the reducibility hierarchy has a rich structure. Specifically, we embed the partial order of all polynomial-time computable sets into the polynomial-time relation reducibility hierarchy between two benchmark equivalence relations Eλ and id. In addition, we consider equivalence relations with finitely many nontrivial equivalence classes and those whose equivalence classes are all finite.
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  10.  13
    Cloning and the Future of Human Embryo Research.Paul Lauritzen (ed.) - 2001 - Oup Usa.
    Hailed as revolutionary, the prospect of human cloning is actually the next logical step in a series of developments in reproductive technology that began with the first test-tube baby in 1978. This book addresses the debates over cloning in the context of new reproductive technology and human embryo research. It examines the status of preimplantation embryos, the ethical issues related to cloning and embryo research, and the formulation of public policy.
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    On Cloning.John Harris - 2004 - Routledge.
    Cloning - few words have as much potential to grip our imagination or grab the headlines. No longer the stuff of science fiction or Star Wars - it is happening now. Yet human cloning is currently banned throughout the world, and therapeutic cloning banned in many countries. In this highly controversial book, John Harris does a lot more than ask why we are so afraid of cloning. He presents a deft and informed defence of human cloning, carefully exposing the rhetorical (...)
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  12. On polynomial time computation over unordered structures.Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich & Saharon Shelah - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (3):1093-1125.
    This paper is motivated by the question whether there exists a logic capturing polynomial time computation over unordered structures. We consider several algorithmic problems near the border of the known, logically defined complexity classes contained in polynomial time. We show that fixpoint logic plus counting is stronger than might be expected, in that it can express the existence of a complete matching in a bipartite graph. We revisit the known examples that separate polynomial time from fixpoint plus (...)
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  13. Cloning and Public Policy.Ruth Macklin - 2002 - In Justine Burley & John Harris (eds.), A Companion to Genethics. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 206-215.
    It seemed like only minutes after a team of Scottish scientists announced, in late February 1997, that they had successfully cloned a sheep, that governmental officials and private citizens throughout the world called for a ban on cloning human beings. The rush to legislate or issue executive orders was so swift, it is reasonable to wonder why the news that a mammal had been cloned ignited such a stampede to prohibit, even criminalize, attempts to clone humans. These events raise a (...)
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  14.  18
    Polynomials and General Degree-Based Topological Indices of Generalized Sierpinski Networks.Chengmei Fan, M. Mobeen Munir, Zafar Hussain, Muhammad Athar & Jia-Bao Liu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    Sierpinski networks are networks of fractal nature having several applications in computer science, music, chemistry, and mathematics. These networks are commonly used in chaos, fractals, recursive sequences, and complex systems. In this article, we compute various connectivity polynomials such as M -polynomial, Zagreb polynomials, and forgotten polynomial of generalized Sierpinski networks S k n and recover some well-known degree-based topological indices from these. We also compute the most general Zagreb index known as α, β -Zagreb index and several (...)
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  15.  37
    Polynomial time ultrapowers and the consistency of circuit lower bounds.Jan Bydžovský & Moritz Müller - 2020 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 59 (1-2):127-147.
    A polynomial time ultrapower is a structure given by the set of polynomial time computable functions modulo some ultrafilter. They model the universal theory \ of all polynomial time functions. Generalizing a theorem of Hirschfeld :111–126, 1975), we show that every countable model of \ is isomorphic to an existentially closed substructure of a polynomial time ultrapower. Moreover, one can take a substructure of a special form, namely a limit polynomial time ultrapower in the classical (...)
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  16.  76
    Cloning humans from the perspective of the Christian churches.R. Cole-Turner - 1999 - Science and Engineering Ethics 5 (1):33-46.
    The announcement of the birth of Dolly the cloned sheep evoked widespread response from the Christian Churches. These responses are identified, organized thematically, and discussed critically. The churches have viewed reproductive human cloning either with unqualified opposition or with grave suspicion. Some statements have discussed animal cloning, generally granting limited approval, and nonreproductive human cloning, either in opposition or expressing an openness to entertain specific proposals as the technology develops.
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  17.  38
    Send in the clones ... Don't bother, they 're here'.B. Rollin - 1997 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 10 (1):25-40.
    The creation of a cloned sheep from mammary tissue has raisedmajor social concern, and much talk about major ethical issuesoccasioned by this technology. It is necessary to separategenuine from spurious ethical issues here, a task made failureto initiate ethical discussion and explanation of new technologyas well as by fear reactions in society. As in geneticengineering of animals, issues about cloning fall into threecategories – suggestions that the technology is inherently wrong,risk emerging from the technology and harm to the creatureengendered. The (...)
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  18.  14
    Human Cloning.James M. Humber & Robert Almeder - 1998 - Humana Press.
    In Human Cloning a panel of distinguished philosophers, medical ethicists, religious thinkers, and social critics tackle the thorny problems raised by the now real possibility of human cloning. In their wide ranging reviews, the distinguished contributors critically examine the major arguments for and against human cloning, probe the implications of such a procedure for society, and critically evaluate the "Report and Recommendations of the National Bioethics Advisory Commission." The debate includes both religious and secular arguments, as well as an outline (...)
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  19.  7
    Cancer Clones Revised.Lucie Laplane - forthcoming - Biological Theory:1-14.
    Cancers are hard to treat, and this is largely because cancer cells evolve and diversify through space and time, in patients. The study of clonal evolution relies on the study of cancer cell lineages, and the cutting of these lineages into clones, each clone representing cancer cells with distinctive properties relevant to cancer development and treatment. This notion of clone implies a (set of) simplification(s) that misrepresents the reality. The simplification has been useful and productive, but I argue that (...)
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  20.  43
    On Clone as Genetic Copy: Critique of a Metaphor.Samuel Camenzind - 2015 - NanoEthics 9 (1):23-37.
    A common feature of scientific and ethical debates is that clones are generally described and understood as “copies” or, more specifically defined, as “genetic copies.” The attempt of this paper is to question this widespread definition. It first argues that the terminology of “clone as copy” can only be understood as a metaphor, and therefore, a clone is not a “genetic copy” in a strict literal sense, but in a figurative one. Second, the copy metaphor has a normative component (...)
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  21.  32
    Cloning After Dolly: Who's Still Afraid?Gregory E. Pence - 2004 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
    As the #1 topic in bioethics, cloning has made big news since Dolly's announced birth in 1998. In a new book building on his classic Who's Afraid of Human Cloning?, pioneering bioethicist Gregory E. Pence continues to advocate a reasoned view of cloning. Beginning with his surreal experiences as an expert witness before Congressional and California legislative committees, Pence analyzes the astounding recent progress in animal cloning; the coming surprises about human cloning; the links between animal, stem cell, and human (...)
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  22. Clones, Prototypes, and the Right to Uniqueness.Evangelos D. Protopapadakis - 2013 - Agrafa 1 (2):40-47.
    Human cloning until recently has been considered to belong to the domain of science fiction; now it is a tangible possibility, a hopeful as well as a fearsome one. One of the fears that necessarily come along with it is about the peril cloning might represent for human uniqueness, since the clones are expected to be identical to their prototypes; this would unavoidably compromise moral agents’ right to a unique identity. In this paper I will put under examination the (...)
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  23.  55
    Polynomial size proofs of the propositional pigeonhole principle.Samuel R. Buss - 1987 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (4):916-927.
    Cook and Reckhow defined a propositional formulation of the pigeonhole principle. This paper shows that there are Frege proofs of this propositional pigeonhole principle of polynomial size. This together with a result of Haken gives another proof of Urquhart's theorem that Frege systems have an exponential speedup over resolution. We also discuss connections to provability in theories of bounded arithmetic.
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  24.  42
    The polynomial and linear hierarchies in models where the weak pigeonhole principle fails.Leszek Aleksander Kołodziejczyk & Neil Thapen - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (2):578-592.
    We show, under the assumption that factoring is hard, that a model of PV exists in which the polynomial hierarchy does not collapse to the linear hierarchy; that a model of S21 exists in which NP is not in the second level of the linear hierarchy; and that a model of S21 exists in which the polynomial hierarchy collapses to the linear hierarchy. Our methods are model-theoretic. We use the assumption about factoring to get a model in which (...)
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  25.  65
    Cloning, the family and adoption.Glenn McGee - 1999 - Science and Engineering Ethics 5 (1):47-54.
  26. Cloning, parenthood, and genetic relatedness.Robert Sparrow - 2006 - Bioethics 20 (6):308–318.
    In this paper I examine what I take to be the best case for reproductive human cloning, as a medical procedure designed to overcome infertility, and argue that it founders on an irresolvable tension in the attitude towards the importance of being ‘genetically related’ to our children implied in the desire to clone. Except in the case where couples are cloning a child they have previously conceived naturally, cloning is unable to establish the right sort of genetic relation to make (...)
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  27.  83
    On cloning human beings.Inmaculada De Melo-Martín - 2002 - Bioethics 16 (3):246–265.
    The purpose of this paper is to show that arguments for and against cloning fail to make their case because of one or both of the following reasons: 1) they take for granted customary beliefs and assumptions that are far from being unquestionable; 2) they tend to ignore the context in which human cloning is developed. I will analyze some of the assumptions underlying the main arguments that have been offered for and against cloning. Once these assumptions are critically analyzed, (...)
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  28.  27
    Polynomial-time versus recursive models.Douglas Cenzer & Jeffrey Remmel - 1991 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 54 (1):17-58.
    The central problem considered in this paper is whether a given recursive structure is recursively isomorphic to a polynomial-time structure. Positive results are obtained for all relational structures, for all Boolean algebras and for the natural numbers with addition, multiplication and the unary function 2x. Counterexamples are constructed for recursive structures with one unary function and for Abelian groups and also for relational structures when the universe of the structure is fixed. Results are also given which distinguish primitive recursive (...)
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  29.  41
    Human cloning and ‘posthuman’ society.Russell Blackford - 2005 - Monash Bioethics Review 24 (1):10-26.
    Since early 1997, when the creation of Dolly the sheep by somatic cell nuclear transfer was announced in Nature, numerous government reports, essays, articles and books have considered the ethical problems and policy issues surrounding human reproductive cloning. In this article, I consider what response a modern liberal society should give to the prospect of human cloning, if it became safe and practical. Some opponents of human cloning have argued that permitting it would place us on a slippery slope to (...)
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  30. Human cloning: the biological and ethical principles.Charles Susanne - 2001 - Global Bioethics 14 (2-3):5-8.
    The author makes a review of the different meaning of the word “clone”. He refers on the new perspectives in fertilizing human eggs with somatic nucleus in order to obtain a zygote after having removed the original nucleus. The author moreover discusses the ethical implications.
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  31.  70
    Cloning and Adoption: A Reply to Levy and Lotz.Carson Strong - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (2):130-136.
    ABSTRACT In previous articles I discussed the ethics of human reproductive cloning, focusing on a possible future scenario in which reproductive cloning can be accomplished without an elevated risk of anomalies to the children who are created. I argued that in such a scenario it would be ethically permissible for infertile couples to use cloning as a way to have genetically related children and that such use should not be prohibited. In ‘Reproductive Cloning and a (Kind of) Genetic Fallacy’, Neil (...)
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  32.  46
    Imperfect Cloning Operations in Algebraic Quantum Theory.Yuichiro Kitajima - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (1):62-74.
    No-cloning theorem says that there is no unitary operation that makes perfect clones of non-orthogonal quantum states. The objective of the present paper is to examine whether an imperfect cloning operation exists or not in a C*-algebraic framework. We define a universal \ -imperfect cloning operation which tolerates a finite loss \ of fidelity in the cloned state, and show that an individual system’s algebra of observables is abelian if and only if there is a universal \ -imperfect cloning (...)
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  33.  44
    Clones, Harms, and Rights.Rosamond Rhodes - 1995 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 4 (3):285.
    As the possibility of cloning humans emerges on the horizon people are worrying about the morality of using the new technology. They are anxious about the ethical borders that might be crossed when duplicate humans can be produced by separating the cells of a newly fertilized human egg or, in the more distant future, by creating a zygote from an existing person's genetic material. They are apprehensive about eugenics, concerned about creating humans as sources of spare parts for others, uneasy (...)
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  34. Therapeutic cloning research and ethical oversight.M. Spriggs - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (4):207-208.
    Cloning Trevor, a story about therapeutic cloning research, appeared in the June issue of The Atlantic Monthly. The story gives a human face to the people whom therapeutic cloning could benefit. It presents an argument for government funding and it puts the usual calls for a moratorium on embryonic stem cell research to allow for more debate, in a less favourable light. The story also highlights some problems with ethical oversight.
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  35.  90
    Cloning and Infertility.Carson Strong - 1998 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 7 (3):279-293.
    Although there are important moral arguments against cloning human beings, it has been suggested that there might be exceptional cases in which cloning humans would be ethically permissible. One type of supposed exceptional case involves infertile couples who want to have children by cloning. This paper explores whether cloning would be ethically permissible in infertility cases and the separate question of whether we should have a policy allowing cloning in such cases. One caveat should be stated at the beginning, however. (...)
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  36.  40
    A Counterexample to Polynomially Bounded Realizability of Basic Arithmetic.Mohammad Ardeshir, Erfan Khaniki & Mohsen Shahriari - 2019 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 60 (3):481-489.
    We give a counterexample to the claim that every provably total function of Basic Arithmetic is a polynomially bounded primitive recursive function.
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  37.  25
    Strong polynomial-time reducibility.Juichi Shinoda - 1997 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 84 (1):97-117.
    The degree structure of functions induced by a polynomial-time reducibility first introduced in G. Miller's work on the complexity of prime factorization is investigated. Several basic results are established including the facts that the degrees restricted to the sets do not form an upper semilattice and there is a minimal degree, as well as density for the low degrees, a weak form of the exact pair theorem, the existence of minimal pairs and the decidability of the Π2 theory of (...)
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  38. Reproductive cloning, genetic engineering and the autonomy of the child: the moral agent and the open future.Matteo Mameli - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (2):87-93.
    Some authors have argued that the human use of reproductive cloning and genetic engineering should be prohibited because these biotechnologies would undermine the autonomy of the resulting child. In this paper, two versions of this view are discussed. According to the first version, the autonomy of cloned and genetically engineered people would be undermined because knowledge of the method by which these people have been conceived would make them unable to assume full responsibility for their actions. According to the second (...)
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  39. Polynomial ring calculus for modal logics: A new semantics and proof method for modalities: Polynomial ring calculus for modal logics.Juan C. Agudelo - 2011 - Review of Symbolic Logic 4 (1):150-170.
    A new proof style adequate for modal logics is defined from the polynomial ring calculus. The new semantics not only expresses truth conditions of modal formulas by means of polynomials, but also permits to perform deductions through polynomial handling. This paper also investigates relationships among the PRC here defined, the algebraic semantics for modal logics, equational logics, the Dijkstra???Scholten equational-proof style, and rewriting systems. The method proposed is throughly exemplified for S 5, and can be easily extended to (...)
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  40.  22
    On Cloning: Advocating History of Biology in the Public Interest. [REVIEW]Jane Maienschein - 2001 - Journal of the History of Biology 34 (3):423 - 432.
    Cloning -- the process of creating a cell, tissue line or even a complete organism from a single cell -- or the strands that led to the cloning of a mammal, Dolly, are not new. Yet the media coverage of Dolly's inception raised a range of reactions from fear or moral repulsion, to cautious optimism. The implications for controlling human reproduction were clearly in the forefront, though many issues about animals emerged as well. On topics of public interest such as (...)
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  41.  12
    Cloning.John Harris - 2003 - In R. G. Frey & Christopher Heath Wellman (eds.), A Companion to Applied Ethics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 382–395.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Process The Reaction to Cloning Arguments against Human Reproductive Cloning Procreative Autonomy Acknowledgments.
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    Cloning.Gregory Pence - 1998 - In Helga Kuhse & Peter Singer (eds.), A Companion to Bioethics. Malden, Mass., USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 193–203.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Cloning and Popular Culture: A Brief History Some Facts About Cloning Exact Copies and Zombies Is Cloning Humans Unnatural? Animal Cloning Originating the First Cloned Baby Preliminary Psychological‐Social Objections to Cloning Moral Objections Against Human Embryonic Cloning Conclusions References.
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  43. Human cloning and the myth of disenchantment.Laurentiu Staicu - 2012 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 11 (31):148-169.
    This study has a twofold objective: firstly, it aims to examine the main types of argument that have been formulated against human cloning, to identify their presuppositions and to evaluate their strength; secondly, it aims to argue that the most important objections against human cloning are philosophical and religious, in particular the objection that human cloning represents a radical form of disenchantment or an abuse of rationality. The birth of a cloned mammal, a sheep named Dolly, which was announced on (...)
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  44. (1 other version)Polynomial time operations in explicit mathematics.Thomas Strahm - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (2):575-594.
    In this paper we study (self)-applicative theories of operations and binary words in the context of polynomial time computability. We propose a first order theory PTO which allows full self-application and whose provably total functions on W = {0, 1} * are exactly the polynomial time computable functions. Our treatment of PTO is proof-theoretic and very much in the spirit of reductive proof theory.
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    A clone of your own?: the science and ethics of cloning.Arlene Judith Klotzko - 2004 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Someday soon (if it hasn't happened in secret already), a human will be cloned, and mankind will embark on a scientific and moral journey whose destination cannot be foretold. In Copycats: The Science and Ethics of Cloning, Arlene Judith Klotzko describes the new world of possibilities that can be glimpsed over the horizon. In a lucid and engaging narrative, she explains that the technology to create clones of living beings already exists, inaugurated in 1996 by Dolly the sheep, the (...)
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    Cloning and Public Policy.Ruth Macklin - 2002 - In Justine Burley & John Harris (eds.), A Companion to Genethics. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 206–215.
    The prelims comprise: Introduction Public Policy Actions Strong Reactions to Human Cloning A Rational Approach to Public Policy.
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    Reproductive cloning and arguments from potential.Justin Oakley - 2006 - Monash Bioethics Review 25 (1):42-47.
    The possibility of human reproductive cloning has led some bioethicists to suggest that potentiality-based arguments for fetal moral status become untenable, as such arguments would be committed to making the implausible claim that any adult somatic cell is itself a potential person. In this article I defend potentiality-based arguments for fetal moral status against such a reductio. Starling from the widely-held claim that the maintenance of numerical identity throughout successive changes places constraints on what a given entity can plausibly be (...)
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    Cloning—Usurping the Creator?N. Rakover - 2001 - Global Bioethics 14 (2-3):59-67.
    Creating a man by means of cloning will certainly raise many legal and halakhic questions. But is this sufficient reason to restrain human creativity? Artificial insemination as well as surrogate motherhood also brought many questions, among them questions concerning who is considered the child's father and who is considered the child's mother. But grave questions such as these arise in every field of human endeavor. The emergence of new questions is however not in itself reason to prohibit the creative endeavors (...)
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    Clone Stories: ‘Shallow are the souls that have forgotten how to shudder’.John Marks - 2010 - Paragraph 33 (3):331-353.
    This article explores literary interrogations of the bioethical implications of cloning. It does so by outlining the basic science of cloning before going on to question the dominance of the Freudian notion of the ‘uncanny’ in the critical theoretical responses to cloning by figures such as Jean Baudrillard and Slavoj Žižek. The second half of the article turns to two recent novels exploring the theme of cloning: Eva Hoffman's The Secret, and Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go. It is argued (...)
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  50.  24
    Projective clone homomorphisms.Manuel Bodirsky, Michael Pinsker & András Pongrácz - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (1):148-161.
    It is known that a countable $\omega $ -categorical structure interprets all finite structures primitively positively if and only if its polymorphism clone maps to the clone of projections on a two-element set via a continuous clone homomorphism. We investigate the relationship between the existence of a clone homomorphism to the projection clone, and the existence of such a homomorphism which is continuous and thus meets the above criterion.
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