Results for 'Plácido Mora'

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  1.  8
    Three Spanish Philosophers: Unamuno, Ortega, Ferrater Mora.José Ferrater Mora & J. M. Terricabras - 2003 - State University of New York Press.
    "This collection provides an excellent introduction to three of the most important names in twentieth-century Spanish philosophy: Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936), José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955), and José Ferrater Mora (1912-1991). The thought-provoking work of these great contemporary philosophers offers a rich and penetrating insight into human existence. Originally written by Ferrater Mora in the middle of the last century, his interpretations of Unamuno and Ortega are considered classics, and the chapter on his own thought reflects his mature (...)
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  2. Libertà e società.Placido Bucolo - 1968 - Cantani,: Tip. La Nuovagrafica.
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    Ernesto De Martino: dalla crisi della presenza alla comunità umana.Placido Cherchi - 1987 - Napoli: Liguori. Edited by Maria Cherci.
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    On Practice.José Ferrater-Mora - 1976 - American Philosophical Quarterly 13 (1):49 - 55.
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    La definición de los espacios sacros en la formación de la ciudad griega: el caso de Atenas.Domingo Plácido - 1995 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones:207.
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    La muerte como imaginario social: una mirada de la modernidad a la postmodernidad cultural.Mora Garcia & Jose Pascual - 2003 - Dikaiosyne 11 (6).
    Belandria, Margarita Artículos El erotismo como experiencia vinculada a lo sagrado Eroticism as an experience linked to the sacred order Castrejón, Gilberto Laberintos de sabiduría: Entre la razón y el mito Labyrinths of the knowledge: Between the reason and the myth Espar, Teresa Hacia una noción de "globalización" Towards a globalization notion González R., Javier y Belandria, Margarita Filosofía, semiótica, y ritmo Philosophy, semiotics, and rhythm Hocevar, Drina Más allá del pensamiento determinante, el pensamiento reflexionante Beyond deterministic thought, reflexive thought (...)
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    On the Early History of `Ontology'.Jose Ferrater Mora - 1963 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 24 (1):36-47.
  8.  32
    The Thirteenth-Century Notion of Signification: The Discussions and Their Origin and Development.Ana María Mora-Márquez - 2015 - Boston: Brill.
    This book presents an exhaustive study of the three 13-century discussions explicitly dealing with the notion of Significatio. The study aims to show that the three discussions emerge because of apparently opposite claims about the signification of words in the authoritative literature of the period. It also shows that the three discussions develop in the same direction - towards a unified use of the notion of signification, which keeps its explanatory role in semiotics, but loses its role in grammar and (...)
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  9. Pragmatics in Peter John Olivi’s Account of Signification of Common Names.Ana María Mora-Márquez - 2011 - Vivarium 49 (1-3):150-164.
    The aim of this paper is to present a reconstruction of Olivi's account of signification of common names and to highlight certain intrusion of pragmatics into this account. The paper deals with the question of how certain facts, other than original imposition, may be relevant to determine the semantical content of an utterance, and not with the question of how we perform actions by means of utterances. The intrusion of pragmatics into Olivi's semantics we intend to point out may seem (...)
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    Atti del secondo Congresso internazionale su Henry Sidgwick: etica, psichica, politica.Placido Bucolo, Roger Crisp & Bart Schultz (eds.) - 2011 - Universita degli Studi di Catania.
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    Understanding Ethical Luxury Consumption Through Practice Theories: A Study of Fine Jewellery Purchases.Caroline Moraes, Marylyn Carrigan, Carmela Bosangit, Carlos Ferreira & Michelle McGrath - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 145 (3):525-543.
    This paper builds on existing research investigating CSR and ethical consumption within luxury contexts, and makes several contributions to the literature. First, it addresses existing knowledge gaps by exploring the ways in which consumers perform ethical luxury purchases of fine jewellery through interpretive research. Second, the paper is the first to examine such issues of consumer ethics by extending the application of theories of practice to a luxury product context, and by building on Magaudda’s :15–36, 2011) circuit of practice framework. (...)
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  12.  24
    Revealing abstract semantic mechanisms through priming: The distributive/collective contrast.Mora Maldonado, Emmanuel Chemla & Benjamin Spector - 2019 - Cognition 182 (C):171-176.
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    Wittgenstein, a symbol of troubled times.Jose Ferrater Mora - 1953 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 14 (1):89-96.
  14.  66
    Normal Brain Response to Propofol in Advance of Recovery from Unresponsive Wakefulness Syndrome.Stefanie Blain-Moraes, Rober Boshra, Heung Kan Ma, Richard Mah, Kyle Ruiter, Michael Avidan, John F. Connolly & George A. Mashour - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  15.  7
    Nada hago sin alegría: un paseo con Montaigne.Pablo Sol Mora - 2023 - [Barcelona, Spain]: Editorial Rosamerón.
    Pocos clásicos están tan vivos, tienen tanto que decirnos, como Michel de Montaigne, autor de los Ensayos. De su mano, este libro intenta dar respuesta a una pregunta que a todos nos concierne: ¿cómo vivir, felizmente, una vida humana? A veces los clásicos se vuelven meros monumentos, fríos y distantes tras su fama y prestigio. Nada más lejos de los Ensayos, que aún hoy dialogan con el lector que se adentra en sus páginas. Si en ellos Montaigne se propuso la (...)
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    Priming methods in semantics and pragmatics.Mora Maldonado, Benjamin Spector & Emmanuel Chemla - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
    Structural priming is a powerful method to inform linguistic theories. We argue that this method extends nicely beyond syntax to theories of meaning. Priming, however, should still be seen as only one of the tools available for linguistic data collection. Specifically, because priming can occur at different, potentially conflicting levels, it cannot detect every aspect of linguistic representations.
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    Fictions, universals, and abstract entities.J. Ferrater-Mora - 1977 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 37 (3):353-367.
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    Unamuno, a philosophy of tragedy.José Ferrater Mora - 1962 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
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  19.  46
    Diversity of views on the same subject: Objectively justifiable limits.Jose Ferrater Mora - 1963 - World Futures 2 (sup001):54-59.
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  20.  30
    The languages of history.J. Ferrater Mora - 1982 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 43 (2):137-150.
  21. (1 other version)Unamuno: bosquejo de una filosofiá.José Ferrater Mora - 1944 - Buenos Aires,: Editorial Losada, s.a..
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  22. Variaciones sobre el el [sic] espíritu.José Ferrater Mora - 1945 - Buenos Aires,: Editorial sudamericana.
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  23. Las Palabras y Los Hombres.José Ferrater Mora - 1972 - Ediciones Península.
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  24. Tre meditazioni sull'esistenza come problema.Vittorio Mora - 1968 - Bergamo,: Tip. Conti.
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    Democracia: ensayos de filosofía política y jurídica.Mora Sifuentes, M. Francisco & Massimo La Torre (eds.) - 2014 - México, D.F.: Instituto Electoral del Estado de Guanajuato.
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    Expressing Norms. On Norm-Formulations and Other Entities in Legal Theory.Maribel Narváez Mora - 2015 - Revus 25.
    The distinction between norms and norm-formulations commits legal theorists to treating legal norms as entities. In this article, I first explore the path from meaning to entities built by some analytical philosophers of language. Later, I present a set of problems produced by treating norms as entities. Whatever type of entities we deal with calls for a clear differentiation between the identification and individuation criteria of such entities. In the putative case of abstract entities, the differentiation collapses. By changing the (...)
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  27.  18
    Effect of finite boundary junction mobility on the growth rate of grains in 3D polycrystals.L. A. Barrales-Mora, G. Gottstein & L. S. Shvindlerman - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (9):1046-1057.
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    L'enseignement de la philosophie au Brésil.Evaristo de Moraes Filho - 1959 - Rio de Janeiro: Ministerio da Educação e Cultura, Biblioteca Nacional.
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    The principle of opposites in Sanskrit texts.Juan Miguel de Mora - 1982 - Delhi: exclusive distributors, Shree Pub. House.
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    Eugenesia liberal y la crítica de Jürgen Habermas.Tomás Hernández Mora - forthcoming - Laguna.
    This paper aims to analyze Jürgen Habermas’s critique of liberal eugenics and why it should be stopped. For this purpose, the concept of liberal eugenics, its features and goals, postmetaphysics in Habermas’s philosophy, will be exposed, as well as the notions of Körper and Leib, which are three key elements that the philosopher presents to articulate his critique. Next, the importance of the naturalness of birth and reciprocal relations between individuals, and how they can be affected by genetic modifications, will (...)
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  31.  13
    Extreme case formulations in Spanish pre-electoral debates and English panel interviews.Isabel Iñigo-Mora - 2007 - Discourse Studies 9 (3):341-363.
    This article is concerned with Extreme Case Formulations in multiple-party TV programmes in two different languages: Spanish and English. I examine the role of ECFs in Spanish pre-electoral debates and in English panel interviews. English data is 77 minutes and 58 seconds long and comprises nine different panel interviews of political, socio-political and social issues and Spanish data is 78 minutes long and includes four political pre-electoral debates. The results will disclose that the number of ECFs found in the Spanish (...)
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  32.  21
    Review of José Ferrater Mora: El Hombre En la Encrucijada[REVIEW]Jose Ferrater Mora - 1953 - Ethics 64 (1):62-63.
  33.  17
    Fiero Y Manso: La figura Del perro en la república de platón.Laura Victoria Almandós Mora & Catalina López Gómez - 2020 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 33:76-104.
    RESUMEN Más allá de ser un mero recurso ornamental, la alusión a los perros que hace Platón en diferentes pasajes de la República parece realizarse con miras a defender importantes tesis políticas. Este artículo tiene como propósito develar algunas de estas tesis y busca defender la elección que hace Platón del perro, de entre otros animales, para caracterizar la figura del guardián y del filósofo. El texto aborda la analogía presentada en República según la cual la disposición natural para vigilar (...)
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  34.  28
    La virilidad de clitemnestra en el agamenon de esquilo.Laura Almandós Mora - 2020 - Ideas Y Valores 69 (173):163-186.
    RESUMEN El pensamiento y las prácticas sociales de los atenienses de la Época Clásica se hallaban jerarquizados en favor de los varones, que se consideraban superiores naturalmente y con capacidad y derecho a gobernar en la polis y en la casa. Se muestra cómo el Agamenón de Esquilo cuestiona la naturalización de esta superioridad mediante el personaje de Clitemnestra, quien actúa, piensa y habla como varón, y muestra que matar a un familiar, cambiar de pareja, luchar por el mando se (...)
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    Origens feudais do liberalismo.João Quartim de Moraes - 2018 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 23 (Especial):51-68.
    A conjunção, na Inglaterra medieval, de uma monarquia precocemente centralizada e de um Parlamento feudal deu origem ao protótipo institucional de um contrapeso à centralização do poder monárquico, portanto ao princípio da limitação recíproca dos poderes que constitui uma precondição histórica do liberalismo inglês. O senso comum liberal considera que as instituições de tipo parlamentar tendem a garantir as liberdades e o poder central a ameaçá-las. A Polônia mostrou que pode também ocorrer o contrário. A força combinada dos grandes senhores (...)
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    Cyniques et Stoïciens.José Ferrater Mora & P. -X. Despilho - 1957 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 62 (1):20 - 36.
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    La suprema potestad en el escolasticismo tardío español y en el Tratado teológico-político.Adelina Sarrión Mora - 2012 - In Francisco José Martínez (ed.), Spinoza en su siglo. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.
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    Pensamiento filosófico venezolano: una aproximación a su historia.Lino Morán Beltrán - 2012 - [Maracaibo]: Universidad del Zulia, Ediciones del Vicerrectorado Académico. Edited by Johan Méndez Reyes.
  39. The emergence of life-towards a unified interpretation of Simmel thought.Francesco Mora - 1985 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 14 (2):183-209.
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    Justicia, pluralismo histórico y diferencia cultural.Franklin Giovanni Púa Mora - 2020 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 41 (123).
    El artículo se propone como un aporte a la discusión sobre las búsquedas de referentes teóricos para afrontar de manera efectiva la diferencia cultural, es decir, como una posibilidad de comprensión-acción respetuosa en ámbitos de diversidad como lo son los países latinoamericanos. Como primera medida, se analiza un caso específico de diversidad jurídica, a saber, el juicio indígena a nativos acusados de un delito grave en noviembre de 2014 en el departamento del Cauca, Colombia. En segundo término, se retoma sucintamente (...)
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    Social sciences in the research of hereditary ataxias.Yovanys Ricardo Mora, Roberto Rodríguez Labrada & América MaritzaPérez Sánchez - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (3):620-632.
    RESUMEN El presente trabajo de revisión expone cómo las prácticas de gestión en la anestesiología deben ser modificadas para encarar las cambiantes necesidades de pacientes, otros profesionales y sistemas sanitarios, a fin de mantener una función significativa en la atención sanitaria. Los servicios de anestesia han adoptado una amplia variedad de modelos para hacer frente a las necesidades del medio local, la relación entre los anestesiólogos y la comunidad, y los papeles desempeñados por los anestesiólogos en el tratamiento perioperatorio. El (...)
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  42. Del mito de la teoría de la mente como un cubo: a propósito de Popper.Jorge Enrique Villegas Mora - 1992 - Ideas Y Valores 41 (87-88):33-39.
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    Book Review: White Utopias: The Religious Exoticism of Transformational Festivals. [REVIEW]Matteo Di Placido - 2021 - Critical Research on Religion 9 (3):358-362.
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  44. Sobre el valor de la verdad. Una crítica a Richard Rorty.José Andrés Forero Mora - 2015 - Ideas Y Valores 64 (157):151-170.
    Se sostiene, con Rorty, que la verdad no es ninguna propiedad y, contra Rorty, que esta posición no implica eliminar el concepto de verdad del discurso teórico. Con una estrategia pragmatista, se analizan las prácticas de los hablantes, para mostrar que no se adquieren los mismos compromisos cuando se atribuye verdad y cuando se atribuye justificación. Se evidencia el sentido en que es socialmente útil la distinción filosófica entre verdad y justificación, para finalizar mostrando cómo esa distinción no entraña ninguna (...)
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  45.  27
    Metaphysical Purdah.Freya Mora - 1980 - Philosophy 55 (213):377 - 385.
  46.  18
    Contextualización cognitiva de la interactividad.Jhon Jairo García-Mora, Margarita Emilia Patiño-Jaramillo & Sonia Jaquelliny Moreno-Jiménez - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (4):1-19.
    En este documento presentamos el resultado de una investigación documental que permitió la contextualización cognitiva de la interactividad soportada en la teoría de la actividad como una perspectiva holística de la actividad humana.Contextualizar cognitivamente la interactividad busca brindar fundamentos de diseño de Objetos Interventivos de Aprendizaje-OIA- desde los procesos cognitivos de la taxonomía de Marzano y Kendall, analizando las estructuras categoriales de un diseño interactivo y los componentes que intervienen en los procesos mentales que generan aprendizaje durante la interactividad: la (...)
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    (1 other version)Irwin, William. Seinfeld E a filosofia: Um livro sobre tudo E nada; tradução Marcos malvazzi Leal, são Paulo: Madras, 2004.Ruan Pedro Gonçalves Moraes - 2016 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 17 (14):95-103.
    William Irwin é Professor de Filosofia no King's College em Wilkes-Barre Pensilvânia, nasceu em 1970 e residiu em Yonkers, New York. Entrou na Regis High School em Manhattan, uma instituição Jesuíta, graduando-se em 1988. Graduou-se em Filosofia na Universidade Fordham em 1992, tendo frequentado Fordham com uma bolsa presidencial completa. Ele recebeu seu Ph.D. em Filosofia pela Universidade de Buffalo, a Universidade Estadual de Nova York, em 1996, aos 26 anos. A dissertação de Irwin, Harmonizing Hermeneutics: The Normative and Descriptive (...)
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  48.  14
    Aristóteles e a Hierarquia dos Bens.Francisco Moraes - 2021 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 77 (1):251-270.
    In this paper, I would like to presente the hierarchy of goods, supported by Aristotle in his ethical treaties and in Politics, as the solution to the impasse between two conceptions of virtue that come into open conflict in some of the main Platonic dialogues: virtue as sovereignity and self-sufficiency of the wise, such as that which opposes the insufficiency of addiction, and virtue as capacity ans achievement, as that which opposes to incapacity and to debility. I intend to show (...)
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  49.  25
    On the "Great Analogy"The Artist as Creator: An Essay of Human Freedom.Jose Ferrater Mora & Milton C. Nahm - 1957 - Journal of the History of Ideas 18 (2):280.
  50.  24
    The Knock at the Door: Utopian Dreams for Post-Covid Times.Pedro Mora-Ramírez, María Amo-Hernández & Paula García-Rodríguez - 2024 - Utopian Studies 34 (3):641-647.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Knock at the Door: Utopian Dreams for Post-Covid TimesPedro Mora-Ramírez, María Amo-Hernández, and Paula García-RodríguezAnswering the Knock at the Door, Welcoming Utopian Futures, The Knock at the Door: Utopian Dreams for Post-Covid Times, May 21–24, 2023, University of Huelva, Spain, and University of Calgary, CanadaThe COVID-19 pandemic has fostered new adversities and vulnerabilities, prompting reflection on the economic, social, and political paradigms that endanger human and nonhuman (...)
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