Ullin T. Place [39]U. T. Place [19]Katie R. Place [5]James Gordon Place [3]
Ut Place [3]Michael Place [2]Commonality Place [2]U. Place [1]

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  1. Is consciousness a brain process.Ullin T. Place - 1956 - British Journal of Psychology 47 (1):44-50.
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  2.  17
    Dispositions: A Debate.D. Armstrong, C. B. Martin & U. T. Place (eds.) - 1996 - New York: Routledge.
    'Why did the window break when it was hit by the stone? Because the window is brittle and the stone is hard; hardness and brittleness are powers, dispositional properties or dispositions.' Dispositions are essential to our understanding of the world. This book is a record of the debate on the nature of dispositions between three distinguished philosophers - D. M. Armstrong, C. B. Martin and U. T. Place - who have been thinking about dispositions all their working lives. Their distinctive (...)
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  3. Skinner's "Verbal Behavior I" - Why We Need It.U. T. Place - 1981 - Behavior and Philosophy 9 (1):1.
  4.  87
    Intentionality as the Mark of the Dispositional.Ullin T. Place - 1996 - Dialectica 50 (2):91-120.
    summaryMartin and Pfeifer have claimed“that the most typical characterizations of intentionality… all fail to distinguish … mental states from …dispositional physical states.”The evidence they present in support of this thesis is examined in the light of the possibility that what it shows is that intentionality is the mark, not of the mental, but of the dispositional. Of the five marks of intentionality they discuss a critical examination shows that three of them, Brentano's inexistence of the intentional object, Searle's directedness and (...)
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  5. (1 other version)Skinner's "Verbal Behavior II"-What Is Wrong With It.U. T. Place - 1981 - Behaviorism 9 (2):131-152.
  6. Materialism as a scientific hypothesis.Ullin T. Place - 1960 - Philosophical Review 69 (January):101-4.
  7.  44
    Children with low working memory and children with ADHD: same or different?Joni Holmes, Kerry A. Hilton, Maurice Place, Tracy P. Alloway, Julian G. Elliott & Susan E. Gathercole - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:111404.
    The purpose of this study was to compare working memory (WM), executive function, academic ability and problem classroom behaviors in children aged 8 to 11 years who were either identified via routine screening as having low WM, or had been diagnosed with ADHD. Standardised assessments of WM, executive function and reading and mathematics were administered to 83 children with ADHD, 50 children with low WM and 50 typically developing children. Teachers rated problem behaviors on checklists measuring attention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, oppositional behavior, (...)
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  8. Ukraine, language policies and liberalism: a mixed second act.Joseph Place & Judas Everett - 2025 - Studies in East European Thought 77 (2):275-296.
    This article analyses Ukraine’s language policies from 2002 to 2022 within a framework of liberalism, while avoiding making normative judgements or recommendations, updating the discussion raised in Kymlicka and Opalski’s Can Liberal Pluralism be Exported? The analysis takes into consideration Ukraine’s present and historic position, including the challenge that postcolonial nation building can pose for achieving liberalism and linguistic justice. The paper focuses on three main areas of language policy: education, businesses and media, and assesses if they can be described (...)
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  9. Intentionality and the Physical: A Reply to Mumford.Ullin T. Place - 1999 - Philosophical Quarterly 49 (195):225-231.
    Martin and Pfeifer claim ‘that the most typical characterizations of intentionality’ proposed by philosophers are satisfied by physical dispositions. If that is correct, we must conclude either, as they do and as Mumford (this volume) does, that the philosophers are wrong and intentionality is something else or, as I do, that intentionality is what the philosophers say it is, in which case it is the mark, not of the mental, but of the dispositional; the intentionality of a disposition consists in (...)
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  10. Dispositions as intentional states.Ullin T. Place - 1996 - In Tim Crane, D. M. Armstrong & C. B. Martin, Dispositions: A Debate. New York: Routledge.
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  11. (1 other version)The Concept of Heed.U. T. Place - 1954 - British Journal of Psychology 45 (4):243-255.
  12.  91
    A Qualitative Examination of Public Relations Practitioner Ethical Decision Making and the Deontological Theory of Ethical Issues Management.Katie R. Place - 2010 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 25 (3):226-245.
    Public relations practitioners are uniquely positioned to promote ethical communication and practice. As Kruckeberg (2000) explained, “public relations practitioners-if they prove worthy of the task—will be called upon to be corporate—that is organizational—interpreters and ethicists and social policy-makers, charged with guiding organizational behavior as well as influencing and reconciling public perceptions within a global context (p. 37).” Public relations practitioners, however, may never take an ethics course as a student, receive on-the-job ethical training, or use the many professional codes of (...)
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  13. Low claim assertions.Ullin T. Place - 1989 - In John Heil, Cause, Mind, and Reality: Essays Honoring C.B. Martin. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 121--135.
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  14.  35
    “People are More than Just a Statistic”: Ethical, Care-based Engagement of Marginalized Publics on Social Media.Katie R. Place - 2021 - Journal of Media Ethics 36 (3):141-153.
    The purpose of this qualitative study is to answer calls to examine social media, ethical engagement, and marginalized publics. Findings suggest that strategic communication and public relations pr...
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    On the social relativity of truth and the analytic/synthetic distinction.U. T. Place - 1991 - Human Studies 14 (4):265 - 285.
  16. Two concepts of consciousness: The biological/private and the linguistic/social.Ullin T. Place - 1992 - Acta Analytica 7:53-72.
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  17.  70
    The role of the ethnomethodological experiment in the empirical investigation of social norms and its application to conceptual analysis.Ullin T. Place - 1992 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 22 (4):461-474.
    It is argued that conceptual analysis as practiced by the philosophers of ordinary language, is an empirical procedure that relies on a version of Garfinkel's ethnomethodological experiment. The ethnomethodological experiment is presented as a procedure in which the existence and nature of a social norm is demonstrated by flouting the putative convention and observing what reaction that produces in the social group within which the convention is assumed to operate. Examples are given of the use of ethnomethodological experiments, both in (...)
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  18. Token-versus type-identity physicalism.Ullin T. Place - 1999 - Anthropology and Philosophy 3 (2):21-31.
  19.  24
    Moral Identity Development Among Emerging Adults in Media: A Longitudinal Analysis.David A. Craig, Patrick Lee Plaisance, Erin Schauster, Chris Roberts, Katie R. Place, Casey Yetter & Jin Chen - 2024 - Journal of Media Ethics 39 (3):170-189.
    This longitudinal study examines changes in the moral identity of 48 emerging-adult U.S. college graduates in media-related fields from their first year after college to three years later as they progressed into early work life. Results from four moral psychology survey instruments reflect significant shifts in moral reasoning, relativistic thinking and idealism, coupled with stability in personality traits and character strengths. A fifth instrument found largely positive assessments of workplace ethical climate. The findings suggest that emerging adulthood is an important (...)
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  20.  22
    A pilgrims progress? From mystical experience to biological consciousness.U. Place - 2002 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 9 (3):34-52.
    Ullin Thomas Place died on 2nd January 2000 at the age of seventy-five. I had met him a little over three years earlier, in November 1996, during the annual 'Mind and Brain' symposium organized by Peter Fenwick and held at the Institute of Psychiatry in London. At that meeting Professor Place delivered a slightly shortened version of the paper reproduced here, in which he told his personal story — a pilgrim's progress? — recounting, as he put it, 'the history of (...)
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  21. The two factor theory of the mind-brain relation.Ullin T. Place - 2000 - Brain and Mind 1 (1):29-43.
    The analysis of mental concepts suggests that the distinctionbetween the mental and the nonmental is not ontologically fundamental,and that, whereas mental processes are one and the same things as thebrain processes with which they are correlated, dispositional mentalstates depend causally on and are, thus, ''''distinct existences'''' fromthe states of the brain microstructure with which ''they'' are correlated.It is argued that this difference in the relation between an entity andits composition/underlying structure applies across the board. allstuffs and processes are the same (...)
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  22.  28
    Exploring Ethical Listening Among Public Relations Professionals.Katie R. Place & Emily J. Flamme - 2024 - Journal of Media Ethics 39 (1):2-15.
    This qualitative study explored how 54 U.S.-based public relations practitioners engaged in ethical listening. Findings of the study suggest that public relations professionals engage in ethical listening by drawing upon deontological concepts of dignity and respect, implementing care-centered concepts of empathy and inherent connection to others, modeling inclusivity and attentiveness to diverse perspectives, practicing accountability to ethical listening, and remaining humble. Models depicting organizational listening should consider inclusion of ethical values.
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  23. 3 senses of the world tact-a reply.Ut Place - 1985 - Behaviorism 13 (2):155-156.
  24. Identifying the Mind: Selected Papers of U. T. Place.Ullin T. Place (ed.) - 2003 - New York, N.Y.: Oxford University Press.
    This is the one and only book by the pioneer of the identity theory of mind. The collection focuses on Place's philosophy of mind and his contributions to neighboring issues in metaphysics and epistemology. It includes an autobiographical essay as well as a recent paper on the function and neural location of consciousness.
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  25. A Conceptualist Ontology.Ullin T. Place - 1996 - In Tim Crane, D. M. Armstrong & C. B. Martin, Dispositions: A Debate. New York: Routledge. pp. 49--67.
  26. Connectionism and the problem of consciousness.Ullin T. Place - 1999 - Acta Analytica 144:197-226.
  27.  25
    Merleau-Ponty and the Spirit of Painting.James Gordon Place - 1973 - Philosophy Today 17 (4):280-291.
  28. Structural Properties: Categorical, dispositional, or both.Ullin T. Place - 1996 - In Tim Crane, D. M. Armstrong & C. B. Martin, Dispositions: A Debate. New York: Routledge. pp. 105--125.
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  29. (1 other version)Skinner's verbal behavior IV-How to improve part IV-Skinner's account of syntax.U. T. Place - 1983 - Behaviorism 11 (2):163-186.
  30. Toward a connectionist version of the causal theory of reference.Ullin T. Place - 1989 - Acta Analytica 4 (5):71-97.
  31.  88
    (2 other versions)Thirty five years on - is consciousness still a brain process?Ullin T. Place - 1986 - In Abraham Zvie Bar-On, Grazer Philosophische Studien. Distributed in the U.S.A. By Humanities Press. pp. 19-31.
    The writer's 1956 contention that "the thesis that consciousness is a process in the brain is ... a reasonable scientific hypothesis" is contrasted with Davidson's a priori argument in 'Mental events' for the identity of propositional attitude tokens with some unspecified and imspecifiable brain state tokens. Davidson's argument is rejected primarily on the grounds that he has failed to establish his claim that there are and can be no psycho-physical bridge laws. The case forthe empirical nature of the issue between (...)
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  32. The Infallibility of Our Knowledge of Our Own Beliefs.U. T. Place - 1971 - Analysis 31 (6):197 - 204.
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  33. The painting and the natural thing in the philosophy of Merleau-ponty.James Gordon Place - 1976 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 4 (1):75-91.
  34.  80
    A radical behaviorist methodology for the empirical investigation of private events.Ullin T. Place - 1993 - Behavior and Philosophy 20 (2):25-35.
    Skinner has repeatedly asserted that he does not deny either the existence of private events or the possibility of studying them scientifically. But he has never explained how his position in this respect differs from that of the mentalist or provided a practical methodology for the investigation of private events within a radical behaviorist perspective. With respect to the first of these deficiencies, I argue that observation statements describing a public state of affairs in the common public environment of two (...)
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  35. Consciousness and the zombie within: A functional analysis of the blindsight evidence.Ullin T. Place - 2000 - In Yves Rossetti, Beyond Dissociation: Interaction Between Dissociated Implicit and Explicit Processing. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
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  36. Folk psychology from the standpoint of conceptual analysis.Ullin T. Place - 1996 - In William T. O'Donohue & Richard F. Kitchener, The philosophy of psychology. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
  37.  20
    L’avocat·e comme artiste : être avocate pénale et poète aux États-Unis.Hélène Aji & Vanessa Place - 2023 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 64 (1):565-580.
    Les deux auteures présentent une réflexion à plusieurs dimensions, composée d’analyses et de pratiques poétiques, sur la vocation et le travail de l’avocate pénaliste confrontée ici, d’une part, aux individuations extrêmes engendrées et révélées par les crimes sexuels et leurs sanctions, y compris capitales, et, d’autre part, aux déterminants globaux d’une culture collective du viol qui résiste et tend à perdurer, malgré les dénonciations et les démonstrations.
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  38. First page preview.Benjamin Andrew & Commonality Place - 2013 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21 (1).
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  39. A debate on dispositions their nature and their role in causation.Dm Armstrong, Ut Place & Cb Martin - 1992 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 26 (68-69):3-58.
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  40. Ron Amundson J. Christopher Maloney.Robert Arr1ngton, Gareth Matthews, William Bechtel, Joseph C. Pitt, Jonathan Bennett, Ut Place, Alan Berger, Jond Ringen, Richard Creel & Alexander Rosenberg - 1989 - Behaviorism 17:85.
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  41. Fjactual knowing.Putting Facts & Values In Place - 2005 - Ethics and the Environment 10 (2):137-174.
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    Behaviorism as an Ethnomethodological Experiment: Flouting the Convention of Rational Agency.U. T. Place - 2000 - Behavior and Philosophy 28 (1/2):57 - 62.
    As interpreted here, Garfinkel's "ethnomethodological experiment" (1967) demonstrates the existence of a social convention by flouting it and observing the consternation and aversive consequences for the perpetrator which that provokes. I suggest that the hostility which behaviorism has provoked throughout its history is evidence that it flouts an important social convention, the convention that, whenever possible, human beings are treated as and must always give the appearance of being rational agents. For these purposes, a rational agent is someone whose behavior (...)
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    (1 other version)Concept acquisition and ostensive learning: A response to professor Stemmer.Ullin T. Place - 1989 - Behaviorism 17 (2):141-145.
    The alternative offered by Professor Stemmer to cognitivist theories of the process whereby general terms acquire their meaning is criticised in its turn on the grounds that it presents an oversimplified view of the complex processes involved in the acquisition of word meanings.
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    Contradictories and entailment.U. T. Place & J. J. C. Smart - 1954 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 15 (4):541-544.
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  45. Causal laws, dispositional properties and causal explanations.Ullin T. Place - 1987 - Synthesis Philosophica 2:149-160.
  46. C. The Identity Theory.U. I. Place - 2002 - In David John Chalmers, Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings. New York: Oxford University Press USA. pp. 47--55.
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  47. Dispositions as intentional states.Ullin Thomas Place - 1996 - In Tim Crane, D. M. Armstrong & C. B. Martin, Dispositions: A Debate. New York: Routledge.
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  48. De re modality without possible worlds.Ullin T. Place - 1997 - Acta Analytica 12 (19):129-143.
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    Eliminative connectionism: Its implications for a return to an empiricist/behaviorist linguistics.Ullin T. Place - 1992 - Behavior and Philosophy 20 (1):21-35.
    For the past three decades linguistic theory has been based on the assumption that sentences are interpreted and constructed by the brain by means of computational processes analogous to those of a serial-digital computer. The recent interest in devices based on the neural network or parallel distributed processor (PDP) principle raises the possibility ("eliminative connectionism") that such devices may ultimately replace the S-D computer as the model for the interpretation and generation of language by the brain. An analysis of the (...)
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    Health care as an essential building Block for a free society: The convergence of the catholic and secular american imperative.Michael D. Place - 1999 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 9 (3):245-262.
    : As the twentieth century closes, marked by triumphal strides in medical advances, the American society has yet to ensure that each person has access to affordable health care. To correct this injustice, this article calls on the nation's political and corporate leaders, providers, and faith-based groups to join all Americans in a new national conversation on systemic health care reform. The Catholic faith tradition is one that compels both a proclamation to ministry values and a commitment to speak out (...)
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