Results for 'Philosophy of Geoscience'

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  1.  25
    Down to Earth: History and philosophy of geoscience in practice for undergraduate education.Maarten G. Kleinhans - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (3):1-15.
    Undergraduate geoscience students are rarely exposed to history and philosophy of science. I will describe the experiences with a short course unfavourably placed in the first year of a bachelor of earth science. Arguments how HPS could enrich their education in many ways are sketched. One useful didactic approach is to develop a broader interest by connecting HPS themes to practical cases throughout the curriculum, and develop learning activities that allow students to reflect on their skills, methods and (...)
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    What is Philosophy of the Geosciences?Miguel Ohnesorge & Aja Watkins - 2024 - Philosophy Compass 19 (2):e12962.
    The philosophy of the geosciences is an emerging subfield in philosophy of science. Although past and present geoscientific disciplines differ substantially, we argue that they frequently face common epistemological and ethical problems. We survey several of these problems that have already attracted sustained philosophical interest, related to the use of measurements, data, and models to study relatively inaccessible target phenomena, responses to (epistemic) injustices, and the management of epistemic risks.
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  3. Taming the tyranny of scales: models and scale in the geosciences.Alisa Bokulich - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):14167-14199.
    While the predominant focus of the philosophical literature on scientific modeling has been on single-scale models, most systems in nature exhibit complex multiscale behavior, requiring new modeling methods. This challenge of modeling phenomena across a vast range of spatial and temporal scales has been called the tyranny of scales problem. Drawing on research in the geosciences, I synthesize and analyze a number of strategies for taming this tyranny in the context of conceptual, physical, and mathematical modeling. This includes several strategies (...)
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  4. Models in the Geosciences.Alisa Bokulich & Naomi Oreskes - 2017 - In Magnani Lorenzo & Bertolotti Tommaso Wayne, Springer Handbook of Model-Based Science. Springer. pp. 891-911.
    The geosciences include a wide spectrum of disciplines ranging from paleontology to climate science, and involve studies of a vast range of spatial and temporal scales, from the deep-time history of microbial life to the future of a system no less immense and complex than the entire Earth. Modeling is thus a central and indispensable tool across the geosciences. Here, we review both the history and current state of model-based inquiry in the geosciences. Research in these fields makes use of (...)
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    How Incoherent Measurement Succeeds: Coordination and Success in the Measurement of the Earth's Polar Flattening.Miguel Ohnesorge - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 88 (C):245-262.
    The development of nineteenth-century geodetic measurement challenges the dominant coherentist account of measurement success. Coherentists argue that measurements of a quantity are epistemically successful if their numerical outcomes converge across varying contextual constraints. Aiming at numerical convergence, in turn, offers an operational aim for scientists to solve problems of coordination. Geodesists faced such a problem of coordination between two indicators of the earth’s ellipticity, which were both based on imperfect ellipsoid models. While not achieving numerical convergence, their measurements produced novel (...)
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  6. (1 other version)Towards a Taxonomy of the Model-Ladenness of Data.Alisa Bokulich - forthcoming - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association.
    Model-data symbiosis is the view that there is an interdependent and mutually beneficial relationship between data and models, whereby models are not only data-laden, but data are also model-laden or model filtered. In this paper I elaborate and defend the second, more controversial, component of the symbiosis view. In particular, I construct a preliminary taxonomy of the different ways in which theoretical and simulation models are used in the production of data sets. These include data conversion, data correction, data interpolation, (...)
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  7. The Epistemic Privilege of Measurement: Motivating a Functionalist Account.Miguel Ohnesorge - 2023 - Philosophy of Science 90 (1):1396-1406.
    Philosophers and metrologists have refuted the view that measurement’s epistemic privilege in scientific practice is explained by its theory-neutrality. Rather, they now explicitly appeal to the role that theories play in measurement. I formulate a challenge for this view: scientists sometimes ascribe epistemic privilege to measurements even if they lack a shared theory about their target quantity, which I illustrate through a case study from early geodesy. Drawing on that case, I argue that the epistemic privilege of measurement precedes shared (...)
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  8. Are We in a Sixth Mass Extinction? The Challenges of Answering and Value of Asking.Federica Bocchi, Alisa Bokulich, Leticia Castillo Brache, Gloria Grand-Pierre & Aja Watkins - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    In both scientific and popular circles it is often said that we are in the midst of a sixth mass extinction. Although the urgency of our present environmental crises is not in doubt, such claims of a present mass extinction are highly controversial scientifically. Our aims are, first, to get to the bottom of this scientific debate by shedding philosophical light on the many conceptual and methodological challenges involved in answering this scientific question, and, second, to offer new philosophical perspectives (...)
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    Philosophy of religion.Steven M. Cahn - 1970 - New York,: Harper & Row.
    No volume by single scholar can recreate the incessant dialectic of contemporary philosophic inquiry; hence we are offering a series that is a collaboration of many hands. The present series is intended to provide students, teachers, and interested nonprofessionals with collections of essays in every major problem area of contemporary philosophy. Each volume is devoted to a single set of interconnected issues; each issue is currently that subject of intense philosophic discussion. In making relatively inaccessible essays available, this series (...)
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  10.  53
    The Philosophy of Personal Equation.Paul Carus - 1909 - The Monist 19 (1):78-84.
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    50 Philosophy of Science Ideas You Really Need to Know.Gareth Southwell - 2013 - London: Quercus.
    The essential overview of the key philosophical ideas and controversies that have shaped the world of science.
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    Philosophy of Law: The Supreme Court’s Need for Libertarian Law.Walter E. Block & Roy Whitehead - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    Looking at discrimination, education, environment, health and crime, this volume analyses United States Supreme Court rulings on several legal issues and proposed libertarian solutions to each problem. Setting their own liberal theory of law, each chapter discusses the law at hand, what it should be, and what it would be if their political economic philosophy were the justification of the legal practice. Covering issues such as sexual harassment, religion, markets in human organs, drug prohibition and abortion, this book is (...)
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    Philosophy of prediction and capitalism.Manfred S. Frings - 1987 - Boston: M. Nijhoff.
    There is little more than a decade left before the bells allover the world will be ringing in the first hour of the twenty-first century, which will surely be an era of highly advanced technology. Looking back on the century that we live in, one can realize that generations of people who have already lived in it for the better parts of their lives have begun to ask the same question that also every individual person thinks about when he is (...)
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  14.  39
    Philosophy of Science and Sociology.F. F. Centore - 1984 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 30:382-385.
  15. Chung-Ying Cheng. Bioethics & Philosophy Of Bioethics - 2002 - In Julia Lai Po-Wah Tao, Cross-cultural perspectives on the (im) possibility of global bioethics. Boston: Kluwer Academic.
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  16.  11
    Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas on justice and human rights: a paradigm for the Africa-Cultural Conflicts Resolution: Nigerian perspectives.JoeBarth Abba - 2017 - Zürich: Lit.
    "A type of book we always long to read for peace and joy in any nation, Father Dr. JoeBarth Abba touched many areas amidst orgies of circles of terrorisms, Islamic insurgents with key solutions for psycho-dialogical ways on cultural ethnic tensions for conflicts resolution." --Gerhard Ludwig Cardinal Mueller, Vatican, Rome ***The book presents an inquiry into the thoughts and scholasticism of Thomas Aquinas, his classical philosophical synthesis, his insights, and the quest for Justice and Human Rights as a panacea or (...)
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    Krause, Spanish Krausism, and Philosophy of Action.Daniel Rueda Garrido - 2019 - Idealistic Studies 49 (2):167-188.
    Krausists followed a dialectical method in all their activities. It is an action plan in which theory and practice are established on a continuum. Since it summarizes all human activity, this dialectic implies a philosophy of action. The originality of this article lies precisely in offering an account of the philosophy of action implicit in the work of Krause, which has never before been made explicit. Therefore, the goal of this article is, on the one hand, to isolate (...)
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  18.  15
    Philosophy of Science: The Key Thinkers, second edition. Edited by James Robert Brown.Errol Ball - 2022 - Teaching Philosophy 45 (3):365-368.
  19.  43
    The Philosophy of C. D. Broad.J. M. Cameron - 1963 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 12:248-249.
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    The Philosophy of Bertrand Russell.James Collins - 1945 - Modern Schoolman 22 (2):107-112.
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  21.  19
    The Philosophy of Chrysippus.Antony Preus - 1972 - Studi Internazionali Di Filosofia 4:215-218.
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    Educational philosophy of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.Amrit Kaur Raina - 2001 - Chandigarh: Lokgeet Parkashan.
  23.  45
    The Philosophy of Bernard Bolzano: Logic and Ontology.Raul Corazzon - unknown
    volumes of his work, in his discussions of what underlay a Wissenschaftslehre or theory of science in the sense of his conception; he did so with such purity and scientific strictness, and with such a rich store of original, scientifically confirmed and fruitful thoughts, that we must count him as one of the greatest logicians of all time. He must be placed historically in fairly close proximity to Leibniz, with whom he shares important thoughts and fundamental conceptions, and to whom (...)
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  24.  15
    Philosophy of Love – Love as Creation, Freedom in Lasting and Growth.Darija Rupčić Kelam - 2021 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 41 (1):119-133.
    The intention and the guiding thought is to highlight the phenomenon of love because it unjustly became marginalised in the contemporary scientific discourse, including philosophy, especially from today’s perspective of the ultimate and complete commodification of human relations. The crucial part of the paper is the emphasis on the creative potential and revolutionary strength – and the emerging freedom as a vital moment – of the love as a permanent corrective and the possibility of changing and revolutionising existing relationships (...)
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  25. The Philosophy of Philosophy for Children: An Agenda for Research.Mark Weinstein - 1989 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 10 (1).
    The integrity of a practice requires critical self-reflection. Such critical self-reflection, it can be argued, requires for its objectivity the participation of reasonable individuals constituting a community whose members present their reasoned analyses for inter-subjective interpretation and assessment. Philosophy for Children, therefore, must demand of its participants an on-going consideration of its theory and its practice. This paper is a call for such continued and reasonable critical self-reflection.
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  26. The philosophy of arithmetic as developed from the three fundamental processes of synthesis, analysis and comparison.Edward Brooks - 1901 - Philadelphia,: Normal publishing company.
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    The Philosophy of Sovereignty.Walter Farrell - 1938 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 14:103-111.
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    The philosophy of medicine.William R. Laird - 1956 - Charleston,: W. Va., Education Foundation.
  29. Philosophy of education.Robert Ulich - 1961 - New York,: American Book Co..
  30.  31
    The philosophy of religion reader.Chad V. Meister (ed.) - 2008 - New York: Routledge.
    Reflecting current trends and research interests in the field this up to date introduction explores key writings from both the Western theistic tradition and from non-Western, non-theistic sources. It features: section introductions, discusssion questions, extensive bibliographies and a supporting website.
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  31.  11
    History and philosophy of biology.Robert H. Kretsinger - 2015 - [Hackensack,] New Jersey: World Scientific.
    History and Philosophy of Biology summarizes the major philosophical ideas that have attended the development of science in general and of biology in particular. The book then explores how the techniques and the concepts of the physical sciences have impacted biology. A reductionist approach to biology -- anatomy, physiology, genetics -- complements the study of evolution by natural selection and an ecological perspective. The final section of the book explores several examples of the influence of science on society, and (...)
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  32.  82
    Rabbinic Philosophy of Language: Not in Heaven.Gabriel Levy - 2010 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 18 (2):167-202.
    I argue that “sampling” is at the heart of rabbinical hermeneutics. I argue further that anomalous monism—and specifically its arguments about token identity, of which sampling is one species—provides some insight into understanding the nature of rabbinical hermeneutics and religion, where truth is contingent on social judgment but is nevertheless objective. These points are illustrated through a close reading of the story of the oven of Aknai in the Bavli's Baba Metzia. I claim that rabbinic Judaism represents an early attempt (...)
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  33. Philosophy of recent times.James B. Hartman - 1966 - New York,: McGraw-Hill.
    v. 1. Readings in nineteenth-century philosophy.--v. 2. Readings in twentieth-century philosophy.
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    A Rhetoric and Philosophy of Gifts.Mary J. Eberhardinger - 2021 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    In A Rhetoric and Philosophy of Gifts, Eberhardinger discusses how gift character is one of the only qualities that individuate us as social beings on Earth. The horizon and rhetorical power of gift character offers discursive revelations about communication and the human condition.
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    Philosophy of Science and Political Inquiry— Notes on Dowding, Weber and Myrdal.Jan-Erik Lane - 2018 - Open Journal of Philosophy 8 (3):262-276.
    Professor Dowding has written an interesting and stimulating book on the relevance (R) of general philosophical insights for the conduct of political science enquiry. In this paper, I challenge his positive analysis due to the relevance (R) difficulty. The social sciences have to struggle with a set of philosophical questions, but they hardly belong to general ontological or epistemological theories.
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    Philosophy of Religion Today.William Sweet - 2006 - In Sweet William, Philosophy of Religion. Philosophical Association of Turkey / Distributed by the Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green, Ohio, USA).
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  37. The Philosophy of Mao Zedong.Robert Elliott Allinson - manuscript
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    Philosophy of education for our time.Frederick Mayer - 1958 - New York,: Odyssey Press.
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    Philosophy of the City, City of philosophy.X. Wu - unknown
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  40. The Philosophy of Jules Lachelier: Du Fondement de l'Induction, Psychologie Et Métaphysique, Notes Sur le Pari de Pascal. Together with Contributions to Vocabulaire Technique Et Critique de la Philosophie and a Selection From His Letters.Jules Lachelier - 1960 - M. Nijhoff.
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    The Philosophy of History — Hopes and Expectations.Jan Szczepański - 1983 - Dialectics and Humanism 10 (4):33-41.
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  42. (1 other version)A philosophy of esthetics.Dale Nichols - 1935 - [Chicago,: Printed by Runkle, Thompson, Kovats.
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    The political philosophy of Arnold Brecht.Arnold Brecht - 1954 - New York: [Exposition Press]. Edited by Morris D. Forkosch.
    Foreword by Students' Committee.--Signatures of the Graduate Faculty members.--Faculty foreword.--Introduction: The life and the political philosophy of Arnold Brecht.--Relative and absolute justice.--The rise of relativism in political and legal philosophy.--The search for absolutes in political and legal philosophy.--The myth of is and ought.--The impossible in political and legal philosophy.--The latent place of God in twentieth-century political theory.--Bibliography of books and articles by Arnold Brecht (p. [161]-174)--Biographical summary of Arnold Brecht.
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  44. A philosophy of education.Herbert Johnston - 1963 - New York,: McGraw-Hill.
  45. The Philosophy of the Good Life: Being the Gifford Lectures Delivered in the University of St. Andrews, 1929-1930.Charles Gore - 1930 - J. Murray.
    A deliberate historical examination of the conception of the good life entertained, and taught by the famous moral leaders of mankind : Zarathustra, The Buddha, Confucius, Muhammad, Socrates, Plato, the Stoics, The Jewish prophets, and Jesus Christ.
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    Philosophy of Sikhism.Shera Siṅgha - 1966 - Delhi,: Sterling Publishers.
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  47.  28
    Philosophy of art and aesthetics, from Plato to Wittgenstein.Frank A. Tillman - 1969 - New York,: Harper & Row. Edited by Steven M. Cahn.
  48. The Philosophy of Language Bryan Magee Talked to John R. Searle.John Rogers Searle, Bryan Magee & British Broadcasting Corporation - 1977 - British Broadcasting Corporation.
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    The philosophy of history.Friedrich von Schlegel & James Burton Robertson - 1883 - St. Clair Shores, Mich.,: Scholarly Press. Edited by James Burton Robertson.
    Volume: v. 1 General Books publication date: 2009 Original publication date: 1835 Original Publisher: Saunders and Otley Subjects: History History / General ...
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    Philosophy of our uncertainties.Gustav Emil Müller - 1936 - Norman,: University of Oklahoma Press.
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