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Patrick J. McDonald [9]Patrick McDonald [8]Patrick Joseph McDonald [2]
  1. International Legal Approaches to Neurosurgery for Psychiatric Disorders.Jennifer A. Chandler, Laura Y. Cabrera, Paresh Doshi, Shirley Fecteau, Joseph J. Fins, Salvador Guinjoan, Clement Hamani, Karen Herrera-Ferrá, C. Michael Honey, Judy Illes, Brian H. Kopell, Nir Lipsman, Patrick J. McDonald, Helen S. Mayberg, Roland Nadler, Bart Nuttin, Albino J. Oliveira-Maia, Cristian Rangel, Raphael Ribeiro, Arleen Salles & Hemmings Wu - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Neurosurgery for psychiatric disorders, also sometimes referred to as psychosurgery, is rapidly evolving, with new techniques and indications being investigated actively. Many within the field have suggested that some form of guidelines or regulations are needed to help ensure that a promising field develops safely. Multiple countries have enacted specific laws regulating NPD. This article reviews NPD-specific laws drawn from North and South America, Asia and Europe, in order to identify the typical form and contents of these laws and to (...)
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    Perceptions of Invasiveness: A Moving Target for Neuromodulation.Nir Lipsman, Patrick J. McDonald & Judy Illes - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (1):15-17.
    Major depression is among the most common, challenging and disabling conditions. It is highly heterogeneous, affects patients throughout the lifespan and, in up to one-third of people affected, res...
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    It Is Time to Expand the Scope and Reach of Neuroethics.Patrick J. McDonald - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 10 (3):128-129.
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    Fetal Repair of Open Neural Tube Defects: Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues.Julia A. E. Radic, Judy Illes & Patrick J. Mcdonald - 2019 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 28 (3):476-487.
    Abstract:Open neural tube defects or myelomeningoceles are a common congenital condition caused by failure of closure of the neural tube early in gestation, leading to a number of neurologic sequelae including paralysis, hindbrain herniation, hydrocephalus and neurogenic bowel and bladder dysfunction. Traditionally, the condition was treated by closure of the defect postnatally but a recently completed randomized controlled trial of prenatal versus postnatal closure demonstrated improved neurologic outcomes in the prenatal closure group. Fetal surgery, or more precisely maternal-fetal surgery, raises (...)
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  5. Demonstration by simulation: The philosophical significance of experiment in helmholtz's theory of perception.Patrick Joseph McDonald - 2003 - Perspectives on Science 11 (2):170-207.
    : Understanding Helmholtz's philosophy of science requires attention to his experimental practice. I sketch out such a project by showing how experiment shapes his theory of perception in three ways. One, the theory emerged out of empirical and experimental research. Two, the concept of experiment fills a critical conceptual gap in his theory of perception. Experiment functions not merely as a scientific technique, but also as a general epistemological strategy. Three, Helmholtz's experimental practice provides essential clues to the interpretation of (...)
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    Head Transplants: Ghoulish Takes on New Definition.Judy Illes & Patrick J. McDonald - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 8 (4):211-212.
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    In Defense of Simonian Science.David Diekema & Patrick McDonald - 2016 - Faith and Philosophy 33 (1):74-93.
    In his recent book Where the Conflict Really Lies, Alvin Plantinga articulates a number of arguments about the conceptual relationship between science and faith, especially Christian faith. He uses Herbert Simon’s evolutionary account of altruism and David Sloan Wilson’s evolutionary account of religion as exemplars of theories that are in genuine but superficial conflict with Christian faith. This paper argues that any conflict between Christian faith and evolutionary psychology or Simonian science is even more superficial than Plantinga himself admits. We (...)
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    Ethically Problematic Medical Device Representation.Judy Illes, Patrick J. McDonald, Chloe Lau, Viorica M. Hrincu & Mary B. Connolly - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (8):5-6.
    Ethical issues in physician-industry and academia-industry relationships have focused largely on the financial nature of these relationships. It took very little time after solutions to transparenc...
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    Fr. Ernan McMullin on Evolutionary Biology and a Theology of the Human.Patrick J. McDonald - 2012 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 86 (2):355-367.
    While it was not a main focus of his work, Ernan McMullin contributed to reflection on being human in the context of human evolutionary history. His work developed multiple strands for the formation of a systematic Christian evolutionary theism regarding human beings. The first theme concerns St. Augustine’sexplorations of “seed-like” principles in developing the idea that God brought forth humans in part through a natural process. Secondly, the paper discussesMcMullin’s response to the claim that evolutionary theory suggests humans to be (...)
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  10. In Practice: There's a Bug in Your Head.Patrick McDonald - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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    Networking: Cliche or Necessity?Patrick McDonald - 1997 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 14 (2):29-30.
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    Naturalistic methodology in an emerging scientific psychology: Lotze and fechner in the balance.Patrick McDonald - 2008 - Zygon 43 (3):605-625.
    The development of a methodologically naturalistic approach to physiological and experimental psychology in the nineteenth century was not primarily driven by a naturalistic agenda. The work of R. Hermann Lotze and G. T. Fechner help to illustrate this claim. I examine a selected set of central commitments in each thinkers philosophical outlook, particularly regarding the human soul and the nature of God, that departed strongly from a reductionist materialism. Yet, each contributed significantly to the formation of experimental and physiological psychology. (...)
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    Remarks on the Context of Helmholtz’s “Ueber das Wesen der Fäulniss und Gährung”.Patrick McDonald - 2001 - Science in Context 14 (3):493-498.
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    There's a Bug in Your Head.Patrick McDonald - 2006 - Hastings Center Report 36 (3):7-7.
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    Strategic and principled approach to the ethical challenges of epilepsy monitoring unit triage.Jason Randhawa, Chantelle T. Hrazdil, Patrick J. McDonald & Judy Illes - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (2):81-86.
    Electroencephalographic monitoring provides critical diagnostic and management information about patients with epilepsy and seizure mimics. Admission to an epilepsy monitoring unit (EMU) is the gold standard for such monitoring in major medical facilities worldwide. In many countries, access can be challenged by limited resources compared to need. Today, triaging admission to such units is generally approached by unwritten protocols that vary by institution. In the absence of explicit guidance, decisions can be ethically taxing and are easy to challenge. In an (...)
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    cal Review. Koffi Maglo is a visiting assistant professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He holds a BA from the University of Benin in Togo and a Ph. D. from the University of Burgundy in France. He did postdoctoral studies at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. [REVIEW]Patrick McDonald - 2003 - Perspectives on Science 11 (2).
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    Michel Meulders. Helmholtz: From Enlightenment to Neuroscience. Trans. and ed., Laurence Garey. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2010. Pp. xvii+235. $27.95. [REVIEW]Patrick J. McDonald - 2014 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 4 (1):182-186.
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