Results for 'Paoli Francesco'

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  1.  24
    Substructural Logics: A Primer.Francesco Paoli - 2002 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    The aim of the present book is to give a comprehensive account of the ‘state of the art’ of substructural logics, focusing both on their proof theory and on their semantics (both algebraic and relational. It is for graduate students in either philosophy, mathematics, theoretical computer science or theoretical linguistics as well as specialists and researchers.
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  2. Abelian Logic and the Logics of Pointed Lattice-Ordered Varieties.Francesco Paoli, Matthew Spinks & Robert Veroff - 2008 - Logica Universalis 2 (2):209-233.
    We consider the class of pointed varieties of algebras having a lattice term reduct and we show that each such variety gives rise in a natural way, and according to a regular pattern, to at least three interesting logics. Although the mentioned class includes several logically and algebraically significant examples (e.g. Boolean algebras, MV algebras, Boolean algebras with operators, residuated lattices and their subvarieties, algebras from quantum logic or from depth relevant logic), we consider here in greater detail Abelian ℓ-groups, (...)
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    Proof Theory of Paraconsistent Weak Kleene Logic.Francesco Paoli & Michele Pra Baldi - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (4):779-802.
    Paraconsistent Weak Kleene Logic is the 3-valued propositional logic defined on the weak Kleene tables and with two designated values. Most of the existing proof systems for PWK are characterised by the presence of linguistic restrictions on some of their rules. This feature can be seen as a shortcoming. We provide a cut-free calculus for PWK that is devoid of such provisos. Moreover, we introduce a Priest-style tableaux calculus for PWK.
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  4. Implicational paradoxes and the meaning of logical constants.Francesco Paoli - 2007 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 85 (4):553 – 579.
    I discuss paradoxes of implication in the setting of a proof-conditional theory of meaning for logical constants. I argue that a proper logic of implication should be not only relevant, but also constructive and nonmonotonic. This leads me to select as a plausible candidate LL, a fragment of linear logic that differs from R in that it rejects both contraction and distribution.
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  5. The Ambiguity of Quantifiers.Francesco Paoli - 2005 - Philosophical Studies 124 (3):313-330.
    In the tradition of substructural logics, it has been claimed for a long time that conjunction and inclusive disjunction are ambiguous:we should, in fact, distinguish between ‘lattice’ connectives (also called additive or extensional) and ‘group’ connectives (also called multiplicative or intensional). We argue that an analogous ambiguity affects the quantifiers. Moreover, we show how such a perspective could yield solutions for two well-known logical puzzles: McGee’s counterexample to modus ponens and the lottery paradox.
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    (1 other version)The original sin of proof-theoretic semantics.Francesco Paoli & Bogdan Dicher - 2018 - Synthese 198 (1):615-640.
    Proof-theoretic semantics is an alternative to model-theoretic semantics. It aims at explaining the meaning of the logical constants in terms of the inference rules that govern their behaviour in proofs. We argue that this must be construed as the task of explaining these meanings relative to a logic, i.e., to a consequence relation. Alas, there is no agreed set of properties that a relation must have in order to qualify as a consequence relation. Moreover, the association of a consequence relation (...)
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    Extensions of paraconsistent weak Kleene logic.Francesco Paoli & Michele Pra Baldi - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Paraconsistent weak Kleene logic is the $3$-valued logic based on the weak Kleene matrices and with two designated values. In this paper, we investigate the poset of prevarieties of generalized involutive bisemilattices, focussing in particular on the order ideal generated by Α$\textrm{lg} $. Applying to this poset a general result by Alexej Pynko, we prove that, exactly like Priest’s logic of paradox, $\textrm{PWK}$ has only one proper nontrivial extension apart from classical logic: $\textrm{PWK}_{\textrm{E}}\textrm{,}$ PWK logic plus explosion. This $6$-valued logic, (...)
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  8.  73
    Pure Variable Inclusion Logics.Francesco Paoli, Michele Pra Baldi & Damian Szmuc - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1-22.
    The aim of this article is to discuss pure variable inclusion logics, that is, logical systems where valid entailments require that the propositional variables occurring in the conclusion are included among those appearing in the premises, or vice versa. We study the subsystems of Classical Logic satisfying these requirements and assess the extent to which it is possible to characterise them by means of a single logical matrix. In addition, we semantically describe both of these companions to Classical Logic in (...)
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    Quine and Slater on paraconsistency and deviance.Francesco Paoli - 2003 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 32 (5):531-548.
    In a famous and controversial paper, B. H. Slater has argued against the possibility of paraconsistent logics. Our reply is centred on the distinction between two aspects of the meaning of a logical constant *c* in a given logic: its operational meaning, given by the operational rules for *c* in a cut-free sequent calculus for the logic at issue, and its global meaning, specified by the sequents containing *c* which can be proved in the same calculus. Subsequently, we use the (...)
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  10.  64
    ST, LP and Tolerant Metainferences.Bogdan Dicher & Francesco Paoli - 2019 - In Can Başkent & Thomas Macaulay Ferguson (eds.), Graham Priest on Dialetheism and Paraconsistency. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag. pp. 383-407.
    The strict-tolerant approach to paradox promises to erect theories of naïve truth and tolerant vagueness on the firm bedrock of classical logic. We assess the extent to which this claim is founded. Building on some results by Girard we show that the usual proof-theoretic formulation of propositional ST in terms of the classical sequent calculus without primitive Cut is incomplete with respect to ST-valid metainferences, and exhibit a complete calculus for the same class of metainferences. We also argue that the (...)
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  11.  85
    A common abstraction of MV-Algebras and Abelian l-groups.Francesco Paoli - 2000 - Studia Logica 65 (3):355-366.
    We investigate the class of strongly distributive pregroups, a common abstraction of MV-algebras and Abelian l-groups which was introduced by E.Casari. The main result of the paper is a representation theorem which yields both Chang's representation of MV-algebras and Clifford's representation of Abelian l-groups as immediate corollaries.
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  12. On strong comparative logic.Francesco Paoli - 1996 - Logique Et Analyse 155 (156):271-283.
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  13. Bolzano e le dimostrazioni matematiche.Francesco Paoli - 1991 - Rivista di Filosofia 82 (2):221-242.
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  14. A really fuzzy approach to the sorites paradox.Francesco Paoli - 2003 - Synthese 134 (3):363 - 387.
  15.  42
    Logic and groups.Francesco Paoli - 2001 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 9:109.
  16. ST, LP and tolerant metainferences.Bogdan Dicher & Francesco Paoli - 2019 - In Can Başkent & Thomas Macaulay Ferguson (eds.), Graham Priest on Dialetheism and Paraconsistency. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
  17. S Is Constructively Complete.Francesco Paoli - 1996 - Reports on Mathematical Logic:31-47.
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  18. On some properties of quasi-MV algebras and $\sqrt{^{\prime }}$ quasi-MV algebras.Francesco Paoli, Antonio Ledda, Roberto Giuntini & Hector Freytes - 2009 - Reports on Mathematical Logic:31-63.
    We investigate some properties of two varieties of algebras arising from quantum computation - quasi-MV algebras and $\sqrt{^{\prime }}$ quasi-MV algebras - first introduced in \cite{Ledda et al. 2006}, \cite{Giuntini et al. 200+} and tightly connected with fuzzy logic. We establish the finite model property and the congruence extension property for both varieties; we characterize the quasi-MV reducts and subreducts of $\sqrt{^{\prime }}$ quasi-MV algebras; we give a representation of semisimple $\sqrt{^{\prime }}$ quasi-MV algebras in terms of algebras of functions; (...)
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  19.  22
    Sequent Calculi for First-order $$\textrm{ST}$$.Francesco Paoli & Adam Přenosil - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 53 (5):1291-1320.
    Strict-Tolerant Logic ($$\textrm{ST}$$ ST ) underpins naïve theories of truth and vagueness (respectively including a fully disquotational truth predicate and an unrestricted tolerance principle) without jettisoning any classically valid laws. The classical sequent calculus without Cut is sometimes advocated as an appropriate proof-theoretic presentation of $$\textrm{ST}$$ ST. Unfortunately, there is only a partial correspondence between its derivability relation and the relation of local metainferential $$\textrm{ST}$$ ST -validity – these relations coincide only upon the addition of elimination rules and only within (...)
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  20.  38
    Algebraic Analysis of Demodalised Analytic Implication.Antonio Ledda, Francesco Paoli & Michele Pra Baldi - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (6):957-979.
    The logic DAI of demodalised analytic implication has been introduced by J.M. Dunn as a variation on a time-honoured logical system by C.I. Lewis’ student W.T. Parry. The main tenet underlying this logic is that no implication can be valid unless its consequent is “analytically contained” in its antecedent. DAI has been investigated both proof-theoretically and model-theoretically, but no study so far has focussed on DAI from the viewpoint of abstract algebraic logic. We provide several different algebraic semantics for DAI, (...)
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  21. Logical Consequence and the Paradoxes.Edwin Mares & Francesco Paoli - 2014 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 43 (2-3):439-469.
    We group the existing variants of the familiar set-theoretical and truth-theoretical paradoxes into two classes: connective paradoxes, which can in principle be ascribed to the presence of a contracting connective of some sort, and structural paradoxes, where at most the faulty use of a structural inference rule can possibly be blamed. We impute the former to an equivocation over the meaning of logical constants, and the latter to an equivocation over the notion of consequence. Both equivocation sources are tightly related, (...)
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  22.  32
    A Paraconsistent and Substructural Conditional Logic.Francesco Paoli - 2012 - In Francesco Berto, Edwin Mares, Koji Tanaka & Francesco Paoli (eds.), Paraconsistency: Logic and Applications. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer. pp. 173--198.
  23.  7
    Left Variable Inclusion Logics Associated with Classical Logic.Francesco Paoli & Michele Pra Baldi - 2024 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 65 (4):457-480.
    Logics of significance have been proposed in an attempt to overcome the shortcomings of classical logic as a model of reasoning in the presence of nonsignificant (e.g., meaningless, ill-formed, unverifiable) sentences. Many-valued logicians have addressed this problem by introducing logics with infectious truth values. Cases in point are the weak Kleene logics B3 (paracomplete weak Kleene logic) and PWK (paraconsistent weak Kleene logic). Over time, it has become clear that the valid entailments of these significance logics obey variable inclusion patterns (...)
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    Editorial Introduction.Francesco Paoli & Gavin St John - 2024 - Studia Logica 112 (6):1201-1214.
    This is the Editorial Introduction to “S.I.: Strong and Weak Kleene Logics”.
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    Relating Logic and Relating Semantics. History, Philosophical Applications and Some of Technical Problems.Tomasz Jarmużek & Francesco Paoli - 2021 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 30 (4):563-577.
    Here, we discuss historical, philosophical and technical problems associated with relating logic and relating semantics. To do so, we proceed in three steps. First, Section 1 is devoted to providing an introduction to both relating logic and relating semantics. Second, we address the history of relating semantics and some of the main research directions and their philosophical applications. Third, we discuss some technical problems related to relating semantics, particularly whether the direct incorporation of the relation into the language of relating (...)
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  26. The Geometry of Non-Distributive Logics.Greg Restall & Francesco Paoli - 2005 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 70 (4):1108 - 1126.
    In this paper we introduce a new natural deduction system for the logic of lattices, and a number of extensions of lattice logic with different negation connectives. We provide the class of natural deduction proofs with both a standard inductive definition and a global graph-theoretical criterion for correctness, and we show how normalisation in this system corresponds to cut elimination in the sequent calculus for lattice logic. This natural deduction system is inspired both by Shoesmith and Smiley's multiple conclusion systems (...)
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  27. Degree theory and the Sorites paradox.Francesco Paoli - 2019 - In Sergi Oms & Elia Zardini (eds.), The Sorites Paradox. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Comments on 'Fuzzy Logic and Higher-Order Vagueness' by Nicholas J.J. Smith.Francesco Paoli - 2011 - In Petr Cintula, Christian G. Fermüller, Lluis Godo & Petr Hájek (eds.), Understanding Vagueness: Logical, Philosophical, and Linguistic Perspectives. College Publications. pp. 33-5.
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  29. Semantics For First Degree Relatedness Logic.Francesco Paoli - 1993 - Reports on Mathematical Logic:81-94.
    In this paper, we axiomatize the first-degree entailments of relatedness logic, and introduce both tabular and algebraic semantics for such a fragment. Thereby, we partly answer the problems referred to as P1 and P28 in the Problem Section of this journal.Back to Main Menu.
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  30.  41
    On the algebraic structure of linear, relevance, and fuzzy logics.Francesco Paoli - 2002 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 41 (2):107-121.
    Substructural logics are obtained from the sequent calculi for classical or intuitionistic logic by suitably restricting or deleting some or all of the structural rules (Restall, 2000; Ono, 1998). Recently, this field of research has come to encompass a number of logics - e.g. many fuzzy or paraconsistent logics - which had been originally introduced out of different, possibly semantical, motivations. A finer proof-theoretical analysis of such logics, in fact, revealed that it was possible to subsume them under the previous (...)
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  31.  70
    Logic. The Laws of Truth.Francesco Paoli - 2014 - History and Philosophy of Logic 35 (3):306-308.
    There is a shortage of natural resources, there is a shortage of breathable air, but there is no shortage of introduction to logic books. Still, this volume displays a masterly combination of clari...
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  32.  53
    A New View of Effects in a Hilbert Space.Roberto Giuntini, Antonio Ledda & Francesco Paoli - 2016 - Studia Logica 104 (6):1145-1177.
    We investigate certain Brouwer-Zadeh lattices that serve as abstract counterparts of lattices of effects in Hilbert spaces under the spectral ordering. These algebras, called PBZ*-lattices, can also be seen as generalisations of orthomodular lattices and are remarkable for the collapse of three notions of “sharpness” that are distinct in general Brouwer-Zadeh lattices. We investigate the structure theory of PBZ*-lattices and their reducts; in particular, we prove some embedding results for PBZ*-lattices and provide an initial description of the lattice of PBZ*-varieties.
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  33. MV-Algebras and Quantum Computation.Antonio Ledda, Martinvaldo Konig, Francesco Paoli & Roberto Giuntini - 2006 - Studia Logica 82 (2):245-270.
    We introduce a generalization of MV algebras motivated by the investigations into the structure of quantum logical gates. After laying down the foundations of the structure theory for such quasi-MV algebras, we show that every quasi-MV algebra is embeddable into the direct product of an MV algebra and a “flat” quasi-MV algebra, and prove a completeness result w.r.t. a standard quasi-MV algebra over the complex numbers.
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    ★-autonomous Lattices.Francesco Paoli - 2005 - Studia Logica 79 (2):283-304.
    -autonomous lattices are the algebraic exponentials and without additive constants. In this paper, we investigate the structure theory of this variety and some of its subvarieties, as well as its relationships with other classes of algebras.
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    A Substructural Gentzen Calculus for Orthomodular Quantum Logic.Davide Fazio, Antonio Ledda, Francesco Paoli & Gavin St John - 2023 - Review of Symbolic Logic 16 (4):1177-1198.
    We introduce a sequent system which is Gentzen algebraisable with orthomodular lattices as equivalent algebraic semantics, and therefore can be viewed as a calculus for orthomodular quantum logic. Its sequents are pairs of non-associative structures, formed via a structural connective whose algebraic interpretation is the Sasaki product on the left-hand side and its De Morgan dual on the right-hand side. It is a substructural calculus, because some of the standard structural sequent rules are restricted—by lifting all such restrictions, one recovers (...)
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  36.  96
    Is multiset consequence trivial?Petr Cintula & Francesco Paoli - 2016 - Synthese 199 (Suppl 3):741-765.
    Dave Ripley has recently argued against the plausibility of multiset consequence relations and of contraction-free approaches to paradox. For Ripley, who endorses a nontransitive theory, the best arguments that buttress transitivity also push for contraction—whence it is wiser for the substructural logician to go nontransitive from the start. One of Ripley’s allegations is especially insidious, since it assumes the form of a trivialisation result: it is shown that if a multiset consequence relation can be associated to a closure operator in (...)
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  37. Simplified Affine Phase Structures.Francesco Paoli - 1998 - Reports on Mathematical Logic:21-34.
    Phase models for affine linear logic were independently devised by Lafont [10] and Piazza [15], although foreshadowed by Ono [14]. However, the existing semantics either contain no explicit directions for the construction of models in the general case, or else are forced to resort to additional conditions extending Girard's semantics. We dispense with these extra postulates - at least for the subexponential fragment of this logic - considering structures where the set of antiphases is concretely constructed. Moreover, we show the (...)
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    Intuitionistic Logic is a Connexive Logic.Davide Fazio, Antonio Ledda & Francesco Paoli - 2023 - Studia Logica 112 (1):95-139.
    We show that intuitionistic logic is deductively equivalent to Connexive Heyting Logic ($$\textrm{CHL}$$ CHL ), hereby introduced as an example of a strongly connexive logic with an intuitive semantics. We use the reverse algebraisation paradigm: $$\textrm{CHL}$$ CHL is presented as the assertional logic of a point regular variety (whose structure theory is examined in detail) that turns out to be term equivalent to the variety of Heyting algebras. We provide Hilbert-style and Gentzen-style proof systems for $$\textrm{CHL}$$ CHL ; moreover, we (...)
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    Edwin Mares, The Logic of Entailment and its History, Cambridge University Press, 2024, pp. 282; ISBN: 9781009375313 (Hardcover) 85£, ISBN: 9781009375290 (eBook) 110$. [REVIEW]Francesco Paoli - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-7.
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    Algebraic Perspectives on Substructural Logics.Davide Fazio, Antonio Ledda & Francesco Paoli (eds.) - 2020 - Springer International Publishing.
    This volume presents the state of the art in the algebraic investigation into substructural logics. It features papers from the workshop AsubL (Algebra & Substructural Logics - Take 6). Held at the University of Cagliari, Italy, this event is part of the framework of the Horizon 2020 Project SYSMICS: SYntax meets Semantics: Methods, Interactions, and Connections in Substructural logics. -/- Substructural logics are usually formulated as Gentzen systems that lack one or more structural rules. They have been intensively studied over (...)
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  41. SILFS 3 - New Directions in Logic and Philosophy of Science.Laura Felline, Antonio Ledd, Francesco Paoli & Emanuele Rossanese (eds.) - 2016 - College Publications.
  42.  54
    Quasi-subtractive varieties.Tomasz Kowalski, Francesco Paoli & Matthew Spinks - 2011 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (4):1261-1286.
    Varieties like groups, rings, or Boolean algebras have the property that, in any of their members, the lattice of congruences is isomorphic to a lattice of more manageable objects, for example normal subgroups of groups, two-sided ideals of rings, filters (or ideals) of Boolean algebras.algebraic logic can explain these phenomena at a rather satisfactory level of generality: in every member A of a τ-regular variety ������ the lattice of congruences of A is isomorphic to the lattice of deductive filters on (...)
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  43.  10
    Boolean-Like Algebras of Finite Dimension: From Boolean Products to Semiring Products.Antonio Bucciarelli, Antonio Ledda, Francesco Paoli & Antonino Salibra - 2024 - In Jacek Malinowski & Rafał Palczewski (eds.), Janusz Czelakowski on Logical Consequence. Springer Verlag. pp. 377-400.
    We continue the investigation, initiated in Salibra et al. (Found Sci, 2020), of Boolean-like algebras of dimension n (nBA\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$n\textrm{BA}$$\end{document}s), algebras having n constants e1,⋯,en\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\mathsf e_1,\dots,\mathsf e_n$$\end{document}, and an (n+1)\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$(n+1)$$\end{document}-ary operation q (a “generalised if-then-else”) that induces a decomposition of the algebra into n factors through the so-called n-central elements. Varieties of nBA\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} (...)
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  44.  27
    Applications of Relating Semantics.Tomasz Jarmużek & Francesco Paoli - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1-17.
    Here, we discuss logical, philosophical and technical problems associated to relating logic and relating semantics. To do so, we proceed in three steps. The first step is devoted to providing an introduction to both relating logic and relating semantics. We discuss this problem on the example of different languages. Second, we address some of the main research directions and their philosophical applications to non-classical logics, particularly to connexive logics. Third, we discuss some technical problems related to relating semantics, and its (...)
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    Introduction: Logical Pluralism and Translation.Francesca Ervas, Antonio Ledda, Francesco Paoli & Giuseppe Sergioli - 2019 - Topoi 38 (2):263-264.
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    Expanding Quasi-MV Algebras by a Quantum Operator.Roberto Giuntini, Antonio Ledda & Francesco Paoli - 2007 - Studia Logica 87 (1):99-128.
    We investigate an expansion of quasi-MV algebras ([10]) by a genuine quantum unary operator. The variety of such quasi-MV algebras has a subquasivariety whose members—called cartesian—can be obtained in an appropriate way out of MV algebras. After showing that cartesian . quasi-MV algebras generate ,we prove a standard completeness theorem for w.r.t. an algebra over the complex numbers.
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    On PBZ∗\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$^{*}$$\end{document}–Lattices. [REVIEW]Roberto Giuntini, Claudia Mureşan & Francesco Paoli - 2021 - In Mojtaba Mojtahedi, Shahid Rahman & MohammadSaleh Zarepour (eds.), Mathematics, Logic, and their Philosophies: Essays in Honour of Mohammad Ardeshir. Springer. pp. 313-337.
    We continue our investigation of paraorthomodular BZ*-lattices PBZ*-lattices, started in Giuntini et al., Mureşan. We shed further light on the structure of the subvariety lattice of the variety PBZL∗\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\mathbb {PBZL}^{\mathbb {*}}$$\end{document} of PBZ∗\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$^{*}$$\end{document}–lattices; in particular, we provide axiomatic bases for some of its members. Further, we show that some distributive subvarieties of PBZL∗\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\mathbb {PBZL}^{\mathbb (...)
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    On Paraconsistent Weak Kleene Logic: Axiomatisation and Algebraic Analysis.Stefano Bonzio, José Gil-Férez, Francesco Paoli & Luisa Peruzzi - 2017 - Studia Logica 105 (2):253-297.
    Paraconsistent Weak Kleene logic is the 3-valued logic with two designated values defined through the weak Kleene tables. This paper is a first attempt to investigate PWK within the perspective and methods of abstract algebraic logic. We give a Hilbert-style system for PWK and prove a normal form theorem. We examine some algebraic structures for PWK, called involutive bisemilattices, showing that they are distributive as bisemilattices and that they form a variety, \, generated by the 3-element algebra WK; we also (...)
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  49. Paraconsistency: Logic and Applications.Francesco Berto, Edwin Mares, Koji Tanaka & Francesco Paoli (eds.) - 2012 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    A logic is called 'paraconsistent' if it rejects the rule called 'ex contradictione quodlibet', according to which any conclusion follows from inconsistent premises. While logicians have proposed many technically developed paraconsistent logical systems and contemporary philosophers like Graham Priest have advanced the view that some contradictions can be true, and advocated a paraconsistent logic to deal with them, until recent times these systems have been little understood by philosophers. This book presents a comprehensive overview on paraconsistent logical systems to change (...)
  50. List of participants 17 Robert K. Meyer (Camberra, Australia) Barbara Morawska (Gdansk, Poland) Daniele Mundici (Milan, Italy).Kazumi Nakamatsu, Marek Nasieniewski, Volodymyr Navrotskiy, Sergey Pavlovich Odintsov, Carlos Oiler, Mieczyslaw Omyla, Hiroakira Ono, Ewa Orlowska, Katarzyna Palasihska & Francesco Paoli - 2001 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 7:16.
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