Results for 'Otto Hölder'

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  1. (1 other version)Die mathematische Method.Otto Hölder - 1925 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 32 (1):13-14.
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  2. (1 other version)Anschauung und Denken in der Geometrie.Otto Hölder - 1900 - The Monist 10:626.
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  3. Die Arithmetik in Strenger Begründung.Otto Hölder - 1929 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 8:9-9.
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    Intuition and Reasoning in Geometry.Otto Hölder - 2013 - Philosophia Scientiae 17:15-52.
    The way in which geometrical knowledge has been obtained has always attracted the attention of philosophers. The fact that there is a science that concerns things outside our thinking and that proceeds inferentially appeared striking, and gave rise to specific theories of experience and space. Nonetheless, the geometrical method has not yet been sufficiently investigated. Philosophers who investigate the theory of knowledge discuss the question of whether geometry is an empirical science, but...
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    Review of Graßmann, Robert, Theory of Number or Arithmetic in Strict Scientific Presentation by Strict Use of Formulas (1891). [REVIEW]Otto Hölder - 2013 - Philosophia Scientiae 17 (1):57-70.
    The author of this book pursues the objective of treating the whole of pure mathematics [die ganze reine Mathematik] in four sections [Abtheilungen]. One half of the first of these sections is dedicated to arithmetic and is already available. The other half of the first section “A heuristic treatise on number [Zahlenlehre in freier Gedankenentwicklung]” which treats the same discipline is supposed to follow. The author may have opted for such an unusual separation [of the treatment of arithme..
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    Otto Hölder’s Interpretation of David Hilbert’s Axiomatic Method.Mircea Radu - 2013 - Philosophia Scientiae 17 (1):117-129.
    In this paper I provide a brief reconstruction of Otto Hölder’s conception of proof. My reconstruction focuses on Hölder’s critical assessment of David Hilbert’s account of axiomatics in general, and of Hilbert’s conception of metamathematics in particular. I argue that Hölder’s analysis of Hilbert’s general methodological ideas and, more importantly, Hölder’s analysis of the logical structure of the proofs provided by Hilbert in his Grundlagen der Geometrie of 1899 are helpful in reaching a clearer understanding of van der Waerden’s (...)
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    Otto Hölder’s 1892 “Review of Robert Graßmann’s 1891 Theory of Number”. Introductory Note.Mircea Radu - 2013 - Philosophia Scientiae 17 (1):53-56.
    Hölder’s review of Robert Graßmann’s Theory of Number provides the first statement of Hölder’s most significant tenets concerning the distinction between the genetic and axiomatic presentation of mathematics, the mature expression of which is found in Hölder’s book The Mathematical Method of 1924. By translating Hölder’s review into English, I hope to make this unique document known to a wider public. In my introductory note I provide some context to Hölder’s paper and a few other remarks concerning the translation work.
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    Die mathematische Methode. Otto Holder.H. Wieleitner - 1925 - Isis 7 (1):155-156.
  9. Geometry and Measurement in Otto Hölder’s Epistemology.Paola Cantu - 2012 - Philosophia Scientiae 17 (1):131-164.
    L’article a pour but d’analyser la conception de la géométrie et de la mesure présentée dans Intuition et Raisonnement [Hölder 1900], « Les axiomes de la grandeur et la théorie de la mensuration » [Hölder 1901] et La Méthode mathématique [Hölder 1924]. L’article examine les relations entre a) la démarcation introduite par Hölder entre géométrie et arithmétique à partir de la notion de ‘concept donné’, b) sa position philosophique par rapport à l’apriorisme kantien et à l’empirisme et c) le choix (...)
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    Between Kantianism and Empiricism: Otto Hölder’s Philosophy of Geometry.Francesca Biagioli - 2013 - Philosophia Scientiae 17 (1):71-92.
    La philosophie de la géométrie de Hölder, si l’on s’en tient à une lecture superficielle, est la part la plus problématique de son épistémologie. Il soutient que la géométrie est fondée sur l’expérience à la manière de Helmholtz, malgré les objections sérieuses de Poincaré. Néanmoins, je pense que la position de Hölder mérite d’être discutée pour deux motifs. Premièrement, ses implications méthodologiques furent importantes pour le développement de son épistémologie. Deuxièmement, Poincaré utilise l’opposition entre le kantisme et l’empirisme comme un (...)
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  11. Uncertainty, Complexity, and Universal Basic Income: The Robust Implementation of the Right to Social Security.Otto Lehto - forthcoming - In Elena Pribytkova, In Search for a Social Minimum: Human Dignity, Poverty, and Human Rights. Cham: Springer.
    The complexity approach to political economy suggests that radical uncertainty is a necessary feature of a complex and evolving socioeconomic landscape. Radical uncertainty raises various adaptive challenges that are likely to escalate in the coming decades under the “Fourth Industrial Revolution.” It jeopardizes the wellbeing of ordinary citizens, whose welfare prospects, job opportunities, and income stream are rendered insecure. It also renders precarious the robust implementation of universal human rights, including the right to social security. In fact, it will be (...)
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  12. Review of Grassmann, Robert, Theory of Number or Arithmetic in Strict Scientific Presentation by Strict Use of Formulas (1891): Otto Hölder (1859-1937). [REVIEW]Mircea Radu - 2013 - Philosophia Scientiae 17 (1):57-70.
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  13. Intuition and Reasoning in Geometry Inaugural Academic Lecture held on July 22, 1899. With supplements and notes: Otto Hölder (1859-1937). [REVIEW]Paola Cantu & Oliver Schlaudt - 2013 - Philosophia Scientiae 17 (1):15-52.
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    Hölder, Mach, and the Law of the Lever: A Case of Well-founded Non-controversy.Oliver Schlaudt - 2013 - Philosophia Scientiae 17 (1):93-116.
    Nous analysons la réponse qu’a donnée Otto Hölder à la célèbre critique de la preuve archimédienne de la loi du levier par Ernst Mach et nous la situons dans sa pensée epistémologique. Pour Hölder, la preuve de la loi du levier fournit une étude de cas sur la déduction en mécanique. Considérant la preuve comme un processus constructif et synthétique montant d’un niveau conceptuel à un niveau supérieur, Hölder parvient à défendre la preuve d’Archimède contre la critique de Mach, (...)
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    General Introduction.Paola Cantù & Oliver Schlaudt - 2013 - Philosophia Scientiae 17 (1).
    1 The epistemology of Otto Hölder This special issue is devoted to the philosophical ideas developed by Otto Hölder (1859-1937), a mathematician who made important contributions to analytic functions and group theory. Hölder’s substantial work on the foundations of mathematics and the general philosophical conception outlined in this work are, however, still largely unknown. Up to the present, philosophical interest in Hölder’s work has been limited to his axiomatic formulation of a theory of..
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    What Does It Mean That “Space Can Be Transcendental Without the Axioms Being So”?: Helmholtz’s Claim in Context.Francesca Biagioli - 2014 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 45 (1):1-21.
    In 1870, Hermann von Helmholtz criticized the Kantian conception of geometrical axioms as a priori synthetic judgments grounded in spatial intuition. However, during his dispute with Albrecht Krause (Kant und Helmholtz über den Ursprung und die Bedeutung der Raumanschauung und der geometrischen Axiome. Lahr, Schauenburg, 1878), Helmholtz maintained that space can be transcendental without the axioms being so. In this paper, I will analyze Helmholtz’s claim in connection with his theory of measurement. Helmholtz uses a Kantian argument that can be (...)
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    On a Question of Frege's About Right‐Ordered Groups.P. M. Neumann, S. A. Adeleke & Michael Dummett - 1991 - In Michael Dummett, Frege and Other Philosophers. Oxford, England: Clarendon Press.
    Concerns a problem posed, but not solved, by Frege in part III of his Grundgesetze. As a preliminary to defining ‘real number’, Frege attempts to analyse the notion of a quantitative domain. He was unaware of the previous attempt of Otto Holder to do this; it is remarked how much weaker Frege's assumptions were in deriving theorems than Holder's. Frege deals with groups on which there is a right‐invariant semilinear ordering, although he does not use this terminology. He is (...)
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  18. Die Klimax Der Theorien, Eine Untersuchung aus dem Bereich der allgemeinen Wissenschaftlehre.Otto Liebmann - 1885 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 20:434-441.
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  19. Das Heilige. Über das Irrationale in der Idee des Göttlichen und sein Verhältnis zum Rationale. 10e éd.Rudolf Otto - 1923 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 95:450-451.
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  20. Joël, Karl, Die philosophische Krisis der Gegenwart.Otto Braun - 1915 - Kant Studien 20:325.
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  21. Preisverteilung der Gesellschaft der Freunde der Philosophie des Als-Ab.Otto Buck - 1926 - Kant Studien 31:432.
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  22. Die meteorologischen Theorien des griechischen Alterthums.Otto Gilbert - 1909 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 67:211-212.
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  23. Mensch und Raum.Otto Friedrich Bollnow - 1967 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 22 (4):459-460.
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  24. Magnetische Studien.Otto Kern - 1901 - Hermes 36 (4):491-515.
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  25. El mundo ideal del Padre José de Acosta, S. J. (1540-1600), "el Plinio del Nuevo Mundo".Otto Carlos Stoetzer - 1986 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 13:205-218.
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  26. Fray Servando Teresa de Mier Noriega y Guerra, el caballero andante de la insurgencia mexicana.Otto Carlos Stoetzer - 1987 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 14:277-300.
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  27. (1 other version)Prolegomena zu einer kritisch-wissenschaftlichen Ausgabe der Werke Arthur Schopenhauers.Otto Weiss - 1920 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 24:347.
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  28. Bilanz.Otto Flake - 1931 - Stuttgart,: J. Engelhorns nachf..
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  29. Idealismus und Materialismus der Geschichte.Otto Flügel - 1898 - Langensalza,: H. Beyer & Sohne.
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  30. Vom Begriff der Geographie.Otto Graf - 1926 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 5 (9):271-272.
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    An den grenzen des wissens.Otto Hamann - 1927 - Hamburg,: Agentur des Rauhen hauses. Edited by Rhoda Erdmann.
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  32. Mysticism East and West: A Comparative Analysis of the Nature of Mysticism.Rudolf Otto - 1932 - Philosophy 7 (28):485-486.
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  33. Über die Beweisbarkeit der Existenz Gottes..Otto Samuel - 1936 - München: C. Kaiser.
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    Kleine Schriften.Otto Stein - 1985
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    (1 other version)Indische Philosphie.Otto Strauss - 1925 - München,: E. Reinhardt.
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    Will Women Lead the Way? Differences in Demand for Corporate Social Responsibility Information for Investment Decisions.Leda Nath, Lori Holder-Webb & Jeffrey Cohen - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 118 (1):85-102.
    Recent years have featured a leap in academic and public interest in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities and related corporate reporting. Two main themes in this literature are the exploration of management incentives to engage in and disclose this information, and of the use and value of this information to market participants. We extend the second theme by examining the interest that specific investor classes have in the use of CSR information. We rely on feminist intersectionality, which suggests that gender (...)
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    Organismic logic in the history of science.Raymond Holder Wheeler - 1936 - Philosophy of Science 3 (1):26-61.
    The logical pattern underlying twentieth century science is strikingly uniform from physics through biology and psychology to social science. Our purpose will be to analyze and illustrate this pattern, to trace its development, especially from the Middle Ages to the present time, and to suggest some possible consequences for the future.
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  38. Zur analysis der Wirklichkeit. Philosophische Untersuchungen.Otto Liebmann - 1877 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 4:414-429.
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    Freedom vs. Determinism in Relation to the Dynamic vs. the Static.Raymond Holder Wheeler - 1924 - The Monist 34 (3):452-465.
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    Französischer Existentialismus.Otto Friedrich Bollnow - 1965 - Stuttgart,: W. Kohlhammer.
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  41. Paul Ricœur und die Probleme der Hermeneutik.Otto Friedrich Bollnow - 1976 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 30 (2):167-189.
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    Der gegenstand in der Kantischen philosophie.Otto Hagelstein - 1944 - Berlin,: Junker und Dünnhaupt.
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  43. Gedanken und Thatsachen. Philosophische Abhandlungen, Aphorismen und Studien. 2 Band, 4 Heft.Otto Liebmann - 1905 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 59:416-417.
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  44. Philosophische Tradition.Otto Liebmann - 1883 - K.J. Trübner.
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    Das wesen der stimmungen.Otto Friedrich Bollnow - 1943 - Frankfurt am Main,: V. Klostermann.
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  46. Ölüm sorusu.Otto Friedrich Bollnow - 2013 - Ethos: Dialogues in Philosophy and Social Sciences 6 (1).
    İnsan Dasein’ının varoluş felsefesindeki[1] anlayışı, bir iç zorunlulukla ölüm sorusuna çıkmak durumundadır ve bu anlayış öncelikle kendisinin son belirlenmişliğinde karşılanabilir. İnsan Dasein’ının sonluluğu belli bir konuma fırlatılmışlık içerisinde sorumluluğu, nasıl ki sınır durumdaki deneyimlere yüklemede etkisini gösteriyorsa, sonluluk da zorunlu biçimde insan Dasein’ının en son ve en uç sınırı olan ölümü ortaya çıkartır. İnsanın kendini bir hiçliğin önünde durmuş ve gerçek bir olabilmeye davet edilmiş bulduğu ruh hali olarak korku içinde bulunuş, ölümle karşılaştırıldığında insanın en uç korkusuna da işaret ediyor (...)
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  47. Wentscher, Max, Hermann Lotze.Otto Braun - 1914 - Kant Studien 19:265.
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  48. Geschichte der nueren deutschen philosophie seit Hegel.Otto Siebert - 1898 - Göttingen,: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht.
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  49. Konturen einer Theologie der Erfahrung und ihre Konsequenzen für die religiöse Erziehung.Otto Betz - 1980 - In Zugänge zur religiösen Erfahrung. Düsseldorf: Patmos.
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    Cultures in Conflict.Otto Bird - 1978
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