Results for 'Novus Ordo'

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  1.  72
    Not So Novus an Ordo.Jacob T. Levy - 2009 - Political Theory 37 (2):191-217.
    Social contract theory imagines political societies as resting on a fundamental agreement, adopted at a discrete moment in hypothetical time, that binds individual persons together into a polity and sets fundamental rules regarding that polity's structure and powers. Written constitutions, adopted at real moments in historical time, dictating governmental structures, bounding governmental powers, and entrenching individual rights, look temptingly like social contracts reified. Yet something essential is lost in this slippage between social contract theory and the practice of constitutionalism. Contractarian (...)
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    The missing revolution: The totalitarian democracy in light of 1776.Eran Shalev - 2008 - History of European Ideas 34 (2):158-168.
    During much of his prolific career, the late historian Jacob Talmon was preoccupied with revolutionary movements, and was especially unsettled by, and attracted to, the force displayed by the French and Russian Revolutions. The young United States’ long and bloody war against the British Empire, followed by the creation of a republican novus ordo seclorum, supposedly fitted Talmon's revolutionary model and narrative. Hence, it is hard to account for the complete absence of the American Revolution from Talmon's extensive (...)
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    Hannah Arendt: As Revoluções Modernas e o Problema Do Absoluto.Jhonny Juliani - 2011 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 3 (5):130-150.
    Este texto analisa as proposições de Hannah Arendt em relação às revoluções modernas e o problema do absoluto. Para tanto, centra-se no capítulo cinco, Fundamento II: Novus Ordo Saeclorum, do livro Da Revolução. A análise mostrou que a autora tem uma interpretação ímpar das revoluções modernas.
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    Republics Ancient and Modern. [REVIEW]Ken Masugi - 1994 - Review of Metaphysics 47 (3):632-634.
    No one can fail to be impressed by Paul Rahe's magnificent contribution to the history of political theory. With almost eight hundred pages of text and over four hundred pages of notes and elaborate index, it is an indispensable reference for scholars concerned with classical political philosophy and its ramifications for the West, particularly in America. The volume's three books--"The Ancien Regime," "New Modes and Orders", and "Inventions of Prudence"--present reflective accounts of ancient republicanism, early modern political philosophers, and the (...)
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    St John Henry Newman and the Liturgy: A re‐examination.Alex Bellew - 2022 - New Blackfriars 103 (1103):128-143.
    New Blackfriars, Volume 103, Issue 1103, Page 128-143, January 2022.
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  6. La fundamentación del derecho natural.Francisco Ordóñez Noriega - 1967 - Bogotá,: Editorial Kelly.
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  7. La tutoría en Chiapas.Catalina López Ordóñez & Daniel Hernández Cruz - 2021 - In Díaz Ordaz Castillejos, Elsa María, Fernando Lara Piña, Daniel Hernández Cruz, Marcelín Alvarado & María Alejandra (eds.), Problemas educativos regionales: enfoques teóricos y metodológicos. Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas: Jazare Editorial.
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    Ciencia, tecnología e historia: relaciones y diferencias: transcripción del ciclo de conferencias en la Cátedra Alfonso Reyes del Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (enero del 2001).Javier Ordóñez - 2001 - México, D.F.: Ariel.
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  9. Space. The size of the universe : a problem for natural philosophy.Javier Ordóñez & Ana Rioja - 2009 - In José Luis González Recio (ed.), Philosophical essays on physics and biology. New York: G. Olms.
  10. Lo público y lo privado en el derecho.Carmen D. Baeza Ordóñez - 2019 - In Angel Sánchez de la Torre, Pinto Fontanillo & José Antonio (eds.), Actualización del pensamiento jurídico: conferencias y recensiones en torno al X Congreso Internacional de las Academias Jurídicas Iberoamericanas. Madrid, [Spain]: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
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  11. La Filosofía y las ciencias sociales: Primer Coloquio Nacional de Filosofía, Morelia, Mich., México, 4-9 de agosto de 1975.Balcárcel Ordóñez & José Luis (eds.) - 1976 - México: Editorial Grijalbo.
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    Introducción a la semàntica funcional.Salvador Gutièrrez Ordòñez - 1989 - Madrid: Síntesis.
  13. The Social Function of Citizen Science : Developing Researchers, Developing Citizens.Luis Arnoldo Ordóñez Vela, Enrico Bocciolesi, Giovanna Lombardi & Robin M. Urquhart - 2017 - In Luigi Ceccaroni (ed.), Analyzing the role of citizen science in modern research. Hershey PA: Information Science Reference.
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  14.  23
    Ordo-Responsibility in the Sharing Economy: A Social Contracts Perspective.Stefan Hielscher, Sebastian Everding & Ingo Pies - 2022 - Business Ethics Quarterly 32 (3):404-437.
    Can private companies legitimately regulate sharing markets, and if yes, how? Whereas scholars have either criticized sharing platforms for expanding into private and public arenas or welcomed them to counterbalance encroaching government regulations, studies document their unbridled popularity. On the basis of a special version of social contracts theory pioneered by James Buchanan, we develop a heuristics that helps guide reasoning about the legitimacy of the sharing economy’s regulatory function. First, we discuss the conditions under which free and responsible individuals (...)
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    Angelus Novus y Er. Figuras de la historia en Walter Benjamin y Hannah Arendt.María Rita Moreno & Paula Ripamonti - 2023 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 14 (3):73-96.
    Este trabajo explora una línea posible del diálogo entre Walter Benjamin y Hannah Arendt mediante la presentación de algunas intermitencias entre dos figuras relevantes de su pensamiento sobre la historia, la figura que Benjamin determina en su abordaje del Angelus Novus pintado por Paul Klee, y la figura de Er en los términos en que Arendt la elabora a partir de una parábola kafkiana. Retomamos ambas figuras con el objetivo de mostrar en ellas el intento filosófico de organizar un (...)
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    Homo Novus: Learning to Being Renewed.Amélé Adamavi-Aho Ekué - 2022 - Journal of Ethics in Higher Education 1:149-173.
    This contribution anchors the topic of transformative education in the discussion of human renewal. It posits that transformative education can only be perceived as an endeavour that encompasses the whole human being and the potential of humans to change and to adopt different perspectives on seeing and being in the world. The motif of the new human being (homo novus), as per the argument presented, can serve to develop a meaningful conceptual and praxis-related framework for education. Especially when considered (...)
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    Ordo-responsibility - conceptual reflections towards a semantic innovation.Markus Beckmann & Ingo Pies - manuscript
    Based on economic ethics, this paper reflects on and aims to improve the semantics of responsibility. The traditional concept of responsibility is threatened with erosion when responsibility is attributed to an actor who is unable to exercise individual control over the outcome of his actions. In the modern world-society this is increasingly the case. The concept of ordo-responsibility is helpful in identifying a suitable approach for the attribution and acceptance of responsibility. The perspective of economic ethics systematically differentiates between (...)
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  18.  48
    Angelus Novus, Angst of History.S. D. Chrostowska - 2012 - Diacritics 40 (1):42-68.
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    Ordo inversus. Benennungen, Bestimmungen, Fehlschlüsse, Lehrstücke und Varianten.Lutz Danneberg - 2020 - In Andrea Albrecht, Franziska Bomski & Lutz Danneberg (eds.), Ordo Inversus: Formen Und Funktionen Einer Denkfigur Um 1800. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 13-38.
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  20.  25
    Simplex Ordo.George Thomson - 1965 - Classical Quarterly 15 (2):161-175.
    As a student at Cambridge forty years ago I received a good training in the language and literature of classical Greece, and had the good fortune to study paleography under the late E. H. Minns. For all this I am deeply grateful. But I had no training in Byzantine Greek. It was only later, and more or less by accident, that I discovered Byzantine and Modern Greek. It is not my intention to discuss the wider aspects of this question now, (...)
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  21.  13
    Ordo Inversus: Formen Und Funktionen Einer Denkfigur Um 1800.Andrea Albrecht, Franziska Bomski & Lutz Danneberg (eds.) - 2020 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Die Denkfigur des ordo inversus, die seit der Antike in den verschiedensten Disziplinen epistemische Sicherheit garantierte, verliert in der Zeit um 1800 an Plausibilität. Es kommt zu einem Formen- und Funktionswandel, der in den Künsten wie auch in den Natur-und Geisteswissenschaften auf vielfältige Weise resonierte. Der ordo inversus bezeichnet eine zirkuläre Bewegung, die von einem Anfangs- zu einem Endpunkt fortschreitet und im Zurückkehren wieder mit dem Ausgangspunkt verbunden wird, häufig in Teilbewegungen aufgespalten, etwa progressio/regressio oder analysis/synthesis. Als Methodenkonzept (...)
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    A Christian Ordo?Martha Moore-Keish - 2010 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 64 (3):246-256.
    Ordo,” as it has come to be used, suggests the basic structure of Christian worship that centers on table, font, and pulpit, and the shape of Christian living that flows from these centers. It is a commitment to that which grounds and guides our lives in the world.
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  23. " Novus Adan". Significado de la tipología de Adán en S. Buenaventura.Francisco de Asís Chavero Blanco - 1992 - Verdad y Vida 50 (198):137-172.
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    Ordo amoris como determinante del amor y odio en Max Scheler.Marcelo Chaparro Veas - 2014 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 31:51-71.
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  25. Ordo Quadro—chetvertyi poryadok: prishestvie postsovremennogo mira.A. I. Neklessa - 2000 - Polis 6:6-23.
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    Novus David – Νεοϛ Δαυιδ.Ueli Zahnd - 2008 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 42 (1):71-88.
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    A Reforma do Ordo Missae no Vaticano II: aspectos históricos teológicos e pastorais (The Reform of the Ordo Missae Vatican II: historical aspects theological and pastoral).Vanderson de Sousa Silva - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (27):1060-1083.
    No presente artigo tratar-se-á da reforma do Ordo Missae perpetrado pelo Concílio Ecumênico Vaticano II (1962-1965), em seus aspectos históricos e teológicos, bem como as incidências pastorais da mesma. Buscar-se-á como delimitação somente analisar a reforma do Ordo Missae, no que tange as Orações Eucarísticas implementadas pela reforma conciliar, especialmente ao problema da ‘reforma’ do Ordo Missae , do Cânon Romano e das novas Orações Eucarísticas. Em suma, vislumbra-se a reforma litúrgica, os aspectos teológicos da Sacrosanctum Concilio (...)
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    Eqvester Ordo Tvvs Est: Did Cicero Win His Cases Because of His Support for the Eqvites?D. H. Berry - 2003 - Classical Quarterly 53 (1):222-234.
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  29. Ordo: atti del II Colloquio internazionale: Roma, 7-9 gennaio 1977.Massimo Luigi Bianchi & Marta Fattori (eds.) - 1979 - Roma: Edizioni dell'Ateneo & Bizzarri.
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    Der Ordo-Gedanke unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Augustinus und Thomas von Aquino.Gregor Fidelis Gässler - 1994 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
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    Ordo rerum und Registerhilfen in mittelalterlichen Enzyklopädiehandschriften.Heinz Meyer - 1991 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 25 (1):315-339.
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    Ordo ab chao: structuri de ordine în fizică și societate : eseuri.Ionel I. Purica - 1996 - București: Editura Tehnică.
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  33. ¿ Hacia un ordo communionis primatus?: La recepción católica y ecuménica del ejercicio del Ministerio Petrino a partir de la Ut unum sint.Salvador Pie-Ninot - 2008 - Gregorianum 89 (1):5-26.
    The article starts with the Catholic and ecumenical reception of the invitation of Ut Unum Sint to establish a fraternal and patient dialogue in order to «find a way of exercising the primacy, which, while in no way renouncing what is essential to its mission, is nonetheless open to a new situation» . It concludes with the proposal of ordo communionis primatus, the order of communion of primacy, where one would more formally distinguish between «habitual and daily» exercise of (...)
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    Ordo et connexio idearum non est ordo et connexio rerum.Lieven Decock - 2023 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 115 (3):291-294.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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    Der Ordo Amoris bei Max Scheler. Seine Beziehungen zur materialen Wertethik und zum Ressentimentbegriff.Manfred S. Frings - 1966 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 20 (1):57 - 76.
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    „Columbus novus” - zum rhetorischen impetus Von nietzsches philosophie.Peter Gasser - 1995 - Nietzsche Studien 24 (1):137-161.
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    Ordo rerum.Norbert A. Luyten & Fribourg - 1969 - Freiburg/Schweiz,: Universitätsverlag.
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  38.  14
    Ordo amoris.Edi Natali & Antonella Spitaleri (eds.) - 2016 - Pistoia: Petite plaisance.
  39.  28
    Sobre anjos e folhas secas: em torno do Angelus Novus de Paul Klee.Mauro Rocha Baptista - 2008 - Horizonte 7 (13):127-141.
    Este trabalho foi desenvolvido a partir de uma apresentação feita na IV Semana Didático-Cultural e I Congresso de Pesquisa e Extensão da UEMG – Campus Barbacena. O título deste evento era História: Identidade e memória , e seu símbolo o quadro Angelus Novus de Paul Klee. Nosso objetivo era o de apresentar a relação entre o quadro e a temática do evento, para isso buscamos o apoio de três autores: Benjamin, dono do quadro, que demarcou a sua interpretação do (...)
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    Ordo Amoris: A Relação Entre a Ordem e o Amor No Pensamento Ético de Santo Agostinho.João Paulo Araújo Pimentel Lima - 2020 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 12 (33):137-156.
    O presente artigo tem por objetivo realizar uma análise da ordem do amor em Santo Agostinho. Para tanto, percorreremos suas obras a fim de buscar o movimento natural do amor, do interior humano a Deus, na busca da satisfação dos desejos e da felicidade; e como esse movimento conduz a uma ética direcionada, principalmente, ao atendimento dos mais carentes. Para isso, abordaremos o conceito de ordem e a dinâmica do amor a Deus e ao próximo.
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    Ubi non est ordo, ibi est con fusio: Konflikte und Konfliktlösungen im Leben und im Werk des Nikolaus von Kues.Bruno Hubertus Beuter - 2007 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Cusanus hatte es in seinem Leben und in seinem Werk mit einer Fulle von Konflikten verschiedenster Art zu tun: juristische, kirchenpolitische, philosophische und theologische Konflikte. Gibt es Prinzipien, die Nikolaus von Kues bei den jeweiligen Konfliktlosungen leiteten? Der Verfasser bejaht diese Frage und subsumiert abschliessend die erarbeiteten Prinzipien unter den Begriff <I>ordo im Sinne des Titels der Arbeit.".
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  42. El "ordo naturalis" y las causas segundas en el pensamiento del Doctor Angélico.V. Araya - 1993 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 74:71-74.
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  43. «Novus Adam». Significado de la tipología de Adán en S. Buenaventura (Leg. Maior, cap. 5).F. De A. Chavero Blanco - 1992 - Verdad y Vida 50 (198-199):137-171.
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    Homo novus.Lajos Clamor - 1990 - Budapest: Egyetemi Könyvtár.
  45.  43
    L'Ordo Naturalis des causes primordiales. La transformation érigénienne de la doctrine dionysienne des noms divins.Stephen Gersh & Cédric Stéphany - 2013 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 104 (1):57.
    Résumé Dans les livres I et II du Periphyseon, Érigène évoque les « causes primordiales » (correspondant à la deuxième division de la Nature ) sans spécifier d’ordre de priorité entre elles. Une réponse à une question posée par l’ Alumnus à ce sujet remédie à cette omission dans les premières pages du livre III. Érigène se place initialement sous l’autorité de Denys et argue du fait que, dès lors que les noms divins du De Divinis Nominibus correspondent à ses (...)
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  46.  7
    Ordo: philosophisch-historische Grundlegung einer abendländischen Idee.Hermann Krings - 1982
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    Ordo dux ad Deum.Francisco Letizia - 1983 - Augustinus 28 (112):385-390.
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    In this paper I aim to re-think the question of the world of persons with schizophrenia from the perspective of the German phenomenologist Max Scheler and that of the Japanese psychiatrist Bin Kimura. So far, no comparison between these two authors has been made, even though there are several convergences and evidence of Scheler’s indirect influence on Bin Kimura through Viktor von Weizsäcker. In recent years, Dan Zahavi, Louis Sass, and Josef Parnas have interpreted the modus vivendi of schizophrenic patients (...)
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  49.  45
    Eqvester ordo tvvs est: Did Cicero win his cases because of his support for the Eqvites?Cf M. I. Henderson, C. Nicolet, J. Linderski, T. P. Wiseman & E. Badian - 2003 - Classical Quarterly 53:222-234.
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    Ordo Monasterii.George P. Lawless - 1982 - Augustinianum 22 (3):469-491.
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