Results for 'Noureddine Miladi'

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    Derrida et la Lecture Heideggérienne de Nietzsche.Noureddine Chebbi - 2015 - Review of Philosophical Studies 49 (3480):1-14.
  2. Ousmane Sembene, entretien.Noureddine Ghali - 1976 - Cinema 208:83-95.
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    Jean-Paul Sartre, philosophe de l'oppression.Noureddine Lamouchi - 2005 - Louvain-la-Neuve: Bruylant-Academia. Edited by Pierre Verstraeten.
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    Passage à l'écrit et production du sensfictionnel : Deux cas du berbère.Noureddine Bakrim - 2014 - Semiotica 2014 (199):43-63.
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    (1 other version)Islam, réformisme et condition féminine en Tunisie : Tahar Haddad (1898-1935).Noureddine Sraieb - 1999 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 1:6-6.
    Tahar Haddad, militant politique et syndical, ancien élève de l'Université de la Zitouna de Tunis fut aussi un des militants actifs pour l'émancipation de la femme tunisienne musulmane. A ce titre, il occupe une place importante dans l'histoire des idées sociales et politiques en Tunisie. Ses propositions en faveur de la condition féminine en Tunisie qui furent condamnées, alors, par les éléments conservateurs furent prises en considération lors de la promulgation du Code du statut personnel, en août 1956. Ce sont (...)
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    Role of Spasticity Severity in the Balance of Post-stroke Patients.Ashraf Mahmoudzadeh, Noureddin Nakhostin Ansari, Soofia Naghdi, Ehsan Ghasemi, Omid Motamedzadeh, Brandon S. Shaw & Ina Shaw - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Background: Lower limb spasticity after stroke is common that can affect the balance, increase the risk of falling, and reduces the quality of life.Objective: First, evaluate the effects of spasticity severity of ankle plantar flexors on balance of patients after stroke. Second, to determine the relationship between the spasticity severity with ankle proprioception, passive ankle dorsiflexion range of motion, and balance confidence.Methods: Twenty-eight patients with stroke based on the Modified Modified Ashworth Scale were divided into two groups: High Spasticity Group (...)
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    Living-Donor Kidney Transplantation in Developing Countries: Walking Sometimes the Tightrope Without a Net….Ahmed Fouad Bouras, Noureddine Bettahar, Hadjar Toumi, Nassim Kazitani, Lamia Kara & Mustapha Benmansour - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (4):1377-1378.
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    Sensor and Actuator Fault Diagnosis Based on Soft Computing Techniques.Abdelhalim Boutarfa, Noureddine Slimane, Kheireddine Chafaa & Mohamed Salah Khireddine - 2015 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 24 (1):1-21.
    Computational intelligence techniques are being investigated as an extension of the traditional fault diagnosis methods. This article presents, for the first time, a scheme for fault detection and isolation via artificial neural networks and fuzzy logic. It deals with the sensor fault of a three-link selective compliance assembly robot arm robot. A second scheme is proposed for fault detection and accommodation via analytical redundancy, and it deals with the sensor fault of a three-link SCARA robot. These proposed FDI approaches are (...)
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    Work expectations of adults with developmental disabilities.David J. Whitney, Christopher R. Warren, Jenni Smith, Milady Arenales, Stephanie Meyers, Melissa Devaney & LeeAnn Christian - 2021 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 15-4 (15-4):321-340.
    L’emploi est au cœur du bien-être d’un individu. Les attentes liées au travail des personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle ont été comparées à celles des coordonnateurs de services. Les variables comprenaient le type de travail attendu, le nombre d’heures de travail prévu, les préoccupations liées à l’emploi, les mesures de soutien souhaitées sur le lieu de travail et l’influence de la gravité de la déficience intellectuelle et de l’expérience de travail du coordonnateur de services sur les attentes en matière de (...)
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    The Effect of Unihemispheric Concurrent Dual-Site Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation of Primary Motor and Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortices on Motor Function in Patients With Sub-Acute Stroke.Sahar Toluee Achacheluee, Leila Rahnama, Noureddin Karimi, Iraj Abdollahi, Syed Asadullah Arslan & Shapour Jaberzadeh - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:372275.
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    A formal ontology for industrial maintenance.Mohamed Hedi Karray, Brigitte Chebel-Morello & Noureddine Zerhouni - 2012 - Applied ontology 7 (3):269-310.
    The rapid advancement of information and communication technologies has resulted in a variety of maintenance support systems and tools covering all sub-domains of maintenance. Most of these systems...
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    1845 Tarihli Temettuat Defterine Göre Ağsaklar/Aksaklar Köyü.Erdinç Pehli̇van - 2023 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 18 (1):141-156.
    On dokuzuncu yüzyıldaki Osmanlı Devleti’nin sosyal ve ekonomik tarihini daha iyi anlamamızı sağlayan önemli kaynaklardan birisi de temettuat defterleridir. Bu defterler, kişilerin mal varlığını, gelir ve vergi miktarlarının sayısını ayrıntılı olarak gösteren sayım kayıtlarıdır. Bu çalışmada günümüzde Kütahya’nın Gediz ilçesine bağlı köylerinden biri olan Ağsaklar/Aksaklar köyünün 1845 yılındaki tarımsal arazi kullanımı ve verimliliği ele alınmıştır. Çalışma, Ağsaklar köyüne ait Hicri 29 Zi’l-hicce 1261 (Miladî 29 Aralık 1845) tarihli 07922 numaralı temettuat defteri esas alınarak yapılmıştır. Defterdeki tüm veriler öncelikle transkribe edilmiştir (...)
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    The Works of al-Kāfiyajī and Its Contribution to the Arabic Linguistic: Identification, Classification and Evaluation.Murat Tala - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (3):1081-1111.
    Muhyiddîn el-Kâfiyecî (öl. 879/1474), on beşinci yüzyıl Saruhanoğulları, Osmanlı ve Memlüklü alimlerindendir. Yüzden çok eser yazmıştır. Makale Kâfiyeci’nin hayatı ve eserlerini araştırır. Yazdığı eserler, onun, Arap dili, Arap grameri, belagat, tarih metodolojisi, hadis ve usulü, tefsir ve usulü, fıkıh ve usulü, kelâm, tasavvuf, dil felsefesi, semantik, metafizik meseleler, geometri, optik ve astronomi gibi konularda uzmanlaştığını göstermektedir. Kâfiyeci en önemli eserlerini Arap dili ve mantık sahalarında yazmıştır. Eserleri içerisinde yaptığı linguistik çözümlemeler, onun yetkin bir dil alimi olduğunu göstermektedir. Kâfiyeci eserlerini yazarken (...)
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  14. Abū Bakr Ibn al-'Arabī (d. 543/1148): legacy and impact on the transmission of al-Ghazālī's thought (d. 505/1111) in al-Andalus.Ilyass Amharar (ed.) - 2024 - Boston: Brill.
    Gathering the proceedings of a symposium organized on the occasion of the 900th anniversary of the qḍi ibn al-Arabi's (d. 543/1148) passing, this volume brings together a diverse array of contributions highlighting his legacy, his relationship with his master al-Ghazli (d. 505/1111), his unparalleled role in the transmission of Islamic knowledge in al-Andalus, and his lasting impact on various disciplines, including ḥadith, theology, Islamic law, Quranic exegesis, legal theory, grammar, adab, and Sufism. This book, written by internationally recognized scholars, not (...)
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  15. Abū Bakr Ibn al-'Arabī (d. 543/1148): legacy and impact on the transmission of al-Ghazālī's thought (d. 505/1111) in al-Andalus.Ilyass Amharar (ed.) - 2024 - Boston: Brill.
    Gathering the proceedings of a symposium organized on the occasion of the 900th anniversary of the qḍi ibn al-Arabi's (d. 543/1148) passing, this volume brings together a diverse array of contributions highlighting his legacy, his relationship with his master al-Ghazli (d. 505/1111), his unparalleled role in the transmission of Islamic knowledge in al-Andalus, and his lasting impact on various disciplines, including ḥadith, theology, Islamic law, Quranic exegesis, legal theory, grammar, adab, and Sufism. This book, written by internationally recognized scholars, not (...)
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