Results for 'Nhu Trần'

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  1.  4
    Journey from Helplessness to Resilience and Post-Traumatic Growth: A Phenomenological Research among a Group of Vietnamese during the Pandemic.Thanh Tu Nguyen, Mai Lien Le, So Nhu Tran, Phuong Thao Tran, Thi Lien Pham & Xuan Diep Ngo - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1436-1450.
    The purpose of the study is to explore the in-depth understanding of participants' journeys from helplessness to resilience and post-traumatic growth during COVID-19. The participants’ experiences are taken into consideration and examined in depth. To do so, we employ a phenomenological methodology which is concerned particularly with individual experiences and is exploratory. 90 participants (17 males, 72 females, and the other 1, aged 18-52) were invited to participate in the survey with two self-report questions. The participants’ levels of education include: (...)
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    The Religious Aspect of Confucianism During The Ly-Tran Dynasties, Vietnam.Nhu Nguyen & Quyet Nguyen - 2024 - Griot 24 (2):234-246.
    This article explores the religious dimensions of Confucianism during the Ly-Tran dynasties (1009-1400 AD) in Vietnam, a period marked by significant sociopolitical and cultural transitions. Initially introduced as a moral and ethical philosophy from China, Confucianism underwent a complex process of localization, blending with indigenous Vietnamese beliefs and practices as well as Buddhism and Taoism. Through historical records, literary works, and ritual practices documented in “The Complete Annals of Đại Việt” and other classical texts, this study delves into how Confucianism (...)
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    Do Old Board Directors Promote Corporate Social Responsibility?Han-Hsing Lee, Woan-lih Liang, Quynh-Nhu Tran & Quang-Thai Truong - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 195 (1):67-93.
    This study investigates the influence of old directors on corporate social responsibility (CSR) using roughly 25,000 firm-year observations from 2001 to 2015 in the United States. We employ the widely used selection, optimization, and compensation (SOC) model from psychology to explain the CSR decisions of old directors. Our results indicate that firms with a higher percentage of old directors tend to have lower engagement in CSR activities. To address endogeneity, we adopt the difference-in-differences method and use the event of sudden (...)
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  4. Có chính sách đãi ngộ hấp dẫn để thu hút trí thức, nhân tài.V. Trần - 2023 - Báo Lao Động.
    Cải cách tiền lương là một trong những nội dung quan trọng sẽ được thảo luận tại Kỳ họp thứ 6, Quốc hội khóa XV và đây cũng là một trong những chìa khoá để mở ra các chính sách đãi ngộ nhằm góp phần xây dựng, phát triển đội ngũ trí thức nước nhà, đáp ứng yêu cầu phát triển đất nước nhanh và bền vững trong giai đoạn mới như nội dung mà Hội nghị Trung ương 8 khoá (...)
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    Le processus d'interpretation dans les bandes dessinées selon les classes de signes peircéennes.Nhu-Hoa Nguyen - 2003 - Semiotics:288-304.
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    Jonathan Tran’s Response to John Bowlin.Jonathan Tran - 2021 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 41 (2):249-250.
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  7. Exploring predictors of donation willingness for urban public parks in Vietnam: Socio-demographic factors, motivations, and visitation frequency.Thi Mai Anh Tran, Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Manh Tan Le, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Rapid urbanization in Vietnam significantly impacts the environment and human well-being. Public parks are crucial for enhancing social and environmental sustainability in urban areas, yet their establishment and expansion require substantial funding. This study investigates the factors influencing Vietnamese urban residents’ willingness to donate to planting projects in public parks, utilizing the Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF), which combines Mindsponge Theory’s informational entropy-based notion of value with Bayesian analysis. Analyzing data from 535 residents in major Vietnamese cities, we found that while (...)
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    The Fantasy of the Good Death.Johnathan Tran & Mathew A. Crawford - 2025 - Christian Bioethics 31 (1):41-51.
    Good people often die badly, and, sometimes, bad people die well. Both are true for complex reasons. We worry that the tropic formulation trades on a simplistic anthropology that belies the complexities of how persons operate in the world. In this essay, we are interested in these complexities and a better theological acknowledgement of them, not least because the fantasy of the good death ill prepares one for real death. We argue that valorizing pious religious death and profane ugly death (...)
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  9. Triết học và cuộc đấu tranh ý thúc hệ: về một số trào lưu triết học tư sản hiện đại.Như Cương Phạm (ed.) - 1982 - Hà Nội: Thông tin lý luận.
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    A Philosophical Disease: Bioethics, Culture and Identity.Knut Erik Tranøy, Carl Elliott & Knut Erik Tranoy - 1999 - Hastings Center Report 29 (5):43.
  11.  55
    The Vietnamese Social Sciences at a Fork in the Road.Quan-Hoang Vuong & Trung Tran (eds.) - 2019 - Warsaw, Poland: De Gruyter.
    Aims and Scope -/- The Vietnamese Social Sciences and Humanities at a Fork in the Road, utilizing an object-oriented structured database on the productivity of Vietnamese researchers, seeks to provide a comprehensive overview of the development of Social Sciences and Humanities in Vietnam from 2008 to 2018. -/- Quan-Hoang Vuong (Ph.D., Université Libre de Bruxelles) is the director of Centre for Interdisciplinary Social Research, Phenikaa University in Hanoi, Vietnam. He is chairman of the Vietnam chapter of the European Association of (...)
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  12. Hegel, Hinrichs, and Schleiermacher on Feeling and Reason in Religion: The Texts of Their 1821–22 Debate.Ed. trans. and with introductions by Eric von der Luft also including A. new critical edition of the German text of Hegel’S. “Hinrichs Foreword.” (Studies in German Thought and History & 3) - 1987.
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  13. Authority orientations and democratic attitudes: A test of the 'Asian values' hypothesis.Russell J. Dalton & Nhu-Ngoc T. Ong - 2005 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 6 (2):211-231.
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  14. Vilkårslogikk.Knut Erik Tranøy - 1970 - Bergen,: Universitetsforlaget.
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  15. Bridging the foundational gap between theory and practice : the paradigm on the evolution of business ethics to business law.Ben Tran & United States - 2015 - In Daniel E. Palmer, Handbook of research on business ethics and corporate responsibilities. Hershey: Business Science Reference, An Imprint of IGI Global.
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    Automated reference resolution in legal texts.Oanh Thi Tran, Bach Xuan Ngo, Minh Le Nguyen & Akira Shimazu - 2014 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 22 (1):29-60.
    This paper investigates the task of reference resolution in the legal domain. This is a new interesting task in Legal Engineering research. The goal is to create a system which can automatically detect references and then extracts their referents. Previous work limits itself to detect and resolve references at the document targets. In this paper, we go a step further in trying to resolve references to sub-document targets. Referents extracted are the smallest fragments of texts in documents, rather than the (...)
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    Impact of COVID-19 on Economic Well-Being and Quality of Life of the Vietnamese During the National Social Distancing.Bach Xuan Tran, Hien Thi Nguyen, Huong Thi Le, Carl A. Latkin, Hai Quang Pham, Linh Gia Vu, Xuan Thi Thanh Le, Thao Thanh Nguyen, Quan Thi Pham, Nhung Thi Kim Ta, Quynh Thi Nguyen, Cyrus S. H. Ho & Roger C. M. Ho - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  18. How Digital Natives Learn and Thrive in the Digital Age: Evidence from an Emerging Economy.Trung Tran, Manh-Toan Ho, Thanh-Hang Pham, Minh-Hoang Nguyen, Khanh-Linh P. Nguyen, Thu-Trang Vuong, Thanh-Huyen T. Nguyen, Thanh-Dung Nguyen, Thi-Linh Nguyen, Quy Khuc, Viet-Phuong La & Quan-Hoang Vuong - 2020 - Sustainability 12 (9):3819.
    As a generation of ‘digital natives,’ secondary students who were born from 2002 to 2010 have various approaches to acquiring digital knowledge. Digital literacy and resilience are crucial for them to navigate the digital world as much as the real world; however, these remain under-researched subjects, especially in developing countries. In Vietnam, the education system has put considerable effort into teaching students these skills to promote quality education as part of the United Nations-defined Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4). This issue (...)
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    Assessing the Augustinian Democrats.Jonathan Tran - 2018 - Journal of Religious Ethics 46 (3):521-547.
    In this essay I argue that Christian political participation as envisioned by those I term “Augustinian democrats”—a group of Protestant ethicists following a path cleared by Jeffrey Stout’s 2004 Democracy and Tradition—is founded upon an elegantly rendered political ontology, but leaves incomplete a description of the practical task and place of the church. My contention is that this incompletely developed practical task is not accidental to the manner in which these Augustinians complete the speculative, ontological task. The completion of the (...)
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  20.  18
    Efficient crowdsourcing of unknown experts using bounded multi-armed bandits.Long Tran-Thanh, Sebastian Stein, Alex Rogers & Nicholas R. Jennings - 2014 - Artificial Intelligence 214 (C):89-111.
  21. 'Ought' Implies 'Can': a Bridge from Fact to Norm (Part 2)?Knut Erik Tranøy - 1975 - Ratio (Misc.) 17 (2):147-175.
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    Consumers’ Responses to Moral Transgressions in the Fashion Industry: Comparative Insights from Western Developed and Southeast Asian Emerging Markets.Thi Thanh Huong Tran & Fabian Bartsch - 2025 - Journal of Business Ethics 196 (4):773-806.
    Using an institutional perspective, this paper investigates how consumers in Western developed and Southeast Asian emerging markets respond to fashion brands’ moral transgressions and how consumers’ moral rationalization tendencies vary across the two markets. The study employs multimethod analyses, including cross-national secondary data from 12 countries and experimental data from 940 German and Vietnamese consumers. In a non-transgression context, the multivariate analyses show that Western developed-market consumers embrace higher ethical standards (Study 1A), tend to seek collective action against prevalent immoral (...)
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  23.  53
    Implicit interpretation biases affect emotional vulnerability: A training study.Tanya B. Tran, Matthias Siemer & Jutta Joormann - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (3):546-558.
    Cognitive theories of emotion propose that the interpretation of emotion-eliciting situations crucially shapes affective responses. Implicit or automatic biases in these interpretations may hinder emotion regulation and thereby increase risk for the onset and maintenance of psychological disorders. In this study, participants were randomly assigned to a positive or negative interpretation bias training using ambiguous social scenarios. After the completion of the training, a stress task was administered and changes in positive and negative affect and self-esteem were assessed. The results (...)
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    Tími heimspekinnar í framhaldsskólanum.Kristín Hildur Sætran - 2010 - Reykjavík: Háskólaútgáfan.
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    Gaobie (saying goodbye). A review of events and philosophical discussions at the "international research seminar on the thought of Feng Youlan".Thanh van Tran - 1994 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 21 (3-4):241-251.
  26.  6
    Fornuft eller følelse.Knut Erik Tranøy - 1961 - [Bergen]: Universitetsforlaget, i kommisjon.
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    Looking Up and Looking Out.Jonathan Tran & Matthew Philipp Whelan - 2024 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 21 (2):248-268.
    This essay reads W. E. B. Du Bois’s Black Reconstruction and Óscar Romero’s third pastoral letter, The Church and Popular Political Organizations, as offering a liberation-driven and Gospel-minded account of coalitional solidarity. After tracing Du Bois’s analysis of the “public and psychological wage” of racial capitalism and its divide-and-conquer strategy, the authors turn to how democracy for Du Bois involves a double maneuver of looking up from concrete reality to look out for coalitional solidarity. The authors also find a similar (...)
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  28. The foundations of cognitive activity: An historical and systematic sketch.Knut Erik Tran - 1976 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 19 (1-4):131 – 150.
  29. Zhuangzi with Lacan.Brandon Van Tran - 2025 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 19 (1).
    The two main figures of authority in contemporary psychoanalysis are Freud and Lacan. Yet there is an intrusion that is missed in this utterance. Zhuangzi serves as this extra intrusion, the third figure of authority in psychoanalysis. Both Freud and Lacan arguably owe their existence to such a text. There is a gap, however, in that Freud and Lacan published limited engagements with Zhuangzi. This study aims not to plug the gap altogether, but to confront it. A close reading of (...)
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    Formalizing sensing actions— A transition function based approach.Tran Cao Son & Chitta Baral - 2001 - Artificial Intelligence 125 (1-2):19-91.
  31.  17
    A Family of dp-Minimal Expansions of (Z;+).Chieu-Minh Tran & Erik Walsberg - 2023 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 64 (2):225-238.
    We consider structures of the form (Z;+,C), where C is an additive cyclic order on (Z;+). We show that such structures are dp-minimal and in this way produce a continuum-size family of dp-minimal expansions of (Z;+) such that no two members of the family define the same subsets of Z.
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  32. Reasoning about Sensing Actions in Domains with Multi-Valued Fluents.Tran Cao Son, Phan Huy Tu & Xin Zhang - 2005 - Studia Logica 79 (1):135-160.
    In this paper, we discuss the weakness of current action languages for sensing actions with respect to modeling domains with multi-valued fluents. To address this problem, we propose a language with sensing actions and multi-valued fluents, called AMK, provide a transition function based semantics for the language, and demonstrate its use through several examples from the literature. We then define the entailment relationship between action theories and queries in AMK, denoted by ⊧AMK, and discuss some properties about AMK.
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    Encoded summarization: summarizing documents into continuous vector space for legal case retrieval.Vu Tran, Minh Le Nguyen, Satoshi Tojo & Ken Satoh - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 28 (4):441-467.
    We present our method for tackling a legal case retrieval task by introducing our method of encoding documents by summarizing them into continuous vector space via our phrase scoring framework utilizing deep neural networks. On the other hand, we explore the benefits from combining lexical features and latent features generated with neural networks. Our experiments show that lexical features and latent features generated with neural networks complement each other to improve the retrieval system performance. Furthermore, our experimental results suggest the (...)
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    “It is complicated!”: Practices and challenges of generic skills assessment in Vietnamese universities.Tran Le Huu Nghia - 2017 - Educational Studies 44 (2):230-246.
    Contributing to a lack of studies related to generic skills assessment, especially in non-Western university contexts, this article reports a study that explored practices and challenges of assessing students’ GS in the Business Administration programmes in six Vietnamese universities. Content analysis of interviews with 41 teachers of skills subjects and specialised subjects revealed that teachers were organising different formative and summative GS-assessment activities. Unfortunately, the analysis indicated that their GS-assessment practices were fragmented across subjects in the curriculum. Teachers’ beliefs regarding (...)
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    Does context matter for sustainability disclosure? Institutional factors in Southeast Asia.Mi Tran & Eshani Beddewela - 2020 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (2):282-302.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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  36. Medical ethics in norway: Modern medicine — traditional morality.Knut Erik Tranøy - 1988 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 9 (3).
    In Norway, by tradition a Lutheran country, the puritan ethics of a moral minority has a strong influence on the development and manifestations of medical ethics. Those who exert this influence are found primarily among politicians, the clergy, and, last but certainly not least, among nurses and doctors. The focus of interest is not so much on problems of bioethical moral theory or the teaching of bioethics to students, but very much on attitudes and policies with regard to substantive issues (...)
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    Biomedical Value Conflict.Knut Erik Tranøy - 1988 - Hastings Center Report 18 (4):8-10.
  38.  54
    The Phenomenology of Mind and its Real Content.Tran Duc Thao - 1971 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1971 (8):91-110.
  39.  22
    ‘Get Foot in the Door’: International Students’ Perceptions of Work Integrated Learning.Ly Thi Tran & Sri Soejatminah - 2016 - British Journal of Educational Studies 64 (3):337-355.
  40.  17
    La mort et le problème de Dieu dans la pensée de Ludwig Feuerbach. Trân-vàn-Toàn - 1975 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 73 (18):304-361.
    Les problèmes de la mort, de l'immortalité et de Dieu ont entre eux une connexion étroite. Ils constituent, après la mort de Hegel, le centre des débats entre ses disciples. Les réflexions de Feuerbach sur ces problèmes, principalement dans les Pensées sur la mort et l'immortalité (1830) et La question de l'immortalité du point de vue de l'anthropologie (1846), ont pour but de dissiper les entités imaginaires de l'au-delà et de poser la vérité et la consistance de ce monde. La (...)
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    Fixed-Time Complex Modified Function Projective Lag Synchronization of Chaotic Complex Systems.Xuan-Toa Tran & Hee-Jun Kang - 2017 - Complexity:1-9.
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    Adaptive Integral Second-Order Sliding Mode Control Design for Load Frequency Control of Large-Scale Power System with Communication Delays.Anh-Tuan Tran, Bui Le Ngoc Minh, Phong Thanh Tran, Van Van Huynh, Van-Duc Phan, Viet-Thanh Pham & Tam Minh Nguyen - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-19.
    Nowadays, the power systems are getting more and more complicated because of the delays introduced by the communication networks. The existence of the delays usually leads to the degradation and/or instability of power system performance. On account of this point, the traditional load frequency control approach for power system sketches a destabilizing impact and an unacceptable system performance. Therefore, this paper proposes a new LFC based on adaptive integral second-order sliding mode control approach for the large-scale power system with communication (...)
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  43.  28
    Banishing the poets: Reflections on free speech and literary censorship in Vietnam.Richard Quang-Anh Tran - 2022 - Sage Publications Ltd: Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (4):603-618.
    Philosophy & Social Criticism, Volume 48, Issue 4, Page 603-618, May 2022. The article examines the status of free speech in Vietnam in light of some of the explosive debates that have flared up in both the US and Europe. It argues that unlike in the West the Vietnamese case requires a critical defense to augment the space for free speech as such. To lead up to this conclusion, the essay looks at two case studies of literary censorship in Vietnam (...)
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    École du parti et formation des élites dirigeantes en Chine.Émilie Tran - 2007 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 122 (1):123-144.
    Dans un régime comme celui de la République populaire de Chine, où prévaut la suprématie d’un Parti-État unique, la politique et le politique constituent, a fortiori plus qu’ailleurs, la chasse gardée de l’élite dirigeante du pays, à savoir les cadres du Parti communiste. Cet article tente de saisir qui sont les élites politiques aux commandes de la Chine d’aujourd’hui à travers l’analyse du modus operandi de l’École des cadres du Parti de Shanghai. L’étude de cette institution, qui participe à la (...)
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  45. Diane Davis RHE 321 October 27, 2009 The Ethics and Effects of Race-Based Medicine.Emma Tran - forthcoming - Ethics.
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    They Buried Him in California.Catherine G. Tran - 2016 - Journal of Medical Humanities 37 (4):493-493.
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    Biometric security: Are inexpensive biometric devices reliable enough to gain wide-spread security usage?Brian Thanh Tran - 2006 - Inquiry: The University of Arkansas Undergraduate Research Journal 7.
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    Contribution with the analysis of conversation corpus for understanding of conversation of verbal communication disorders in the Alzheimer’s disease.Thi Mai Tran, Maïté Boye, Sandrine Mejias & Natalia Grabar - 2018 - Corpus 19.
    Les troubles du langage font partie des troubles cognitifs présents dans la maladie d’Alzheimer. Ils sont le plus souvent étudiés dans des tâches cliniques ciblées, éloignées des situations de communication naturelle. Leur but est de mettre en évidence les déficits linguistiques comme par exemple les troubles lexico-sémantiques présents dès le début de l’évolution et spécifiques de la maladie. Nous avons choisi de compléter les épreuves classiques d’évaluation du langage par l’étude d’une situation d’échange conversationnel en essayant de dégager de nouveaux (...)
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    Custodians of Morality, Motherhood, and Whiteness: Sex Education for Girls in American Schools During the Early 1920s.Emily Tran - 2017 - Constellations 8 (2):67-77.
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    Finansialiseringens tidsalder.Bent Sofus Tranøy - 2017 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 34 (2-3):32-62.
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