Results for 'Newtonians'

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  1. Pt. 2. the age of faith to the age of reason: Lecture 1. Aquinas' summa theologica, the thomist sythesis and its political and social context ; lecture 2. more's utopia, reason and social justice ; lecture 3. Machiavelli's the Prince, political realism, political science, and the renaissance ; lecture 4. Bacon's new organon, the call for a new science, guest lecture / by Alan Kors ; lecture 5. Descartes' epistemology and the mind-body problem ; lecture 6. Hobbes' leviathan, of man, guest lecture / by Dennis Dalton ; lecture 7. Hobbes' leviathan, of the commonwealth, guest lecture by. [REVIEW]Dennis Dalton, Metaphysics Lecture 8Spinoza'S. Ethics, the Path To Salvation, Guest Lecture by Alan Kors Lecture 9the Newtonian Revolution, Lecture 10the Early Enlightenment, Viso'S. New Science of History The Search for the Laws of History, Lecture 11Pascal'S. Pensees & Lecture 12the Philosophy of G. W. Liebniz - 2000 - In Darren Staloff, Louis Markos, Jeremy duQuesnay Adams, Phillip Cary, Dennis Dalton, Alan Charles Kors, Jeremy Shearmur, Robert C. Solomon, Robert Kane, Kathleen Marie Higgins, Mark W. Risjord & Douglas Kellner (eds.), Great Minds of the Western Intellectual Tradition, 3rd edition. Washington DC: The Great Courses.
  2.  90
    Newtonian Mechanics.Ryan Samaroo - 2022 - In Eleanor Knox & Alastair Wilson (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Physics. London, UK: Routledge.
    Newtonian mechanics is more than just an empirically successful theory of matter in motion: it is an account of what knowledge of the physical world should look like. But what is this account? What is distinctive about it? To answer these questions, I begin by introducing the laws of motion, the relations among them, and the spatio-temporal framework that is implicit in them. Then I turn to the question of their methodological character. This has been the locus of philosophical discussion (...)
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    Newtonian Equivalence Principles.James Read & Nicholas J. Teh - 2023 - Erkenntnis 88 (8):3479-3503.
    The equivalence principle has constituted one of the cornerstones of discussions in the foundations of spacetime theories over the past century. However, up to this point the principle has been considered overwhelmingly only within the context of relativistic physics. In this article, we demonstrate that the principle has much broader, super-theoretic significance: to do so, we present a unified framework for understanding the principle in its various guises, applicable to both relativistic and Newtonian contexts. We thereby deepen significantly our understanding (...)
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  4. Newtonian Forces.Jessica Wilson - 2007 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 58 (2):173-205.
    Newtonian forces are pushes and pulls, possessing magnitude and direction, that are exerted (in the first instance) by objects, and which cause (in particular) motions. I defend Newtonian forces against the four best reasons for denying or doubting their existence. A running theme in my defense of forces will be the suggestion that Newtonian Mechanics is a special science, and as such has certain prima facie ontological rights and privileges, that may be maintained against various challenges.
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  5.  47
    Non-Newtonian Mathematics Instead of Non-Newtonian Physics: Dark Matter and Dark Energy from a Mismatch of Arithmetics.Marek Czachor - 2020 - Foundations of Science 26 (1):75-95.
    Newtonian physics is based on Newtonian calculus applied to Newtonian dynamics. New paradigms such as ‘modified Newtonian dynamics’ change the dynamics, but do not alter the calculus. However, calculus is dependent on arithmetic, that is the ways we add and multiply numbers. For example, in special relativity we add and subtract velocities by means of addition β1⊕β2=tanh+tanh-1)\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\beta _1\oplus \beta _2=\tanh \big +\tanh ^{-1}\big )$$\end{document}, although multiplication β1⊙β2=tanh·tanh-1)\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} (...)
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  6.  63
    Discrete Newtonian gravitation and the three-body problem.Donald Greenspan - 1974 - Foundations of Physics 4 (2):299-310.
    Newtonian gravitation is studied from a discrete point of view, in that the dynamical equation is an energy-conserving difference equation. Application is made to planetary-type, nondegenerate three-body problems and several computer examples of perturbed orbits are given.
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  7. Newtonian Emanation, Spinozism, Measurement and the Baconian Origins of the Laws of Nature.Eric Schliesser - 2013 - Foundations of Science 18 (3):449-466.
    The first two sections of this paper investigate what Newton could have meant in a now famous passage from “De Graviatione” (hereafter “DeGrav”) that “space is as it were an emanative effect of God.” First it offers a careful examination of the four key passages within DeGrav that bear on this. The paper shows that the internal logic of Newton’s argument permits several interpretations. In doing so, the paper calls attention to a Spinozistic strain in Newton’s thought. Second it sketches (...)
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  8.  15
    Newtonian Fractional-Dimension Gravity and MOND.Gabriele U. Varieschi - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (11):1608-1644.
    This paper introduces a possible alternative model of gravity based on the theory of fractional-dimension spaces and its applications to Newtonian gravity. In particular, Gauss’s law for gravity as well as other fundamental classical laws are extended to a D-dimensional metric space, where D can be a non-integer dimension. We show a possible connection between this Newtonian Fractional-Dimension Gravity (NFDG) and Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND), a leading alternative gravity model which accounts for the observed properties of galaxies and other astrophysical (...)
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  9.  92
    Newtonian Science, Miracles, and the Laws of Nature.Peter Harrison - 1995 - Journal of the History of Ideas 56 (4):531 - 553.
    Newton, along with a number of other seventeenth-century scientists, is frequently charged with having held an inconsistent view of nature and its operations, believing on the one hand in immutable laws of nature, and on the other in divine interventions into the natural order. In this paper I argue that Newton, William Whiston, and Samuel Clarke, came to understand miracles, not as violations of laws of nature, but rather as beneficent coincidences which were remarkable either because they were unusual, or (...)
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  10.  19
    Newtonian gravitation in Maxwell spacetime.Elliott D. Chen - 2023 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 102 (C):22-30.
  11.  20
    Reconsidering Newtonian Temporality in the Context of Time Pressures of Higher Education.Jarkko Tapani Impola - 2023 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 42 (4):431-448.
    This article concerns the problem of time pressures in higher education from the perspective of Newtonian (clock)time and pedagogical action. While most recent critiques of contemporary time pressures turn to alternative time theories in place of Newtonian temporality, the current paper outlines a way to conceive education from a Newtonian time perspective while also retaining theorizations of education as a form of cyclical and uncertain interaction. Time is theorized as changes in the immediate present which transform an uncertain and potential (...)
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  12.  85
    A Paradox in Newtonian Gravitation Theory.John D. Norton - 1992 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1992:412 - 420.
    Newtonian cosmology is logically inconsistent. I show its inconsistency in a rigorous but simple and qualitative demonstration. "Logic driven" and "content driven" methods of controlling logical anarchy are distinguished.
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  13. Are Newtonian Gravitation and Geometrized Newtonian Gravitation Theoretically Equivalent?James Owen Weatherall - 2016 - Erkenntnis 81 (5):1073-1091.
    I argue that a criterion of theoretical equivalence due to Glymour :227–251, 1977) does not capture an important sense in which two theories may be equivalent. I then motivate and state an alternative criterion that does capture the sense of equivalence I have in mind. The principal claim of the paper is that relative to this second criterion, the answer to the question posed in the title is “yes”, at least on one natural understanding of Newtonian gravitation.
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  14. Newtonian determinism to branching space-times indeterminism in two moves.Nuel Belnap - 2012 - Synthese 188 (1):5-21.
    “Branching space-times” (BST) is intended as a representation of objective, event-based indeterminism. As such, BST exhibits both a spatio-temporal aspect and an indeterministic “modal” aspect of alternative possible historical courses of events. An essential feature of BST is that it can also represent spatial or space-like relationships as part of its (more or less) relativistic theory of spatio-temporal relations; this ability is essential for the representation of local (in contrast with “global”) indeterminism. This essay indicates how BST might be seen (...)
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  15. Is Newtonian cosmology really inconsistent?David B. Malament - 1995 - Philosophy of Science 62 (4):489-510.
    John Norton has recently argued that Newtonian gravitation theory (at least as applied to cosmological contexts where one envisions the possibility of a homogeneous mass distribution throughout all of space) is inconsistent. I am not convinced. Traditional formulations of the theory may seem to break down in cases of the sort Norton considers. But the difficulties they face are only apparent. They are artifacts of the formulations themselves, and disappear if one passes to the so-called "geometrized" formulation of the theory.
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  16.  34
    Newtonian Dynamics from the Principle of Maximum Caliber.Diego González, Sergio Davis & Gonzalo Gutiérrez - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (9):923-931.
    The foundations of Statistical Mechanics can be recovered almost in their entirety from the principle of maximum entropy. In this work we show that its non-equilibrium generalization, the principle of maximum caliber (Jaynes, Phys Rev 106:620–630, 1957), when applied to the unknown trajectory followed by a particle, leads to Newton’s second law under two quite intuitive assumptions (both the expected square displacement in one step and the spatial probability distribution of the particle are known at all times). Our derivation explicitly (...)
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  17.  20
    Transreal Newtonian physics operates at singularities.James A. D. W. Anderson & Tiago Soares dos Reis - 2015 - Synesis 7 (2):57-81.
    Sir Isaac Newton, writing in Latin, defined his celebrated laws of motion verbally. When the laws of motion are read as relating to his arithmetic and his calculus, division by zero is undefined so his physics fails at mathematical singularities. The situation is unchanged in modern real arithmetic and real calculus: division by zero is undefined so both Newtonian Physics and its modern developments fail at mathematical singularities. However, when Newton’s text is read as relating to transreal arithmetic and transreal (...)
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  18. Newtonian Spacetime Structure in Light of the Equivalence Principle.Eleanor Knox - 2014 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 65 (4):863-880.
    I argue that the best spacetime setting for Newtonian gravitation (NG) is the curved spacetime setting associated with geometrized Newtonian gravitation (GNG). Appreciation of the ‘Newtonian equivalence principle’ leads us to conclude that the gravitational field in NG itself is a gauge quantity, and that the freely falling frames are naturally identified with inertial frames. In this context, the spacetime structure of NG is represented not by the flat neo-Newtonian connection usually made explicit in formulations, but by the sum of (...)
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  19. Space-time relationism in Newtonian and relativistic physics.Dennis Dieks - 2000 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 15 (1):5 – 17.
    I argue that there is natural relationist interpretation of Newtonian and relativistic non-quantum physics. Although relationist, this interpretation does not fall prey to the traditional objections based on the existence of inertial effects.
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  20.  31
    Non-Newtonian Aspects of Artificial Intelligence.Michail Zak - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (5):517-553.
    The challenge of this work is to connect physics with the concept of intelligence. By intelligence we understand a capability to move from disorder to order without external resources, i.e., in violation of the second law of thermodynamics. The objective is to find such a mathematical object described by ODE that possesses such a capability. The proposed approach is based upon modification of the Madelung version of the Schrodinger equation by replacing the force following from quantum potential with non-conservative forces (...)
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  21. From Newtonian determinism to branching-space-time indeterminism.Nuel Belnap - 2007
  22. The Newtonian moment in Italy: A post-scriptum.Paolo Casini - 2006 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 61 (2):299-316.
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  23. Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Elements in Hume.Matias Slavov - 2016 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 14 (3):275-296.
    For the last forty years, Hume's Newtonianism has been a debated topic in Hume scholarship. The crux of the matter can be formulated by the following question: Is Hume a Newtonian philosopher? Debates concerning this question have produced two lines of interpretation. I shall call them ‘traditional’ and ‘critical’ interpretations. The traditional interpretation asserts that there are many Newtonian elements in Hume, whereas the critical interpretation seriously questions this. In this article, I consider the main points made by both lines (...)
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  24. More problems for Newtonian cosmology.David Wallace - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 57:35-40.
    I point out a radical indeterminism in potential-based formulations of Newtonian gravity once we drop the condition that the potential vanishes at infinity. This indeterminism, which is well known in theoretical cosmology but has received little attention in foundational discussions, can be removed only by specifying boundary conditions at all instants of time, which undermines the theory's claim to be fully cosmological, i.e., to apply to the Universe as a whole. A recent alternative formulation of Newtonian gravity due to Saunders (...)
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  25.  33
    Against Reducing Newtonian Mass to Kinematical Quantities.Niels C. M. Martens - unknown
    It is argued that Newtonian mass cannot be reduced to kinematical quantities---distance, velocity and acceleration---without losing the explanatory and predictive power of Newtonian Gravity.
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  26. Newtonian supertasks: A critical analysis.Joseph S. Alper & Mark Bridger - 1998 - Synthese 114 (2):355-369.
    In two recent papers Perez Laraudogoitia has described a variety of supertasks involving elastic collisions in Newtonian systems containing a denumerably infinite set of particles. He maintains that these various supertasks give examples of systems in which energy is not conserved, particles at rest begin to move spontaneously, particles disappear from a system, and particles are created ex nihilo. An analysis of these supertasks suggests that they involve systems that do not satisfy the mathematical conditions required of Newtonian systems at (...)
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  27.  82
    Newtonian forces and evolutionary biology: A problem and solution for extending the force interpretation.Joshua Filler - 2009 - Philosophy of Science 76 (5):774-783.
    There has recently been a renewed interest in the “force” interpretation of evolutionary biology. In this article, I present the general structure of the arguments for the force interpretation and identify a problem in its overly permissive conditions for being a Newtonian force. I then attempt a solution that (1) helps to illuminate the difference between forces and other types of causes and (2) makes room for random genetic drift as a force. In particular, I argue that forces are not (...)
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  28.  23
    Energy in Newtonian Gravity.Tobias Eklund & Ingemar Bengtsson - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 53 (1):1–14.
    In Newtonian gravity it is a moot question whether energy should be localized in the field or inside matter. An argument from relativity suggests a compromise in which the contribution from the field in vacuum is positive definite. We show that the same compromise is implied by Noether’s theorem applied to a variational principle for perfect fluids, if we assume Dirichlet boundary conditions on the potential. We then analyse a thought experiment due to Bondi and McCrea that gives a clean (...)
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    Does Newtonian Space Provide Identity to Quantum Systems?Décio Krause - 2019 - Foundations of Science 24 (2):197-215.
    Physics is not just mathematics. This seems trivial, but poses difficult and interesting questions. In this paper we analyse a particular discrepancy between non-relativistic quantum mechanics and ‘classical’ space and time. We also suggest, but not discuss, the case of the relativistic QM. In this work, we are more concerned with the notion of space and its mathematical representation. The mathematics entails that any two spatially separated objects are necessarily different, which implies that they are discernible —we say that the (...)
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    Conformal Invariance of the Newtonian Weyl Tensor.Neil Dewar & James Read - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (11):1418-1425.
    It is well-known that the conformal structure of a relativistic spacetime is of profound physical and conceptual interest. In this note, we consider the analogous structure for Newtonian theories. We show that the Newtonian Weyl tensor is an invariant of this structure.
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    Against Laplacian Reduction of Newtonian Mass to Spatiotemporal Quantities.Niels C. M. Martens - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (5):591-609.
    Laplace wondered about the minimal choice of initial variables and parameters corresponding to a well-posed initial value problem. Discussions of Laplace’s problem in the literature have focused on choosing between spatiotemporal variables relative to absolute space or merely relative to other material bodies and between absolute masses or merely mass ratios. This paper extends these discussions of Laplace’s problem, in the context of Newtonian Gravity, by asking whether mass needs to be included in the initial state at all, or whether (...)
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  32.  29
    Newtonian cosmology with renormalized zero point radiation.P. F. Browne - 1994 - Apeiron (Misc) 19:26-31.
  33.  47
    Gravitational Energy in Newtonian Gravity: A Response to Dewar and Weatherall.Patrick M. Duerr & James Read - 2019 - Foundations of Physics 49 (10):1086-1110.
    The paper investigates the status of gravitational energy in Newtonian Gravity, developing upon recent work by Dewar and Weatherall. The latter suggest that gravitational energy is a gauge quantity. This is potentially misleading: its gauge status crucially depends on the spacetime setting one adopts. In line with Møller-Nielsen’s plea for a motivational approach to symmetries, we supplement Dewar and Weatherall’s work by discussing gravitational energy–stress in Newtonian spacetime, Galilean spacetime, Maxwell-Huygens spacetime, and Newton–Cartan Theory. Although we ultimately concur with Dewar (...)
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  34. Was Newtonian cosmology really inconsistent?Peter Vickers - 2009 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 40 (3):197-208.
    This paper follows up a debate as to the consistency of Newtonian cosmology. Whereas Malament has shown that Newtonian cosmology *is* not inconsistent, to date there has been no analysis of Norton’s claim that Newtonian cosmology *was* inconsistent prior to certain advances in the 1930s, and in particular prior to Seeliger’s seminal paper of 1895. In this paper I agree that there are assumptions, Newtonian and cosmological in character, and relevant to the real history of science, which are inconsistent. But (...)
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  35.  36
    Newtonian methodological abstraction.Michael Friedman - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 72:162-178.
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    Agents necessitating effects in newtonian time and space: from power and opportunity to effectivity.Jan Broersen - 2019 - Synthese 196 (1):31-68.
    We extend stit logic by adding a spatial dimension. This enables us to distinguish between powers and opportunities of agents. Powers are agent-specific and do not depend on an agent’s location. Opportunities do depend on locations, and are the same for every agent. The central idea is to define the real possibility to see to the truth of a condition in space and time as the combination of the power and the opportunity to do so. The focus on agent-relative powers (...)
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  37.  54
    The Newtonian Limit of Relativity Theory and the Rationality of Theory Change.Andrés Rivadulla - 2004 - Synthese 141 (3):417 - 429.
    The aim of this paper is to elucidate the question of whether Newtonian mechanics can be derived from relativity theory. Physicists agree that classical mechanics constitutes a limiting case of relativity theory. By contrast, philosophers of science like Kuhn and Feyerabend affirm that classical mechanics cannot be deduced from relativity theory because of the incommensurability between both theories; thus what we obtain when we take the limit c → ∞ in relativistic mechanics cannot be Newtonian mechanics sensu stricto. In this (...)
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  38.  10
    Conceptual Evolution of Newtonian and Relativistic Mechanics.Amitabha Ghosh - 2018 - Singapore: Imprint: Springer.
    This book provides an introduction to Newtonian and relativistic mechanics. Unlike other books on the topic, which generally take a 'top-down' approach, it follows a novel system to show how the concepts of the 'science of motion' evolved through a veritable jungle of intermediate ideas and concepts. Starting with Aristotelian philosophy, the text gradually unravels how the human mind slowly progressed towards the fundamental ideas of inertia physics. The concepts that now appear so obvious to even a high school student (...)
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  39. The Newtonian limit of relativity theory and the rationality of theory change.Ardnés Rivadulla - 2004 - Synthese 141 (3):417 - 429.
    The aim of this paper is to elucidate the question of whether Newtonian mechanics can be derived from relativity theory. Physicists agree that classical mechanics constitutes a limiting case of relativity theory. By contrast, philosophers of science like Kuhn and Feyerabend affirm that classical mechanics cannot be deduced from relativity theory because of the incommensurability between both theories; thus what we obtain when we take the limit c in relativistic mechanics cannot be Newtonian mechanics sensu stricto. In this paper I (...)
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    Post-Newtonian Corrections in the Dynamics in the Earth–Moon System and Their Importance for the Relativistic Theories of Gravitation: A Historical Case Study. [REVIEW]W. Schröder & H.-J. Treder - 2002 - Foundations of Physics 32 (1):177-186.
    As an example of a historical case study, some aspects of the post-Newtonian corrections in the Earth–Moon dynamics are described and discussed.
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  41.  18
    Newtonian Explications of Natural Philosophy.E. W. Strong - 1957 - Journal of the History of Ideas 18 (1/4):49.
  42.  8
    Theory-Mediated Measurement and Newtonian Methodology.Michael Friedman - 2023 - In Marius Stan & Christopher Smeenk (eds.), Theory, Evidence, Data: Themes from George E. Smith. Springer. pp. 243-279.
    My argument owes much to two contemporary philosophical scholars of the development of modern physics beginning with Newton and extending through the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries: George Smith and Howard Stein. From the former I take a conception of theory-mediated measurement, from the latter a conception of abstract structures in the phenomena. The relevant notion of phenomena, as we shall see, is closely related to Newtonian scientific methodology, a methodology that is clearly embraced by both philosophers. The conception (...)
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  43.  42
    A Newtonian tale details on notes and proofs in Geneva edition of Newton's Principia.Raffaele Pisano & Paolo Bussotti - 2016 - BSHM-Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics:1-19.
    Based on our research regarding the relationship between physics and mathematics in HPS, and recently on Geneva Edition of Newton's Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (1739–42) by Thomas Le Seur (1703–70) and François Jacquier (1711–88), in this paper we present some aspects of such Edition: a combination of editorial features and scientific aims. The proof of Proposition XLIII is presented and commented as a case study.
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    Newtonian vs. Newtonian: Baxter and MacLaurin on the Inactivity of Matter.Fred Ablondi - 2013 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 11 (1):15-23.
    In my essay I look at the specifics of the dispute between the Scottish metaphysician Andrew Baxter and the mathematician Colin MacLaurin in an attempt to identify the source or sources of their contradictory, yet in both cases Newtonian, positions regarding occasionalism. After some general introductory remarks about each thinker, I examine the metaphysical implications that Baxter sees as following from Newton's concept of vis inertiæ. Following this, I look at MacLaurin's commitment to the role of sense experience in natural (...)
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  45. Newtonian science.Arthur Bell - 1961 - London,: E. Arnold.
  46. Reconciliation of the Newtonian Framework with Thermodynamics by the Reproducibility of a Collective Physical Quantity.J. M. Guido - 1988 - In International Archives of the History of Ideas Archives internationales d'histoire des idées. pp. 183-191.
    -/- Attempts to reduce irreversible processes to the scope of Newton’s mechanics are particularly challenging topics for both physical and philosophical research. Hollinger and Zenzen,1 for instance, claim that macroscopic irreversibility has a mechanical origin, and they explain this within the Newtonian framework. Newton’s Scientific and Philosophical Legacy Newton’s Scientific and Philosophical Legacy Look -/- .
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  47. Psychology and Newtonian Methodology.P. Rawling - 1995 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 16 (1):35-43.
    According to Newton, the goals of natural philosophy comprise quantitative generalizations and causal knowledge, the latter being paramount. Quantitative generalizations are sometimes explanatory, in psychology as elsewhere . However, in psychology, they are not explanatory when the human subject is considered qua bearer of psychological states , but only when she is considered qua physical system. In the former case quantitative generalizations are, rather, to be causally explained. In this sense, psychology may be closer to the Newtonian methodological mark than (...)
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    Monadology, Materialism and Newtonian Forces: The Turn in Kant’s Theory of Matter.Paolo Pecere - 2016 - Quaestio 16:167-189.
    Kant elaborated his dynamical theory of matter in two quite different systematic accounts, the first in the Monadologia physica, the second in the Dynamics chapter of the Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Naturwissenschaft. In this paper I investigate the transition from the monadological to the “continuum” dynamical theory of matter, whose exact timing and motives are not explicitly clarified in Kant’s writings. I locate Kant’s turn around the middle 1760s, presenting Kant’s abandonment of his own physical monadology as a way out of (...)
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  49. On Newtonian dynamics with a variable Earth mass: Geodetic evidence and its implications on Pioneer spacecraft anomaly and LAGEOS satellite.Florentin Smarandache - manuscript
    Around 3 decades ago, Jayant Narlikar & Halton Arp argued on possible variable mass hypothesis cosmology (VMH). In the meantime, the Earth expansion problem has attracted great interest, and recent study gives geodetic evidence that the Earth has been expanding, at least over the recent several decades. Therefore, in the present article discusses some interesting effects related to varying G, but here we argue that instead of varying G we can think of varying mass (M). Among other things we discuss (...)
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  50. The Newtonian settlement and the origins of atheism.Michael J. Buckley - 1988 - In Robert J. Russell, William R. Stoeger & George V. Coyne (eds.), Physics, philosophy, and theology: a common quest for understanding. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press [distributor]. pp. 81--102.
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