Results for 'Nature vs. Culture Natur vs. Kultur'

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  1.  18
    Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Kultur: Vom Neuroimaging über Critical Neuroscience zu Cultural Neuroscience – und zurück zur Kritik.Cornelius Borck - 2018 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 41 (3):238-257.
    In Search of Lost Culture: From Neuroimaging via Critical Neuroscience to Cultural Neuroscience – and back to Critique. The availability of new technologies for visualizing brain activity generated great expectations to identify the centers responsible for human action and behavior and to “reduce” all mental processes to neuronal states. Some scientists even called society to adapt to the new insights from brain research by giving up outdated concepts of autonomy and free will. This project spurred harsh critiques from philosophy, (...)
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    Natur und Kultur als Einheit und Komplikation.Birgit Recki - 2024 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2024 (1):16-29.
    The aim of this paper is to discuss the contribution of Hegel’s dialectic to the current debate about man’s relationship to nature in the philosophy of culture. My focus is on the rhetorical figure of the chiasmus that Hegel uses in some crucial passages describing the transition from nature to spirit as a dialectical and reciprocal translation. Especially, I will examine the interplay between body, sign and artwork in Hegel’s anthropology and aesthetics.
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    Nature vs. Human: A Modern Trail.Oana Șerban - 2017 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 9 (2):101-108.
    The main aim of this article is to examine the contrast between humanism and anti-humanism as two different modern paradigms of considering the individual’s relationship with nature. My thesis is that ecology, as an ideological discourse, reshaped the both the democratic and totalitarian perspectives on humanism and anti-humanism by addressing liberties, self-care, and authenticity in terms of normative laws for environment, health, and the idea of naturalness. Reconsidering Luc Ferry’s analysis from The New Ecological Order: Tree, Animal, Human, I (...)
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  4. We are not Witnesses to a New Scientific Revolution.Gregor Schiemann - 2011 - In Alfred Nordmann, Hans Radder & Gregor Schiemann (eds.), Science Transformed?: Debating Claims of an Epochal Break. University of Pittsburgh Press. pp. 31-42.
    Do the changes that have taken place in the structures and methods of the production of scientific knowledge and in our understanding of science over the past fifty years justify speaking of an epochal break in the development of science? Gregor Schiemann addresses this issues through the notion of a scientific revolution and claims that at present we are not witnessing a new scientific revolution. Instead, Schiemann argues that after the so-called Scientific Revolution in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, a (...)
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    Zum existentiellen Verhältnis von Natur und Kultur. Nietzsches Affirmation des Tiers im Menschen.Johannes Steizinger - forthcoming - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie.
    Debates on Nietzsche’s naturalism usually posit nature and culture as competing principles to understand the contingent genesis of humanity. In contrast to this polarizing tendency, I argue that Nietzsche focuses on the cultural characteristics of humanity because of his naturalistic framework. Moreover, I submit that Nietzsche’s conceptualization of the entanglement of nature and culture contains important insights for critically understanding the challenges of the Anthropocene today.
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    Evolution in Natur Und Kultur.Volker Gerhardt & Julian Nida-Rümelin (eds.) - 2010 - De Gruyter.
    Culture is a uniquely human property. Although precursors to cultural practices are found in other animals, these precursors differ in kind from the conditions of human culture that have emerged through evolutionary processes. In order to illuminate the mutual dependence of biological-genetic and cultural evolution, the author investigates technology and the use of tools, as well as the way these abilities are transmitted, in order to understand what properties and abilities separate human beings from animals.
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    Aussichten der Natur: Naturästhetik in Wechselwirkung von Natur und Kultur.Hartmut Böhme - 2017 - Berlin: Matthes & Seitz Berlin.
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    Zum existentiellen Verhältnis von Natur und Kultur.Johannes Steizinger - 2024 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2024 (1):82-96.
    Debates on Nietzsche’s naturalism usually posit nature and culture as competing principles to understand the contingent genesis of humanity. In contrast to this polarizing tendency, I argue that Nietzsche focuses on the cultural characteristics of humanity because of his naturalistic framework. Moreover, I submit that Nietzsche’s conceptualization of the entanglement of nature and culture contains important insights for critically understanding the challenges of the Anthropocene today.
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    Der Chiasmus zwischen Natur und Kultur bei Hegel.Silvia Pieroni - 2024 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2024 (1):56-69.
    The aim of this paper is to discuss the contribution of Hegel’s dialectic to the current debate about man’s relationship to nature in the philosophy of culture. My focus is on the rhetorical figure of the chiasmus that Hegel uses in some crucial passages describing the transition from nature to spirit as a dialectical and reciprocal translation. Especially, I will examine the interplay between body, sign and artwork in Hegel’s anthropology and aesthetics.
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  10. Warburg und die Natur(-wissenschaft): Affektpsychologische Fundierung von Kultur im Hamburger Kreis um Warburg, Cassirer und Werner und deren Nachwirkungen.Martina Sauer - 2020 - Visual Past, 5/2018, Special Issue: Image Senses.
    What distinguishes humans form animals? Acknowledging that humans are part of nature, that can process psychologically their affective-vital reactions to nature, and thus be held responsible for cultural processes, is the result of art historical, cultural-philosophical and life science research over the past two centuries. This line of argumentation led to the consideration that there must also be a connection between affective-psychological reactions and formal, a-historical mechanisms that are usually used by the arts. However, influenced by classical aesthetic (...)
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    (1 other version)Abandoned Infrastructures. Technical Networks beyond Nature and Culture.Gabriele Schabacher - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 9 (1):127-146.
    In the discussion of the Anthropocene, infrastructures play an eminent role as expression of man’s deep interference with nature. They mediate the planet by fundamentally shaping the relation between man and environments with long-lasting effects. While infrastructures are understood as stable formations, they need constant care to function properly. Against this background, the paper analyses abandoned infrastructures with respect to their precarious state between nature and culture, between life and death, fragility and stability. In der Diskussion des (...)
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    Staunen: Perspektiven eines Phänomens zwischen Natur und Kultur.Timo Kehren, Carolin Krahn, Georg Oswald & Christoph Poetsch (eds.) - 2019 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
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  13. On the development of geometric cognition: Beyond nature vs. nurture.Markus Pantsar - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology 35 (4):595-616.
    How is knowledge of geometry developed and acquired? This central question in the philosophy of mathematics has received very different answers. Spelke and colleagues argue for a “core cognitivist”, nativist, view according to which geometric cognition is in an important way shaped by genetically determined abilities for shape recognition and orientation. Against the nativist position, Ferreirós and García-Pérez have argued for a “culturalist” account that takes geometric cognition to be fundamentally a culturally developed phenomenon. In this paper, I argue that (...)
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  14. Natur: Kultur und ihr Anderes.Gregor Schiemann - 2004 - In Jäger F. (ed.), Handbuch der Kulturwissenschaften. Eine interdisziplinäre Bestandsaufnahme. Metzler.
    Die Darstellung konzentriert sich auf den Naturbegriff in seinem Verhältnis zu Kultur, die folglich nur reduzierte Charakterisierung erfährt. Herausgearbeitet werden vor allem die Umfänge, Eigenschaften und Grenzen der auf Kultur bezogenen Naturbegriffe. Das Feld dieser Bedeutungen ist in einer Pluralität von sich teils überschneidenden, teils wechselseitig ergänzenden Naturbegriffen eingebettet. Weil erst vor diesem Hintergrund die Spezifität der Beziehung von Natur und Kultur sowie ihrer Natur - Kultur und ihr Anderes Bestimmungselemente deutlich wird, beginne ich (...)
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    Die Kunst der zweiten Natur. Zu einem modernen Kulturbegriff nach Kant und Hegel.Thomas Khurana - 2016 - WestEnd. Neue Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 13 (1):35–55.
    The paper delineates a modern conception of second nature that takes shape around 1800. Instead of just repeating, once again, the ancient topos that habit is a second nature, this modern conception makes use of a different paradigm for the understanding of cultural self-production, namely the work of art. According to this conception, the development of a second nature is not a question of mere habituation, but rather an essentially creative and expressive process whereby we take up (...)
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    Natur und Gesellschaft: Perspektiven einer Ökologischen Sozialethik.Hans-Joachim Höhn - 2003 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 59 (3):743 - 762.
    Segundo o presente artigo, a crise ecológica tornou dramaticamente claw que a evolução social não deve ser apenas entendida como uma emancipação das limitações derivadas da natureza e das amarras da sociabilidade humana e ainda menos deve ser aferida pela capacidade de transformar a natureza num mew repositório de recursos naturais capazes de garantir a sobrevivência do género humano. O artigo pretende assim mostrar até que ponto o progresso social está intimamente associado com a capacidade de se manter o metabolismo (...)
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    Die Kunst der zweiten Natur und die andere Natur der Kunst.Thomas Khurana - 2018 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 66 (3):339-361.
    This contribution traces an aesthetic shift in the concept of second nature that occurs around 1800 and raises the question as to what role art might play in a culture that already conceives of itself in generally aesthetic terms. The paper recalls Kant’s rejection of habit as a proper realization of ethical life and shows that in his third critique, Kant proposes a second nature of a different kind. To realize ethical life as a “second nature”, (...)
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    Über die Natur der Sprache.Gerald Hartung - 2024 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2024 (1):70-81.
    What we know today as philosophy of culture has its very disparate beginnings in the reflections on language, which plays a significant role both as a marker of difference in the human form of life (natura altera) and as a central medium of cultivation (individual, people/nation, humanity). Here we encounter an ostensibly naturalistic a culturalistic use of the term nature in the theories of Humboldt and Hegel. The lines of this ambiguity converge with Ernst Cassirer.
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    Das Ende der Natur.Michael Hampe - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2023 (1):64-74.
    The expression >the end of nature nature culture technology<. Following Latour and Haraway, the essay shows how the ecological crisis is related to the categorical distinctions in which the concept of nature was bound. The removal of the corresponding conceptual contrasts can lead to a more concise perception of the human situation.
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    Grenzbeschreitungen: vom Sinn, dem gelingenden Leben und unserem Umgang mit Natur.Martin Kolmar - 2021 - Wien: Böhlau Verlag.
    Wie wollen wir leben und wie können wir unserem Leben Sinn geben angesichts der drängenden Krisen der Gegenwart? Wie können solche Fragen überhaupt beantwortet werden, wenn eine säkulare Kultur scheinbar nur Antworten auf Fragen nach dem „wie?“, nicht aber nach dem „wozu?“ erlaubt. Martin Kolmar deutet im vorliegenden Buch die gegenwärtigen und bevorstehenden Krisen, allen voran die Klimakrise, als Krise der westlichen Denk- und Wahrnehmungsweisen und versucht einen Ausweg daraus aufzuzeigen. Dazu beginnt er mit einer Analyse westlicher Vorstellungswelten aus (...)
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  21. "Our Original Barbarism": Man vs. Nature in Thomas Jefferson's Moral Experience.Maurizio Valsania - 2004 - Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (4):627-645.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Our Original Barbarism":Man vs. Nature in Thomas Jefferson's Moral ExperienceMaurizio ValsaniaJefferson, perhaps more than any other early democratic theorist, recognized that the development of social institutions and government could not be left to chance or to the "Laws of Nature."1One of the most fundamental fact about Thomas Jefferson—maybe the fundamental fact about Thomas Jefferson—is that he was a white man, and a landholding white man at that. (...)
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    Kultur als zweite Natur.Eva Schürmann - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2023 (1):76-86.
    Nature is what culture relates to, and culture is what the mind makes of the conditions in which it finds itself. Whether the concept of second nature opens up a more interesting way of thinking about the anthropological problem, that consists in the opposition between mind and nature, is examined in the following contribution, in the light of a debate that arose around John McDowell's book Mind and World. The guiding thesis is that an ontology (...)
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    German culture and the modern environmental imagination: narrating and depicting nature.Sabine Wilke - 2015 - Boston: Brill Rodopi.
    This work tells the story of the rise of the modern German environmental imagination, with particular emphasis on its narrative and visual components.
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    Cultures of the (masked) face.Gabriele Marino - 2021 - Sign Systems Studies 49 (3-4):318-337.
    What we generally regard as ‘the face’ should be semiotically understood not as something given and monolithic, but rather stratified – it is at least threefold: biological (face), physiognomic (expression), perceivable (visage) – and relational as it has to be put within a narrative in order to make sense. The face lies at the centre of a whole semiotic system, the form of life, revolving around the issue of identity (which the face – the visage, to be precise – embodies (...)
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    “Clarification” vs “Explantation”: Wittgenstein’s Philosophics Reflections on the Human Nature.Oxana Yosypenko - 2018 - Sententiae 37 (2):93-107.
    The author disagrees with reductionist attitude to Wittgenstein’s philosophy as philosophy of language. Basing on researches in contemporary French philosophy, the author reveals anthropological dimension of Wittgenstein’s reflections both in the main themes of his philosophizing and in his philosophical method as such. Wittgenstein strives to clarify what we already know, trying to avoid explanation, generalization and uniformity. The research shows that clarification, übersichtliche Darstellung acquires in anthropology special meaning of description and helps to overcome explicative anthropological approach and description (...)
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    Transformation of Nature by Human and Distinctive Positions of the Prophets in Culture.Ferruh Kahraman - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (3):1241-1262.
    One of the areas of study of tafsīr is the stories in the Qur’ān. In the stories of the Qur’ān, generally creation, man, the nature of man and different societies that lived in history are mentioned. Although the main theme in the stories is belief and disbelief, social structures and cultural features are explicitly and indirectly mentioned as well. But the mufassirs approached the stories mainly from the point of view of belief and disbelief. They did not declare an (...)
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  27.  19
    Theophysis: Ernst Haeckels Philosophie des Naturganzen.Bernhard Kleeberg - 2005 - Köln: Böhlau.
    In den 1860er Jahren entwarf der Zoologe Ernst Haeckel die wissenschaftliche Weltanschauung des Monismus, die er in einer Vielzahl popularwissenschaftlicher Schriften mit grossem Erfolg verbreitete. Auf der Grundlage der Darwinschen Theorie rief er die Biologie zur neuen Leitwissenschaft aus und postulierte die Einheit von Natur und Kultur. Seither galt Haeckel vielen als der deutsche Darwin, der die Gottesebenbildlichkeit des Menschen sowie die Schopfungstheologie zu Grabe getragen und so dem modernen Weltbild zum Durchbruch verholfen habe. Infolgedessen wurden die naturtheologischen (...)
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    The Human Form of Life.Meredith Williams - 2024 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 16 (2).
    Anna Boncompagni’s Wittgenstein on Forms of Life, written for the Cambridge Elements of The Philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein, is an excellent overview of the topic and does exactly what such an Elements book should do. Most importantly, it provides a map of the leading philosophical interpretations of Wittgenstein’s use of the phrase “form of life,” and so debates of how it is best to be understood. The map consists of three interpretive axes of dispute: natural vs. cultural, one vs. many, (...)
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  29. Pojam 'filozofska javnost' kao instrument analize povijesti moderne filozofske kulture u Bugarskoj.Dobrin Todorov - 2012 - Synthesis Philosophica 27 (2):297-306.
    Ovaj rad započinje konstatacijom da u sklopu relativno kratke povijesti moderne filozofske kulture u Bugarskoj postoji dovoljno osnova za razlikovanje nekoliko zasebnih razdoblja, svako od kojih uključuje specifične razvojne etape. Svako razdoblje stoga zaslužuje ozbiljnu analizu. No istraživanje povijesti moderne bugarske filozofije mora se temeljiti na jasnim metodološkim premisama. Kada objašnjavamo fenomene i procese filozofskog života u ovoj zemlji, polazimo od pojma filozofske kulture, shvaćenoga kao kompleksni sustav koji uključuje elemente i idealne prirode i ne-idealnog karaktera. Svi čimbenici socio-kulturne naravi (...)
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    Historico-genetic Theory of Culture: On the Processual Logic of Cultural Change.Günter Dux - 2011 - Columbia University Press.
    The book focuses on the modern understanding of human life-forms as constructs that followed an evolutionary history. The author thus finds science confronted with two questions: firstly, how the transgression of the virtual threshold between natural and cultural history was possible, secondly, how the socio-cultural constructs were able to develop in the course of history the way they did. The discussion concentrates on the problem of determining a processual logic in the development of societal structures as well as in the (...)
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  31. Cultured brains and the production of subjectivity: The politics of affect(s) as an unfinished project.Charles T. Wolfe - 2014 - In W. Neidich (ed.), The Psychopathologies of Cognitive Capitalism II. ArchiveBooks. pp. 245-267.
    A reflection on overcoming Natur vs Geisteswissenschaften oppositions in thinking about the 'cultured brain' and plasticity.
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    Kultur und Bildung: die Geisteswissenschaften und der Zeitgeist des Naturalismus.Ralf Glitza & Kevin Liggieri (eds.) - 2019 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Gegenstand des Bandes ist eine Profilierung der Kulturphilosophie mit dem Ziel ihrer notigen Selbstbehauptung gegenuber einem gegenwartigen Naturalismus. Ein zentrales Ratsel der Gegenwartsphilosophie ist das Verhaltnis unseres Bewusstseins, der Perspektive der ersten Person machtig und Urheber der Kultur zu sein, zu den Erkenntnissen der Kognitions- sowie der Evolutionswissenschaften seit Darwin. In diesen scheint von der Natur her auf die Kultur ein neues Licht zu fallen. Dies ist ebenso faszinierend wie interessant. Es ist aber auch eine Herausforderung: Der (...)
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    Cultural Religion Pedagogy.Muhiddin Okumuşlar & Sümeyra Bi̇leci̇k - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (3):1279-1292.
    Many factors like the structure of the society, political conditions, and social structure of a country are useful in determining pedagogical approaches. One of them is culture, which is influential on the way of life of the individual, as well as thinking and learning styles. This requires the examination of the relationship between culture and pedagogy. It is possible to discuss cultural, multicultural, and intercultural pedagogical approaches regarding the relationship between pedagogy and culture. The socio-political agenda of (...)
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    Bildung zur Kultur einer Pluralität des Menschen: Michael Landmanns Anthropologie des Schöpferischen.Friedrich Schollmeyer - 2021 - Verlag Karl Alber.
    This book is the first to systematically reconstruct the complete works of the Swiss-Jewish cultural philosopher Michael Landmann (1913–1984) and make them fruitful for teaching purposes: as a philosophical theory of the teaching of cultural plurality. The multiplicity of human life forms represents the content and target horizon of educational processes as well as the underlying value and prejudice of Landmann's anthropology. Taken seriously as such, cultural plurality is the yardstick of a humanity that starts from the natural and cultural (...)
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    Uniformity vs. Unity.Tatyana B. Lyubimova - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (7):54-72.
    The question of whether it is possible to philosophize outside the categories of rationalist philosophy is not limited to methodology. It has ideological overtones. Namely, the rationalism that has developed in philosophy in modern times, after Descartes, is inevitably supplemented by mechanics. The world is seen as a machine, the living is reduced to mechanisms. Rationalism becomes a machine of mentality. Taking it as a model of normal thinking, giving it a universal value, we thereby impose Western way of thinking (...)
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    Psychologie und Kultur.Pradeep Chakkarath - 2011 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2011 (2):51-66.
    Taking psychology and its attempt to deal scientifically with the meaning of culture as an example, this article outlines the meaning of various historiographic narratives of disciplinary self-perception with regard to tensions between the natural and cultural sciences. The thesis postulates that these self-images are of psychological, especially cultural-psychological, importance. Only a psychology that includes aspects of the cultural sciences is able to deal with this vital aspect of the broader field.
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    The Porch: Meditations on the Edge of Nature by Charlie Hailey (review).Bruce B. Janz - 2023 - Environment, Space, Place 15 (1):142-147.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Porch: Meditations on the Edge of Nature by Charlie HaileyBruce B. JanzThe Porch: Meditations on the Edge of Natureby charlie hailey Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2021Charlie Hailey’s The Porch is a difficult book to review. This is not because I have to be measured in my praise—it is an excellent book, well written, with a mix of close observations and rigorous research. It is (...)
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    On the Relationship between the Natural Sciences and the Humanities: Brockman's Concept of the "Third Culture" and its Criticism.Libor Benda - 2015 - E-Logos 22 (2):19-29.
    Předmětem této studie je analýza jednoho z aktuálně předkládaných řešení tzv. problému dvou kultur, který roku 1959 formuloval Charles Percy Snow, a to tzv. třetí kultuře, kterou v polovině devadesátých let ve stejnojmenné práci představil John Brockman. Mým záměrem zde bude kriticky zhodnotit Brockmanovo pojetí "třetí kultury" a předložit argumenty ve prospěch tvrzení, že v souvislosti s ním ve skutečnosti nelze hovořit o řešení problému dvou kultur, ale jedná se naopak o názorný doklad přetrvávající existence a aktuálnosti tohoto (...)
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  39. Reflections on Brown vs. Board of Education and School Integration Today.Lawrence Blum - 2019 - The Harvard Review of Philosophy 26:37-57.
    The Brown vs. Board of Education decision of 1954 mandated school integration. The decision also to recognize that inequalities outside the schools, of both a class- and race-based nature, prevent equality in education. Today, the most prominent argument for integration is that disadvantaged students benefit from the financial, social, and cultural “capital” of middle class families when the children attend the same schools. This argument fails to recognize that disadvantaged students contribute to advantaged students’ educational growth, and sends demeaning (...)
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  40. Lived body vs gender: Reflections on social structure and subjectivity.Iris Marion Young - 2002 - Ratio 15 (4):410–428.
    Toril Moi has argued that recent deconstructive challenges to the concept of gender and to the viability of the sex/gender distinction have brought feminist and queer theory to a place of increasing theoretical abstraction. She suggests that we should abandon the category of gender once and for all, because it is founded on a natureculture distinction and it tends incorrigibly to essentialize women’s lives. Moi argues that feminist and queer theories should replace the concept of gender with a (...)
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    Method vs. Metaphysics.J. A. Van Ruler - 2020 - Church History and Religious Culture 100 (2-3).
    This article discusses Descartes’s preferred focus on morally and theologically neutral subjects and points out the impact of this focus on the scientific status of theology. It does so by linking Descartes’s method to his transformation of the notion of substance. Descartes’s _Meditations_ centred around epistemological questions rather than non-human intelligences or the life of the mind beyond this world. Likewise, in his early works, Descartes consistently avoided referring to causal operators. Finally, having first redefined the notion of substance in (...)
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    What's Normal?: Reconciling Biology and Culture.Allan V. Horwitz - 2016 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Since the emergence of Western philosophy and science among the classical Greeks, debates have raged over the relative significance of biology and culture on an individual's behavior. Today, recent advances in genetics and biological science have pushed most scholars past the tired nature vs. nurture debate to examine the ways in which the natural and the social interact to influence human behavior. In What's Normal?, Allan Horwitz brings a fresh approach to this emerging perspective. Rather than try to (...)
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    On the genesis of thought and language: on the emergence of concepts and propositions, the nature and structure of human categories, on the impact of culture on thought and language.Alexey Koshelev - 2020 - Boston: Academic Studies Press. Edited by A. V. Kravchenko & Jillian Smith.
    In On the Genesis of Thought and Language, linguist Alexey Koshelev explores fundamental questions of how human concepts arise in a child, why concepts appear in a child before words, the genesis of language, and why there are so many languages. Chapter One introduces the fundamental dichotomy "visual (exogenous) vs. functional (endogenous)" cognitive units; these units are used to give non-verbal definitions of mental representations of various objects, actions, and situations. In particular, definitions of such concepts as GLASS, CHAIR, BANANA, (...)
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    Mortal Vocabularies vs. Immortal Propositions.Thorsten Botz-Bornstein - 2011 - Culture and Dialogue 1 (2):63-78.
    Over thirty years ago, Richard Rorty’s Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature declared the demise of epistemology and the arrival of a new post-Philosophical era. Rorty envisaged the intellectual activity of this predominantly literary culture as an unconstrained large-scale conversation that would flourish in an “ecstasy of spiritual freedom.” Having abandoned all systematic pretensions, edifying philosophers would add their voice to the conversation of mankind, fully aware of the radical incommensurability of the mortal vocabularies they employ. In an (...)
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    The Importance of Culture in Addressing Domestic Violence for First Nation's Women.Donna M. Klingspohn - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:383326.
    Indigenous women in Canada face a range of health and social issues including domestic violence. Indigenous women (First Nations, Inuit and Métis) are six times more likely to be killed than non-Aboriginal women (Homicide in Canada, 2014 ; Miladinovic and Mulligan, 2015 ). Aboriginal women are 2.5 times more likely to be victims of violence than non-Aboriginal women (Robertson, 2010 ). These and other statistics highlight a significant difference in the level of violence experienced by Indigenous women to that experienced (...)
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    Albert Camus: Nihilist vs. Nihilism.I. M. Kutasova - 1976 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 14 (4):72-95.
    Nihilism has been a most characteristic feature of the psychology and world-view of several generations of young people in capitalist society. A rejection of traditional religion, of the dominant ideology and morality; a disdain for all authorities; a demand for total emancipation of the spirit, going so far as denial of cultural values and established life-style - all are to a greater or lesser extent characteristic of the outlook of both the "lost generation" that emerged from World War I with (...)
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    «Прояснення» vs «пояснення»: методологічні рефлексії Вітґенштайна щодо людської природи.Оксана Йосипенко - 2018 - Sententiae 37 (2):93-107.
    The author disagrees with reductionist attitude to Wittgenstein’s philosophy as philosophy of language. Basing on researches in contemporary French philosophy, the author reveals anthropological dimension of Wittgenstein’s reflections both in the main themes of his philosophizing and in his philosophical method as such. Wittgenstein strives to clarify what we already know, trying to avoid explanation, generalization and uniformity. The research shows that clarification, übersichtliche Darstellung acquires in anthropology special meaning of description and helps to overcome explicative anthropological approach and description (...)
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  48. Habermas vs Fish – pytanie o możliwość porozumienia międzykulturowego.Michał Wieczorkowski - 2018 - Folia Iuridica Universitatis Wratislaviensis 7 (1):111-134.
    The purpose of the paper is to analyze the thesis that an agreement between representatives of two different cultures can and should be reached at a theoretical level. The author tries to verify the Theory of Communicative Action proposed by Jürgen Habermas in the light of philosophical reflections of American neopragmatist Stanley Fish. Habermas is one of the most important and widely read social theorists in the post-Second World War era. He is also one of the authors of the concept (...)
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    On the Definition of Cultivated Ecology.Diane E. Pataki - 2019 - Philosophical Topics 47 (1):181-201.
    Sagoff critiqued the exclusion of cultivated plants and animals from much of the body of work in ecology. However, there is a history of attempting to incorporate cultivated landscapes in ecology that goes back at least two decades, particularly in urban ecology. The subdiscipline of urban ecology has received relatively little attention in philosophy, although some of its methodologies, such as coupled human-natural systems research, have been critiqued. Here I will attempt to explicitly address the conceptual limitations in ecology for (...)
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    Herder: culture, anthropology and the Enlightenment.David Denby - 2005 - History of the Human Sciences 18 (1):55-76.
    The anthropological sensibility has often been seen as growing out of opposition to Enlightenment universalism. Johann Gottfried Herder (1744-1803) is often cited as an ancestor of modern cultural relativism, in which cultures exist in the plural. This article argues that Herder’s anthropology, and anthropology generally, are more closely related to Enlightenment thought than is generally considered. Herder certainly attacks Enlightenment abstraction, the arrogance of its Eurocentric historical teleology, and argues the case for a proto-hermeneutical approach which emphasizes embeddedness, horizon, the (...)
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