Results for 'Mirela Holy'

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  1.  86
    Hermeneutics and the Meaning of Life.Mirela Oliva - 2018 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 22 (2):523-539.
    Hermeneutics approaches the meaning of life quite uniquely: it grasps the intrinsic intelligibility of life by employing a universal concept of meaning, applicable to all phenomena. While other conceptions identify the meaning of life with values or scopes, hermeneutics starts from a grass-roots work on the meanings that are embedded at every level of reality. In this paper, I analyze this approach, especially focusing on Husserl, Heidegger, and Gadamer. First, I outline Husserl’s philosophy of meaning as developed in response to (...)
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    Effects of task switching and emotional stimuli on memory selectivity.Mirela Dubravac, Katie E. Garrison & Brandon J. Schmeichel - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (4):480-491.
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    History, Religion, Art - An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Transylvanian Realities.Mirela-Codruta Abrudan - 2013 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 12 (34):237-250.
    Review of Sorina Paula Bolovan (ed.), Ciprian Firea, Nicoleta Marţian, Sorin Marţian, Diana Covaci, Călătorie prin patrimoniul ecleziastic transilvănean. Ghid istoric, artistic şi pastoral (Journey through the Transylvanian Ecclesiastic Heritage. Historical, Artistic and Pastoral Guide), (Cluj-Napoca: Mega, 2011).
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    Fenomenologia spatiului si spatialitatea templului/ Phenomenology of Space and the Space of the Temple.Mirela Calbaza - 2003 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (4):90-97.
    The temple is delimited itself from the house by privileging specifically a hierofanic place of the sacred. The delimitation of the temple from the house is not equivalent with the concrete aspect of it, so is indicated an existential – qualitative value of this delimitation. The temple as a stable structure of the sacred transcends by indicating a non-localizable determination: interface between the non-appropriated territory of nature and the settlement.
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    Workforce Participation, Ageing, and Economic Welfare: New Empirical Evidence on Complex Patterns across the European Union.Mirela S. Cristea, Marilen G. Pirtea, Marta C. Suciu & Gratiela G. Noja - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-13.
    The ageing population has become one of the major issues, with manifold consequences upon the economic welfare and elderly living standards satisfaction. This paper grasps an in-depth assessment framework of the ageing phenomenon in connection with the labor market, with significant implications upon economic welfare, across the European Union. We configure our research on four distinctive groups of the EU–27 countries based on the Active Ageing Index mapping, during 1995–2018, by acknowledging the different intensities of ageing implications on economic well-being (...)
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  6.  21
    Bach’s Constraint on Extending Acquaintance: Some Questions and a Modest Proposal.Mirela Fuš - 2013 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 13 (2):201-216.
    My aim in this paper is to examine how Kent Bach's theory of singular thought about material objects meets the requirements of transmitting de re thought. I identify a certain possible paradox haunting Bach's move of extending acquaintance in order to widen the scope of singular thought and I attempt to answer this possible paradox. First, I briefly present the manner in which Bach motivates extended acquaintance and which constraints he puts on it. I then address the problem of the (...)
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    Masks, Hearts, and Superheroes.Mirela Fuš & Marvin Dupree - 2016 - In Nicolas Michaud (ed.), Batman, Superman, and Philosophy. Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Company. pp. 99-108.
    We all think we know who Batman and Superman are. They are polar opposites who both happen to wear their underwear over spandex pants, or at least they once did. So, for comic purists and fans of the cinematic DC Universe it may seem bold to claim that Batman is a true superhero and that Superman is not a true superhero. As a matter of a fact, we want to claim something even stronger: something we will prove independently, without only (...)
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    Gabrovskata remkeanska shkola i Dimitŭr Mikhalchev.Mirela Kostadinova, Angel S. Stefanov & Dimitæur ëtìsaëtìsov - 2000 - Sofii︠a︡: Izd-vo "LIK". Edited by Angel S. Stefanov & Dimitŭr T︠S︡at︠s︡ov.
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    Minutes of the 2016 Executive Council Meeting.Mirela Oliva - unknown - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association:299-300.
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    Disability life expectancy for the elderly, city of são Paulo, Brazil, 2000: Gender and educational differences.Mirela Castro Santos Camargos, Carla Jorge Machado & Roberto Do Nascimento Rodrigues - 2007 - Journal of Biosocial Science 39 (3):455-463.
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    An acquaintance constraint and a cognitive significance constraint on singular thought.Mirela Fuš - 2013 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 5 (2):163-174.
    Among Singularists, it has been widely accepted that one can have singular thought by acquaintance, and that acquaintance encompasses the perceptual acquiring, memorizing and communicating of singular thoughts. I defend the possibility of having a singular thought via extending acquaintance to intermediaries other than just through written and spoken words. On my account, singular thought includes two types of representations, namely indexical-iconic representation and indexical-discursive representation. Also, it is determined by two constraints: (i) the acquaintance constraint: singular thought includes a (...)
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  12.  18
    Comments on Inan’s Notions of Objectual and Propositional Curiosity.Mirela Fuš - 2016 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 16 (3):313-325.
    In this paper I comment on Inan’s notions of propositional and objectual curiosity. Even though Inan offers an interesting and intuitive distinction between propositional and objectual curiosity, I want to question two aspects of his theory of curiosity. One aspect concerns his thesis that propositional curiosity is interdependent on epistemic attitudes such as belief, certainty and interest. Another aspect of his theory that I discuss is his thesis that objectual curiosity is not reducible to propositional curiosity. In more detail, in (...)
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  13. Pejoratives as Social Kinds: Objections to Miscevic's Account.Mirela Fus - 2016 - In Nenad Miščević & Julija Perhat (eds.), A Word Which Bears a Sword: Inquiries into Pejoratives. pp. 179-202.
    My aim in this paper is to present and discuss Miscevic's position on pejorative terms. Pejorative terms, for Miscevic, are negative hybrid social kind terms that refer directly and pick out social kinds as their referents. Despite sharing some of Miscevic's intuitions on pejorative terms, I raise three main objections to his account. First, I argue that introducing pluralistic commitments about propositions is not helpful in any way for his account. On the contrary, I show that it brings about the (...)
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    Bringing reification back to work.Ivanova Mirela - 2021 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 9 (2):205-240.
    The terms “contemplation” and “standpoint,” as used by Lukács, have almost disappeared from the vocabulary of scholars studying the contemporary world of work. This paper aims to rehabilitate these terms by arguing that, despite its shortcomings, a Lukácsian approach offers a valuable perspective for examining labor experiences. I first outline the foundations of Lukács's reification theory by focusing on objective reification. Then, I reconstruct the concepts of contemplation and having a standpoint of experience by surveying Lukác's analysis of how different (...)
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    Ethics.Mirela Oliva - 2022 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 96 (4):663-667.
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    Gadamer and Cusanus on Creation.Mirela Oliva - 2011 - Philosophy Today 55 (2):185-191.
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  17.  19
    Immortality in Heidegger.Mirela Oliva - 2021 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 95 (3):571-594.
    This paper argues that Heidegger’s description of death as a phenomenon of life opens a path to immortality different from the classical arguments. In the first part, I will explain why, for Heidegger, the account of immortality must start from a phenomenology of death, and I will analyze the characteristics of Being-towards-death. Then, I will discuss the relationship between immortality and death’s revelation of Being. Finally, I will examine the Christian background of Heidegger’s conception of death and immortality, and I (...)
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  18.  21
    The metaphysics of language in Cusanus and Gadamer.Mirela Oliva - 2016 - Anuario Filosófico 49 (2):401-422.
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    The motivational intensity of values: study among US and Romanian business students.Mirela Popa & Irina Iulia Salanta - 2017 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 12 (2):151.
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    The Right To Appeal For The Social Insurance As A Human And Constitutional Right.Mirela Selita - 2015 - Seeu Review 11 (1):131-138.
    Magna Carat is a highly significant document that found the way into the rights and the constitutions. Magna Carat is a symbol of human and constitutional rights. Social insurance is part of the social security and the recognition of social security as a basic human right is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1948 at the Palais de Chaillot, Paris and furthermore the European Conventions on Human Rights, specially (...)
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  21.  13
    Materiality Conditions in the Interplay between Environment and Financial Performance: A Graphical Modeling Approach for EEA Oil and Gas Companies.Mirela Sichigea, Marian Siminica, Mirela Cristea, Gratiela Georgiana Noja & Daniel Circiumaru - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-16.
    The recovery after the unprecedented pandemic crisis that Europe has currently been facing is strengthening the strong dependence between social, economic, and environmental fields, maintaining green investments and innovation at the core of the European strategies. Shifting to clean industries is a challenging mission that a complex network of stakeholders and their different interests must take into account. Within this network, the interplay between environmental and financial performance of a company represents a common point with a growing emphasis on the (...)
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  22.  28
    Fine-tuning and the Afterlife in Aquinas.Mirela Oliva - 2023 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 79 (1-2):233-260.
    Does the fine-tuning of the universe for life continue in the afterlife? Aquinas would answer yes. In his view, the cosmic conditions post-apocalypse are set to support the resurrected body and the sensible knowledge of God’s majesty as reflected in the renewed material creature. The renewed universe is, thus, fine-tuned for immortal human life. In the first part, I present Aquinas’ version of fine-tuning, referring to earthly life and the afterlife. I distinguish between two modes of fine-tuning: organic and cognitive. (...)
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  23.  10
    Minutes of the 2017 Executive Council Meeting.Mirela Oliva - 2017 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 91:255-256.
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    Minutes of the 2018 Executive Council Meeting.Mirela Oliva - 2018 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 92:333-334.
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    Phenomenology and Hermeneutics.Mirela Oliva - 2011 - Research in Phenomenology 41 (1):148-154.
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    (1 other version)Secretary’s Report.Mirela Oliva - 2017 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 91:257-261.
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    The Bounds of Self: An Essay on Heidegger’s Being and Time, written by Shockey, M.R. [REVIEW]Mirela Oliva - 2023 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 54 (2):240-244.
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    The “Other” Measure—the “Other” Technology? Heidegger and Far East Traditions—Commentary on Shan Wu’s Refining Technopoiesis: Measures and Measuring Thinking in Ancient China.Magdalena Hoły-Łuczaj - 2023 - Philosophy and Technology 36 (2):1-4.
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  29.  20
    Small embedding characterizations for large cardinals.Peter Holy, Philipp Lücke & Ana Njegomir - 2019 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 170 (2):251-271.
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    How to Deal with Hybrids in the Anthropocene? Towards a Philosophy of Technology and Environmental Philosophy 2.0.Magdalena Hoły-Łuczaj & Vincent Blok - 2019 - Environmental Values 28 (3):325-345.
    The Anthropocene overthrows classical dichotomies like technology and nature and a new class of beings emerges: hybrids. The transitive status of hybrids - which establishes an extra, separate, 'third' ontological category, going beyond the dichotomy between nature and technology - constitutes a significant problem for environmental philosophy and philosophy of technology since they traditionally focus on either 'nature' (natural entities) or 'artefacts' (technological objects). In order to reflect on the ethical significance of hybrids, a classification of different types of hybrids (...)
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    Shame as a predictor of post-event rumination in social anxiety.Diana-Mirela Cândea & Aurora Szentágotai-Tătar - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (8):1684-1691.
    Evidence shows that people with high social anxiety levels ruminate about distressing social events, which contributes to the maintenance of social anxiety symptoms. The present study aimed to explore the role of shame in maintaining post-event rumination following a negative social event in a student sample. Participants reported negative rumination related to the event one day and one week after the speech. PER measured one day after the speech was not associated with social anxiety symptoms and state anxiety. One week (...)
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    To Formalize or Not to Formalize: Women Entrepreneurs’ Sensemaking of Business Registration in the Context of Nepal.Shova Thapa Karki, Mirela Xheneti & Adrian Madden - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 173 (4):687-708.
    Despite the depiction of decisions to formalize informal firms as rational and ethical, many entrepreneurs in developing countries continue to operate informally regardless of its perceived illicit status. While existing research on why entrepreneurs choose informality emphasizes the economic costs and benefits of such decisions, this often overlooks the realities of the informal economy and the constraints which marginal populations—particularly women—face. In this paper, we use institutional theory and sensemaking to understand the experiences of women in the informal economy and (...)
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    Not all Perfectionists Are as They Are Assessed: An Investigation of the Psychometric Properties of the Perfectionism Inventory in the Teaching Profession.Elena Mirela Samfira & Laurenţiu P. Maricuţoiu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Perfectionism has been studied for almost 30 years. In the present study, we investigated the internal validity of The Perfectionism Inventory in an occupation that encourages perfectionistic tendencies in own behavior or in students' behavior. We collected data from a large sample of schoolteachers recruited using a snowball sampling approach, and we analyzed the factor structure of the PI using confirmatory factor analyses. We found that the 8-factor structure of PI provided a reasonable fit root mean square error of approximation (...)
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  34.  22
    Small models, large cardinals, and induced ideals.Peter Holy & Philipp Lücke - 2021 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 172 (2):102889.
    We show that many large cardinal notions up to measurability can be characterized through the existence of certain filters for small models of set theory. This correspondence will allow us to obtain a canonical way in which to assign ideals to many large cardinal notions. This assignment coincides with classical large cardinal ideals whenever such ideals had been defined before. Moreover, in many important cases, relations between these ideals reflect the ordering of the corresponding large cardinal properties both under direct (...)
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  35.  27
    Artifacts and the Limitations of Moral Considerability.Magdalena Hoły-Łuczaj - 2019 - Environmental Ethics 41 (1):69-87.
    Environmental philosophy always presents detailed distinctions concerning the kinds of natural beings that can be granted moral considerability, when discussing this issue. In contrast, artifacts, which are excluded from the scope of moral considerability, are treated as one homogenous category. This seems problematic. An attempt to introduce certain distinctions in this regard—by looking into dissimilarities between physical and digital artifacts—can change our thinking about artifacts in ethical terms, or more precisely, in environmentally ethical terms.
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    Characterizations of pretameness and the Ord-cc.Peter Holy, Regula Krapf & Philipp Schlicht - 2018 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 169 (8):775-802.
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    Adam Izdebski and Rafał Szmytka (eds), Krakow: An Ecobiography.Magdalena Holy-Łuczaj - 2022 - Environmental Values 31 (4):499-500.
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    Observational learning of threat-related attentional bias.Laurent Grégoire, Mirela Dubravac, Kirsten Moore, Namgyun Kim & Brian A. Anderson - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (5):789-800.
    Attentional bias to threat has been almost exclusively examined after participants experienced repeated pairings between a conditioned stimulus (CS) and an aversive unconditioned stimulus (US). This study aimed to determine whether threat-related attentional capture can result from observational learning, when participants acquire knowledge of the aversive qualities of a stimulus without themselves experiencing aversive outcomes. Non-clinical young-adult participants (N = 38) first watched a video of an individual (the demonstrator) performing a Pavlovian conditioning task in which one colour was paired (...)
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    Introduction.Michael Bowler & Mirela Oliva - 2021 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 95 (3):363-365.
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    Spatiul carceral – instrumentalizare excesiva, ocultarea binomului religie-putere.Mirela Calbaza-Ormenisan - 2002 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 1 (2):176-182.
    The point of departure of this article is the relation be- tween religion and power. In general this relation is based upon the complex process of individualization and socialization. The scope of this study is to translate the problem of the relation between religion and power in a phenomenological study of „lock-up space” (prison space). The study is organized around the concept of delimitation. This concept involves the spatial dimension of constitutionality on the general forms of a person’s being -in-the-world. (...)
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  41. Festivaluri şi festivisme.Matei Florian, Mirela Iamandi, Adela Toplean, Marina Constantinescu, Adina Popescu, Florin Lăzărescu, Stela Giurgeanu & Armand Goşu - 2003 - Dilema 551:7-11.
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    Self-Assessed Digital Competences of Romanian Teachers During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Adrian Hatos, Mirela-Lăcrimioara Cosma & Otilia Clipa - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Studies on the determinants of school results have shown that they depend largely on the context of learning. Concerning the pandemic, teachers have been forced to find online teaching methods, which leads us to the central issue of this study of whether the effectiveness of online education depends on teachers’ digital skills. Therefore, in this study, we analyzed the perceived digital competences of Romanian pre-tertiary cycle teachers about their professional status, school location, gender, age, taught field, and prior participation in (...)
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  43.  29
    In Search of Allies for Postnatural Environmentalism, or Revisiting an Ecophilosophical Reading of Heidegger.Magdalena Hoły-Łuczaj - 2018 - Environmental Values 27 (6):603-621.
    This paper enhances postnatural environmentalism (represented by Steven Vogel) by highlighting and incorporating selected concepts from Martin Heidegger's ontology. In particular, I examine Heidegger's detailed analysis of the affinity between phusis and techne, the critique of ‘replaceability’, the problem of ‘proper use’, and his earlier concept of a tool structure. This analysis is aimed at grounding the metaphysical and ethical significance of technical artefacts. It shows that Heidegger can support postnatural environmentalism's claim that artefacts should not be jettisoned by environmental (...)
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  44.  27
    Shapeability – Aristotle on poiein-paschein and the other dimension of being in Heidegger.Magdalena Holy-Luczaj - 2022 - South African Journal of Philosophy 41 (1):37-48.
    This article discusses the gap in Martin Heidegger’s ontology pertaining to the transformative affectivity arising in the interactions between beings, particularly how this affectivity is responsible for changes in those beings. It thus explores the possibility of bridging this gap by including an additional dimension of being. For this purpose, it draws upon Aristotle’s concept of affecting/being affected (On Generation and Corruption, Book I), which aims to explain the origin of alteration in beings. The Aristotelian juxtaposition of action and passion (...)
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  45.  53
    Heidegger's Support for Deep Ecology Reexamined Once Again: Ontological Egalitarianism, or Farewell to the Great Chain of Being.Magdalena Holy-Luczaj - 2015 - Ethics and the Environment 20 (1):45-66.
    It is said an attempt to reconcile Heidegger's ontology with the position of deep ecology finds the going rugged. Yet, I believe it is worth hiking this path once again to reexamine the connections between deep ecology and the philosophy of Martin Heidegger. Significantly, we will see the importance of Heidegger's critique of the idea of the great chain of being.Taking the perspective of deep ecology requires us to consider whether Heidegger's being-centered approach can indeed justify “the equality of right (...)
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    Kształtowalność – Arystotelesowska afektywność i brakujący wymiar bycia u Heideggera.Magdalena Hoły-Łuczaj - 2021 - Ruch Filozoficzny 77 (1):113.
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    Being-toward-death in the Anthropocene.Madgalena Hoły-Łuczaj - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 26 (2):263-280.
    “No one can take the other’s dying away from him,” as Martin Heidegger famously claimed, but what he was significantly silent about was that beings, both human and non-human, can mutually contribute to each other’s death. By focusing on the interrelatedness of deaths, this paper presents a reversal of the Heideggerian perspective on the relation between Dasein’s mineness and “being-toward-death.” Drawing upon the structural meaning of death, which consists in the fact that no one can replace me in that I (...)
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  48. Spór o negatywność jako pytanie o różnicę.Magdalena Hoły-Łuczaj - 2011 - Ruch Filozoficzny 68 (3).
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    Others in My Aging (Confronting de Beauvoir, Malabou, and Heidegger to Make Sense of Aging).Magdalena Hoły-Łuczaj - 2024 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 18 (4):11-27.
    After a critical analysis of Simone de Beauvoir’s and Catherine Malabou’s accounts of aging, the paper offers an alternative to them. In contrast to de Beauvoir and Malabou, it explores the actual share of other beings, both human and non-human, in one’s aging. The paper employs the Heideggerian ontological framework and his concepts of “bodying” and gesture to argue that changes induced by others do not damage or contaminate one’s being but allow the disclosure of someone’s particularity in its undefinable (...)
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  50. Towards the Phenomenology of Hybrids as Regenerative Design and Use -A Post-Heideggerian Account.Magdalena Hoły-Łuczaj & Vincent Blok - 2022 - Environmental Values 1 (4):469-491.
    Grasping the identity of hybrids, that is beings which cross the binarism of nature and technology (e.g. genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), syn-bio inventions, biomimetic projects), is problematic since it is still guided by self-evident dualistic categories, either as artefacts or as natural entities. To move beyond the limitations of such a one-sided understanding of hybrids, we suggest turning towards the categories of affordances and the juxtaposition of needs and patterns of proper use, as inspired by the Heideggerian version of phenomenology. Drawing (...)
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