Results for 'Michal Králík'

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  1. Právní možnosti změnit pravomocné soudní rozhodnutí O určení otcovství (judikát).Michal Králík & J. K. Svák - forthcoming - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas.
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  2. Why Ethical Consumers Don’t Walk Their Talk: Towards a Framework for Understanding the Gap Between the Ethical Purchase Intentions and Actual Buying Behaviour of Ethically Minded Consumers.Michal J. Carrington, Benjamin A. Neville & Gregory J. Whitwell - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 97 (1):139-158.
    Despite their ethical intentions, ethically minded consumers rarely purchase ethical products (Auger and Devinney: 2007, Journal of Business Ethics76, 361–383). This intentions–behaviour gap is important to researchers and industry, yet poorly understood (Belk et al.: 2005, Consumption, Markets and Culture8(3), 275–289). In order to push the understanding of ethical consumption forward, we draw on what is known about the intention–behaviour gap from the social psychology and consumer behaviour literatures and apply these insights to ethical consumerism. We bring together three separate (...)
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    Mental Shopping Calculations: A Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Study.Michal Klichowski & Gregory Kroliczak - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    On the semantics of the Henkin quantifier.Michał Krynicki & Alistair H. Lachlan - 1979 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 44 (2):184-200.
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    Shades of Awareness on the Mechanisms Underlying the Quality of Conscious Representations: A Commentary to Fazekas and Overgaard ().Anna Anzulewicz & Michał Wierzchoń - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (6):2095-2100.
    Fazekas and Overgaard () present a novel, multidimensional model that explains different ways in which conscious representations can be degraded. Moreover, the authors discuss possible mechanisms that underlie different kinds of degradation, primarily those related to attentional processing. In this letter, we argue that the proposed mechanisms are not sufficient. We propose that attentional mechanisms work differently at various processing stages; and factors that are independent of attentional ones, such as expectation, previous experience, and context, should be accounted for if (...)
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    Hierarchies of Partially Ordered Connectives and Quantifiers.Michał Krynicki - 1993 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 39 (1):287-294.
    Connections between partially ordered connectives and Henkin quantifiers are considered. It is proved that the logic with all partially ordered connectives and the logic with all Henkin quantifiers coincide. This implies that the hierarchy of partially ordered connectives is strongly hierarchical and gives several nondefinability results between some of them. It is also deduced that each Henkin quantifier can be defined by a quantifier of the form equation imagewhat is a strengthening of the Walkoe result. MSC: 03C80.
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    What Is a Neganthropic Institution?Michał Krzykawski - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (7-8):99-115.
    This article discusses the relation between the institutions and the production of entropy as read by Bernard Stiegler and locates this discussion within a more specific debate on institutions in advanced capitalism. Commenting on Stiegler’s approach to the concept of entropy, the article brings into focus the institutional strand of Stiegler’s increasingly hurried writings where this concept is discussed and reframes his critique of political economy as ‘neganthropology’ in relation to what I describe as neganthropic institutions. A full explanation of (...)
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  8. Distributive Full Lambek Calculus Has the Finite Model Property.Michał Kozak - 2009 - Studia Logica 91 (2):201-216.
    We prove the Finite Model Property (FMP) for Distributive Full Lambek Calculus ( DFL ) whose algebraic semantics is the class of distributive residuated lattices ( DRL ). The problem was left open in [8, 5]. We use the method of nuclei and quasi–embedding in the style of [10, 1].
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    Learning From Peers’ Eye Movements in the Absence of Expert Guidance: A Proof of Concept Using Laboratory Stock Trading, Eye Tracking, and Machine Learning.Michał Król & Magdalena Król - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (2):e12716.
    Existing research shows that people can improve their decision skills by learning what experts paid attention to when faced with the same problem. However, in domains like financial education, effective instruction requires frequent, personalized feedback given at the point of decision, which makes it time‐consuming for experts to provide and thus, prohibitively costly. We address this by demonstrating an automated feedback mechanism that allows amateur decision‐makers to learn what information to attend to from one another, rather than from an expert. (...)
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    Theories of arithmetics in finite models.Michał Krynicki & Konrad Zdanowski - 2005 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 70 (1):1-28.
    We investigate theories of initial segments of the standard models for arithmetics. It is easy to see that if the ordering relation is definable in the standard model then the decidability results can be transferred from the infinite model into the finite models. On the contrary we show that the Σ₂—theory of multiplication is undecidable in finite models. We show that this result is optimal by proving that the Σ₁—theory of multiplication and order is decidable in finite models as well (...)
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    People Copy the Actions of Artificial Intelligence.Michal Klichowski - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Cywilizacje w ujęciu Feliksa Konecznego a multikulturalizm we współczesnej Europie.Michał Kmieć - 2020 - Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki 20:199-224.
    The aim of this thesis is to describe contemporary cultural problems in Europe using the category of historiosophy developed by Feliks Koneczny. The author discusses the division of civilisations in Europe as described by Koneczny and his ‘historical laws’ which concern mutual relations between these civilisations. Nowadays, Europe is an area where five civilisations mix. One of them has appeared in Europe due to the mass migration of the Muslim population. According to Koneczny, there can be no synthesis between civilisations (...)
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    Mit apolityczności sportu w kontekście działań Międzynarodowego Komitetu Olimpijskiego.Michał M. Kobierecki - 2022 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 27 (1):151-171.
    Artykuł poświęcony jest zagadnieniu apolitycznego charakteru sportu. Badania mają na celu prześledzenie stanowiska Międzynarodowego Komitetu Olimpijskiego wobec upolitycznienia sportu i skonfrontowanie go z faktyczną działalnością MKOl, którą można określić jako polityczną. Badania doprowadziły do wniosku, że apolityczny charakter sportu to tylko mit. Masowa popularność sportu skłoniła wiele państw do prób wykorzystania go do celów politycznych, zmuszając MKOl do zajmowania stanowisk politycznych i przenoszenia sporów politycznych na swoje forum.
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    Russia and Its International Image: From Sochi Olympic Games to Annexing Crimea.Michał Kobierecki - 2016 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 18 (2):165-186.
    The aim of the article is to analyze the change of the Russian Federation’s international image in the light of two significant events: the Olympic Winter Games in 2014 in Sochi and the annexation of Crimea. According to the first hypothesis, one of the main aims for hosting the Olympic Games was to improve the international prestige of Russia. Shortly after the Olympics Russia increased its activity in Eastern Ukraine, which resulted in the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula. Therefore the (...)
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    Complete Axiomatisations of Properties of Finite Sets.Thomas Agotnes & Michal Walicki - 2008 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 16 (3):293-313.
    We study a logic whose formulae are interpreted as properties of a finite set over some universe. The language is propositional, with two unary operators inclusion and extension, both taking a finite set as argument. We present a basic Hilbert-style axiomatisation, and study its completeness. The main results are syntactic and semantic characterisations of complete extensions of the logic.
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    (1 other version)The Logica Yearbook 2014.Pavel Arazim & Michal Dancak (eds.) - 2015 - College Publications.
  17. Knowledge Interpretation in Substructural Frames.Ondrej Majer & Michal Pelis - 2013 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 20:79-98.
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    (1 other version)On Some Applications of Games for Härtig Quantifier.Michal Krynicki - 1987 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 33 (4):359-370.
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    (1 other version)Quantifiers determined by partial orderings.Michal Krynicki - 1990 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 36 (1):79-86.
  20.  27
    Tocqueville’s Dual Theory of Revolution.Michal Kuz - 2015 - The European Legacy 20 (1):41-55.
    Alexis de Tocqueville’s political thought is often seen as inconsistent for offering two apparently dissimilar theories of revolution. The first is universal democratisation, understood as a social phenomenon and a grand revolutionary change; the second sees revolution as the logical continuation and radicalisation of the preceding regime. The following question arises: was Tocqueville inconsistent in his principal works? I argue that this was not the case and that the two processes are complementary elements in Tocqueville’s model, which combines the ancient (...)
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    Technics and Desire in the Age of Automatization. From Marcuse to Stiegler.Michał Krzykawski - 2022 - Analiza I Egzystencja 59:135-156.
    This paper describes the relationship between technics and desire in light of Bernard Stiegler’s new critique of political economy. The starting point for the analysis is Stiegler’s critique of the reinterpretation of Freud’s legacy by Herbert Marcuse in Eros and Civilization. The context of the analysis is the ongoing mutation of consumer capitalism into computational capitalism—one in which automated calculation systems are used to control all forms of mental and affective human activity. Digital automatization, I argue, encourages a different view (...)
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  22.  12
    „Kolęda, Nowe Lato i Szczodry Dzień” — geneza, rozwój i schyłek gatunku w XVII wieku.Michał Kuran - 2014 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 25 (3):31-72.
    The article is proving that works arisen from the tradition of wishing carol, in which titles appeared a formula „Carol, The New Year and the Generous Day”, constitute a separate literary genre. What is more, works, which belong to it could exist in two forms: unified and cyclical. The genesis of the genre is regarded to appear in combining into one group the motives and symbols of the Christian holidays (from the Christmas through the Circumcision / the New Year to (...)
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    „Straszna” i „dziwna” zwykłość człowieka. Problem rozumienia postaci w dziele F. Dostojewskiego (w świetle opowiadania Wieczny mąż).Michał Kruszelnicki - 2021 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:245-263.
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  24. Modernizacja szkół zawodowych w oparciu o programy rozwojowe.Andrzej Klimczuk & Michał Skarzyński - 2014 - In Marta Juchnicka (ed.), Formalnoprawne Aspekty Modernizacji Szkolnictwa Zawodowego. Izba Rzemieślnicza I Przedsiȩbiorczości. pp. 119--144.
    A. Klimczuk, M. Skarzyński, Modernizacja szkół zawodowych w oparciu o programy rozwojowe, [in:] M. Juchnicka, Formalnoprawne aspekty modernizacji szkolnictwa zawodowego, Izba Rzemieślnicza i Przedsiȩbiorczości, Białystok 2014, pp. 119-144.
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    Strong negation in intuitionistic style sequent systems for residuated lattices.Michał Kozak - 2014 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 60 (4-5):319-334.
    We study the sequent system mentioned in the author's work as CyInFL with ‘intuitionistic’ sequents. We explore the connection between this system and symmetric constructive logic of Zaslavsky and develop an algebraic semantics for both of them. In contrast to the previous work, we prove the strong completeness theorem for CyInFL with ‘intuitionistic’ sequents and all of its basic variants, including variants with contraction. We also show how the defined classes of structures are related to cyclic involutive FL‐algebras and Nelson (...)
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  26.  6
    W sprawie Znaków równości.Michał Kozłowski - 2019 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 13 (4):99-101.
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    Autism limits strategic thinking after all: A process tracing study of the beauty contest game.Michał Król & Magdalena Ewa Król - 2019 - Thinking and Reasoning 26 (4):615-626.
    The beauty contest game is widely used to study the determinants of strategic thinking. Here, we examine the role of theory of mind in strategic reasoning by comparing both performance and the reas...
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    Great Minds Think Alike? Spatial Search Processes Can Be More Idiosyncratic When Guided by More Accurate Information.Michal Król & Magdalena E. Król - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (4).
    Cognitive Science, Volume 46, Issue 4, April 2022.
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    Nietzsche i Kierkegaard – wspólna wizja nowożytnego podmiotu.Michał Krot - 2019 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 31:94-111.
    The task of this work is to make a comparison of subjectivity in the philosophy of Frederic Nietzsche and Soren Kierkegaard in the context of modern metaphysics. It turns out that despite the fact that our XIX century philosophers were trying to go beyond the definition of modern subject by using two separate methods, their thought is marked with similar assumption. It is natural that their projects did not succeed in breaking down the modern metaphysics, but instead it resulted in (...)
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  30.  11
    Comparative Conceptual Analysis in a Legal Translation Classroom: Where Do the Pitfalls Lie.Michal Kubánek & Ondřej Klabal - 2021 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 66 (1):61-81.
    It is a well-acknowledged fact in legal translation studies that when searching for terminological equivalents, translators should make use of comparative conceptual analysis. Thus, legal translation trainees should be equipped with the necessary tools to carry out such analysis, but the question remains: are they? This paper is a follow-up to a study published in 2017, where modified think aloud protocols were used to explore the following research question: to what degree are university students doing a course in legal and (...)
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    Bohater zbiorowy w twórczości heroicznej Samuela Twardowskiego.Michał Kuran - 2003 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 6:43-66.
    In this paper the author shows that a crowd in Twardowski’s production becomes a community significant, not only ornamentical. This crowd consists of the nobility and a persons Trom behind the ethos. Twardowski produces a part of the nobility on the structure of presented world and he pays attention to their behaviour: knightly and not knightly. Samuel of Skrzypna shows a struggle on the battle field between antagonistic armies. These armies are presented as an anonymous masses. The poet only occasionally (...)
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    Modelowanie akrazji.Michał Kłusek - 2016 - Semina Scientiarum 15:88-106.
    In general, economics does not deal with the details of a decission process, focusing solely on the result of a given behaviour. Model of akrasia formulated by Robert Cooter allows for modelling of the very decision process leading to a given behaviour therefore widening the scope of interest of economics. It does it by allowing for preferences changing in time and the possiblity of anticiaption of the shape of future preferences. This allows for modelling of lapses, the regret connected with (...)
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    Humanistyka emancypacji, czyli przestrzenie życia i przestrzenie komunikacji między słowem a wirtualnością.Michał Lachman - 2021 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 60 (1):7-14.
    The article offers a summary of a number of approaches to contemporary humanities in which the main dynamics of research and methodology could be characterised as emancipation. The humanities is seen here not merely as an open discipline, but it is viewed as a method of research able of accepting its relational and indeterminate progress. The soft dimension of its analysis, which is also rooted in an individual biography of the researcher, results from a particular attention paid to other than (...)
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    On the radio the pictures are better.Michał Lachman - 2013 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 3:264-270.
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    Being an abortion provider as a conflict of interest.Michal Pruski - 2022 - Catholic Medical Quarterly 72 (4):23.
    Dear Editor, -/- One of the recent changes in the UK cabinet, after Liz Truss became the Prime Minister, was that Dr Therese Coffey become the new Health Secretary. Some news outlets were quick to point out her anti-abortion stance (see e.g. (1–3)) and that this, according to them, might be a problem. While pro-lifers might not completely rejoice over this situation as Coffey stated that ‘she wouldn’t “seek to undo” abortion laws’(3), I do not wish to focus here on (...)
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    Samorząd jako wartość cywilizacyjna.Michał Kasiński - 2008 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 11 (2):205-216.
    The core of the local self-government stems from the Western (Latin) civilization values. European Nations have always fought for the qualities and perseverance of local self government. Currently it is considered an attribute of local democracy, although in the European tradition it has long been related to the pluralist values of social life organization. The communes; freedom, and their independence from the local government have been derived from natural law and seen as a condition for a healthy social system. Contemporarily, (...)
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  37. Sefer Zikhru torat Mosheh.Abraham ben Jehiel Michal Danzig - 1967 - Edited by Yo Ṭ. Neṭil ben Tsevi Dov Branshpigel, Eleazar ben Moses Azikri, Asher ben Jehiel & Moses Maimonides.
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  38. Przygody cyfrowego tułacza.Michał Kłosiński - 2023 - Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
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    Paweł Pieniążek. Sovereignty and Modernity: A Study in the History of Poststructuralist Reception of Nietzsche’s Thought. [REVIEW]Michał Kruszelnicki & Wojciech Kruszelnicki - 2011 - New Nietzsche Studies 8 (3-4):175-179.
  40. Collected Works of Michal Kalecki: Volume 7: Studies in Applied Economics, 1940-1967.Michal Kalecki - 1997 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The seventh volume of the Collected Works of Michal Kalecki, one of the twentieth century's preeminent economists, contains his empirical studies of the wartime and post-war economy in Britain and the USA, together with papers on the work of other economists and miscellanea.The first part of the book collects together his articles on the economic conditions of Britain during the Second World War, focusing on the rationing of consumption and war finance, and its post-war reconstructions. These articles are among (...)
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    Collected Works of Michal Kalecki: Volume 4: Socialism: Economic Growth and Efficiency of Investment.Michal Kalecki - 1993 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This volume contains Kalecki's writings on the theory of growth of a socialist economy and the theory of economic efficiency of investment. These are supplemented by essays on some economic and social problems of People's Poland. Though quite theoretical in nature, both the Introduction to the Theory of Growth in a Socialist Economy and Kalecki's many studies in the theory of economic efficiency of investment projects are deeply rooted in his practical experience as an economic planner. It is only in (...)
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  42. Collected Works of Michal Kalecki: Volume 6: Studies in Applied Economics 1927-1941.Michal Kalecki - 1996 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The sixth volume of the Collected Works of Micha/l Kalecki, one of the twentieth-century's pre-eminent economists, contains his empirical studies of the capitalist economy, published primarily in pre-war Poland. The first part of the book collects together reviews of business conditions in commodity markets, studies of the structure and operations of large companies and cartels, and articles on international economic relations. These studies, written between 1928 and 1935, demonstrate Kalecki's keen insight into the international consequences of the Great Crisis of (...)
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  43. Collected Works of Michal Kalecki: Volume 3: Socialism: Functioning and Long-Run Planning.Michal Kalecki - 1993 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Containing nearly all the material which has survived on Kalecki's activity - both theoretical and practical - from 1955 to 1964.
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    Michał Rogalski: The Variety of the Polish Catholic Modernism. An Overview of the Reception Process.Michał Rogalski - 2020 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 27 (2):197-219.
    This paper describes the process of reception of Catholic Modernism in Poland as well as the Polish contribution to this movement. It shows the Polish antimodernist perspective on modernistic thought. The neglect of Polish modernism was caused by the nationalistic character of the Polish theology and has resulted in absence of historical studies of Polish Catholic Modernism. Based on the results of archival and literature research the paper presents a variety of Polish Catholic Modernists and non-Catholic supporters of the modernist (...)
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    The War Inside: Psychoanalysis, Total War, and the Making of the Democratic Self in Postwar Britain.Michal Shapira - 2013 - Cambridge University Press.
    The War Inside is a groundbreaking history of the contribution of British psychoanalysis to the making of social democracy, childhood, and the family during World War II and the postwar reconstruction. Psychoanalysts informed understandings not only of individuals, but also of broader political questions. By asserting a link between a real 'war outside' and an emotional 'war inside', psychoanalysts contributed to an increased state responsibility for citizens' mental health. They made understanding children and the mother-child relationship key to the successful (...)
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    Statement by Professor Michał Heller at the Templeton Prize News Conference, March 12th, 2008.Michał Heller - 2008 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 43.
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    Hannah Arendt and the limits of total domination: the holocaust, plurality, and resistance.Michal Aharony - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    Responding to the increasingly influential role of Hannah Arendt's political philosophy in recent years, Hannah Arendt and the Limits of Total Domination: The Holocaust, Plurality, and Resistance, critically engages with Arendt's understanding of totalitarianism. According to Arendt, the main goal of totalitarianism was total domination; namely, the virtual eradication of human legality, morality, individuality, and plurality. This attempt, in her view, was most fully realized in the concentration camps, which served as the major "laboratories" for the regime. While Arendt focused (...)
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    Aestheticism: Deep Formalism and the Emergence of Modernist Aesthetics.Michalle Gal - 2015 - Bern: Peter Lang.
    This book offers, for the first time in aesthetics, a comprehensive account of aestheticism of the 19<SUP>th</SUP> century as a philosophical theory of its own right. Taking philosophical and art-historical viewpoints, this cross-disciplinary book presents aestheticism as the foundational movement of modernist aesthetics of the 20<SUP>th</SUP> century. Emerging in the writings of the foremost aestheticists - Oscar Wilde, Walter Pater, James Whistler, and their formalist successors such as Clive Bell, Roger Fry, and Clement Greenberg - aestheticism offers a uniquely synthetic (...)
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  49. The Shape of History.Michal Masny - forthcoming - Journal of Moral Philosophy.
    Some philosophers believe in improvement: they think that the world is a better place than it used to be, and that future generations will fare even better. Others see decline: they claim that the condition of humanity has deteriorated and will continue to do so. Much ink has also been spilt over what explains these historical patterns. These two disagreements about the shape of history concern largely descriptive issues. But there is also a third, purely normative question that has been (...)
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    Collected Works of Michal Kalecki: Volume 1: Capitalism: Business Cycles and Full Employment.Michal Kalecki - 1990 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This is the first volume in a new, definitive, seven-volume edition of the works of Michal Kalecki, one of the twentieth century's most distinguished economists. Kalecki was one of the three contemporary economists to arrive at the conclusions publicized by Keynes, although Kalecki arguably presented these views even earlier than Keynes. Volume I contains Kalecki's writings on the theory of the business cycle and full employment. His seminal Essay on the Business Cycle Theory is preceded by his earlier theoretical (...)
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