Results for 'Memory color'

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  1.  51
    Can memory color effects be explained by cognitive penetration?Woojin Han - 2025 - Philosophical Psychology 38 (2):648-666.
    Orange heart shapes are commonly perceived as slightly reddish, which is an example of the memory color effect (MCE). Given that the MCE is a modulation of visual memories of typical colors of familiar objects, it can be considered to be a top-down effect. Whether cognitive penetration can explain MCEs has been actively debated since Macpherson argued that the belief that hearts are red alters orange perception. This paper aims to provide a credible explanation of the MCE that (...)
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    Memory colours affect colour appearance.Christoph Witzel, Maria Olkkonen & Karl R. Gegenfurtner - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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    Cognitive Penetration and Memory Colour Effects.Dimitria Electra Gatzia - 2019 - Erkenntnis 84 (1):121-143.
    Cognition can influence action. Your belief that it is raining outside, for example, may cause you to reach for the umbrella. Perception can also influence cognition. Seeing that no raindrops are falling, for example, may cause you to think that you don’t need to reach for an umbrella. The question that has fascinated philosophers and cognitive scientists for the past few decades, however, is whether cognition can influence perception. Can, for example, your desire for a rainy day cause you to (...)
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  4. Finding the “odd one out”: Memory color effects and the logic of appearance.J. J. Valenti & Chaz Firestone - 2019 - Cognition 191 (C):103934.
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    The Color of Memory: Interpreting Twentieth-Century U.S. Social Policy from a Nineteenth-Century Perspective.Rhonda M. Williams & Carla L. Peterson - 1998 - Feminist Studies 24 (1):7.
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  6. The Color of Memory: Reading Race with Ralph Ellison.W. James Booth - 2008 - Political Theory 36 (5):683 - 707.
    In this article, I am concerned with the relationship between the visibility of race as color, the memory of injustice, and American identity. The visibility of color would seem to make it a daily reminder of race and its history, and in this way to be intimately a part of American memory and identity. Yet the tie between memory and color is anything but certain or transparent. Rather, as I shall argue, it is a (...)
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    Color information in iconic memory.William P. Banks & Grayson Barber - 1977 - Psychological Review 84 (6):536-546.
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    Color memory penetrates early vision.James A. Schirillo - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (3):393-393.
    Pylyshyn's concentration on form perception to demonstrate that early vision is cognitively impenetrable neglects that color perception is also part of early vision. Thus, the finding of Duncker (1939), Bruner et al. (1951), and Delk and Fillenbaum (1965) that the expected color of objects affects how they are perceived challenges Pylyshyn's thesis.
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  9. Universals in color naming and memory.Eleanor R. Heider - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 93 (1):10.
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    Improving memory for color.Michael H. Siegel & David E. Siegel - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 7 (5):461-464.
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    Memory trace for color.N. G. Hanawalt & B. E. Post - 1942 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 30 (3):216.
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  12. Savant memory in a man with colour form-number synaesthesia and asperger.Simon Baron-Cohen, D. Bor, J. Billington, J. Asher, S. Wheelwright & C. Ashwin - 2007 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 14 (9-10):237-251.
    Extreme conditions like savantism, autism or synaesthesia, which have a neurological 2AH, UK basis, challenge the idea that other minds are similar to our own. In this paper we report a single case study of a man in whom all three of these conditions co-occur. We suggest, on the basis of this single case, that when savantism and synaesthesia co- occur, it is worthwhile testing for an undiagnosed Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC). This is because savantism has an established association with (...)
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  13. Is color experience linguistically penetrable?Raquel Krempel - 2021 - Synthese 199 (1-2):4261-4285.
    I address the question of whether differences in color terminology cause differences in color experience in speakers of different languages. If linguistic representations directly affect color experience, then this is a case of what I call the linguistic penetrability of perception, which is a particular case of cognitive penetrability. I start with some general considerations about cognitive penetration and its alleged occurrence in the memory color effect. I then apply similar considerations to the interpretation of (...)
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    Incidental memory for the color-word association in the Stroop color-word test.Andrew S. Bradlyn & Howard A. Rollins - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 16 (4):269-272.
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    Color memory and evaluations for alphabetical and logographic brand names.Nader T. Tavassoli - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 7 (2):104.
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    Retrieval of color information from preperceptual memory.Sandra E. Clark - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 82 (2):263.
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    Associative memory advantage in grapheme-color synesthetes compared to older, but not young adults.Gaby Pfeifer, Nicolas Rothen, Jamie Ward, Dennis Chan & Natasha Sigala - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    A study in scarlet: cultural memory of the tropes related to the color red, female countenance, and onstage makeup in the Sinophone world.Victoria Bogushevskaya - 2024 - Semiotica 2024 (261):209-225.
    In a high-context culture like Chinese, the linguistic code encompasses only part of the message and is incomplete without context. One of the implicit codes embedded in high-context communication is color tropes. Highly recognizable in the Sinophone world, color tropes often manifest themselves in the forms of metaphor, metonymy, allusions, and similes and are often related to the conveyance of emotional content. This paper provides a selection and discussion of such color tropes, demonstrates that color in (...)
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    Enhanced associative memory for colour (but not shape or location) in synaesthesia.Jamie Pritchard, Nicolas Rothen, Daniel Coolbear & Jamie Ward - 2013 - Cognition 127 (2):230-234.
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  20. Cortical Color and the Cognitive Sciences.Berit Brogaard & Dimitria Electra Gatzia - 2017 - Topics in Cognitive Science 9 (1):135-150.
    Back when researchers thought about the various forms that color vision could take, the focus was primarily on the retinal mechanisms. Since that time, research on human color vision has shifted from an interest in retinal mechanisms to cortical color processing. This has allowed color research to provide insight into questions that are not limited to early vision but extend to cognition. Direct cortical connections from higher-level areas to lower-level areas have been found throughout the brain. (...)
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  21. Independence of form and color in perception and memory.J. Ceraso - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (6):476-476.
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    (1 other version)Color Processing in Synesthesia: What Synesthesia Can and Cannot Tell Us About Mechanisms of Color Processing.Agnieszka B. Janik McErlean & Michael J. Banissy - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (4).
    Synesthetic experiences of color have been traditionally conceptualized as a perceptual phenomenon. However, recent evidence suggests a role of higher order cognition in the formation of synesthetic experiences. Here, we discuss how synesthetic experiences of color differ from and influence veridical color processing, and how non-perceptual processes such as imagery and color memory might play a role in eliciting synesthetic color experience.
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    The Color of Noise and Weak Stationarity at the NREM to REM Sleep Transition in Mild Cognitive Impaired Subjects.Alejandra Rosales-Lagarde, Erika E. Rodriguez-Torres, Benjamín A. Itzá-Ortiz, Pedro Miramontes, Génesis Vázquez-Tagle, Julio C. Enciso-Alva, Valeria García-Muñoz, Lourdes Cubero-Rego, José E. Pineda-Sánchez, Claudia I. Martínez-Alcalá & Jose S. Lopez-Noguerola - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:361371.
    In Older Adults (OAs), Electroencephalogram (EEG) slowing in frontal lobes and a diminished muscle atonia during Rapid Eye Movement sleep (REM) have each been effective tracers of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), but this relationship remains to be explored by non-linear analysis. Likewise, data provided by EEG, EMG (Electromyogram) and EOG (Electrooculogram)—the three required sleep indicators—during the transition from REM to Non-REM (NREM) sleep have not been related jointly to MCI. Therefore, the main aim of the study was to explore, with (...)
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  24. Effects of color in implicit memory.A. Melzer & W. Wippich - 2000 - Consciousness and Cognition 9 (2):S47 - S47.
  25. Color experience in blindsight?Berit Brogaard - 2011 - Philosophical Psychology 24 (6):767-786.
    Blindsight, the ability to blindly discriminate wavelength and other aspects of stimuli in a blind field, sometimes occurs in people with lesions to striate (V1) cortex. There is currently no consensus on whether qualitative color information of the sort that is normally computed by double opponent cells in striate cortex is indeed computed in blindsight but doesn’t reach awareness, perhaps owing to abnormal neuron responsiveness in striate or extra-striate cortical areas, or is not computed at all. The existence of (...)
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  26. Grapheme-color synaesthesia benefits rule-based Category learning.Marcus R. Watson, Mark R. Blair, Pavel Kozik, Kathleen A. Akins & James T. Enns - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (3):1533-1540.
    Researchers have long suspected that grapheme-color synaesthesia is useful, but research on its utility has so far focused primarily on episodic memory and perceptual discrimination. Here we ask whether it can be harnessed during rule-based Category learning. Participants learned through trial and error to classify grapheme pairs that were organized into categories on the basis of their associated synaesthetic colors. The performance of synaesthetes was similar to non-synaesthetes viewing graphemes that were physically colored in the same way. Specifically, (...)
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    Enhanced dimension-specific visual working memory in grapheme-color synesthesia.D. B. Terhune, O. A. Wudarczyk, P. Kochuparampil & R. C. Kadosh - 2013 - Cognition 129 (1):123-137.
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    Enhanced dimension-specific visual working memory in grapheme–color synesthesia.Devin Blair Terhune, Olga Anna Wudarczyk, Priya Kochuparampil & Roi Cohen Kadosh - 2013 - Cognition 129 (1):123-137.
  29. Colour Categorization and Categorical Perception.Robert Briscoe - 2017 - In Derek Brown & Fiona Macpherson, Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Colour. New York: Routledge. pp. 456-474.
    In this chapter, I critically examine two of the main approaches to colour categorization in cognitive science: the perceptual salience theory and linguistic relativism. I then turn to reviewing several decades of psychological research on colour categorical perception (CP). A careful assessment of relevant findings suggests that most of the experimental effects that have been understood in terms of CP actually fall on the cognition side of the perception-cognition divide: they are effects of colour language, for example, on memory (...)
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    Memoria Romana. K. galinsky memoria Romana. Memory in Rome and Rome in memory. Pp. XIV + 193, b/w & colour ills, maps. Ann Arbor: The university of michigan press, for the american academy in Rome, 2014. Cased, us$85. Isbn: 978-0-472-11943-1. [REVIEW]Maggie L. Popkin - 2015 - The Classical Review 65 (2):526-528.
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    Achim Timmermann, Memory and Redemption: Public Monuments and the Making of Late Medieval Landscape. (Architectura Medii Aevi 8.) Turnhout: Brepols, 2017. Pp. xiv, 427; color plates and black-and-white figures. €105. ISBN: 978-2-5035-4652-0. [REVIEW]Jana Gajdošová - 2022 - Speculum 97 (4):1265-1266.
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  32. Color-Consciousness Conceptualism.Pete Mandik - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (2):617-631.
    The goal of the present paper is to defend against a certain line of attack the view that conscious experience of color is no more fine-grained that the repertoire of non- demonstrative concepts that a perceiver is able to bring to bear in perception. The line of attack in question is an alleged empirical argument - the Diachronic Indistinguishability Argument - based on pairs of colors so similar that they can be discriminated when simultaneously presented but not when presented (...)
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    Non-monotonic relationships between emotional arousal and memory for color and location.C. Dennis Boywitt - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (8):1335-1349.
  34.  37
    The Logie Collection - (J.R.) Green The Logie Collection. A Catalogue of the James Logie Memorial Collection of Classical Antiquities at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch. Pp. 406, b/w & colour ills, colour map. Christchurch: Canterbury University Press, 2009. Cased, Aus$120. ISBN: 978-1-877257-66-7. [REVIEW]John H. Oakley - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (1):259-260.
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    Stroop effects from newly learned color words: effects of memory consolidation and episodic context.Sebastian Geukes, M. Gareth Gaskell & Pienie Zwitserlood - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Independent features form integrated objects: Using a novel shape-color “conjunction task” to reconstruct memory resolution for multiple object features simultaneously.Aedan Y. Li, Keisuke Fukuda & Morgan D. Barense - 2022 - Cognition 223 (C):105024.
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    ‘Demonstrative’ colour concepts: Recognition versus preservation.Mark Textor - 2009 - Ratio 22 (2):234-249.
    Arguments for and against the existence of demonstrative concepts of shades and shapes turn on the assumption that demonstrative concepts must be recognitional capacities. The standard argument for this assumption is based on the widely held view that concepts are those constituents of propositional attitudes that account for an attitude's inferential potential. Only if demonstrative concepts of shades are recognitional capacities, the standard argument goes, can they account for the inferential potential of demonstrative judgements about shades. Shades are conceived as (...)
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  38. Memory and Imagery in Russell's The Analysis of Mind.David M. Kovacs - 2009 - Prolegomena 8 (2):193-206.
    According to the theory Russell defends in The Analysis of Mind, ‘true memories’ (roughly, memories that are not remembering-hows) are recollections of past events accompanied by a feeling of familiarity. While memory images play a vital role in this account, Russell does not pay much attention to the fact that imagery plays different roles in different sorts of memory. In most cases that Russell considers, memory is based on an image that serves as a datum (imagebased memories), (...)
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    Synaesthetic perception of colour and visual space in a blind subject: An fMRI case study.Valentina Niccolai, Tessa M. van Leeuwen, Colin Blakemore & Petra Stoerig - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (2):889-899.
    In spatial sequence synaesthesia ordinal stimuli are perceived as arranged in peripersonal space. Using fMRI, we examined the neural bases of SSS and colour synaesthesia for spoken words in a late-blind synaesthete, JF. He reported days of the week and months of the year as both coloured and spatially ordered in peripersonal space; parts of the days and festivities of the year were spatially ordered but uncoloured. Words that denote time-units and triggered no concurrents were used in a control condition. (...)
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    Priming Emotional Salience Reveals the Role of Episodic Memory and Task Conflict in the Non-color Word Stroop Task.Chiao Wei Hsieh & Dinkar Sharma - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Working memory modulates the anger superiority effect in central and peripheral visual fields.Xiang Li, Zhen Lin, Yufei Chen & Mingliang Gong - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (2):271-283.
    Angry faces have been shown to be detected more efficiently in a crowd of distractors compared to happy faces, known as the anger superiority effect (ASE). The present study investigated whether the ASE could be modified by top-down manipulation of working memory (WM), in central and peripheral visual fields. In central vision, participants held a colour in WM for a final memory test while simultaneously performing a visual search task that required them to determine whether a face showed (...)
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    Single-Trial EEG Analysis Predicts Memory Retrieval and Reveals Source-Dependent Differences.Eunho Noh, Kueida Liao, Matthew V. Mollison, Tim Curran & Virginia R. De Sa - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:310151.
    We used pattern classifiers to extract features related to recognition memory retrieval from the temporal information in single-trial electroencephalography (EEG) data during attempted memory retrieval. Two-class classification was conducted on correctly remembered trials with accurate context (or source) judgments vs. correctly rejected trials. The average accuracy for datasets recorded in a single session was 61% while the average accuracy for datasets recorded in two separate sessions was 56%. To further understand the basis of the classifier’s performance, two other (...)
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    Historical Memory in Post-Cold War Europe.Csilla Kiss - 2014 - The European Legacy 19 (4):419-432.
    This article examines European memory and memory politics. Taking as my starting point the deepening divisions between the “old” and “new” members of the European Union since the 2004 and 2007 enlargements, I investigate whether differences in official memory concerning World War II on the one hand and communism on the other should be regarded as permanent. Using examples from the development of West-European postwar memory-regimes and comparing them to the current state in postcommunist Europe I (...)
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    Aspects of late antiquity - (w.V.) Harris, (A.H.) Chen (edd.) Late antique studies in memory of Alan Cameron. (Columbia studies in the classical tradition 46.) pp. XXXII + 321, b/w & colour ills. Leiden and boston: Brill, 2021. Cased, €125, us$151. Isbn: 978-90-04-44936-7. [REVIEW]Michael Roberts - 2022 - The Classical Review 72 (1):260-263.
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  45. Memory enhancing drugs and Alzheimer’s Disease: Enhancing the self or preventing the loss of it? [REVIEW]Wim Dekkers & Marcel Olde Rikkert - 2007 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 10 (2):141-151.
    In this paper we analyse some ethical and philosophical questions related to the development of memory enhancing drugs (MEDs) and anti-dementia drugs. The world of memory enhancement is coloured by utopian thinking and by the desire for quicker, sharper, and more reliable memories. Dementia is characterized by decline, fragility, vulnerability, a loss of the most important cognitive functions and even a loss of self. While MEDs are being developed for self-improvement, in Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) the self is being (...)
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    Memory and the Instituting Social Imaginary.Nancy Nyquist Potter - 2022 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 29 (4):241-242.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Memory and the Instituting Social ImaginaryNancy Nyquist Potter*, PhD (bio)Emily Walsh's Article on the way that colonialism is perpetuated in psychiatry through dominant collective memory is simultaneously exciting and challenging, and merits active engagement toward making changes (Walsh, 2022). This presents a challenge to clinicians to address entrenched, often subconscious, ways of being with and helping racialized people with historical memories and current experiences.Such changes are necessary (...)
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    Mood-dependent retrieval in visual long-term memory: dissociable effects on retrieval probability and mnemonic precision.Weizhen Xie & Weiwei Zhang - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (4):674-690.
    Although memories are more retrievable if observers’ emotional states are consistent between encoding and retrieval, it is unclear whether the consistency of emotional states increases the likelihood of successful memory retrieval, the precision of retrieved memories, or both. The present study tested visual long-term memory for everyday objects while consistent or inconsistent emotional contexts between encoding and retrieval were induced using background grey-scale images from the International Affective Picture System. In the study phase, participants remembered colours of sequentially (...)
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  48. Trusting Traumatic Memory: Considerations from Memory Science.Alison Springle, Rebecca Dreier & Seth Goldwasser - 2023 - Philosophy of Science 90 (5):1060-1068.
    Court cases involving sexual assault and police violence rely heavily on victim testimony. We consider what we call the “Traumatic Untrustworthiness Argument (TUA)” according to which we should be skeptical about victim testimony because people are particularly liable to misremember traumatic events. The TUA is not obviously based in mere distrust of women, people of color, disabled people, poor people, etc. Rather, it seeks to justify skepticism on epistemic and empirical grounds. We consider how the TUA might appeal to (...)
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    Recognising the forest, but not the trees: An effect of colour on scene perception and recognition.Tanja C. W. Nijboer, Ryota Kanai, Edward H. F. de Haan & Maarten J. van der Smagt - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (3):741-752.
    Colour has been shown to facilitate the recognition of scene images, but only when these images contain natural scenes, for which colour is ‘diagnostic’. Here we investigate whether colour can also facilitate memory for scene images, and whether this would hold for natural scenes in particular. In the first experiment participants first studied a set of colour and greyscale natural and man-made scene images. Next, the same images were presented, randomly mixed with a different set. Participants were asked to (...)
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    Stimulus encoding and memory.Robert E. Warren - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 94 (1):90.
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