Results for 'Melkalem Mamuye Azanaw'

  1.  79
    Internet Addiction and Its Associated Factors Among African High School and University Students: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Edgeit Abebe Zewde, Tadesse Tolossa, Sofonyas Abebaw Tiruneh, Melkalem Mamuye Azanaw, Getachew Yideg Yitbarek, Fitalew Tadele Admasu, Gashaw Walle Ayehu, Tadeg Jemere Amare, Endeshaw Chekol Abebe, Zelalem Tilahun Muche, Tigabnesh Assfaw Fentie, Melkamu Aderajew Zemene & Metages Damite Melaku - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionInternet addiction is characterized by excessive and uncontrolled use of the internet affecting everyday life. Adolescents are the primary risk group for internet addiction. Data on internet addiction is lacking in Africa. Thus, this review aimed to determine the pooled prevalence of internet addiction and its associated factors among high school and university students in Africa.MethodsA comprehensive literature search was conducted using electronic databases to locate potential studies. Heterogeneity between studies was checked using Cochrane Q test statistics and I2 test (...)
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