Results for 'Medical resource allocation'

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  1. Fair Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources in the Time of Covid-19.Ezekiel J. Emanuel, Govind Persad, Ross Upshur, Beatriz Thome, Michael Parker, Aaron Glickman, Cathy Zhang & Connor Boyle - 2020 - New England Journal of Medicine 45:10.1056/NEJMsb2005114.
    Four ethical values — maximizing benefits, treating equally, promoting and rewarding instrumental value, and giving priority to the worst off — yield six specific recommendations for allocating medical resources in the Covid-19 pandemic: maximize benefits; prioritize health workers; do not allocate on a first-come, first-served basis; be responsive to evidence; recognize research participation; and apply the same principles to all Covid-19 and non–Covid-19 patients.
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  2. “Just” accuracy? Procedural fairness demands explainability in AI‑based medical resource allocation.Jon Rueda, Janet Delgado Rodríguez, Iris Parra Jounou, Joaquín Hortal-Carmona, Txetxu Ausín & David Rodríguez-Arias - 2022 - AI and Society:1-12.
    The increasing application of artificial intelligence (AI) to healthcare raises both hope and ethical concerns. Some advanced machine learning methods provide accurate clinical predictions at the expense of a significant lack of explainability. Alex John London has defended that accuracy is a more important value than explainability in AI medicine. In this article, we locate the trade-off between accurate performance and explainable algorithms in the context of distributive justice. We acknowledge that accuracy is cardinal from outcome-oriented justice because it helps (...)
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    Medical students positions regarding resource allocation in times of crisis.Daniel Minkin Levy, Iftach Sagy, Margaret Johansson Lipinski Lubianiker & Alan Jotkowitz - 2022 - Clinical Ethics 17 (4):432-441.
    Objective To compare the perspectives of medical students in the preclinical and clinical phases of medical training on the issue of rationing scarce medical resources in times of crisis. Methods Questionnaire-based cross-sectional study. Results A total of 201 participants took part in the study, with 100 participants in the preclinical phase group, and 101 in the clinical phase group. A multivariable analysis found that just 14.9% (n = 34) of the clinical phase students were willing to give (...)
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  4. Medical AI and human dignity: Contrasting perceptions of human and artificially intelligent (AI) decision making in diagnostic and medical resource allocation contexts.Paul Formosa, Wendy Rogers, Yannick Griep, Sarah Bankins & Deborah Richards - 2022 - Computers in Human Behaviour 133.
    Forms of Artificial Intelligence (AI) are already being deployed into clinical settings and research into its future healthcare uses is accelerating. Despite this trajectory, more research is needed regarding the impacts on patients of increasing AI decision making. In particular, the impersonal nature of AI means that its deployment in highly sensitive contexts-of-use, such as in healthcare, raises issues associated with patients’ perceptions of (un) dignified treatment. We explore this issue through an experimental vignette study comparing individuals’ perceptions of being (...)
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  5. Allocating Scarce Medical Resources.Terrance McConnell - 2013 - In Hugh LaFollette (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell.
    When discussing the allocation of medical resources, it is common to distinguish between macroallocation and microallocation. The former refers to an entire system of healthcare; it determines who gets access to what healthcare and on the basis of what criteria.
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    Rationality and allocating scarce medical resources.Ralph P. Forsberg - 1995 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 20 (1):25-42.
    In an article titled, "Who Shall Live When Not All Can?", James Childress proposes a system for allocating scarce lifesaving medical resources based on random selection procedures. Childress writes of random selection procedures, [They] "cannot be dismissed as a ‘non-rational’ and ‘non-human’... without an inquiry into the reasons, including human values which might justify it." My thesis is that once we concentrate on determining the rationality of random selection procedures, we will see that Childress's claim that we cannot dismiss (...)
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    Allocating Scarce Medical Resources to the Overweight.Adrian Furnham, Niroosha Loganathan & Alastair McClelland - 2010 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 21 (4):346-356.
    BACKGROUND: A programmatic research effort investigated how lay people weigh information on hypothetical patients when making decisions regarding the allocation of scarce medical resources. This study is partly replicative and partly innovative, and looks particularly at whether overweight patients would be discriminated against in allocating resources. AIMS: This study aims to determine the importance given to specific patient characteristics when lay participants are asked to allocate scarce medical resources. SAMPLE: In all, 156 British adults (82 males, 73 (...)
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  8. COVID-19 Vaccine Refusal and Fair Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources.Govind Persad & Emily A. Largent - 2022 - JAMA Health Forum 3 (4):e220356.
    When hospitals face surges of patients with COVID-19, fair allocation of scarce medical resources remains a challenge. Scarcity has at times encompassed not only hospital and intensive care unit beds—often reflecting staffing shortages—but also therapies and intensive treatments. Safe, highly effective COVID-19 vaccines have been free and widely available since mid-2021, yet many Americans remain unvaccinated by choice. Should their decision to forgo vaccination be considered when allocating scarce resources? Some have suggested it should, while others disagree. We (...)
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    Fair allocation of scarce medical resources in the time of COVID-19: what do people think?Francesco Fallucchi, Marco Faravelli & Simone Quercia - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (1):3-6.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has placed an enormous burden on health systems, and guidelines have been developed to help healthcare practitioners when resource shortage imposes the choice on who to treat. However, little is known on the public perception of these guidelines and the underlying moral principles. Here, we assess on a sample of 1033 American citizens’ moral views and agreement with proposed guidelines. We find substantial heterogeneity in citizens’ moral principles, often not in line with the guidelines recommendations. As (...)
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    Allocating Scarce Medical Resources: Using Social Usefulness as a Criterion.D. Selvaraj, A. McClelland & A. Furnham - 2019 - Ethics and Behavior 29 (4):274-286.
    This study aimed to determine if people would use social usefulness as a criterion when allocating a kidney to potential recipients. Participants ranked hypothetical patients in order of priority to receive the kidney, using only information on the patients’ volunteering record, intelligence, emotional intelligence, and attractiveness. The results showed that volunteers were prioritized over nonvolunteers, highly intelligent patients over those with average intelligence, patients with high emotional intelligence over those with average emotional intelligence, and good-looking patients over average-looking patients. There (...)
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    Triage and justice in an unjust pandemic: ethical allocation of scarce medical resources in the setting of racial and socioeconomic disparities.Benjamin Tolchin, Sarah C. Hull & Katherine Kraschel - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (3):200-202.
    Shortages of life-saving medical resources caused by COVID-19 have prompted hospitals, healthcare systems, and governmentsto develop crisis standards of care, including 'triage protocols' to potentially ration medical supplies during the public health emergency. At the same time, the pandemic has highlighted and exacerbated racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic health disparities that together constitute a form of structural racism. These disparities pose a critical ethical challenge in developing fair triage systems that will maximize lives saved without perpetuating systemic inequities. Here (...)
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    To what extent do lay people and healthcare providers differ in the allocation of scarce medical resources in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic?Cristina Campbell-Hewson, Simmy Grover, Adrian Furnham & Alastair McClelland - forthcoming - Clinical Ethics.
    Studying the most ethical way to allocate scarce medical resources has been of interest within the last year, due to shortages associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aimed to establish differences between what healthcare providers (HCP) and laypeople consider to be the most ethical way to prioritise the distribution of scarce resources. Healthcare providers ( n = 100) and laypeople ( n = 102) were asked to rank ethical principles from most to least ethical for the allocation (...)
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    Allocating Scarce Medical Resources and the Availability of Organ Transplantation — Some Moral Presuppositions.H. Tristram Engelhardt - 1984 - New England Journal of Medicine 311 (1):66-71.
    Some controversies have a staying power because they spring from unavoidable moral and conceptual puzzles. The debates concerning transplantation are a good example. To begin with, they are not a single controversy. Rather, they are examples of the scientific debates with heavy political and ethical overlays that characterize a large area of public-policy discussions.
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    Consensual ideas for prioritizing patients: correlates of preferences in the allocation of medical resources.Adrian Furnham, Charlotte Robinson & Simmy Grover - 2023 - Ethics and Behavior 33 (7):568-578.
    There is an extensive literature on the allocation of medical resources in many disciplines including ethics, law, medicine, psychology and sociology (Cicognani et al., 2007; Krütli et al., 2016; P...
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  15. The allocation of medical resources.Maureen Sheehan & Deane Wells - 1985 - In C. L. Buchanan & Elizabeth W. Prior (eds.), Medical care and markets: conflicts between efficiency and justice. [Carleton, Vic.]: Centre of Policy Studies, Monash University. pp. 55--69.
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    Allocating Scarce Medical Resources by Worth: Shaw’s Critique in The Doctor’s Dilemma.Terrance McConnell - 2008 - Journal of Value Inquiry 42 (1):91-103.
    When the demand for a medical resource exceeds the supply, we have a problem of scarcity. There are many instantiations of this issue. The time of health care providers during an emergency, organs for transplantation, a bed in an intensive care unit, and a slot in a research protocol can all be scarce resources. Interest in this issue has been renewed because of recent concerns about a pandemic and shortages of vaccines. In each of these cases there is (...)
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  17. Categorized priority systems: a new tool for fairly allocating scarce medical resources in the face of profound social inequities.Tayfun Sönmez, Parag A. Pathak, M. Utku Ünver, Govind Persad, Robert D. Truog & Douglas B. White - 2021 - Chest 153 (3):1294-1299.
    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has motivated medical ethicists and several task forces to revisit or issue new guidelines on allocating scarce medical resources. Such guidelines are relevant for the allocation of scarce therapeutics and vaccines and for allocation of ICU beds, ventilators, and other life-sustaining treatments or potentially scarce interventions. Principles underlying these guidelines, like saving the most lives, mitigating disparities, reciprocity to those who assume additional risk (eg, essential workers and clinical trial participants), (...)
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    Ethical implications in the allocation of scarce medical resources in Poland.Tadeusz Tołłoczko - 2000 - Science and Engineering Ethics 6 (1):63-70.
    The health care system in Poland is undergoing major change and it is possible that these changes could affect clinical research. Therefore, the situation of funding of health care is important for the future of medical research in this country. Some questions relevant in this field will be addressed. Since funds for health care and scientific research remain inadequate, their allocation raises moral, economic, legal and organisational dilemmas. The clinical aspects of resource allocation also include physicians’ (...)
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    Allocation of Medical Resources.H. Tristram Engelhardt & Ana Smith Iltis - 2003 - In R. G. Frey & Christopher Heath Wellman (eds.), A Companion to Applied Ethics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 396–409.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Conceptual Geography Some Teleological Approaches to Distributing Health Care Hypothetical Contractor Theory Libertarian Approaches: Autonomy by Default Conclusion.
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    Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources.Michael D. Bayles - 1990 - Public Affairs Quarterly 4 (1):1-16.
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    Resource allocation: a plea for a touch of realism.P. Whitaker - 1990 - Journal of Medical Ethics 16 (3):129-131.
    The problem of resource allocation in health has stimulated much thought and research, in attempts to provide objective, rational methods by which necessary choices can be made. One such method was proposed in a paper in this journal. The authors argued for a utilitarian approach, which they claimed to demonstrate was acceptable to society at large. This paper argues that the evidence supporting such a claim was flawed; such a utilitarian approach is not socially acceptable, and is therefore (...)
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  22.  27
    Resource allocation in the Covid-19 health crisis: are Covid-19 preventive measures consistent with the Rule of Rescue?Julian W. März, Søren Holm & Michael Schlander - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (4):487-492.
    The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a health crisis of a scale unprecedented in post-war Europe. In response, a large amount of healthcare resources have been redirected to Covid-19 preventive measures, for instance population-wide vaccination campaigns, large-scale SARS-CoV-2 testing, and the large-scale distribution of protective equipment to high-risk groups and hospitals and nursing homes. Despite the importance of these measures in epidemiological and economic terms, health economists and medical ethicists have been relatively silent about the ethical rationales underlying the (...)
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    Developing a Triage Protocol for the COVID-19 Pandemic: Allocating Scarce Medical Resources in a Public Health Emergency.Mark R. Mercurio, Mark D. Siegel, John Hughes, Ernest D. Moritz, Jennifer Kapo, Jennifer L. Herbst, Sarah C. Hull, Karen Jubanyik, Katherine Kraschel, Lauren E. Ferrante, Lori Bruce, Stephen R. Latham & Benjamin Tolchin - 2020 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 31 (4):303-317.
    The coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) has caused shortages of life-sustaining medical resources, and future waves of the virus may cause further scarcity. The Yale New Haven Health System developed a triage protocol to allocate scarce medical resources during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the primary goal of saving the most lives possible, and a secondary goal of making triage assessments and decisions consistent, transparent, and fair. We outline the process of developing the protocol, summarize the protocol, and discuss the major (...)
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  24.  16
    How are scarce medical resources to be justly allocated?Part Eight - 2011 - In Stephen Holland (ed.), Arguing About Bioethics. New York: Routledge. pp. 417.
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    Preferential treatment and the allocation of scarce medical resources.Gary E. Jones - 1985 - Philosophical Quarterly 35 (141):382-393.
    In this essay it will be argued that if preferential treatment for individuals who have suffered from past discrimination is permissible in any context, it should be extended to the allocation of scarce medical resources. This contention will be based on two facts: one, that health care, in particular certain life-saving operations, constitutes a scarce social good similar to but more important than other social goods such as desirable jobs and positions in desirable professional schools; secondly, that a (...)
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    Dignity, Autonomy, and Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources During COVID-19.David G. Kirchhoffer - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (4):691-696.
    Ruth Macklin argued that dignity is nothing more than respect for persons or their autonomy. During the COVID-19 pandemic, difficult decisions are being made about the allocation of scarce resources. Respect for autonomy cannot justify rationing decisions. Justice can be invoked to justify rationing. However, this leaves an uncomfortable tension between the principles. Dignity is not a useless concept because it is able to account for why we respect autonomy and for why it can be legitimate to override autonomy (...)
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  27. The shared ethical framework to allocate scarce medical resources: a lesson from COVID-19.Ezekiel J. Emanuel & Govind Persad - 2023 - The Lancet 401 (10391):1892–1902.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has helped to clarify the fair and equitable allocation of scarce medical resources, both within and among countries. The ethical allocation of such resources entails a three-step process: (1) elucidating the fundamental ethical values for allocation, (2) using these values to delineate priority tiers for scarce resources, and (3) implementing the prioritisation to faithfully realise the fundamental values. Myriad reports and assessments have elucidated five core substantive values for ethical allocation: maximising benefits (...)
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  28. Allocating Scarce Medical Resources: Roman Catholic Perspectives [Book Review]. [REVIEW]Norman Ford - 2007 - The Australasian Catholic Record 84 (4):501-502.
  29. Reserve system design for allocation of scarce medical resources in a pandemic: some perspectives from the field.Parag Pathak, Govind Persad, Tayfun Sönmez & M. Utku Unver - 2022 - Oxford Review of Economic Policy 38 (4):924–940.
    Reserve systems are a tool to allocate scarce resources when stakeholders do not have a single objective. This paper introduces some basic concepts about reserve systems for pandemic medical resource allocation. At the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, we proposed that reserve systems can help practitioners arrive at compromises between competing stakeholders. More than a dozen states and local jurisdictions adopted reserve systems in initial phases of vaccine distribution. We highlight several design issues arising in some of (...)
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    Making Sense of Race-Based Affirmative Action in Allocating Scarce Medical Resources.Yuichiro Mori - 2024 - Res Philosophica 101 (3):569-589.
    The aim of this article is to consider whether, when, and why it is morally right to treat members of socially disadvantaged racial or ethnic groups favorably when allocating scarce medical resources. Since the COVID 2019 pandemic has had different impacts on racial and ethnic groups, some U.S. states have given racial and ethnic minorities preferential access to COVID-19 vaccines, leading to controversy over the moral and legal permissibility of doing so. I examine three arguments for affirmative action—the compensation, (...)
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  31. Quality of Life and Resource Allocation.Michael Lockwood - 1988 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lecture Series 23:33-55.
    A new word has recently entered the British medical vocabulary. What it stands for is neither a disease nor a cure. At least, it is not a cure for a disease in the medical sense. But it could, perhaps, be thought of as an intended cure for a medicosociological disease: namely that of haphazard or otherwise ethically inappropriate allocation of scarce medical resources. What I have in mind is the term ‘QALY’, which is an acronym standing (...)
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    Rationing and resource allocation in healthcare: essential readings.Ezekiel J. Emanuel (ed.) - 2018 - New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    Budgets of governments and private insurances are limited. Not all drugs and services that appear beneficial to patients or physicians can be covered. Is there a core set of benefits that everyone should be entitled to? If so, how should this set be determined? Are fair decisions just impossible, if we know from the outset than not all needs can be met? While early work in bioethics has focused on clinical issues and a narrow set of principles, in recent years (...)
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    A Moral Allocation of Scarce Lifesaving Medical Resources.John F. Kilner - 1981 - Journal of Religious Ethics 9 (2):245 - 285.
    When a number of people will die without a particular medical resource that cannot possibly be provided for all, upon what basis should recipients of the resource be determined? After accepting and circumscribing the right to life and an equality-and-need-based conception of justice, the author defends a just policy as one involving random selection from among those medically qualified, but with a special priority for those facing imminent death. Possible moral exceptions to justice are then examined, five (...)
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    An Integrated Approach to Resource Allocation.Louise M. Terry - 2004 - Health Care Analysis 12 (2):171-180.
    Resource allocation decisions are often made on the basis of clinical and cost effectiveness at the expense of ethical inquiry into what is acceptable. This paper proposes that a more compassionate model of resource allocation would be achieved through integrating ethical awareness with clinical, financial and legal input. Where a publicly-funded healthcare system is involved, it is suggested that having an agency that focuses solely on cost-effectiveness leaving medical, legal and ethical considerations to others would (...)
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    The Ethics of Resource Allocation in Health Care.Kenneth M. Boyd - 1979
    Health care services today lack the resources to meet everybody's exspectations. Patients, professional workers and trade unions have legitimate but frequently conflicting claims, and so too have the different interest groups and specialties within medicine. This book provides an account of how resource allocation dilemmas appear to those confronted by them, in the hospital, on health boards and in the community, and it offers a critique of the moral and political arguments most commonly employed in discussing them.
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    Resource allocation decisions in U.k. Healthcare: Do ethics committees have a role?Anne Slowther & Tony Hope - 2002 - HEC Forum 14 (1):64-72.
    No healthcare system has sufficient funds to provide the best possible treatment for all patients in all situations. Three new pharmaceutical products are licensed each month, on average, in the U.K. Most have some benefits over existing drugs but many are expensive. When is the extra benefit worth the extra cost? Managed care systems such as seen in the U.S., and publicly funded systems such as the British National Health Service (NHS), face this fundamental issue. Several governments (for example those (...)
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  37. Whose life to save? Scarce resources allocation in the COVID-19 outbreak.Chiara Mannelli - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (6):364-366.
    After initially emerging in China, the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has advanced rapidly. The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently declared it a pandemic, with Europe becoming its new epicentre. Italy has so far been the most severely hit European country and demand for critical care in the northern region currently exceeds its supply. This raises significant ethical concerns, among which is the allocation of scarce resources. Professionals are considering the prioritisation of patients most likely to survive over those with (...)
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    Age and the Allocation of Medical Resources.H. Kuhse & P. Singer - 1988 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 13 (1):101-116.
    How are we to decide where our scarce medical resources are most effectively spent? The notion of a quality-adjusted-life-year has been proposed as a way of doing this. Some economists appear to think that this can be done without making ethical assumptions. We examine the application of this notion to the treatment of premature newborns, and especially to comparisons between the value of medical care for newborns, and the value of medical care for older people. We find (...)
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    Ethics of resource allocation: instruments for rational decision making in support of a sustainable health care.Claudia Wild - 2005 - Poiesis and Praxis 3 (4):296-309.
    In all western countries health care budgets are under considerable constraint and therefore a reflection process has started on how to gain the most health benefit for the population within limited resource boundaries. The field of ethics of resource allocation has evolved only recently in order to bring some objectivity and rationality in the discussion. In this article it is argued that priority setting is the prerequisite of ethical resource allocation and that for purposes of (...)
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    Understanding Government Decisions to De-fund Medical Services Analyzing the Impact of Problem Frames on Resource Allocation Policies.Mark Embrett & Glen E. Randall - 2021 - Health Care Analysis 29 (1):78-98.
    Many medical services lack robust evidence of effectiveness and may therefore be considered “unnecessary” care. Proactively withdrawing resources from, or de-funding, such services and redirecting the savings to services that have proven effectiveness would enhance overall health system performance. Despite this, governments have been reluctant to discontinue funding of services once funding is in place. The focus of this study is to understand how the framing of an issue or problem influences government decision-making related to de-funding of medical (...)
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    Choice and Chance in the Allocation of Medical Resources: A Response to Kilner.George I. Mavrodes - 1984 - Journal of Religious Ethics 12 (1):97 - 115.
    In this paper I examine various aspects of the proposal that scarce lifesaving medical resources should (morally) be allocated by some random procedure. I argue that a fundamental assumption of this approach is that there are no morally relevant differences among the candidates for such services, and I challenge this general claim. I also argue that there are a great many lotteries among which we must choose if we are to use a lottery at all, and that we should (...)
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    The Economics of Resource Allocation in Health Care: Cost-Utility, Social Value, and Fairness.Andrea Klonschinski - 2016 - Routledge.
    The question of how to allocate scarce medical resources has become an important public policy issue in recent decades. Cost-Utility Analysis is the most commonly used method for determining the allocation of these resources, but this book counters the argument that overcoming its inherent imbalances is simply a question of implementing methodological changes. The Economics of Resource-Allocation in Healthcare represents the first comprehensive analysis of equity weighting in health care resource allocation that offers a (...)
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    Incorporating Stakeholder Perspectives on Scarce Resource Allocation: Lessons Learned from Policymaking in a Time of Crisis.Bethany Bruno, Heather Mckee Hurwitz, Marybeth Mercer, Hilary Mabel, Lauren Sankary, Georgina Morley, Paul J. Ford, Cristie Cole Horsburgh & Susannah L. Rose - 2021 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 30 (2):390-402.
    The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) crisis provoked an organizational ethics dilemma: how to develop ethical pandemic policy while upholding our organizational mission to deliver relationship- and patient-centered care. Tasked with producing a recommendation about whether healthcare workers and essential personnel should receive priority access to limited medical resources during the pandemic, the bioethics department and survey and interview methodologists at our institution implemented a deliberative approach that included the perspectives of healthcare professionals and patient stakeholders in the policy development process. (...)
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    Evaluation of resource allocation and supply–demand balance in clinical practice with high‐cost technologies.Tetsuya Otsubo, Yuichi Imanaka, Jason Lee & Kenshi Hayashida - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (6):1114-1121.
    Japan has one of the highest numbers of high-cost medical devices installed relative to its population. While evaluations of the distribution of these devices traditionally involve simple population-based assessments, an indicator that includes the demand of these devices would more accurately reflect the situation. The purpose of this study was to develop an indicator of the supply–demand balance of such devices, using examples of magnetic resonance imaging scanners (MRI) and extracorporeal shockwave lithotripters (ESWL), and to investigate the relationship between (...)
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  45. Moral principles for allocating scarce medical resources in an influenza pandemic.Marcel Verweij - 2009 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 6 (2):159--169.
    One of the societal problems in a new influenza pandemic will be how to use the scarce medical resources that are available for prevention and treatment, and what medical, epidemiological and ethical justifications can be given for the choices that have to be made. Many things may become scarce: personal protective equipment, antiviral drugs, hospital beds, mechanical ventilation, vaccination, etc. In this paper I discuss two general ethical principles for priority setting (utility and equity) and explain how these (...)
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    "Should the Grandparents Die?": Allocation of Medical Resources with an Aging Population.Margaret A. Somerville - 1986 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 14 (3-4):158-163.
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    Public Policy and the Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources.Richard L. Barber - 1987 - Journal of Philosophy 84 (11):655-663.
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    The Allocation of a Scarce Medical Resource: A Cross-Cultural Study Investigating the Influence of Life Style Factors and Patient Gender, and the Coherence of Decision-making.A. McClelland, A. Furnham, C. Wong & C. Keh - 2022 - Ethics and Behavior 32 (8):714-728.
    ABSTRACT This study examined how lifestyle factors and gender affect kidney allocation to transplant patients by 99 British and Singaporean participants. Thirty hypothetical patients were generated from a combination of six factors and randomly paired four times. Participants saw 60 patient pairings and, in each pair, chose which patient would receive treatment priority. A Bradley-Terry model was used to derive coefficients for each factor per participant. A mean factor score was then calculated across all participants for each factor. Participants (...)
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    Resource allocation: whose realism?P. A. Lewis - 1990 - Journal of Medical Ethics 16 (3):132-133.
  50. Allocating Scarce Medical Resources: Roman Catholic Perspectives. [REVIEW]Heather Widdows - 2006 - Studies in Christian Ethics 19 (1):116-120.
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