Results for 'Materialism Philosophy'

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  1.  47
    Materialist Philosophies Grounded in the Here And Now: Critical New Materialist Constellations & Interventions in Times Of Terror(ism).Evelien Geerts - 2019 - Dissertation, University of California, Santa Cruz
    This dissertation, located at the crossroads of Continental political philosophy, feminist theory, critical theory, intellectual history, and cultural studies, provides a critical cartography of contemporary new materialist thought in its various constellations and assemblages, while using diffractive theorizing to examine two Continental terror(ist) events. It is argued that such a critical cartography is not only a novel but also much needed undertaking, as we, more than almost two decades after the Habermas-Derrida dialogues on terror(ism), are in need of a (...)
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    Materialist Philosophy of History: A Realist Antidote to Postmodernism.Branko Mitrovic - 2020 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book examines the wide-ranging implications for historical research of the view that everything is physical and that no immaterial entities, forces, or phenomena exist. It presents the consequences of materialism for our understanding of the historical past, including the rejection of postmodernist perspectives on history.
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  3. Millikan's contribution to materialist philosophy of mind.Nicholas Shea - 2006 - Matière Première 1:127-156.
    One of the great outstanding problems in materialist philosophy of mind is the problem of how there can be space in the material world for intentionality. In the 1980s Ruth Millikan formulated a detailed theory according to which representations are physical particulars and their contents are complex relational properties of those particulars which can be specified in terms of respectable properties drawn from the natural sciences. In particular, she relied on the biological concept of the function of a trait, (...)
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    The New Materialism: Philosophy, History, and Science.Sarah Ellenzweig & John H. Zammito (eds.) - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    New materialism challenges conventional theories of understanding human being and subjectivity, which it regards as shaped by mechanistic models characteristic of early modern philosophy that regarded matter as largely passive. Instead it gives weight to topics often overlooked in such accounts: the body, the role of affect and the emotions, gender, temporality, agency and vitalism. This collection, which includes an international roster of contributors from philosophy, history, literature and science, is the first to ask what is 'new' (...)
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    Idealist Alternatives to Materialist Philosophies of Science.Philip MacEwen (ed.) - 2019 - Leiden: BRILL.
    _Idealist Alternatives to Materialist Philosophies of Science_ (ed. Philip MacEwen) presents some of the major challenges to materialist interpretations of science while also giving materialism a full hearing.
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    Viewing the Creation and Application of Modern Dance in Chinese Dance From Dialectical Materialist Philosophy.Liu Yan - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (3):81-97.
    The informative purpose of the research study is to describe the Applications of modern dance and creation in Chinese dance from dialectical materialist philosophy. This research study was conducted in china to measure Chinese and modern dance from materialist philosophy. Research based on primary data analysis for gathering the data developed almost 10 to 12 questions related to the variables. The Chinese dancers, department of Chinese dancers, film industries, etc., are all research study participants. For measuring, the research (...)
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    Dewey's Materialist Philosophy of Education: A Resource for Critical Pedagogues?Fred Harris - 2006 - The European Legacy 11 (3):259-288.
    This article looks at some similarities and differences between key elements of Karl Marx's critique of capital and John Dewey's philosophy of education, both substantively and methodologically. Substantively, their analyses of the relation between human beings and the natural world—what Marx calls concrete labour and Dewey generally calls action—converge. Similarly, methodologically they converge when looked at from the point of view of their analysis of the relation between earlier and later forms of life. In Marx's case, it is his (...)
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    Ethics in Indian materialist philosophy: in its social perspective.Bijayananda Kar - 2013 - Shimla: Indian Institute of Advanced Study.
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    Marxism a Materialist Philosophy.Louis Chagnon - 1939 - Modern Schoolman 16 (4):81-83.
  10. Hegel and materialist philosophy.Tj Ojzerman - 1986 - Filosoficky Casopis 34 (5):782-793.
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  11. The matter of a materialist philosophy of art: Bataille's Manet.Andrew Benjamin - unknown
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    Flesh and Matter: Merleau-Ponty’s Late Ontology as a Materialist Philosophy.Richard Theisen Simanke - 2016 - Humana Mente (31):117-133.
    The ontology developed by Merleau-Ponty in the final stage of his work is centered on the concept of flesh, giving this notion its most general scope by complementing the idea of “flesh of the body” with that of a “flesh of the world.” This paper seeks to evaluate the possibility of reading this philosophy of the flesh as a materialist ontology. For this purpose, the possibility is considered of interpreting the concept of flesh as a new figure of matter, (...)
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  13. Comparative Dialectics: Nishida Kitaro's Logic of Place and Western Dialectical Thought By GS Axtell Philosophy East and West Vol. 41, No. 2 (April 1991). [REVIEW]I. I. Methodological & Ontological Materialism - 1991 - Philosophy East and West 41 (2):163-184.
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    A Feminist Cartography of Critical New Materialist Philosophies.Evelien Geerts - 2024 - In Felicity Colman & Iris van der Tuin, Methods and Genealogies of New Materialisms. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 78-104.
    In ‘Situated Knowledges’, feminist science studies scholar – and, as will be argued in this chapter, critical new materialisms scene-setter – Donna Haraway (1988) reveals her own politicised ‘electroshock’ (578) therapeutic take on epistemology and what it means to create knowledge from the ground up. She builds her argument upon Marxist, historical and feminist materialisms, the rich tradition of feminist epistemology and, above all, Sandra Harding’s (1986, 1987, 1991) standpoint theory. Connecting the foregoing philosophies to the Foucauldian idea of power/knowledge (...)
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  15.  13
    Materialism and Empirio-Criticism: Critical Comments on A Reactionary Philosophy.Vladimir Il'ich Lenin - 1948 - Moscow,: Foreign Languages Pub. House. Edited by A. Fineberg & [From Old Catalog].
    This text is a classic of Lenin - his essay explores materialism and its relation to capitalism and how Communism can get over this psychological wish for material and empirical ownership.
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  16.  53
    VITALITY OR WEAKNESS?: on the place of nature in recent materialist philosophy.Michael O’Neill Burns - 2016 - Angelaki 21 (4):11-22.
    This article explores the role of nature in two strands of contemporary materialist philosophy: new materialism, and transcendental materialism. Through an analysis of these strands of materialism via the work of Jane Bennett, William E. Connolly, Catherine Malabou, and Adrian Johnston, the article attempts to delineate these perspectives into the opposed camps of monist and dialectical materialisms. The implications of these differing materialist ontologies are then discussed in terms of the theorization of nature as either a (...)
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  17. Money, sex, and power: toward a feminist historical materialism.Nancy Hartsock - 1983 - Boston: Northeastern University Press.
  18.  24
    Voluptuous philosophy: literary materialism in the French Enlightenment.Natania Meeker - 2006 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Eighteenth-century France witnessed the rise of matter itself—in forms ranging from atoms to anatomies—as a privileged object of study. Voluptuous Philosophy redefines what is at stake in the emergence of an enlightened secular materialism by showing how questions of figure—how should a body be represented? What should the effects of this representation be on readers?—are tellingly and consistently located at the very heart of 18th-century debates about the nature of material substance. French materialisms of the Enlightenment are crucially (...)
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  19. Truth cannot be the criterion by which truth is tested+ materialist philosophy and the criterion of practice.Ec Zhang - 1980 - Chinese Studies in Philosophy 11 (3):3-11.
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  20. A few problems concerning the criterion of truth+ materialist philosophy and the criterion of practice.Dl Tao - 1980 - Chinese Studies in Philosophy 11 (3):12-17.
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  21. Christian Belief in God a German Criticism of German Materialistic Philosophy.Georg Wobbermin & Daniel Sommer Robinson - 1918 - Yale University Press.
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  22. Difficulties in philosophical categorization with emphasis on Bloch, Ernst dialectic and materialistic philosophy.M. Djuric - 1982 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 89 (1):56-76.
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  23.  15
    The New Politics of Materialism: History, Philosophy, Science.Sarah Ellenzweig & John H. Zammito (eds.) - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    New materialism challenges conventional theories of understanding human being and subjectivity, which it regards as shaped by mechanistic models characteristic of early modern philosophy that regarded matter as largely passive. Instead it gives weight to topics often overlooked in such accounts: the body, the role of affect and the emotions, gender, temporality, agency and vitalism. This collection, which includes an international roster of contributors from philosophy, history, literature and science, is the first to ask what is 'new' (...)
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  24. Materialism in the mainstream of early German philosophy.Corey Dyck - 2016 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (5):897-916.
    ABSTRACTDiscussions of the reception of materialist thought in Germany in the first half of the eighteenth century tend to focus, naturally enough, upon the homegrown freethinkers who advanced the cause of Lucretius, Hobbes, and Spinoza in clandestine publications and frequently courted the ire of the state for doing so. If the philosophers belonging to the mainstream of German intellectual life in that period are accorded a place in the story, it is only insofar as they actively set themselves against the (...)
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  25. Materialism and the Activity of Matter in Seventeenth‐Century European Philosophy.Stewart Duncan - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (11):671-680.
    Early modern debates about the nature of matter interacted with debates about whether matter could think. In particular, some philosophers (e.g., Cudworth and Leibniz) objected to materialism about the human mind on the grounds that matter is passive, thinking things are active, and one cannot make an active thing out of passive material. This paper begins by looking at two seventeenth-century materialist views (Hobbes’s, and one suggested but not endorsed by Locke) before considering that objection (which I call here (...)
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  26. Philosophy, Psychoanalysis and Emancipation: Herbert Marcuse Collected Papers, Volume 5.Herbert Marcuse - 2010 - Routledge.
    Edited by Douglas Kellner and Clayton Pierce, Philosophy, Psychoanalysis and Emancipation is the fifth volume of Herbert Marcuse's collected papers. Containing some of Marcuse’s most important work, this book presents for the first time his unique syntheses of philosophy, psychoanalysis, and critical social theory, directed toward human emancipation and social transformation. Within philosophy, Marcuse engaged with disparate and often conflicting philosophical perspectives - ranging from Heidegger and phenomenology, to Hegel, Marx, and Freud - to create unique philosophical (...)
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    Materialism and Social Inquiry in the Continental Tradition in Philosophy.Andrew M. Koch - 2017 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    The continental tradition in philosophy has gotten more "materialistic" over the last two hundred years. This has resulted from a combination of some very specific moves with regard to the epistemological parameters of understanding and the assertion that ideas may have material force in history. Therefore, the materialism within the continental tradition is not a materiality of being, but a materiality of understanding and action. Such an inquiry opens up space between the activities of sensation and the mental (...)
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    Materialism in Ancient Greek Philosophy and in the Writings of the Young Marx.Tony Burns - 2000 - Historical Materialism 7 (1):3-39.
    What is the young Marx's attitude towards questions of psychology? More precisely, what is his attitude towards the human mind and its relationship to the body? To deal adequately with this issue requires a consideration of the relationship between Marx and Feuerbach. It also requires some discussion of the thought of Aristotle. For the views of Feuerbach and the young Marx are not at all original. Rather, they represent a continuation of a long tradition which derives ultimately from ancient Greek (...)
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  29.  16
    A Materialism for the Masses: Saint Paul and the Philosophy of Undying Life.Ward Blanton - 2014 - Columbia University Press.
    Nietzsche and Freud saw Christianity as metaphysical escapism, with Nietzsche calling the religion a "Platonism for the masses" and faulting Paul the apostle for negating more immanent, material modes of thought and political solidarity. Integrating this debate with the philosophies of difference espoused by Gilles Deleuze, Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Jacques Lacan, and Pier Paolo Pasolini, Ward Blanton argues that genealogical interventions into the political economies of Western cultural memory do not go far enough in relation to the imagined founder (...)
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  30.  25
    Materialism in Indian Philosophy.Smita Talang - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 2:185-189.
    Materialism is the oldest known philosophy. Philosophy was born as materialism and man had been essentially materialistic in character. In general, all our earliest experiences are of the material world. Philosophy means love for knowledge which is the unique characteristic of man. Man is never satisfied with mere food and shelter. Reason impels him towards a quest for knowledge. Philosophy is born at a man's attempt to have rational explanation of the universe around him (...)
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  31.  19
    Philosophy and Politics in China: The Controversy Over Dialectical Materialism in the 1930’S.Werner Meissner - 1990 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
  32.  17
    In the tracks of historical materialism.Perry Anderson - 1984 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  33.  86
    Moral Philosophy, Materialism, and Consumer Ethics: An Exploratory Study in Indonesia. [REVIEW]Long-Chuan Lu & Chia-Ju Lu - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (2):193 - 210.
    Although the ethical judgment of consumers in the United States and other industrialized countries has received considerable attention, consumer ethics in Asian-market settings have seldom been explored. The purchase and making of counterfeit products are considered common, but disreputable, attributes of Southeast Asian consumers. According to the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN), Indonesia ranks third among the leading countries of counterfeit items in Asia. Retail revenue losses attributed to counterfeiting amounted to US $183 million in 2004. Therefore, elucidating the (...)
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  34.  60
    Natural Philosophy, Abstraction, and Mathematics among Materialists: Thomas Hobbes and Margaret Cavendish on Light.Marcus P. Adams - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (2):44.
    The nature of light is a focus of Thomas Hobbes’s natural philosophical project. Hobbes’s explanation of the light of lucid bodies differs across his works, from dilation and contraction in Elements of Law to simple circular motions in De corpore. However, Hobbes consistently explains perceived light by positing that bodily resistance generates the phantasm of light. In Letters I.XIX–XX of Philosophical Letters, fellow materialist Margaret Cavendish attacks the Hobbesian understanding of both lux and lumen by claiming that Hobbes has illicitly (...)
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  35.  18
    Philosophy and politics in China: the controversy over dialectical materialism in the 1930s = Che hsüeh yü cheng chih tsai Chung-kuo.Werner Meissner - 1990 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
  36.  2
    Hypothèse matérialiste et pensée radicale: La philosophie de la nature de Blaise de Parma by Joël Biard (review).José Filipe Silva - 2025 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 63 (1):151-153.
    The latest scholarly contribution by Joël Biard is a monograph about the late fourteenth-/ early fifteenth-century philosopher Blasius of Parma, known above all for his heterodox materialist views. This explains his nickname, doctor dyabolicus, the evil or diabolical doctor. Blasius is no stranger to Biard, who has edited both Blasius’s works and (recently) one volume on this thinker (J. Biard and A. Robert, editors, La Philosophie de Blaise de Parme: Physique, psychologie, éthique [Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2019]). Despite a growing number (...)
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  37.  6
    Materialism and empirio-criticism: critical notes concerning a reactionary philosophy.Vladimir Ilʹich Lenin - 1927 - New York: International Publishers. Edited by David Kvitko.
  38.  62
    Materialism, Subjectivity and the Outcome of French Philosophy: Interview with Adrian Johnston.Michael O'Neill Burns & Brian Anthony Smith - 2011 - Cosmos and History : The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy 7 (1):167-181.
    Adrian Johnston is well known for his work at the intersection of Lacanian psychoanalysis, German idealism, contemporary French philosophy and most recently cognitive neuroscience. In the context of the current issue, Johnston represents the most complete development of a contemporary theory of Transcendental Materialism. In the following interview we explore both the implications of Johnston’s previous work, as well as the directions his most recent projects are taking.
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    Spiritual materialism, an essay: a case for atheism: a new interpretation of the philosophy of materialism.Lakshmaṇaśāstrī Jośī - 2004 - Mumbai: Lokvangmaya Griha. Edited by Arundhatī Khaṇḍakara.
  40.  9
    On the Feminist Philosophy of Gillian Howie: Materialism and Mortality.Victoria Browne & Daniel Whistler (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
    Over three decades, Gillian Howie wrote at the forefront of philosophy and critical theory, before her untimely death in 2013. This interdisciplinary collection uses her writings to explore the productive, yet often resistant, interrelationship between feminism and critical theory, examining the potential of Howie's particular form of materialism. The contributors also bring to this debate a serious engagement with Howie's late turn towards philosophies of mortality, therapy and 'living with dying'. The volume considers how differently embodied subjects are (...)
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  41. Psychophysiological Transcendentalism in Friedrich Albert Lange’s Social and Political Philosophy.Elisabeth Theresia Widmer - 2022 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 3 (1):253-275.
    In recent literature, it has been suggested that Lange’s social and political philosophy is separate from his neo-Kantian program. Prima facie, this interpretation makes sense given that Lange argues for an account of social norms that builds on Darwin and Smith rather than on Kant. Still, this paper argues that elements of psychophysiological transcendentalism can be found in Lange’s social and political philosophy. A detailed examination of the second edition of the History of Materialism, Schiller’s Poems, and (...)
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  42. Philosophy of Mind and Cognition: An Introduction.David Braddon-Mitchell & Frank Jackson - 1996 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. Edited by Frank Jackson.
    David Braddon-Mitchell and Frank Jackson’s popular introduction to philosophy of mind and cognition is now available in a fully revised and updated edition. Ensures that the most recent developments in the philosophy of mind and cognitive science are brought together into a coherent, accessible whole. Revisions respond to feedback from students and teachers and make the volume even more useful for courses. New material includes: a section on Descartes’ famous objection to materialism; extended treatment of connectionism; coverage (...)
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  43. Philosophy for socialists.Maurice Campbell Cornforth - 1959 - London,: Lawrence & Wishart.
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    Eliminative Materialism, Historical Consciousness, and R. G. Collingwood’s Philosophy of Mind.Timothy C. Lord - 2020 - Southwest Philosophy Review 36 (1):85-92.
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  45. Dialectical Materialism — A Historical and Systematic Survey of Philosophy in the Soviet Union.Gustav A. Wetter & Peter Heath - 1958 - Science and Society 24 (1):72-77.
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  46.  52
    On Correlationism and the Philosophy of (Human) Access: Meillassoux and Harman.Niki Young - 2020 - Open Philosophy 3 (1):42-52.
    Speculative Realism (SR) has often been characterised as a heterogeneous group of thinkers, united almost exclusively in their commitment to the critique of what Quentin Meillassoux terms ‘correlationism’ or what Graham Harman calls the ‘philosophy of (human) access.’ The terms ‘correlationism’ and ‘philosophy of access’ are in turn often treated – at times even by Meillassoux and Harman themselves – as synonymous. In this paper, I seek to analyse these terms to evaluate their similarities, but also possible differences. (...)
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  47. What Philosophy of Mind Can Tell Us About the Morality of Abortion.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2003 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 17 (1):89-109.
    I attempt to show that, under materialist assumptions about the nature of mind, it is a necessary condition for fetal personhood that electrical activity has begun in the brain. First, I argue that it is a necessary condition for a thing to be a moral person that it is (or has) a self—understood as something that is capable of serving as the subject of a mental experience. Second, I argue that it is a necessary condition for a fetus to be (...)
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    Marxism and Russian Philosophy.A. F. Zamaleev - 1992 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 30 (4):64-69.
    Until quite recently, Russian philosophy was studied mainly from the standpoint of its development "along the path to Marxism." Understandably, attention was mainly devoted to "the solid materialist tradition," which overshadowed all other currents of Russian thought. However, the question arises of whether this "materialist tradition," i.e., the philosophy of the Russian revolutionary democrats, is so consonant with Marxism. One need only examine the facts to persuade oneself of the untenability of such an assumption.
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    Mechanism and materialism in early modern German philosophy.Paola Rumore - 2016 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (5):917-939.
    ABSTRACTThe paper focuses on the gradual separation between materialism and mechanism in early modern German philosophy. In Germany the distinction between the two concepts, originally introduced by Leibniz, was definitively stated by Wolff who was the first to provide a definition of the new philosophical term Materialismus, and of the related philosophical sect. In the first part I describe the initial identification of mechanism and materialism in German philosophy between the last decades of the seventeenth century (...)
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  50.  12
    Digital Materialism: origins, philosophies, prospects.Baruch Gottlieb - 2018 - Bingley [England]: Emerald Publishing. Edited by Athina Karatzogianni.
    Digital materiality (digimat) proposes a set of basic principles for how we understand the world through digital processes. This short book sets out a methodical materialist understanding of digital technologies, where they come from, how they work, and what they do.
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