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  1.  39
    Necropolitics by Achille Mbembe: Extended Essay on the Book.Marina Gržinić - 2021 - Filozofski Vestnik 42 (1).
    Necropolitics by Achille Mbembe takes us back to his seminal text on “Necropolitics” translated and published in the US in 2003. At this point, 40 years after Foucault’s Biopolitics, Mbembe was re-theorizing biopolitics through a necro horizon, which turned out to be a robust conceptual shift from Western thought. Not much else is explicitly said about necropolitics in the titular book, which comes 17 years after the seminal text that had a significant impact on the theory and practice of philosophy, (...)
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  2.  48
    Marking Radical Aesthetics in the Time of Racial Capitalism.Marina Gržinić - 2023 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 81 (2):201-212.
    This article examines colonialism, the regime of whiteness, and feminism; it sketches possible genealogies of theories and practices in order to design an aesthetic of radicality or a radical aesthetic that is insurgent and defiant, based on histories and knowledge. We know that aesthetics is a colonial formation that historically and currently privileges the white European bourgeois who could speculate on the beautiful and the good, while genocidal practices and slave trade were carried out from European soil in other parts (...)
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  3.  21
    The Body in the Field of Tensions between Biopolitics and Necropolitics.Marina Gržinić - 2023 - Filozofski Vestnik 44 (2):19-52.
    The article contributes to the understanding of how societal conflict, aggression, and racism are intertwined with the concepts of the body and necropolitics. Achille Mbembe’s exploration of historical conflicts refers to the way in which states and other necropolitical entities exert control over life and death. Persistent conflicts reflect a form of necropolitics in which certain groups are subjected to violence and death as a means of maintaining power. Frank B. Wilderson III’s analysis of aggression towards Black individuals reveals how (...)
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    Konflikti, vojne in pravičnost v konfliktih.Marina Gržinić - 2025 - Filozofski Vestnik 45 (2).
    Za oblikovanje teme konfliktov, zlasti skozi zgodovinsko prizmo nacionalnih držav, je nujno upoštevati zgodovinski kontekst ključnih državnih tvorb na Zahodu. Od 19. stoletja naprej so te tvorbe ohranjale oblast in suverenost, ki sta podpirali zahodno prevlado. Čeprav je tradicionalni vestfalski koncept, ki izhaja iz Vestfalskega miru (1648), uveljavil pojem nacionalnih držav kot primarnih akterjev mednarodnega prava – vsaka z vrhovno oblastjo nad svojim ozemljem –, je bila suverenost v praksi pogosto ločena od fizičnega ozemlja. Moč in oblast pogosto presegata ali (...)
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  5.  19
    Conversation with Jill H. Casid and Anna Campbell.Jill H. Casid, Anna Campbell, Marina Gržinić, Jovita Pristovšek & Vesna Liponik - 2023 - Filozofski Vestnik 44 (2):393-416.
    The conversation with Jill H. Casid and Anna Campbell is a reconceptualization of several themes to develop an aesthetic that incorporates notions of the necropolitical and redefines the concept of the Anthropocene as the Necrocene. The Necrocene implies an era marked by death, decay, and the consequences of human impact on the environment, as well as a critical reflection on the choices individuals and societies make that contribute to the transition from the Anthropocene to the Necrocene. These reflections serve as (...)
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  6.  25
    Capitalism and Death.Marina Gržinić - 2023 - Filozofski Vestnik 43 (3).
    In the article, the author addresses with two ways of dealing with life, biopolitics, and necropolitics, and connects them to the excess of power over life and death in the era of neoliberal global capitalism. Dealing with necropolitical processes requires a different analysis of spaces and temporalities, of necrospaces and necrotemporalities. It also requires consideration of the possibilities of resistance to necropolitical processes by those who are by no means silent witnesses, by no means mere victims, but subjects who have (...)
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  7.  3
    Uvodnik.Marina Gržinić & Noit Banai - 2025 - Filozofski Vestnik 45 (2).
    Uvodnik urednic sklopa Noit Banai in Marine Gržinić.
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    Introduction.Marina Gržinić & Jovita Pristovšek - 2023 - Filozofski Vestnik 44 (2):7-16.
    Introduction to Filozofski vestnik 44/2 (2023), special issue, The Body in The Field of Tensions between Biopolitics and Necropolitics: Analyzing the Future of the Prosthetic Body in the 21st Century, ed. Marina Gržinić and Jovita Pristovšek.
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    Conflicts, Wars, and Justice in Conflicts.Marina Gržinić - 2025 - Filozofski Vestnik 45 (2).
    To frame the topic of conflicts, particularly through the historical lens of nation-states, it is essential to consider the historical context of key state formations in the West. From the nineteenth century onward, these formations maintained the power and sovereignty that underpinned Western dominance. Although the traditional Westphalian concept, derived from the Peace of Westphalia (1648), established the notion of nation-states as the primary actors in international law—each with supreme authority over its territory— sovereignty has often been separated from physical (...)
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    Introduction.Marina Gržinić & Noit Banai - 2025 - Filozofski Vestnik 45 (2).
    Introduction by section editors Noit Banai and Marina Gržinić.
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    Moške fantazije, nasilje, reprezentacija.Marina Gržinić & Klaus Theweleit - 2025 - Filozofski Vestnik 45 (2).
    Marina Gržinić se v intervjuju s Klausom Theweleitom osredotoča na dve različni smeri razprave. Prva se nanaša na knjigo _Moške fantazije_. Leta 2027 se bliža 50. obletnica te vplivne psihoanalitične študije o psihi moških vojakov, natančneje pripadnikov Freikorps, ki so bile paravojaške skupine v Nemčiji po prvi svetovni vojni. Druga smer govori o nasilju na splošno, zlasti v kontekstu zgodovinskega nasilja, primer tega pa so dogodki v Abu Ghraibu leta 2004. Theweleitova analiza nasilja, predvsem skozi optiko njegove kritične teorije, ponuja (...)
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  12. Male Fantasies, Violence, Representation.Marina Gržinić & Klaus Theweleit - 2025 - Filozofski Vestnik 45 (2).
    In the interview with Klaus Theweleit, Marina Gržinić focuses on two distinctive lines of discussion. The first is on the book Male Fantasies. The 50th anniversary of this influential psychoanalytic study on the psyche of male soldiers, specifically the Freikorps, who were paramilitary groups in post-World War One Germany, is approaching in 2027. The second is about violence in general, particularly in the context of historical violence, of which the events at Abu Ghraib in 2004 are an example. Theweleit’s analysis (...)
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  13.  28
    Necropolitical Screens: Digital Image, Propriety, Racialization.Marina Gržinić - 2021 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 30 (61-62):98-106.
  14.  12
    World.Marina Gržinić - 2022 - Filozofski Vestnik 42 (2).
    The main thesis of this text is that for a critical evaluation of the institutions built on the foundations of colonialism that preserve the worlds of neoliberal global capitalism, financial capitalism, and necro-capitalism, we need to rethink the two main divisions mediated by decolonial theory and decolonisation as analytical tools: the racial/colonial divide and the imperial/colonial divide. This text attempts to analyse the relation between capitalism and colonialism in order to determine the implications for the theoretical and philosophical thought of (...)
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