Results for 'Maria Chiara Castiglioni'

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  1.  14
    Coping With Adolescents Affected by Anorexia Nervosa: The Role of Parental Personality Traits.Alessio Maria Monteleone, Alberta Mereu, Giammarco Cascino, Maria Chiara Castiglioni, Chiara Marchetto, Melissa Grasso, Maria Pontillo, Tiziana Pisano, Stefano Vicari & Valeria Zanna - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    IntroductionAnorexia nervosa promotes psychological distress in caregivers who adopt different coping strategies. Dysfunctional caregiving styles exacerbate further distress in the patient promoting the maintenance of the illness. We aimed to assess the possible contribution of personality traits of caregivers to the adoption of different coping strategies to deal with the affected relative.MethodsAbout 87 adolescents with AN were recruited. Their parents completed the Family Coping Questionnaire for Eating Disorders and the Temperament and Character Inventory-Revised. Differences between mothers and fathers were assessed (...)
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  2. lA crISI. l'oTTImISmo dellA rIcercA.Maria Chiara Torricelli - forthcoming - Techne.
  3.  29
    Diakonia et économes au service de l’économie monastique en Égypte.Maria Chiara Giorda - 2018 - Augustinianum 58 (1):205-229.
    Despite the ideal of dispossession, absolute poverty and the total absence of links with possession and human beings which shaped the myth of the monastic desert, the monastic economy and its management were very similar to the secular economic system, in that both were organised by networks based on families.This article tackles how and where material assets were produced and administered in Egyptian monasteries between the fourth and eighth centuries, and who was responsible for this function. The history of monasticism (...)
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  4.  31
    Il pessimismo cosmopolitico di Danilo Zolo.Maria Chiara Pievatolo - 2011 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 63:457-461.
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    Impacts of coordinative training on normal weight and overweight/obese children’s attentional performance.Maria Chiara Gallotta, Gian Pietro Emerenziani, Sara Iazzoni, Marco Meucci, Carlo Baldari & Laura Guidetti - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  6.  9
    Verrius Flaccus, His Alexandrian Model, or Just an Anonymous Grammarian? The Most Ancient Direct Witness of a Latin Ars Grammatica.Maria Chiara Scappaticcio - 2020 - Classical Quarterly 70 (2):806-821.
    When dealing with manuscripts transmitting otherwise unknown ancient texts and without asubscriptio, the work of a philologist and literary critic becomes both more difficult and more engrossing. Definitive proof is impossible; at the end there can only be a hypothesis. When dealing with a unique grammatical text, such a hypothesis becomes even more delicate because of the standardization of ancient grammar. But it can happen that, behind crystallized theoretical argumentation and apparently canonical formulas, interstices can be explored that lead to (...)
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  7.  34
    The Tribunal of Reason: Kant and the Juridical Nature of Pure Reason.Maria Chiara Pievatolo - 1999 - Ratio Juris 12 (3):311-327.
  8.  26
    In memoriam: Giuliano Marini (1932-2005).Maria Chiara Pievatolo - 2005 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 4:637-644.
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  9.  35
    Scandalum acceptum e scandalum datum: il non-intervenzionismo di Kant nel quinto articolo preliminare della Pace perpetua.Maria Chiara Pievatolo - 2013 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 25 (48).
    Is it right to wage war to export democracy, or - as Kant would have said - to forcibly interfere in the constitution and in the government of another state with the goal of transforming it into a republic? The answer of Kant, contained in the fifth preliminary article of the Perpetual Peace, leans towards non-interventionism: a bad constitution can never justify a war, because it may be the root only of a scandalum acceptum. To understand the meaning of scandalum (...)
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  10.  33
    La dottrina dei sensi spirituali in Guglielmo di S. Thierry.Maria Chiara Tulli - 2002 - Doctor Virtualis 1:31-40.
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  11. The Proactive Synergy Between Action Observation and Execution in the Acquisition of New Motor Skills.Maria Chiara Bazzini, Arturo Nuara, Emilia Scalona, Doriana De Marco, Giacomo Rizzolatti, Pietro Avanzini & Maddalena Fabbri-Destro - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:793849.
    Motor learning can be defined as a process that leads to relatively permanent changes in motor behavior through repeated interactions with the environment. Different strategies can be adopted to achieve motor learning: movements can be overtly practiced leading to an amelioration of motor performance; alternatively, covert strategies (e.g., action observation) can promote neuroplastic changes in the motor system even in the absence of real movement execution. However, whether a training regularly alternating action observation and execution (i.e., Action Observation Training, AOT) (...)
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  12.  32
    Experiencing the Other. How Expressivity and Value-based Perception Provide a Non-solipsistic Account of Empathy.Maria Chiara Bruttomesso - 2016 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 7 (3):350-364.
    : The problem of intersubjectivity has undergone multifold discussions in the philosophical, neuroscientific and psychological fields. Currently, the predominant theories in this ongoing debate contend that simulation or explicit reasoning must ground other-understanding. Yet this contention confines the subject to solipsistic self-projection without actual communication. I will provide an analysis suggesting that the roots of the concept of “empathy” reveal not only a dualistic inner-outer distinction but also an emerging reference to the bodily dimension. I claim that, by examining the (...)
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  13.  28
    Mapping the pre-reflective experience of “self” to the brain - An ERP study.Maria Chiara Piani, Gerber Bettina Salome, Koenig Thomas, Morishima Yosuke, Nordgaard Julie & Jandl Martin - 2024 - Consciousness and Cognition 119 (C):103654.
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  14.  45
    Review of embodiment, enaction, and culture. Investigating the constitution of the shared world, by C. Durt, T. Fuchs, C. Tewes : MIT Press, 2017, pp. 456, ISBN-10: 0262035553, ISBN-13: 978–0262035552. [REVIEW]Maria Chiara Bruttomesso - 2017 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 16 (5):993-998.
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  15.  56
    Music in dreams.Valeria Uga, Maria Chiara Lemut, Chiara Zampi, Iole Zilli & Piero Salzarulo - 2006 - Consciousness and Cognition 15 (2):351-357.
    Music in dreams is rarely reported in scientific literature, while the presence of musical themes in dreams of famous musicians is anecdotally reported. We did a systematic investigation to evaluate whether the occurrence of musical dreams could be related to musical competence and practice, and to explore specific features of dreamt pieces. Thirty-five professional musicians and thirty non-musicians filled out a questionnaire about the characteristics of their musical activity and a structured dream log on the awakening for 30 consecutive days. (...)
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  16.  11
    Arte come evocatrice dei morti o giustificazione dell'esistenza?Maria Chiara Di Stanislao - 2010 - Roma: Aracne.
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  17.  32
    Recensione a Immanuel Kant, Guerra e pace. Politica, religiosa, filosofica, a cura di Gerardo Cunico, Reggio Emilia, Diabasis, 2004, pp. 156. [REVIEW]Maria Chiara Pievatolo - 2008 - Studi Kantiani 21.
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  18.  18
    Music as a social bond in patients with amnesia.Maria Chiara Del Mastro, Maria Rosaria Strollo & Mohamad El Haj - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    The music and social bonding hypothesis proposes that human musicality has evolved as mechanisms supporting social bonding. We consider the MSB hypothesis under the lens of amnesia by arguing how patients with amnesia, especially those with Alzheimer's disease, can benefit from music, not only to retrieve personal memories, but also to use them for social bonding.
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  19. More than fulfilled expectations: An electrophysiological investigation of varying cause-effect relationships and schizotypal personality traits as related to the sense of agency.Nena Luzi, Maria Chiara Piani, Daniela Hubl & Thomas Koenig - 2024 - Consciousness and Cognition 119 (C):103667.
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  20.  19
    Improving Executive Functions at School in Children With Special Needs by Educational Robotics.Maria Chiara Di Lieto, Emanuela Castro, Chiara Pecini, Emanuela Inguaggiato, Francesca Cecchi, Paolo Dario, Giovanni Cioni & Giuseppina Sgandurra - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  21.  16
    The Latin Origins of a Bilingual Letter Collection ( Specimina Epistvlaria= P.Bon. 5).Adam Gitner & Maria Chiara Scappaticcio - 2022 - Classical Quarterly 72 (2):778-798.
    P.Bon. 5 preserves the only known collection of ancient Latin model letters, accompanied by a Greek translation. This article argues that the Latin is the primary version and dates the composition to before the early third century. Comparisons with other model letter collections, principally ps.-Demetrius’ Epistolary Types and ps.-Libanius’ Epistolary Styles, locate the text within a wider literary genre. A new reconstructed text is provided in the Appendix at the end of this article.
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  22. Moral Decision-Making, Stress, and Social Cognition in Frontline Workers vs. Population Groups During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Explorative Study.Monica Mazza, Margherita Attanasio, Maria Chiara Pino, Francesco Masedu, Sergio Tiberti, Michela Sarlo & Marco Valenti - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  23.  25
    Improving working memory abilities in individuals with Down syndrome: a treatment case study.Hiwet Mariam Costa, Harry Robert McSweeney Purser & Maria Chiara Passolunghi - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:148881.
    Working Memory (WM) skills of individuals with Down’s syndrome DS tend to be very poor compared to typically developing children of similar mental age. In particular, research has found that in individuals with DS visuo-spatial WM is better preserved than verbal WM. This study investigated whether is possible to train Short-Term Memory (STM) and WM abilities in individuals with DS. The cases of two teenage children are reported: E.H., 17 years and 3 months, and A.S., 15 years and 11 months. (...)
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  24.  41
    Is it a Small World After All? Investigating the Theoretical Structure of Working Memory Cross- Nationally.Tracy Packiam Alloway, Robert Moulder, John C. Horton, Aaron Leedy, Lisa M. D. Archibald, Debora Burin, Irene Injoque-Ricle, Maria Chiara Passolunghi & Flávia Heloísa Dos Santos - 2017 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 17 (3-4):331-353.
    To our knowledge, this is one of the first studies to test different theoretical models of working memory in childhood based on a computerized assessment. We tested this across several countries: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Italy, and UK. The present study addressed the wider macro-cultural context and how this impacts working memory. We used two economic indices to characterize the participating countries and ranked the countries based on the Global Index of Cognitive Skills and Educational Attainment. Children between 5 and 10 (...)
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  25.  52
    Tramonto globale. La fame, il patibolo, la guerra di Danilo Zolo.Salvatore Cingari, Gustavo Gozzi & Maria Chiara Pievatolo - 2011 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 24 (2):447-464.
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    Extracellular Vesicles from Mesenchymal Stem Cells Exert Pleiotropic Effects on Amyloid‐β, Inflammation, and Regeneration: A Spark of Hope for Alzheimer's Disease from Tiny Structures?Chiara A. Elia, Morris Losurdo, Maria L. Malosio & Silvia Coco - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (4):1800199.
    No cure yet exists for devastating Alzheimer's disease (AD), despite many years and humongous efforts to find efficacious pharmacological treatments. So far, neither designing drugs to disaggregate amyloid plaques nor tackling solely inflammation turned out to be decisive. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and, in particular, extracellular vesicles (EVs) originating from them could be proposed as an alternative, strategic approach to attack the pathology. Indeed, MSC‐EVs—owing to their ability to deliver lipids/proteins/enzymes/microRNAs endowed with anti‐inflammatory, amyloid‐β degrading, and neurotrophic activities—may be exploited (...)
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  27. Modelli sintattici e semantici delle teorie elementari.Dalla Chiara & Maria Luisa - 1968 - Milano,: Feltrinelli.
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  28.  12
    Il campo della metafisica: studi in onore di Giuseppe Nicolaci.Chiara Agnello, Rosaria Caldarone, Angelo Cicatello, Rosa Maria Lupo & Giuseppe Nicolaci (eds.) - 2018 - Palermo: Palermo University Press.
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    Paraconsistent quantum logics.Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara & Roberto Giuntini - 1989 - Foundations of Physics 19 (7):891-904.
    Paraconsistent quantum logics are weak forms of quantum logic, where the noncontradiction and the excluded-middle laws are violated. These logics find interesting applications in the operational approach to quantum mechanics. In this paper, we present an axiomatization, a Kripke-style, and an algebraic semantical characterization for two forms of paraconsistent quantum logic. Further developments are contained in Giuntini and Greuling's paper in this issue.
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  30.  4
    Logic in the 20th century: a series of papers on the present state and tendencies of studies.Dalla Chiara & Maria Luisa (eds.) - 1983 - Milano: Scienta.
  31.  71
    The Toffoli-Hadamard Gate System: an Algebraic Approach.Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara, Antonio Ledda, Giuseppe Sergioli & Roberto Giuntini - 2013 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 42 (3):467-481.
    Shi and Aharonov have shown that the Toffoli gate and the Hadamard gate give rise to an approximately universal set of quantum computational gates. The basic algebraic properties of this system have been studied in Dalla Chiara et al. (Foundations of Physics 39(6):559–572, 2009), where we have introduced the notion of Shi-Aharonov quantum computational structure. In this paper we propose an algebraic abstraction from the Hilbert-space quantum computational structures, by introducing the notion of Toffoli-Hadamard algebra. From an intuitive point (...)
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  32. Paraconsistent ideas in quantum logic.Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara & Roberto Giuntini - 2000 - Synthese 125 (1/2):55-68.
  33.  23
    Filosofia e critica del dominio: studi in onore di Leonardo Samonà.Chiara Agnello, Rosaria Caldarone, Angelo Cicatello, Rosa Maria Lupo, Giorgio Palumbo & Leonardo Samonà (eds.) - 2020 - Palermo: Palermo University Press.
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  34. (1 other version)Italian Studies in the Philosophy of Science.Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara - 1982 - Studia Logica 41 (4):432-432.
  35.  75
    Some foundational problems in mathematics suggested by physics.Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara - 1985 - Synthese 62 (2):303 - 315.
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    A general approach to non-distributive logics.Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara - 1976 - Studia Logica 35 (2):139-162.
  37. Logical self reference, set theoretical paradoxes and the measurement problem in quantum mechanics.Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara - 1977 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 6 (1):331-347.
  38.  42
    Logic and Scientific Methods: Volume One of the Tenth International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Florence, August 1995.Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara, Kees Doets, Daniele Mundici & Johan van Benthem (eds.) - 1996 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    This is the first of two volumes comprising the papers submitted for publication by the invited participants to the Tenth International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, held in Florence, August 1995. The Congress was held under the auspices of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science, Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. The invited lectures published in the two volumes demonstrate much of what goes on in the fields of the Congress and give (...)
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  39.  32
    On the Notion of “Law”.Maria Dalla Chiara & Roberto Giuntini - 2002 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 9:1-11.
    The term “law” appears in different contexts with different meanings. We are used to speaking of natural laws, legal laws, moral laws, aesthetic laws, historical laws. Such a linguistic convention has represented a constant phenomenon through the history of civilization. Is there any deep common root among all these different uses and meanings?
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  40.  11
    Language, Quantum, Music.Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara (ed.) - 1999 - Springer.
    A vivid and comprehensive picture of the current state of research in all directions of logic and philosophy of science. The book presents a wide combination of papers containing relevant technical results in the foundations of science and papers devoted to conceptual analyses, deeply rooted in advanced present-day research. Audience: The volume is attractive both for specialists in foundational questions and scholars interested in general epistemology.
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  41.  9
    Recognizing Concepts and Recognizing Musical Themes.Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara, Roberto Giuntini, Eleonora Negri & Giuseppe Sergioli - 2023 - In Jonas R. B. Arenhart & Raoni W. Arroyo, Non-Reflexive Logics, Non-Individuals, and the Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics: Essays in Honour of the Philosophy of Décio Krause. Springer Verlag. pp. 297-320.
    How are abstract concepts and musical themes recognized on the basis of some previous experience? It is interesting to compare the different behaviors of human and of artificial intelligences with respect to this problem. Generally, a human mind that abstracts a concept (say, table) from a given set of known examples creates a table-Gestalt: a kind of vague and out of focus image that does not fully correspond to a particular table with well determined features. A similar situation arises in (...)
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  42.  22
    Neurodevelopmental Outcome and Adaptive Behavior in Preterm Multiples and Singletons at 1 and 2 Years of Corrected Age.Chiara Squarza, Laura Gardon, Maria Lorella Giannì, Andrea Frigerio, Silvana Gangi, Matteo Porro, Fabio Mosca & Odoardo Picciolini - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Mathematics Anxiety, Working Memory, and Mathematics Performance in Secondary-School Children.Maria C. Passolunghi, Sara Caviola, Ruggero De Agostini, Chiara Perin & Irene C. Mammarella - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  44.  8
    Introduzione alla filosofia della scienza.Dalla Chiara & Maria Luisa - 2000 - Roma: Laterza. Edited by G. Toraldo di Francia.
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  45. Temi e prospettive della Logica e Filosofia della Scienza.Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara & Maria Clara Galavotti (eds.) - 1988 - CLUEB.
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  46.  46
    Quantum information, cognition, and music.Maria L. Dalla Chiara, Roberto Giuntini, Roberto Leporini, Eleonora Negri & Giuseppe Sergioli - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  47.  31
    The Relationship between Binge Eating Disorder and Suicidality: A Systematic Review.Chiara Conti, Roberta Lanzara, Mattia Scipioni, Marzia Iasenza, Maria T. Guagnano & Mario Fulcheri - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  48.  31
    Fuzzy-intuitionistic quantum logic.Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara, Gianpiero Cattaneo & Roberto Giuntini - 1993 - Studia Logica 52 (1):24.
  49.  27
    Partial and unsharp quantum logics.Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara & Roberto Giuntini - 1994 - Foundations of Physics 24 (8):1161-1177.
  50.  47
    Holism and contextuality: a quantum-like semantics for music.Maria Chiara, Roberto Giuntini & Eleonora Negri - 2010 - Manuscrito 33 (1).
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