Results for 'Marc-Mathieu Muṉch'

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    La beauté artistique: l'impossible définition indispensable: prolégomènes pour une "artologie" future.Marc-Mathieu Münch - 2014 - Genève: Diffusion hors France, Éditions Slatkine.
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    Entrelacs des arts et effet de vie.François Guiyoba (ed.) - 2012 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    L'esthétique étant considérée en Occident comme la science du beau, celle de Marc-Mathieu Münch stipule qu'une oeuvre littéraire belle est celle qui suscite dans la psyché du lecteur-auditeur un effet de vie à travers le jeu cohérent des mots. Les études interartistiques (prenant en compte tous les domaines artistiques à la fois - littérature, musique, architecture, peinture) serait le lieu idéal d'évaluation d'une telle théorie.
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    Le surgissement créateur: jeu, hasard ou inconscient.Véronique Alexandre Journeau (ed.) - 2011 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La création artistique est l'un des phénomènes les plus complexes et les plus mystérieux de l'activité humaine, notamment parce que c'est toute la richesse des cultures qu'elle met en œuvre, en regard et en correspondance. Un premier ouvrage proposait d'étudier si l'approche de la qualité d'une œuvre par 1' (c effet de vie ", invariant mis en évidence par Marc-Mathieu Münch pour le domaine littéraire, s'applique à la musique : Musique et effet de vie ; puis le corollaire (...)
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    Auditory cortex extraction of attended speech envelope in a multi-talker background.Vander Ghinst Marc, Bourguignon Mathieu, Op De Beeck Marc, Wens Vincent, Marty Brice, Hassid Sergio, Choufani Georges, Jousmäki Veikko, Hari Riitta, Van Bogaert Patrick, Goldman Serge & De Tiège Xavier - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Alteration of the dynamic modulation of auditory beta-band oscillations by voice power during speech-in-noise.Vander Ghinst Marc, Bourguignon Mathieu, Wens Vincent, Marty Brice, Op De Beeck Marc, Van Bogaert Patrick, Goldman Serge & De Tiège Xavier - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Primary motor cortex mapping in brain-lesioned patients using MEG resting-state functional connectivity.Coquelet Nicolas, Wens Vincent, Bourguignon Mathieu, Carrette Evelien, Op De Beeck Marc, Marty Brice, Van Bogaert Patrick, Goldman Serge & De Tiège Xavier - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Cortical kinematic processing of executed and observed goal-directed hand actions.Marty Brice, Bourguignon Mathieu, Jousmäki Veikko, Wens Vincent, Op De Beeck Marc, Van Bogaert Patrick, Goldman Serge, Hari Riitta & De Tiège Xavier - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    COVID-19, economic threat and identity status: Stability and change in prejudice against Chinese people within the Canadian population.Victoria Maria Ferrante, Éric Lacourse, Anna Dorfman, Mathieu Pelletier-Dumas, Jean-Marc Lina, Dietlind Stolle & Roxane de la Sablonnière - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:901352.
    ObjectivesPrevious studies found a general increase in prejudice against Chinese people during the first months of the pandemic. The present study aims to consider inter-individual heterogeneity in stability and change regarding prejudice involving Chinese people during the pandemic. The first objective is to identify and describe different trajectories of prejudice over a seven-month period during the pandemic. The second and third objectives are to test the association between trajectory group membership and antecedent variables such as: socio-demographic factors (i.e., age, gender, (...)
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    Electrophysiological resting state and default-mode networks from magnetoencephalography functional connectivity analyses.Wens Vincent, Mary Alison, Marty Brice, Bourguignon Mathieu, Goldman Serge, Op De Beeck Marc, Van Bogaert Patrick, Peigneux Philippe & De Tiège Xavier - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Modeling and correcting for linear spatial leakage effects in MEG seed-based functional connectivity mapping.Wens Vincent, Marty Brice, Mary Alison, Bourguignon Mathieu, Op De Beeck Marc, Goldman Serge, Van Bogaert Patrick, Peigneux Philippe & De Tiège Xavier - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Recreational Diving Practice for Stress Management: An Exploratory Trial.Frédéric Beneton, Guillaume Michoud, Mathieu Coulange, Nicolas Laine, Céline Ramdani, Marc Borgnetta, Patricia Breton, Regis Guieu, J. C. Rostain & Marion Trousselard - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Mathieu Hauchecorne, La Gauche américaine en France. La réception de John Rawls et des théories de la justice, Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2019.Jean-Marc Durand-Gasselin - 2020 - Cités 82 (2):185-189.
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  13. Capitalisme, propriété et solidarité.Marc-Kevin Daoust (ed.) - 2016 - Les Cahiers d'Ithaque.
    Le but de ce recueil est d’offrir des commentaires accessibles et introductifs aux textes classiques qu’ils accompagnent, en ouvrant des perspectives de discussion sur le thème du capitalisme. C’est en ce sens qu’Emmanuel Chaput lance le débat en commentant le texte de Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, « Qu’est-ce que la propriété ? ». Les textes de Karl Marx ne sont bien sûr pas laissés pour compte : Samuel-Élie Lesage s’engage fermement dans cette voie en discutant L’idéologie allemande de Karl Marx, Christiane Bailey (...)
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    Lire la Bible avec S. Thomas: le passage de la littera à la res dans la Somme théologique.Marc Aillet - 1993 - Fribourg, Suisse: Editions universitaires.
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  15. I limiti interni dei formalismi nell'opera di Jean Ladrière.Vittorio Mathieu - 1959 - Filosofia 10 (4):574.
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  16. Scienza e metafisica in Bergson.Vittorio Mathieu - 1959 - Giornale di Metafisica 14 (6):784.
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    Cognitive ethology: Slayers, skeptics, and proponents.Marc Bekoff & Colin Allen - 1997 - In Robert W. Mitchell, Nicholas S. Thompson & H. Lyn Miles (eds.), Anthropomorphism, Anecdotes, and Animals. SUNY Press. pp. 313--334.
  18. Darwin’s solution to the species problem.Marc Ereshefsky - 2010 - Synthese 175 (3):405 - 425.
    Biologists and philosophers that debate the existence of the species category fall into two camps. Some believe that the species category does not exist and the term 'species' should be eliminated from biology. Others believe that with new biological insights or the application of philosophical ideas, we can be confident that the species category exists. This paper offers a different approach to the species problem. We should be skeptical of the species category, but not skeptical of the existence of those (...)
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  19. Biological functions and natural selection: a reappraisal.Marc Artiga - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (2):1-22.
    The goal of this essay is to assess the Selected-Effects Etiological Theory of biological function, according to which a trait has a function F if and only if it has been selected for F. First, I argue that this approach should be understood as describing the paradigm case of functions, rather than as establishing necessary and sufficient conditions for function possession. I contend that, interpreted in this way, the selected-effects approach can explain two central properties of functions and can satisfactorily (...)
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    On the social and personal value of existence.Marc Fleurbaey & Alex Voorhoeve - 2015 - In . pp. 95-109.
    If a potential person would have a good life if he were to come into existence, can we coherently regard his coming into existence as better for him than his never coming into existence? And can we regard the situation in which he never comes into existence as worse for him? In this paper, we argue that both questions should be answered affirmatively. We also explain where prominent arguments to differing conclusions go wrong. Finally, we explore the relevance of our (...)
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    Decomposing constraint satisfaction problems using database techniques.Marc Gyssens, Peter G. Jeavons & David A. Cohen - 1994 - Artificial Intelligence 66 (1):57-89.
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    Time and Causality: Editorial.Marc J. Buehner - 2014 - In Time and causality. [Lausanne, Switzerland]: Frontiers Media SA.
  23. Why proofs by mathematical induction are generally not explanatory.Marc Lange - 2009 - Analysis 69 (2):203-211.
    Philosophers who regard some mathematical proofs as explaining why theorems hold, and others as merely proving that they do hold, disagree sharply about the explanatory value of proofs by mathematical induction. I offer an argument that aims to resolve this conflict of intuitions without making any controversial presuppositions about what mathematical explanations would be.
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  24. Compassion as a Practical and Evolved Ethic for Conservation.Marc Bekoff & Daniel Ramp - 2016 - In Bernice Bovenkerk & Jozef Keulartz (eds.), Animal Ethics in the Age of Humans: Blurring Boundaries in Human-Animal Relationships. Cham: Springer.
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  25. History, context, and the conventions of political society.Marc Hanvelt - 2021 - In Esther Engels Kroeker & Willem Lemmens (eds.), Hume's an Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals : A Critical Guide. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
  26. Leibniz on causation.Marc Bobro - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  27. Dhikr Da'im : a phenomenology of time, timelessness, and identity in Sufi practice.Marc Applebaum - 2023 - In Susi Ferrarello & Christos Hadjioannou (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Mindfulness. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    (1 other version)Technik und Phantasma Das Begehren des Mediums.Marc Ziegler - 2005 - In Gerhard Gamm (ed.), Unbestimmtheitssignaturen der Technik. Transcript Verlag. pp. 63-80.
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    “Below the edge of darkness: A memoir of exploring light and life in the deep sea” by Edith Widder.Marc Zimmer - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (12):2100217.
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    Leibniz’ Definitionstheorie und ihre metaphysischen Grundlagen.Marc Zobrist - 2016 - Studia Leibnitiana 48 (2):201-222.
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    Mindful wisdom: The path integrating memory, judgment, and attention.Marc-Henri Deroche - 2021 - Asian Philosophy 31 (1):19-32.
    In the transdisciplinary field of ‘mindfulness,’ originally a Buddhist concept (Pāli sati; Sanskrit smṛti; Chinese nian 念; Tibetan dran pa), the two tendencies represented by Buddhist traditional a...
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    The Electronic Patient Record as a Meaningful Audit Tool:Accountability and Autonomy in General Practitioner Work.Marc Berg, Irma van der Ploeg & Brit Ross Winthereik - 2007 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 32 (1):6-25.
    Health authorities increasingly request that general practitioners use information and communication technologies such as electronic patient records for accountability purposes. This article deals with the use of EPRs among general practitioners in Britain. It examines two ways in which GPs use the EPR for accountability purposes. One way is to generate audit reports on the basis of the information that has been entered into the record. The other is to let the computer intervene in the clinical process through prompts. The (...)
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  33. Modem landscape Architecture.Marc Treib - forthcoming - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society.
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    Economics and economic justice.Marc Fleurbaey - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  35. The apparent superiority of prediction to accommodation as a side effect: A reply to Maher.Marc Lange - 2001 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 52 (3):575-588.
    has offered a lovely example to motivate the intuition that a successful prediction has a kind of confirmatory significance that an accommodation lacks. This paper scrutinizes Maher's example. It argues that once the example is tweaked, the intuitive difference there between prediction and accommodation disappears. This suggests that the apparent superiority of prediction to accommodation is actually a side effect of an important difference between the hypotheses that tend to arise in each case.
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  36. The dictator's trust: Regulating and constraining emergency powers in the roman republic.Marc Wilde - 2012 - History of Political Thought 33 (4):555-557.
    This article seeks to explain how it was possible that, until the first century BC, the Roman dictatorship was never abused and turned against the constitution itself. The traditional explanation is that, contrary to its first century imitations, the dictatorship was subject to formal restrictions, such as the six months' tenure, which were strictly applied. By contrast, this article suggests that informal constraints on the dictator's powers, such as moral and religious norms, were as important as formal constraints. It shows, (...)
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    Esthétiques et sociétés.Marc Chabot - 1994 - Horizons Philosophiques 5 (1).
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  38. L'illusion comique.Marc Chapiro - 1940 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
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    Comment: The Next Frontier: Prosody Research Gets Interpersonal.Marc D. Pell & Sonja A. Kotz - 2021 - Emotion Review 13 (1):51-56.
    Neurocognitive models (e.g., Schirmer & Kotz, 2006) have helped to characterize how listeners incrementally derive meaning from vocal expressions of emotion in spoken language, what neural mechanisms are involved at different processing stages, and their relative time course. But how can these insights be applied to communicative situations in which prosody serves a predominantly interpersonal function? This comment examines recent data highlighting the dynamic interplay of prosody and language, when vocal attributes serve the sociopragmatic goals of the speaker or reveal (...)
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    The animals' agenda: freedom, compassion, and coexistence in the human age.Marc Bekoff - 2017 - Boston, Massachusetts: Beacon Press. Edited by Jessica Pierce.
    Freedom and compassion in the anthropocene -- Can science save animals? -- Who we eat -- Fat rats and lab cats -- Charismatic, caged, and occasionally crazy: zooed animals -- Captive and companion -- Born to be wild? -- Coexistence in the anthropocene and beyond: compassion and justice for all.
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  41. The semantic approach to evolutionary theory.Marc Ereshefsky - 1991 - Biology and Philosophy 6 (1):59-80.
    Paul Thompson, John Beatty, and Elisabeth Lloyd argue that attempts to resolve certain conceptual issues within evolutionary biology have failed because of a general adherence to the received view of scientific theories. They maintain that such issues can be clarified and resolved when one adopts a semantic approach to theories. In this paper, I argue that such conceptual issues are just as problematic on a semantic approach. Such issues arise from the complexity involved in providing formal accounts of theoretical laws (...)
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  42. Action et passion.Marc Wetzel - 1994 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 48 (189):303-326.
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  43. (1 other version)De liberalisering van abortus als strijdpunt in de Belgische politiek 1971-1990.Marc Hooghe - 1990 - Res Publica: Politiek-wetenschappelijk tijdschrift van de Lage Landen 4:489-509.
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    Two claims that can save a nonreductive account of mental causation.Marc Slors - 1998 - In Human Action, Deliberation and Causation. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 225--248.
  45. La pluralite et l'infini en philosophie et en mathematique de l'ancienne grece.Marc Krasner - forthcoming - Eleutheria.
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  46. L'image d'Alexis I er Comnène selon le chroniqueur Albert d'Aix.Marc Carrier - 2008 - Byzantion 78:34-65.
    Cet article propose un nouvel examen de l'image d'Alexis Ier Comnène dans l'Historia Ierosolimitana d'Albert d'Aix, afin d'en apprécier les nuances et les subtilités. Bien qu'Albert d'Aix soit reconnu pour son impression généralement positive d'Alexis Ier, une relecture attentive de son œuvre démontre plutôt une image ambivalente de l'empereur et des Byzantins. En scrutant les motifs d'Albert d'Aix, il est possible de constater une disposition favorable du chroniqueur lorsqu'il s'agit de souligner les relations privilégiées entre Alexis Ier et les souverains (...)
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  47. Climate change and the ethics of discounting.Marc Davidson - 2015 - Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 6 (4):401–12.
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    Psychanalyse & spiritualité.Marc-Alain Descamps (ed.) - 2006 - Sainte-Eulalie-en-Born: Trismégiste.
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    Lyons (John)," Chomsky".Marc Dominicy - 1978 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 123:128-131.
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    Geographica Apollodorea.Marc Huys - 1998 - Hermes 126 (1):124-129.
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