Results for 'Madison Smartt Bell'

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  1.  42
    Kreyol pale, kreyol konprann.Madison Smartt Bell - 2005 - Multitudes 3 (3):213-221.
    Résumé Cet article discute de quelques aspects de la créolisation dans le contexte éthique, racial et linguistique qui s’est déployé à partir de certains événements de la révolution haïtienne.
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    Culture-Crossing in Madison Smartt Bell’s Haitian Trilogy and Neo-Captivity Narrative.Michaela Keck - 2015 - Cultura 12 (1):115-128.
    This article investigates Madison Smartt Bell’s Haitian trilogy as a neocaptivity narrative that combines in new ways the conventions of the slave narrative and the Barbary captivity narrative. Furthermore, it examines the culture-crossing of the character of Doctor Hébert in the course of the successful slave uprising of Saint Domingue. Captivity, I argue, constitutes the central theme and structuring device and also triggers Hébert’s culture-crossing in a reversed Hegelian master-slave dialectic that needs to be read together with (...)
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  3. Forgiveness, Inspiration, and the Powers of Reparation.Macalester Bell - 2012 - American Philosophical Quarterly 49 (3):205-222.
    Forgiveness seems especially apt in cases where the wrongdoer first performs some act of reparation. Suppose Valerie betrays Madison's trust out of careerist self-interest. The betrayal is serious, no excusing or exempting conditions obtain, and Madison responds with justified resentment. In one world, Valerie never acknowledges the impropriety of her past act and continues on as before. In another world, Valerie apologizes and sends Madison a beautiful bouquet of flowers. All else being equal, forgiveness seems called for (...)
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    A Large Estate in Egypt in the Third Century B.C. A Large Estate in Egypt in the Third Century B.C.: A Study in Economic History. By M. Rostovtzeff. One vol. 10″ × 6½″. Pp. xi + 209, with three photographic facsimiles. Univ. of Wisconsin Studies in the Social Sciences and History, No. 6, Madison, 1922. $2.00. [REVIEW]H. I. Bell - 1923 - The Classical Review 37 (1-2):32-34.
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    Etruria and Rome - Bell, Nagy New Perspectives on Etruria and early Rome. In Honor of Richard Daniel De Puma. Pp. xxiv + 305, ills, maps. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2009. Cased, US$55. ISBN: 978-0-299-23030-2. [REVIEW]Lisa C. Pieraccini - 2010 - The Classical Review 60 (2):572-574.
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    Posthuman Affirmative Business Ethics: Reimagining Human–Animal Relations Through Speculative Fiction.Janet Sayers, Lydia Martin & Emma Bell - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (3):597-608.
    Posthuman affirmative ethics relies upon a fluid, nomadic conception of the ethical subject who develops affective, material and immaterial connections to multiple others. Our purpose in this paper is to consider what posthuman affirmative business ethics would look like, and to reflect on the shift in thinking and practice this would involve. The need for a revised understanding of human–animal relations in business ethics is amplified by crises such as climate change and pandemics that are related to ecologically destructive business (...)
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  7. The nature of science and instructional practice: Making the unnatural natural.Fouad Abd-El-Khalick, Randy L. Bell & Norman G. Lederman - 1998 - Science Education 82 (4):417-436.
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    Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice.Maurianne Adams & Lee Anne Bell (eds.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    For twenty years, _Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice_ has been the definitive sourcebook of theoretical foundations, pedagogical and design frameworks, and curricular models for social justice teaching practice. Thoroughly revised and updated, this third edition continues in the tradition of its predecessors to cover the most relevant issues and controversies in social justice education in a practical, hands-on format. Filled with ready-to-apply activities and discussion questions, this book provides teachers and facilitators with an accessible pedagogical approach to issues of (...)
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  9. Being Your Best Self: Authenticity, Morality, and Gender Norms.Rowan Bell - 2024 - Hypatia 39 (1):1-20.
    Trans and gender-nonconforming people sometimes say that certain gender norms are authentic for them. For example, a trans man might say that abiding by norms of masculinity tracks who he really is. Authenticity is sometimes taken to appeal to an essential, pre-social “inner self.” It is also sometimes understood as a moral notion. Authenticity claims about gender norms therefore appear inimical to two key commitments in feminist philosophy: that all gender norms are socially constructed, and that many domains of gender (...)
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  10. Communitarianism and its critics.Daniel Bell - 1993 - Oxford: Clarendon Press.
    Many have criticized liberalism for being too individualistic, but few have offered an alternative that goes beyond a vague affirmation of the need for community. In this entertaining book, written in dialogue form, Daniel Bell fills this gap, presenting and defending a distinctively communitarian theory against the objections of a liberal critic. Drawing on the works of such thinkers as Charles Taylor, Michael Sandel, and Alasdair MacIntyre, Bell attacks liberalism's individualistic view of the person by pointing to our (...)
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  11. A New Approach to Quantum Logic.J. L. Bell - 1986 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 37 (1):83-99.
    The idea of a 'logic of quantum mechanics' or quantum logic was originally suggested by Birkhoff and von Neumann in their pioneering paper [1936]. Since that time there has been much argument about whether, or in what sense, quantum 'logic' can be actually considered a true logic (see, e.g. Bell and Hallett [1982], Dummett [1976], Gardner [1971]) and, if so, how it is to be distinguished from classical logic. In this paper I put forward a simple and natural semantical (...)
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    What are the focal points in bioethics literature? Examining the discussions about everyday ethics in Parkinson’s disease.Natalie Zizzo, Emily Bell & Eric Racine - 2017 - Clinical Ethics 12 (1):19-23.
    Everyday ethics refers to those issues which have a sometimes unrecognized moral dimension and that arise regularly within healthcare and research. These issues are often contrasted to dramatic ethics issues (i.e. issues that have seemingly higher stakes such as those arising in acute care situations or with invasive or life-threatening interventions). Claims have been made that scholarly bioethics tends to focus on dramatic ethics to the detriment of everyday ethics discussions. However, empirical evidence showing this has been lacking. Our own (...)
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    The Hidden Levels of the Mind: Swedenborg's Theory of Consciousness.Douglas Taylor & Reuben P. Bell - 2011 - Swedenborg Foundation Publishers.
    At the core of Swedenborg’s thought is the understanding that our purpose in this life is to progress spiritually—to learn, to grow, to do good works, and, ultimately, to allow as much of God’s love as possible to enter into us and manifest through us. Scattered throughout his works are descriptions of our mind and how it relates to both the physical and spiritual worlds. In this book, Taylor pulls these loose threads together and weaves them into a simple, coherent (...)
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    Philosophy at the Edge of Chaos: Gilles Deleuze and the Philosophy of Difference.Jeffrey A. Bell - 2006 - University of Toronto Press.
    From the early 1960s until his death, French philosopher Gilles Deleuze wrote many influential works on philosophy, literature, film, and fine art. One of Deleuze's main philosophical projects was a systematic inversion of the traditional relationship between identity and difference. This Deleuzian philosophy of difference is the subject of Jeffrey A. Bell's Philosophy at the Edge of Chaos. Bell argues that Deleuze's efforts to develop a philosophy of difference are best understood by exploring both Deleuze's claim to be (...)
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    Gender, gender ideology, and animal rights advocacy.Charlotte C. Dunham, Nancy J. Bell & Charles W. Peek - 1996 - Gender and Society 10 (4):464-478.
    Research on women's preponderance among animal rights advocates explains it exclusively as a product of women's socialization, emphasizing a relational orientation of care and nurturing that extends to animals. The authors propose a more structural explanation: Women's experiences with structural oppression make them more disposed to egalitarian ideology, which creates concern for animal rights. Using data from a 1993 national sample, the authors find that an egalitarian gender ideology is a key difference in women's and men's routes to animal rights (...)
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  16. Forgiving someone for who they are (and not just what they've done).Macalester Bell - 2008 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 77 (3):625-658.
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  17. Communitarianism.Daniel Bell - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    (1 other version)Extending the Deontic Model of Justice.Deborah E. Rupp & Chris M. Bell - 2010 - Business Ethics Quarterly 20 (1):89-106.
    The deontic model of justice and ethical behavior proposes that people care about justice simply for the sake of justice. This is an important consideration for business ethics because it implies that justice and ethical behavior are naturally occurring phenomenaindependent of system controls or individual self-interest. To date, research on the deontic model and third-party reactions to injustice has focused primarily on individuals’ tendency to punish transgressors. This research has revealed that witnesses to injustice will consider sacrificing their own resources (...)
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  19. Process Without a Subject: Foundations and Implications of Althusser's "'First' Philosophy".Rodger Bell Hunter - 1979 - Dissertation, State University of New York at Buffalo
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    Thoughts.David Bell - 1987 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 28 (1):36-50.
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    Hermann Weyl.John L. Bell - 2010 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger.
  22.  19
    Melancholia: The Western Malady.Matthew Bell - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    Melancholia is a commonly experienced feeling, and one with a long and fascinating medical history which can be charted back to antiquity. Avoiding the simplistic binary opposition of constructivism and hard realism, this book argues that melancholia was a culture-bound syndrome which thrived in the West because of the structure of Western medicine since the Ancient Greeks, and because of the West's fascination with self-consciousness. While melancholia cannot be equated with modern depression, Matthew Bell argues that concepts from recent (...)
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  23. Radically speaking: feminism reclaimed.Diane Bell & Renate Klein (eds.) - 1996 - North Melbourne, Vic.: Spinifex Press.
    Showing that a radical feminist analysis cuts across class, race, sexuality, region, and religion, the varied contributors in this collection reveal the global reach of radical feminism and analyze the causes and solutions to patriarchal oppression.
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    Introduction to the history of philosophy.Joseph Bell Burgess - 1939 - London: McGraw-Hill Book Company.
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  25. Philosophy and education, an essay..Daniel Bell Leary - 1921 - [Buffalo] University of Buffalo,:
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  26.  14
    Use of Urban Residential Community Parks for Stress Management During the COVID-19 Lockdown Period in China.Ni Kang, Simon Bell, Catharine Ward Thompson, Mengmeng Zheng, Ziwei Xu & Ziwen Sun - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    During the pandemic lockdown period, residents had to stay at home and increased stress and other mental health problems have been associated with the lockdown period. Since most public parks were closed, community parks within gated residential areas became the most important green space in Chinese cities, and the use of such space might help to reduce the residents’ stress levels. This study aimed to investigate to what extent urban residents in China used community parks, engaged in outdoor activity during (...)
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    Forgetting our facts: the role of inhibitory processes in the loss of propositional knowledge.Michael C. Anderson & Theodore Bell - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 130 (3):544.
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    The combination of multiple classifiers using an evidential reasoning approach.Yaxin Bi, Jiwen Guan & David Bell - 2008 - Artificial Intelligence 172 (15):1731-1751.
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  29. Applying the Narrative Coherence Standard in non-Medical Assessments of Capacity.Tyler Gibb, Madison Irene Hybels & Khadijah Hussain - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 11 (1):31-33.
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    Preventing post-traumatic stress disorder or pathologizing bad memories?Jennifer A. Bell - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (9):29 – 30.
    Henry et al. (2007) claim they are concerned with the overmedicalization of bad memories and its subsequent exploitation by the pharmaceutical industry. However, they downplay the contributing role...
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    Conservation Biologists and the Representation of At-Risk Species: Navigating Ethical Tensions in an Evolving Discipline.Diana Stuart & Jessica Bell Rizzolo - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (2):219-238.
    Conservation biology is a discipline with the explicit goal of protecting species from extinction. We examine how conservation biologists represent at-risk species, how they navigate values and ethical tensions in the discipline, and how they might be more effective in reaching conservation goals. While these topics are discussed in the literature, we offer a unique empirical examination of how individuals perceive and perform conservation work. We conducted 29 interviews with conservation biologists and found that most respondents viewed their work as (...)
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  32. The axiom of choice and the law of excluded middle in weak set theories.John L. Bell - 2008 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 54 (2):194-201.
    A weak form of intuitionistic set theory WST lacking the axiom of extensionality is introduced. While WST is too weak to support the derivation of the law of excluded middle from the axiom of choice, we show that up WST with moderate extensionality principles or quotient sets enables the derivation to go through.
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    The Perils of Pollyanna: Development of the Over-Trust Construct.Sanjay Goel, Geoffrey G. Bell & Jon L. Pierce - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 58 (1-3):203-218.
    . Management scholars and practitioners often believe that individuals and organizations benefit by trusting their work contacts. (Husted, 1998; Sonnenberg, 1994) Trust is generally viewed as “good” and imperative to a modern functioning economy (Blau, 1964; Hosmer, 1995; Zucker, 1986) Consequently, scholars and practitioners have given scant attention to the “downside” of trust, despite the fact that trust involves taking risk under conditions of uncertainty (Rousseau et al., 1998) Recent corporate scandals show that people suffer when they misplace trust in (...)
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    Depoliticizing Sex Education.Caitlin Howlett & Quentin Wheeler-Bell - 2018 - Philosophy of Education 74:409-423.
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    Studies of the Delphian treasuries. II : The four Ionic treasuries.William Bell Dinsmoor - 1913 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 37 (1):5-83.
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    On The Possible Redundancy of the Third Noble Truth.Joshua Rust & Christopher Bell - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (3):499-515.
    We raise and attempt to resolve the charge that the third noble truth of the core Buddhist teachings is redundant. If the second noble truth asserts a causal relation between craving and suffering, and if James Woodward’s interventionist account of causation is correct, we argue that these premises are sufficient to entail the difference-making described by the third noble truth. Thus, the third noble truth would be superfluous insofar as it merely makes explicit what must be the case, according to (...)
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    Qingdao: the city of ideals.P. Wang & Daniel A. Bell - 2022 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 25 (5):667-682.
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    Beyond the Margins: Reflections of a Feminist Philosopher.Linda A. Bell - 2003 - SUNY Press.
    Presenting essays rich with her own personal experiences, philosopher Linda A. Bell examines not only her own life but also problems arising from ways that living affects thinking.
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    Responding Ethically to Patient and Public Expectations About Psychiatric DBS.Eric Racine & Emily Bell - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 3 (1):21-29.
    In the last years, TV documentaries, articles in popular magazines, and Internet content have increased the public visibility of deep brain stimulation (DBS). The media may have also provoked significant clinical and public interest in potential future applications for treating psychiatric disorders beyond the current use of DBS in neurological disorders. In this article, we review and discuss the topic of patient and public understanding of DBS, focusing on both the clinical consequences of patient understanding as well as the broader (...)
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    Art History in the Age of Bellori: Scholarship and Cultural Politics in Seventeenth-Century Rome.Giles Knox, Janis Bell & Thomas Willette - 2004 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 38 (2):116.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 38.2 (2004) 116-120 [Access article in PDF] Art History in the Age of Bellori: Scholarship and Cultural Politics in Seventeenth-Century Rome, edited by Janis Bell and Thomas Willette. Cambridge: Cambridge Universtiy Press, 2002, 396 pp. Giovan Pietro Bellori is a name familiar to all who have studied seventeenth-century Italian art. His magisterial book, The Lives of the Modern Painters, Sculptors, and Architects (Le (...)
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    The scarcity of medical resources: Are there rights to health care?Nora K. Bell - 1979 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 4 (2):158-169.
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    Education in Great Britain and Ireland: A Source Book.A. C. F. Beales, Robert Bell, Gerald Fowler & Ken Little - 1973 - British Journal of Educational Studies 21 (3):354.
  43.  37
    Bernhard Von Clairvaux Als Quelle Martin Luthers.Theo M. M. A. C. Bell - 1995 - Bijdragen 56 (1):2-18.
    It is a well-known fact that the reformer Martin Luther highly esteemed Bernhard of Clairvaux. But what exactly was the significance of Bernhard for him? During the last years some Luther scholars became highly interested in the theological and historical relations between these two remarkable theologians. Recently Franz Posset published an article on this subject in Luther Jahrbuch. He discusses Bernhard of Clairvaux's Sermons of Christmas-time, Lent- and Easter-time as a source for Martin Luther. Theo Bell contributes to this (...)
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    Reply to Jane Marcus.Quentin Bell - 1985 - Critical Inquiry 11 (3):498-501.
    It must be admitted that there are some of us who “teach” Virginia Woolf and yet seem unable to learn from her. The secret of Virginia’s eminently readable prose style remains hidden from us. It is for this reason that I find it impossibly hard to read everything that Professor Marcus and some of her colleagues produce in such astounding abundance, and that, she may retort, is why she has found it impossible to read my biography of Virginia Woolf. In (...)
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    The artist's house: from workplace to artwork.Kirsty Bell - 2012 - Berlin: Sternberg Press.
    The artist's house is a prism through which to view not only the artistic practice of its inhabitant, but also to apprehend broader developments in sculpture and contemporary art in relation to domestic architecture and interior space. Based on a series of interviews and site visits with living artists about the role of their home in relation to their work, Kirsty Bell looks at the house as receptacle, vehicle, model, theater, or dream space. In-depth analyses of these contemporary examples—including (...)
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    Virginia Woolf's Criticism: A Polemical Preface.Barbara Currier Bell & Carol Ohmann - 1974 - Critical Inquiry 1 (2):361-371.
    As a critic, Virginia Woolf has been called a number of disparaging names: "impressionist," "belletrist," "raconteur," "amateur." Here is one academic talking on the subject: "She will survive, not as a critic, but as a literary essayist recording the adventures of a soul among congenial masterpieces. . . . The writers who are most downright, and masculine, and central in their approach to life - Fielding or Balzac - she for the most part left untouched....Her own approach was at once (...)
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    Working with Infrastructural Communities: A Material Participation Approach to Urban Retrofit.Rob Comber, Aiduan Borrion, Sarah Bell & Charlotte Johnson - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (2):320-345.
    Retrofit is a rising area of concern for Science and Technology Studies scholars of infrastructure. This paper sits at the junction between applied and theoretical approaches by using STS to support interventions in urban infrastructure systems and expand STS critique of retrofit. It discusses findings from a multidisciplinary project piloting retrofit possibilities to positively impact the way water, energy, and food resources were consumed in a London housing estate. Through qualitative research, we found that residents were making social and material (...)
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    Social cohesion without electoral democracy: The case of China.Wang Pei & Daniel A. Bell - 2020 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 46 (5):553-562.
    Democratic elections, whatever the flaws, tend to produce a sense of social cohesion as ordinary citizens, treated as equals, gather together to select their country’s political leaders. In China,...
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  49. Syntax and semantics in space-comprehension of spatially ambiguous sentences.Ca Perfetti, B. Adams, L. Bell & Jm Weitz - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):323-323.
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    Chapline, C. 152.R. Baenninger, G. Bataille, A. Bell, M. Berry, D. Bierman, D. Bohm, W. Braud, P. Churchland, M. Conrad & M. Dahleh - 2001 - In P. Van Loocke (ed.), The Physical Nature of Consciousness. John Benjamins. pp. 313.
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