Results for 'Luis María Cifuentes'

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  1. Elías Díaz: una vida al servicio del Derecho.Angeles Mateos García & Luis María Cifuentes Pérez - 2010 - Paideia: Revista de Filosofía y Didáctica Filosófica 31 (88):199-227.
  2. Lectura y tragedia en "Así habló Zaratrusta".Luis Antonio Cifuentes Quiñones - 2003 - Universitas Philosophica 40:181-194.
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    Cézanne y el pensamiento inmanente.Luis Antonio Cifuentes Quiñones - 1999 - Universitas Philosophica 33:13-30.
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    Modernidad estética en Una investigaicón sobre el origen de nuestra idea de belleza de Francis Hutcheson.Luis Antonio Cifuentes Quiñones - 1997 - Universitas Philosophica 28:29-50.
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    Carl Schmitt and Federalism.Luis María Bandieri - 2002 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2002 (122):48-58.
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    Consideraciones en torno a las aporías en Wilhelm Dilthey.Luis María Lorenzo - 2016 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 25:14-42.
    En este artículo se busca indagar, por un lado, las aporías que Gadamer detecta en la propuesta epistemológica de Dilthey y, por el otro lado, las aporías que el propio Dilthey encuentra en el obrar de las ciencias del espíritu. El objetivo de este artículo será mostrar las limitaciones de la crítica gadameriana y reconocer que la obra de Dilthey excede el análisis exclusivamente objetivista. Esto permitirá demostrar que la filosofía de Dilthey es una indagación del mundo humano entendido como (...)
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    (1 other version)La noción de «espíritu» en la filosofía de Wilhelm Dilthey.Luis María Lorenzo - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 22 (1).
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    Pedagogía para la Paz.Diana María Sepúlveda, Camila Cifuentes & Bibiana Patricia Rojas - 2024 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 9 (1):1-9.
    La Pedagogía para la Paz en Colombia se brinda desde enfoques diseñados para promover valores como la paz, la convivencia pacífica y la justicia social, buscando cambiar actitudes y formas de relacionamiento para prevenir la violencia. Implica crear y fortalecer espacios de conciliación, promover el perdón, la reconciliación y abordar aspectos como la resolución de conflictos desde edades tempranas. Escuchar y valorar las narrativas de las víctimas del conflicto armado en el hecho victimizante de la desaparición forzada, es esencial para (...)
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  9. Cuerpo y filosofía en el Zaratustra de Nietzsche.Luis Antonio Cifuentes Quiñones - 2000 - Universitas Philosophica 34:179-208.
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    Contra el poder.Luis María Anson (ed.) - 1996 - Madrid: Temas de Hoy.
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  11. Argumentación y composición de conflictos jurídicos.Luis María Bandieri - 2004 - In Francisco Puy Muñoz & Jorge Guillermo Portela (eds.), La argumentación jurídica: problemas de concepto, método y aplicación. [Santiago de Compostela]: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
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  12. El deterioro de la democracia que causa el neoliberalismo.Luis María de Sebastián Carazo - 2003 - Critica 53 (906):30-32.
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    Utopía sacrificada, utopía traidora, utopía inconclusa.María Lourdes González-Luis & Natalia Pais Álvarez - 2011 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía:69-77.
    El ejercicio utópico de la voluntad política que caracteriza el XIX latinoamericano se desgrana en las categorías de unidad continental, unidad cultural, unidad en el concepto de Patria, etc.; clausurando un apretado siglo de extrema densidad social y política, un siglo de utopía en el discurso. Una Ilustración insuficiente, el coste del hibridismo, las comunidades imaginadas, las dependencias encadenadas, las resistencias, los logros y los fracasos, traducen el sacrificio, la traición y la inconclusión de la tarea emancipatoria. Si podemos contemplar (...)
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  14. Educar para el empleo hoy.Luis María López-Aranguren - 2011 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 61 (972):78-83.
    Todo parece indicar que estamos viviendo los peores momentos de la actual crisis del sistema. Vemos el tremendo daño social que está causando reflejado en las numerosas personas que sufren directamente la angustia y desesperanza que el paro les causa a ellas y a sus familias.
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    PATTARO, ENRICO, Temi e problemi di filosofía del diritto, Clueb, Bologna, 1994.Luis María Cruz Ortiz de Landázuri - 1996 - Anuario Filosófico:1111-1112.
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    Mª Del Carmen aparicio Valls, palabra de dios en palabra humana. La inspiración bíblica, madrid, biblioteca de autores cristianos, 2019, 144 pp. [REVIEW]Luis María Jiménez de Cisneros Ortiz - 2020 - Isidorianum 29 (1):195-199.
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  17. Hildegarda de Bingen : sombra de la voz viviente.Luis Maria Espinal Mejía - 2015 - In Castrillón López, Luis Alberto & Carlos Arboleda Mora (eds.), Belleza y mística. Medellín, Colombia: Editorial Pontificia Bolivariana.
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  18. W. James.William James & Luis María Ravagnán - 1968 - [Buenos Aires]: Centro Editor de América Latina. Edited by Luis María Ravagnán.
    Estudio preliminar, por L. M. Ravagnán--Compendio de psicología--Problemas de la filosofía.--Ensayo sobre empirismo radical.--La voluntad de creer.--El pragmatismo.--Fases del sentimiento religioso.--Los ideales de la vida.--Cuadro cronológico.--Bibliografía (p. 116-118).
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    Performance Indicators in Young Elite Beach Volleyball Players.José Antonio Pérez-Turpin, Luis María Campos-Gutiérrez, Carlos Elvira-Aranda, María José Gomis-Gomis, Concepción Suárez-Llorca & Eliseo Andreu-Cabrera - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Share Repurchases, Undervaluation, and Corporate Social Responsibility.Nils Bobenhausen, Wolfgang Breuer, Andreas Knetsch & Luis Maria Siemer - forthcoming - Business and Society.
    This study examines how firms’ socially responsible behavior relates to the timing of their share repurchases, considering share mispricing and the resulting wealth transfer between sellers and ongoing shareholders. We hypothesize that firms with a stronger commitment to societal goals prioritize the interests of all stakeholders more equally than those with a weaker commitment. Therefore, their managers are less likely to take advantage of the wealth transfer from selling to ongoing shareholders, which occurs when the firm is undervalued. Our results (...)
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    El desafío metodológico de la investigación en Psicología Clínica: saber interrogarse.Asceneth María Sastre Cifuentes - 2004 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 20:65-76.
    El presente artículo ofrece una reflexión en torno al modo en que actualmente se toman las decisiones de diseño de la investigación en la psicología clínica, para lo cual la autora se apoya en: (1) un reconocimiento de la naturaleza compleja del fenómeno de "lo clínico"; (2) los planteamientos de Je..
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  22. Intimidación escolar, escuela Y familia: Una triada al Borde de Una perspectiva más humana Y social.María del Pilar Buitrago Peña, Karol Andrea Cabrera Cifuentes, Mónica Constanza Guevara Jiménez & Niny Johann Sánchez Rodríguez - 2009 - Revista Aletheia 1 (1).
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  23. Cuerpo y filosofía en el Zaratustra de Nietzsche: NIETZSCHE.Luis Antonio Cifuentes - 2000 - Universitas Philosophica 34:179-207.
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  24. Cézanne y el pensamiento inmanente.Luis Antonio Cifuentes - 1999 - Universitas Philosophica 33:13-29.
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    La ética en 100 preguntas.Luis María Cifuentes - 2018 - Madrid: Nowtilus.
    Las respuestas de la Ética a los grandes retos del nuevo humanismo: la manipulación genética, el uso de la technología, la bioética y la ética ecológica, la ética política, los derechos de los animales, la sostenibilidad y el sistema económico globalizado.--Back cover.
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  26. Historia intelectual, historia de los intelectuales. Un acercamiento al campo histórico del tema.María Elena González Cifuentes - 2011 - Logos: Revista de la Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades 19:63-77.
    This paper makes an assessment of a number of texts (classics) dealing with the debate on intellectual history, as well as the discussion about the being and must be of intellectuals. The idea is to demonstrate the relevance of this debate, as well as of its endless discussion, its trajectory in other disciplines and the need for more dialogue between those who practice them.
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  27. Lectura y tragedia en Asi hablo zaratustra.Luis Antonio Cifuentes Q. - 2003 - Universitas Philosophica 40:181-193.
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  28. Acotación a la Teoría Medieval del Arte: Del servicio a la gloria de Dios.Maria Sanchez Cifuentes & José Gaspar Birlanga Trigueros - 2001 - Revista Agustiniana 42 (128):777-800.
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    Esfuerzo intelectual y cuerpo.Luis Antonio Cifuentes Quiñonez - 2015 - Universitas Philosophica 32 (65):289-306.
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    Elementos para pensar la necesidad de la memoria: una lectura de la segunda de las tesis sobre la historia de W. Benjamin.Luis Antonio Cifuentes Quiñónez - 2018 - Universitas Philosophica 35 (71):77-111.
    This paper is an outline of some ways that lead us to think about the necessity of memory, inherent to the experience of the present. We will work around three thematic lines within the field of philosophy of history: first, the relation between the past and our present; second, the problem of the personal disposition of the subject of historical knowledge and his inevitable belonging to the present at the level of action; and the sense of a possible historical experience (...)
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    Stock picking, market timing and style differences between socially responsible and conventional pension funds: evidence from the United Kingdom.Luis Ferruz, Fernando Muñoz & Maria Vargas - 2010 - Business Ethics: A European Review 19 (4):408-422.
    As far as we are aware, this study presents the first comparative analysis of the stock picking and market timing abilities of managers of conventional and socially responsible (SR) pension funds, and of their use of superior information. For the United Kingdom, the results obtained show a slight stock picking ability on the part of SR pension fund managers (although it disappears if multifactorial models are considered), and a negative market timing ability on the part of both SR and conventional (...)
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  32. Acotación a la Teoría Medieval del Arte: Del servicio a la gloria de Dios.José Gaspar Birlanga Trigueros & María Sánchez Cifuentes - 2001 - Revista Agustiniana 42 (128):777-800.
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  33. Fenomenologías Minimalistas.Luis Müller & Josep María Montaner - 2000 - Polis 1 (6):4-15.
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  34. Un nuevo paradigma en la psicología: Vladimiro J. Wukmir.María Pilar González & Luis Caturla - forthcoming - Krisis.
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    Clustering techniques performance comparison for predicting the battery state of charge: A hybrid model approach.María Teresa Ordás, David Yeregui Marcos del Blanco, José Aveleira-Mata, Francisco Zayas-Gato, Esteban Jove, José-Luis Casteleiro-Roca, Héctor Quintián, José Luis Calvo-Rolle & Héctor Alaiz-Moreton - 2024 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 32 (4):712-728.
    Batteries are a fundamental storage component due to its various applications in mobility, renewable energies and consumer electronics among others. Regardless of the battery typology, one key variable from a user’s perspective is the remaining energy in the battery. It is usually presented as the percentage of remaining energy compared to the total energy that can be stored and is labeled State Of Charge (SOC). This work addresses the development of a hybrid model based on a Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) (...)
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    Successful Aging at Work: Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Version of Selection, Optimization and Compensation Questionnaire.Adrián Segura-Camacho, Francisco Rodríguez-Cifuentes, Luis C. Sáenz De la Torre & Gabriela Topa - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Diálogo e controvérsia na modernidade pré-crítica.Maria Luísa Ribeiro Ferreira - 2005 - Lisboa: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa.
  38. The Philosophy of Logic of Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias.Newton da Costa, José Carlos Cifuentes & Luis Felipe Bartolo Alegre - 2020 - South American Journal of Logic 6 (2):189-208.
    In this historical article, Newton da Costa discusses Francisco Miró Quesada’s philosophical ideas about logic. He discusses the topics of reason, logic, and action in Miró Quesada’s work, and in the final section he offers his critical view. In particular, he disagrees with Miró Quesada’s stance on the historicity of reason, for whom “reason is essentially absolute”, whereas for da Costa it “is being constructed in the course of history”. Da Costa concludes by emphasizing the importance of Miró Quesada’s theory (...)
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    The Goal Scale: A New Instrument to Measure the Perceived Exertion in Soccer (Indoor, Field, and Beach) Players.Luis Felipe Tubagi Polito, Marcelo Luis Marquezi, Douglas Popp Marin, Marcelo Villas Boas Junior & Maria Regina Ferreira Brandão - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The rating of perceived exertion can be used to monitor the exercise intensity during laboratory and specific tests, training sessions, and to estimate the internal training load of the athletes. The aim of the present study was to develop and validate a specific pictorial perceived exertion scale for soccer players called GOAL Scale. The pictorial GOAL Scale was validated for twenty under-17 soccer players. In the validation phase, the athletes were evaluated in a progressive protocol involving stimuluses of 3 min (...)
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    Editorial: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): Psychological and Behavioral Consequences of Confinement on Physical Activity, Sedentarism, and Rehabilitation.Luis Mochizuki, Michael Brach, Pedro L. Almeida, Ricardo De La Vega, Mauricio Garzon, Julia Maria D'Andrea Greve & Margarita Limon - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Managerial Abilities: Evidence from Religious Mutual Fund Managers. [REVIEW]Luis Ferruz, Fernando Muñoz & María Vargas - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 105 (4):503-517.
    In this study, we analyze the financial performance and the managerial abilities of religious mutual fund managers, implementing a comparative analysis with conventional mutual funds. We use a broad sample, free of survivorship bias, of religious equity mutual funds from the US market, for the period from January 1994 to September 2010. We build a matched-pair conventional sample in order to compare the results obtained for both kinds of mutual fund managers. We analyze stock-picking and market timing abilities, topics widely (...)
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    Greener Schoolyards, Greener Futures? Greener Schoolyards Buffer Decreased Contact With Nature and Are Linked to Connectedness to Nature.Sílvia Luís, Ronisa Dias & Maria Luísa Lima - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    An Event-related Potential Study on the Interaction between Lighting Level and Stimulus Spatial Location.Luis Carretié, Elisabeth Ruiz-Padial & María T. Mendoza - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  44. Incidencia de las estrategias docentes con enfoque constructivista en el rendimiento académico de los alumnos en la asignatura geografía de Venezuela en educación superior.Luis José Vera Guadrón & María González Pineda - 2007 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 9 (3):404-419.
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    Beyond perception: Testing for implicit conceptual traces in high-load tasks☆.María Ruz & Luis J. Fuentes - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (3):820-822.
    The present commentary addresses the main results obtained in the Butler and Klein [Butler, B. C., & Klein, R. . Inattentional blindness for ignored words: Comparison of explicit and implicit memory tasks. Consciousness and Cognition, 18, 811–819.] study and discusses them in relation to the Perceptual Load Theory of Lavie [Lavie, N. . Perceptual load as a necessary condition for selective attention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 21, 451–68.]. The authors claim that the use of implicit indexes (...)
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  46. Merleau-Ponty e Paul Ricoeur: aspetos de uma concordância discordante sobre a fenomenologia da linguagem.Maria Luísa Portocarrero - 2015 - In Diogo Ferrer & Luciano Utteich (eds.), A Filosofia Transcendental E a Sua Crítica: Idealismo - Fenomenologia - Hermenêutica. Coimbra, Portugal: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.
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    Creative Arts and Experiences in Palliative Care.Maria José dos Santos Cunha & Manuel Luís Capelas - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):87-102.
    In this article, we present a work developed with palliative patients with the aim of, through art, enabling them to find answers that would help them overcome situations that kept them involved in thoughts, fears, and anxiety that consumed their energy, joy, and will to live. For this purpose, we used a qualitative methodology —research-action— and the attained results revealed how arts can be useful to these patients by providing them, through the work they have developed, with an improvement in (...)
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    Spinoza: ser e agir.Maria Luísa Ribeiro Ferreira (ed.) - 2011 - Lisboa: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade.
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    El aspecto lógico del problema de marco y sus implicancias: razonamiento temporal y relevancia.María Inés Silenzi & Luis Gonzalo García García - 2022 - Praxis Filosófica 55:69-90.
    Aunque el denominado problema de marco generó múltiples debates a finales del siglo pasado, aún es un problema fundamental para el avance en las Ciencias Cognitivas, en general, y para la Inteligencia Artificial, en particular. En este trabajo, y restringiéndonos al aspecto lógico del problema, postulamos que la discusión actual y subyacente a este aspecto gira en torno a cómo determinar lo que no cambia en términos de acciones y propiedades dentro de un sistema lógico formal. Es sobre este aspecto, (...)
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    On the Spin Projection Operator and the Probabilistic Meaning of the Bipartite Correlation Function.Ana María Cetto, Andrea Valdés-Hernández & Luis de la Peña - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (1):27-39.
    Spin is a fundamental and distinctive property of the electron, having far-reaching implications. Yet its purely formal treatment often blurs the physical content and meaning of the spin operator and associated observables. In this work we propose to advance in disclosing the meaning behind the formalism, by first recalling some basic facts about the one-particle spin operator. Consistently informed by and in line with the quantum formalism, we then proceed to analyse in detail the spin projection operator correlation function \=\left\langle (...)
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