Results for 'Loria Archil'

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    (1 other version)Грузия и мировая миграция.Archil Loria - 2004 - GISAP: Jurisprudence 1:42-47.
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  2. (1 other version)Sketch of the Origin and Development of Geometry Prior to 1850.G. Loria - 1902 - The Monist 13 (1):80-102.
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    Alasdair MacIntyre y la actuación racional en la tradición neoaristotélica.Maximiliano J. Loria - 2021 - Madrid: Dykinson.
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  4. Lo sviluppo delle matematiche pure durante il secolo XIX. Parte III: L'analisi matematica. Dalla teoria delle serie alla teoria degli insiemi.G. Loria - 1929 - Scientia 23 (46):77.
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    Descartes géomètre.Gino Loria - 1937 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 44 (1):199 - 220.
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  6. Les contributions des différents peuples au développement des mathématiques. Ie Partie: Événements mémorables et hommes représentatifs dans l'histoire des mathématiques.G. Loria - 1921 - Scientia 15 (29):169.
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  7. La legge d'evoluzione propria delle matematiche.G. Loria - 1927 - Scientia 21 (41):321.
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  8. Veicoli al servizio dei calcolatori.G. Loria - 1920 - Scientia 14 (28):77.
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  9. Les mathématiques en Espagne, hier et aujourd'hui. Deuxième partie: Les mathématiciens modernes.G. Loria - 1919 - Scientia 13 (25):99.
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  10. Le spectre de l'imaginaire en géométrie.G. Loria - 1917 - Scientia 11 (22):1.
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  11. Smith, D. E. - The "sumario Compendioso" Of Brother Juan Diez. The Earliest Mathematical Work Of The New World. [REVIEW]G. Loria - 1922 - Scientia 16 (32):53.
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    From philoauty to political friendship.J. Maximiliano Loria - 2025 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 32.
    The article that follows will defend a thesis that I consider to be extremely simple and even extremely proven: if I am not capable of authentic philoauthy, I will never be able to truly love any other human being; friendship with other people is based on an adequate love of self. I trust that the development of this principle, as I propose it in these pages, will have some merit, at least for thinking in a renewed way about a question (...)
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  13. Les contributions des différents peuples au développement des mathématiques. IIe Partie: Le caractère international de la pensée mathématique.G. Loria - 1921 - Scientia 15 (29):253.
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  14. L'infiniment grand et l'infiniment petit d'après les mathématiciens de l'antiquité.G. Loria - 1915 - Scientia 9 (18):227.
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  15. Pour la psychologie des mathématiciens.G. Loria - 1924 - Scientia 18 (35):9.
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  16. Teaching to the Multiple Intelligences.Win Loria - 1999 - Inquiry (ERIC) 4 (1):13-15.
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    Uma filosofia do medo.J. Maximiliano Loria - 2025 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 32.
    A Philosophy of Fear is a lucid and profound essay on how the passion of fear greatly conditions the unfolding of our being. Based on outstanding representatives of the Western philosophical and literary tradition (in its pages we will find authors such as Epicurus, Spinoza, Montaigne, Nietzsche, Saint Bernard and Borges, among many others), Castany Prado not only urges us to look our fears in the face; he also provides us with tools to fight our own ghosts. The book has (...)
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  18. Véhicules au service des calculateurs.G. Loria - 1920 - Scientia 14 (28):35.
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  19. Le développement des mathématiques pures au XIXe siècle. IIIeme Partie: L'analyse mathématique. De la théorie des séries à la théorie des ensembles.G. Loria - 1929 - Scientia 23 (46):du Supplém. 27.
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  20. L'infinito e l'infinitesimo secondo i matematici anteriori al secolo XVIII.G. Loria - 1916 - Scientia 10 (19):1.
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    Access to Artificial Intelligence for Persons with Disabilities: Legal and Ethical Questions Concerning the Application of Trustworthy AI.Kristi Joamets & Archil Chochia - 2021 - Acta Baltica Historiae Et Philosophiae Scientiarum 9 (1):51-66.
    Digitalisation and emerging technologies affect our lives and are increasingly present in a growing number of fields. Ethical implications of the digitalisation process have therefore long been discussed by the scholars. The rapid development of artificial intelligence has taken the legal and ethical discussion to another level. There is no doubt that AI can have a positive impact on the society. The focus here, however, is on its more negative impact. This article will specifically consider how the law and ethics (...)
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  22. Nel 70° annivsrsario de Roberto Ardigó.G. Negri, C. Tarozzi, A. Loria, A. Groppali & G. Marchesini - 1899 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 47:449-450.
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  23. Il periodo Galileiano nella storia delle scienze.G. Loria - 1925 - Scientia 19 (38):361.
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    La actuación racional y el bien humano.Maximiliano Loria - 2015 - Pensando - Revista de Filosofia 6 (11):49.
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  25. L'infiniment grand et l'infiniment petit d'après les mathématiciens modernes antérieurs au XVIIIe siècle.G. Loria - 1916 - Scientia 10 (19):3.
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  26. Lo sviluppo delle matematiche pure durante il secolo XIX. Parte II: La geometria. Dalla geometria differenziale all'Alalysis situs.G. Loria - 1929 - Scientia 23 (45):297.
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    Neurosciences Applied to Action Interpretation. Epistemological conflicting perspectives for infant social learning.Emiliano Loria - 2017 - InCircolo. Rivista di Filosofia E Culture 4:35-54.
    In the last decades neuroscience provided so many important contributions to philosophy of mind that nowadays the latter is inconceivable without the former in every topic this philosophical branch deals with. The studies connected to action understanding provided great advances in the field of developmental psychology for what concerns social learning abilities grounded on imitation. All information received by the infants are transmitted through actions. It would be impossible to conceive infant imitation without action interpretation. According to Meltzoff’s “like-me” hypothesis, (...)
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  28. Atanassievitch, X. - La Doctrine Métaphysique Et Géométrique De Bruno. [REVIEW]G. Loria - 1928 - Scientia 22 (44):54.
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  29. Bolton, L. - Time Measurement. [REVIEW]G. Loria - 1925 - Scientia 19 (38):41.
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  30. Picard, E - Sur Le Développement De L'analyse Et Ses Rapports Avec Diverses Sciences. [REVIEW]G. Loria - 1919 - Scientia 13 (26):417.
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  31. Peet, T. E. - The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus. [REVIEW]G. Loria - 1925 - Scientia 19 (37):267.
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  32. Karl Marx.Achille Loria & Eden Paul - 1920 - G. Allen & Unwin.
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  33. Les mathématiques en Espagne, hier et aujourd'hui. Première partie: Du XVIe siècle jusqu'au milieu du XIXe siècle.G. Loria - 1919 - Scientia 13 (25):du Supplém. 79.
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  34. (1 other version)La science au XVIIIe siècle.G. Loria - 1929 - Scientia 23 (45):du Supplém. 1.
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    Notes and Correspondence.Gino Loria & George Sarton - 1929 - Isis 12 (2):323-325.
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    Psilocybin, moralization and psychotherapy: a scoping review and a case report.Emiliano Loria, Elisabetta Lalumera & Ambra D’Imperio - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
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    A desirable convulsive threshold. Some reflections about electroconvulsive therapy (ect).Emiliano Loria - 2020 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 16 (2):123-144.
    Long-standing psychiatric practice confirms the pervasive use of pharmacological therapies for treating severe mental disorders. In many circumstances, drugs constitute the best allies of psychotherapeutic interventions. A robust scientific literature is oriented on finding the best strategies to improve therapeutic efficacy through different modes and timing of combined interventions. Nevertheless, we are far from triumphal therapeutic success. Despite the advances made by neuropsychiatry, this medical discipline remains lacking in terms of diagnostic and prognostic capabilities when compared to other branches of (...)
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  38. Per una revisione della pedagogia naturale.Emiliano Loria - 2017 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 8 (2):179-192.
    Natural Pedagogy refers to social learning based on ostensive communication between adults and infants which results in rapid and efficient transmission of cultural information. The theory predicts that children are able to recognize communicative intention when adults address them using ostensive signals. Furthermore, natural pedagogy predicts that infants ascribe the knowledge they have acquired to others according to what is called the “assumption of universality”. In other words, infants are able to ascribe informative contents to others even when they are (...)
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  39. Histoire des Sciences Mathématiques dans l'Antiquité Hellénique.Gino Loria & S. Demel - 1930 - Mind 39 (153):95-100.
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  40. Le développement des mathématiques pures au XIXe siècle. IVeme Partie: L'analyse mathématique. De la théorie des nombres à l'axiomatique et à l'automatique.G. Loria - 1929 - Scientia 23 (46):du Supplém. 63.
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  41. La période Galiléenne dans l'histoire des sciences.G. Loria - 1925 - Scientia 19 (38):135.
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    Nel secondo centenario della nascita di G. L. Lagrange 1736-1936.Gino Loria - 1938 - Isis 28 (2):366-375.
  43. WAUTERS, A. - L'évolution du marxisme.G. Loria - 1926 - Scientia 20 (40):61.
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  44. A pessoa, paradigma da interioridade e da comunicação.Juan F. Franck & Maximiliano Loria - 2025 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 32.
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    Algunas diferencias entre la mecánica cartesiana Y la mecánica newtoniana.Beatriz Loría Lagarde - 2007 - In Jorge Martínez Contreras, Aura Ponce de León & Luis Villoro, El saber filosófico. México, D.F.: Asociación Filosófica de México. pp. 434.
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    Il carteggio Linceo della vecchia Accademia di Federico Cesi Giuseppe Gabrieli.Gino Loria - 1950 - Isis 41 (1):113-114.
  47. Le matematiche in Ispagna, ieri ed oggi. Parte seconda: I matematici moderni.G. Loria - 1919 - Scientia 13 (25):441.
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  48. Lo spettro dell'immaginario in geometria.G. Loria - 1917 - Scientia 11 (22):1.
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    Overcoming Moralism: macIntyrean insights on ethics and the social sciences. Entrevista a Caleb Bernacchio.Jorge Maximiliano Loria - 2020 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 20 (93-95).
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    Saggio di una Bibliografia Lagrangiana.Di Gino Loria - 1949 - Isis 40 (2):112-117.
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