Results for 'Lorenzo Saraceno'

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  1.  76
    Confirmation by Robustness Analysis: A Bayesian Account.Lorenzo Casini & Jürgen Landes - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-43.
    Some authors claim that minimal models have limited epistemic value (Fumagalli, 2016; Grüne-Yanoff, 2009a). Others defend the epistemic benefits of modelling by invoking the role of robustness analysis for hypothesis confirmation (see, e.g., Levins, 1966; Kuorikoski et al., 2010) but such arguments find much resistance (see, e.g., Odenbaugh & Alexandrova, 2011). In this paper, we offer a Bayesian rationalization and defence of the view that robustness analysis can play a confirmatory role, and thereby shed light on the potential of minimal (...)
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  2. On the Necessity of U-Shaped Learning.Lorenzo Carlucci & John Case - 2013 - Topics in Cognitive Science 5 (1):56-88.
    A U-shaped curve in a cognitive-developmental trajectory refers to a three-step process: good performance followed by bad performance followed by good performance once again. U-shaped curves have been observed in a wide variety of cognitive-developmental and learning contexts. U-shaped learning seems to contradict the idea that learning is a monotonic, cumulative process and thus constitutes a challenge for competing theories of cognitive development and learning. U-shaped behavior in language learning (in particular in learning English past tense) has become a central (...)
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  3. Can Interventions Rescue Glennan’s Mechanistic Account of Causality?Lorenzo Casini - 2016 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 67 (4):1155-1183.
    Glennan appeals to interventions to solve the ontological and explanatory regresses that threaten his mechanistic account of causality . I argue that Glennan’s manoeuvre fails. The appeal to interventions is not able to address the ontological regress, and it blocks the explanatory regress only at the cost of making the account inapplicable to non-modular mechanisms. I offer a solution to the explanatory regress that makes use of dynamic Bayesian networks. My argument is illustrated by a case study from systems biology, (...)
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    From agonistic to insurgent democracy.Lorenzo Buti - 2025 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 51 (2):263-279.
    This article uncovers an internal tension within theories of agonistic democracy. On the one hand, as radical pluralists, agonistic democrats want to institute a ‘symmetrical’ political scene where different identities can struggle on an equally legitimate basis. On the other hand, they often normatively prioritize the struggles of oppressed groups against domination. In response, this article proposes to collapse any strict distinction between pluralism and social relations of domination. The result is a move from agonistic to insurgent democracy, where insurgent (...)
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    Not-So-Minimal Models.Lorenzo Casini - 2014 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 44 (5):646-672.
    What can we learn from “minimal” economic models? I argue that learning from such models is not limited to conceptual explorations—which show how something could be the case—but may extend to explanations of real economic phenomena—which show how something is the case. A model may be minimal qua certain world-linking properties, and yet “not-so-minimal” qua learning, provided it is externally valid. This, in turn, depends on using the right principles for model building and not necessarily “isolating” principles. My argument is (...)
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  6.  42
    The PC Algorithm and the Inference to Constitution.Lorenzo Casini & Michael Baumgartner - 2023 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 74 (2):405-429.
    Gebharter has proposed using one of the best known Bayesian network causal discovery algorithms, PC, to identify the constitutive dependencies underwriting mechanistic explanations. His proposal assumes that mechanistic constitution behaves like deterministic direct causation, such that PC is directly applicable to mixed variable sets featuring both causal and constitutive dependencies. Gebharter claims that such mixed sets, under certain restrictions, comply with PC’s background assumptions. The aim of this article is to show that Gebharter’s proposal incurs severe problems, ultimately rooted in (...)
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    De Finettian Logics of Indicative Conditionals Part II: Proof Theory and Algebraic Semantics.Paul Égré, Lorenzo Rossi & Jan Sprenger - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 50 (2):215-247.
    In Part I of this paper, we identified and compared various schemes for trivalent truth conditions for indicative conditionals, most notably the proposals by de Finetti and Reichenbach on the one hand, and by Cooper and Cantwell on the other. Here we provide the proof theory for the resulting logics DF/TT and CC/TT, using tableau calculi and sequent calculi, and proving soundness and completeness results. Then we turn to the algebraic semantics, where both logics have substantive limitations: DF/TT allows for (...)
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  8.  46
    A weak variant of Hindman’s Theorem stronger than Hilbert’s Theorem.Lorenzo Carlucci - 2018 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 57 (3-4):381-389.
    Hirst investigated a natural restriction of Hindman’s Finite Sums Theorem—called Hilbert’s Theorem—and proved it equivalent over \ to the Infinite Pigeonhole Principle for all colors. This gave the first example of a natural restriction of Hindman’s Theorem provably much weaker than Hindman’s Theorem itself. We here introduce another natural restriction of Hindman’s Theorem—which we name the Adjacent Hindman’s Theorem with apartness—and prove it to be provable from Ramsey’s Theorem for pairs and strictly stronger than Hirst’s Hilbert’s Theorem. The lower bound (...)
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  9.  39
    What do hashtags afford in digital fashion communication? An exploratory study on Gucci-related hashtags on Twitter and Instagram.Lorenzo Cantoni, Nadzeya Kalbaska & Olga Karamalak - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (243):325-351.
    Being enmeshed in a digital environment, we daily produce internet-mediated texts – encompassing several different semiotic codes – accessible on a global scale. Posts on different networks usually contain hashtags, which can be understood as affordances or behavior opportunities. These affordances allow specific actions both from the part of the writer and the reader. They can also be “behavior triggers,” which invite certain behavior online or offline. Digital fashion communication experts should take into consideration these affordances to pursue their goals (...)
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  10.  33
    Variable Definition and Independent Components.Lorenzo Casini, Alessio Moneta & Marco Capasso - 2021 - Philosophy of Science 88 (5):784-795.
    In the causal modeling literature, it is well known that ill-defined variables may give rise to ambiguous manipulations. Here, we illustrate how ill-defined variables may also induce mistakes in causal inference when standard causal search methods are applied. To address the problem, we introduce a representation framework, which exploits an independent component representation of the data, and demonstrate its potential for detecting ill-defined variables and avoiding mistaken causal inferences.
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    Owning a virtual body entails owning the value of its actions in a detection-of-deception procedure.Maria Pyasik & Lorenzo Pia - 2021 - Cognition 212 (C):104693.
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  12. Santità Serafica, Santi Beati e Venerabili dei tre Ordini Francescani, 1209-1989.Lorenzo Di Fonzo - 1989 - Miscellanea Francescana 89 (1-2):137-237.
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    Worms, gaps, and hydras.Lorenzo Carlucci - 2005 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 51 (4):342-350.
    We define a direct translation from finite rooted trees to finite natural functions which shows that the Worm Principle introduced by Lev Beklemishev is equivalent to a very slight variant of the well-known Kirby-Paris' Hydra Game. We further show that the elements in a reduction sequence of the Worm Principle determine a bad sequence in the well-quasi-ordering of finite sequences of natural numbers with respect to Friedman's gapembeddability. A characterization of gap-embeddability in terms of provability logic due to Lev Beklemishev (...)
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  14.  9
    Another Logic is known”: Benedetto Croce's assessment of “Indian Logic.Lorenzo Leonardo Pizzichemi - 2024 - Metaphilosophy 55 (3):338-350.
    This essay aims to shed new light on the theoretical pertinence of classical Indian logic and epistemology in Benedetto Croce's criticism of Western Aristotelian and modern logic. As a matter of fact, Croce gave a positive and extraordinarily enterprising evaluation of “Indian Logic” in his review of Hermann Jacobi's Indische Logik (1905) and in his book Logic as the Science of the Pure Concept (1996 [1909]). Yet Croce's significant and considerable evaluation of “Indian Logic” has remained neglected until today. This (...)
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  15.  8
    Qual é o sentido do direito de resistência em Hobbes? Uma aparente armadilha.Lorenzo Emanuelli Furlan - 2024 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 43 (1):81-92.
    Este artigo tem como objeto o direito de resistência na teoria política de Thomas Hobbes. Hobbes é conhecido por defender um modelo de poder e Estado absoluto ao mesmo tempo que inclui o direito de resistência como como um direito natural inalienável. Mas qual é o limite dessa ideia na teoria hobbesiana? Parece que há uma aparente armadilha em torno do direito de resistência colocada pelo próprio autor. Pretendo indicar pontos que mostrem como dissolver tal aparente armadilha do pensamento político (...)
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  16.  42
    Regressive versions of Hindman’s theorem.Lorenzo Carlucci & Leonardo Mainardi - 2024 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 63 (3):447-472.
    When the Canonical Ramsey’s Theorem by Erdős and Rado is applied to regressive functions, one obtains the Regressive Ramsey’s Theorem by Kanamori and McAloon. Taylor proved a “canonical” version of Hindman’s Theorem, analogous to the Canonical Ramsey’s Theorem. We introduce the restriction of Taylor’s Canonical Hindman’s Theorem to a subclass of the regressive functions, the $$\lambda $$ λ -regressive functions, relative to an adequate version of min-homogeneity and prove some results about the Reverse Mathematics of this Regressive Hindman’s Theorem and (...)
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    Clearing our Minds for Hedonic Phenomenalism.Lorenzo Buscicchi & Willem van der Deijl - forthcoming - Review of Philosophy and Psychology:1-16.
    What constitutes the nature of pleasure? According to hedonic phenomenalism, pleasant experiences are pleasant in virtue of some phenomenological features. According to hedonic attitudinalism, pleasure involves an attitude—a class of mental states that necessarily have an object. Consequently, pleasures are always _about_ something. We argue that hedonic attitudinalism is not able to accommodate pleasant moods. We first consider this argument more generally, and then consider what we call _the globalist strategy response_ to the possible objectless of moods, namely that pleasant (...)
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  18. Insurgency as Situated Invention: Jean-Paul Sartre's Materialist Theory of Struggles Against Oppression and Exploitation.Lorenzo Buti - 2022 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 53 (4):488-503.
    The aim of this paper is to theorize insurgent political action on the basis of Jean-Paul Sartre’s Critique of Dialectical Reason. It reconstructs a Sartrean model of insurgency that prioritizes an insurgent group’s capacity for situated inventions. It argues that, similar to Fanon, Sartre theorized that groups that struggle against oppression and exploitation constantly invent novel conditions that steer society in unforeseeable directions. However, these inventions of insurgent action are never absolutely contingent but always take place in concrete situations which (...)
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  19. (1 other version)Causation.Lorenzo Casini - 2012 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 27 (2):203-219.
    How many notions of cause are there? The causality literature is witnessing a flourishing of pluralist positions. Here I focus on a recent debate on whether interpreting causality in terms of inferential relations commits one to semantic pluralism (Reiss 2011) or not (Williamson 2006). I argue that inferentialism is compatible with a ‘weak’ form of monism, where causality is envisaged as one, vague cluster concept. I offer two arguments for this, one for vagueness, one for uniqueness. Finally, I qualify in (...)
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  20. Depoliticization as impotent praxis: A Sartrean perspective.Lorenzo Buti - 2022 - Constellations 29 (2):184-196.
    Constellations, Volume 29, Issue 2, Page 184-196, June 2022.
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  21.  37
    Malfunctions and teleology: On the chances of statistical accounts of functions.Lorenzo Casini - 2017 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 7 (2):319-335.
    The core idea of statistical accounts of biological functions is that to function normally is to provide a statistically typical contribution to some goal state of the organism. In this way, statistical accounts purport to naturalize the teleological notion of function in terms of statistical facts. Boorse’s, 542–573, 1977) original biostatistical account was criticized for failing to distinguish functions from malfunctions. Recently, many have attempted to circumvent the criticism, 519–541, 2012, Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, 39, 634–647, 2014). Here, I (...)
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  22.  6
    Più di trent'anni di dialogo: il carteggio tra Francesco Arcangeli e Vittorio Sereni.Lorenzo Carpinelli - 2024 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 77 (1):63-72.
    Lo studio del rapporto epistolare intercorso tra Francesco Arcangeli e Vittorio Sereni contribuisce a precisare alcune caratteristiche culturali ed emotive delle personalità dei due intellettuali. In più di trent’anni di schietto e profondo dialogo, in grado di attraversare l’angosciante atmosfera del fascismo ormai in declino, i drammi del conflitto mondiale e la rinascita, almeno apparente, del paese, a emergere, lettera dopo lettera, è la continua fedeltà dei due corrispondenti – pur nella diversità di opinioni, sia in letteratura che in campo (...)
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    Are listed SMEs ready for the corporate sustainability reporting directive? Evidence from Italy.Simone Pizzi & Lorenzo Coronella - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    This paper explores the sustainability reporting practices of listed small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the context of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). Utilizing institutional theory as a framework, this study employs dynamic panel data and logistic regressions to investigate how these SMEs respond to isomorphic pressures. The findings reveal a significant presence of mimetic isomorphism, where these companies tend to imitate the sustainability reporting behaviours of all listed companies, not just those of their direct SME competitors. Interestingly, the (...)
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  24.  24
    Bentham’s Search for ‘Effective Benevolence’ in Libya and Greece.Lorenzo Cello - 2023 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 24.
    According to Bentham's utilitarian mode of reasoning, the legitimacy of an intervention was not to be valued on the grounds of the underlying intentions or the means employed, but rather in light of its (expected) consequences. What at first would seem as incoherent, arbitrary or ambivalent attitudes towards intervention were in fact consistent with his situational and pragmatic mode of reasoning. Rather than a disjuncture between ideal theory and practical reasoning, his positions on intervention reflected the inevitably local nature of (...)
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  25.  4
    Pierre Bayle e l"Italia.Lorenzo Bianchi (ed.) - 1996 - Napoli: Liguori.
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    Croatia constructed.Lorenzo Buj - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (2):415-420.
    (1996). Croatia constructed. The European Legacy: Vol. 1, Fourth International Conference of the International Society for the study of European Ideas, pp. 415-420.
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  27.  33
    A philosophy for Europe: From the outside.Lorenzo Buti - 2019 - Contemporary Political Theory 18 (1):52-55.
  28.  13
    Ancora su Lowith e la filosofia della storia.Lorenzo Calabi - 2016 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 71 (4):321-337.
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    Learning correction grammars.Lorenzo Carlucci, John Case & Sanjay Jain - 2009 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 74 (2):489-516.
    We investigate a new paradigm in the context of learning in the limit, namely, learning correction grammars for classes of computably enumerable (c.e.) languages. Knowing a language may feature a representation of it in terms of two grammars. The second grammar is used to make corrections to the first grammar. Such a pair of grammars can be seen as a single description of (or grammar for) the language. We call such grammars correction grammars. Correction grammars capture the observable fact that (...)
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  30.  36
    The strength of ramsey’s theorem for coloring relatively large sets.Lorenzo Carlucci & Konrad Zdanowski - 2014 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 79 (1):89-102.
  31.  66
    (1 other version)Alexander Gebharter: Causal Nets, Interventionism, and Mechanisms. Philosophical Foundations and Applications.Lorenzo Casini - 2018 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 49 (3):481-485.
  32. Juan Luis Vives' conception of freedom of the will and its scholastic background.Lorenzo Casini - 2006 - Vivarium 44 (s 2-3):396-417.
    The aim of the present paper is to approach Juan Luis Vives' conception of freedom of the will in light of scholastic discussions on will and free choice, and point to some interesting similarities with the analysis of free choice contained in Jean Buridan's Quaestiones super decem libros Ethicorum Aristotelis ad Nicomachum.
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    Risto Saarinen.Lorenzo Casini - 2014 - Vivarium 52 (1-2):184-186.
  34.  60
    Heterogeneidad léxica en las relaciones geográficas de la gobernación de yucatán.María Teresa Cáceres-Lorenzo - 2016 - Alpha (Osorno) 42:93-108.
    Las Relaciones Geográficas son textos escritos en español con el fin de obtener descripciones fiables del dominio colonial. Investigaciones anteriores con repertorios muy diferentes han establecido que la heterogeneidad léxica es una tendencia común a toda la producción escrita colonial. El objetivo de esta investigación es comprobar si un repertorio más concreto como las relaciones de la gobernación de Yucatán representa un conjunto homogéneo o heterogéneo en la incorporación del préstamo indígena. Con una metodología cuantitativa y cualitativa se analiza la (...)
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    Hindman’s theorem for sums along the full binary tree, $$\Sigma ^0_2$$ Σ 2 0 -induction and the Pigeonhole principle for trees. [REVIEW]Lorenzo Carlucci & Daniele Tavernelli - 2022 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 61 (5):827-839.
    We formulate a restriction of Hindman’s Finite Sums Theorem in which monochromaticity is required only for sums corresponding to rooted finite paths in the full binary tree. We show that the resulting principle is equivalent to \-induction over \. The proof uses the equivalence of this Hindman-type theorem with the Pigeonhole Principle for trees \ with an extra condition on the solution tree.
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  36. Ob rogatum meorum sociorum: studi in memoria di Lorenzo Pozzi.Lorenzo Pozzi, Stefano Caroti & Roberto Pinzani (eds.) - 2000 - Milano: F. Angeli.
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  37.  30
    Hermeneutics as critique: science, politics, race and culture.Lorenzo Charles Simpson - 2021 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    This book aims to develop the tradition of philosophical hermeneutics, the theoretical account of interpretive (as opposed to explanatory) understanding--the account of meanings and contexts rather than causes and predictions--usually restricted to the domain of literary and textual analysis, in new directions by exploiting its potential as an instrument of critique. It refutes commonly held claims that hermeneutic analyses are necessarily relativistic, Eurocentric, or critically impotent and demonstrates how hermeneutic procedures can inform analyses of urgent current and cross-cultural issues such (...)
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  38. Model-based and manipulative abduction in science.Lorenzo Magnani - 2004 - Foundations of Science 9 (3):219-247.
    What I call theoretical abduction (sentential and model-based)certainly illustrates much of what is important in abductive reasoning, especially the objective of selecting and creating a set of hypotheses that are able to dispense good (preferred) explanations of data, but fails to account for many cases of explanation occurring in science or in everyday reasoning when the exploitation of the environment is crucial. The concept of manipulative abduction is devoted to capture the role of action in many interesting situations: action provides (...)
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  39.  12
    European economic, fiscal, and social policy at the crossroads.Francesco Saraceno, Willi Semmler & Brigitte Young - 2020 - Constellations 27 (4):573-593.
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  40. Sul rapporto tra iniziativa privata e intervento statale nel processo di sviluppo di un paese sovrapopolato, in «Lo sviluppo economico dei paesi sovrapopolati», Roma, Ed.P. Saraceno - forthcoming - Studium.
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  41. Renaissance Philosophy New Translations [of] Lorenzo Valla , Paul Cortese , Cajetan , ... [Et Al.].Lorenzo Valla & Leonard A. Kennedy - 1973 - Mouton.
  42.  21
    Sextus Empiricus Against the Arithmeticians: Translated with an Introduction and Commentary by Lorenzo Corti.Lorenzo Corti - 2023 - BRILL.
    This is the first dedicated commentary to Sextus Empiricus’ treatise _Against the Arithmeticians_, dealing with crucial issues in the history of the sceptical, Platonic and Pythagorean traditions and in the ancient philosophy of mathematics.
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  43. Modelli di welfare e rischi sociali vecchi e nuovi.Chiara Saraceno - 2006 - Polis 20 (2):241-246.
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    Models and representation.Lorenzo Magnani & Tommaso Bertolotti - 2017 - In Lorenzo Magnani & Tommaso Bertolotti (eds.), Springer Handbook of Model-Based Science. Springer.
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  45.  27
    (1 other version)A Secular Manifesto for Europe.Lorenzo Zucca - 2016 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 10 (1):157-183.
    Journal Name: The Law & Ethics of Human Rights Issue: Ahead of print.
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    E. Pavolini, "Le nuove politiche sociali. I sistemi di welfare tra istituzioni e società civile".C. Saraceno - 2004 - Polis 18 (2):357-358.
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    Osservatorio nazionale sulla famiglia, Famiglie e politiche di welfare in Italia: interventi e pratiche.C. Saraceno - 2005 - Polis 19 (3):483-485.
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    Internet Addiction and Related Clinical Problems: A Study on Italian Young Adults.Lorenzo Zamboni, Igor Portoghese, Alessio Congiu, Silvia Carli, Ruggero Munari, Angela Federico, Francesco Centoni, Adelelmo Lodi Rizzini & Fabio Lugoboni - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The considerable prominence of internet addiction (IA) in adolescence is at least partly explained by the limited knowledge thus far available on this complex phenomenon. In discussing IA, it is necessary to be aware that this is a construct for which there is still no clear definition in the literature. Nonetheless, its important clinical implications, as emerging in recent years, justify the lively interest of researchers in this new form of behavioral addiction. Over the years, studies have associated IA with (...)
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    Filosofia: maschile singolare: un problema di genere in filosofia.Lorenzo Gasparrini - 2024 - [Rome]: Tlon.
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    Technology, Time, and the Conversations of Modernity.Lorenzo Charles Simpson - 1994 - New York: Routledge.
    ____Technology, Time, and the Conversations of Modernity__ takes as its impetus the idea that technology is an embodiment of our uneasiness with finitude. Lorenzo Simpson argues that technology has succeeded in granting our wish to domesticate time. He shows how this attitude affects our understanding of the meaning of action and our ability to discern meaning in our lives.
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