Results for 'Lisa Crystal'

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  1.  16
    What Happens When Students Are in the Minority: Experiences and Behaviors That Impact Human Performance.Charles B. Hutchison, Maria Abelquist, Tiffany Adams, Clifford Afam, Daniel Blankton, Brian Bongiovanni, Carletta Bradley, Winfree Brisley, Tracie S. Clark, David W. Cornett, Jim Cross, Betty Danzi, Arron Deckard, Ryan Delehant, Lauren Emerson, Angela Jakeway, LaTasha Jones, Stephanie Johnston, Kalilah Kirkpatrick, Karlie Kissman, Jeremy Laliberte, Melissa Loftis, Lisa McCrimmon, Anita McGee, Aja' Pharr, Crystal Sisk, Loretta Sullivan, Ora Uhuru & Ann Wright - 2009 - R&L Education.
    This book offers both the theoretical background behind the minority effect, teachers' personal experiences as they experienced being a minority, and their analyses and insights for teaching diverse learners. This book uses real-life experiences of diverse people to illustrate that, if not understood and addressed, situational minorities at school or work are unlikely to perform at their highest potentials.
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  2. Agency-First Epistemology of Psychedelics.Lisa Bortolotti & Kathleen Murphy-Hollies - 2022 - Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 3.
    Letheby’s book is an engaging and crystal-clear exploration of the philosophical issues raised by the use of psychedelic drugs. In this paper, we focus on the epistemological issues Letheby examines in chapter 8 and argue that his analysis requires an agency-first approach to epistemic evaluation. On an agency-first approach, epistemic evaluation is about identifying the skills agents needs to acquire in order to pursue and fulfil their epistemic goals.
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    The Epistemic Innocence of Irrational Beliefs.Lisa Bortolotti - 2020 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Lisa Bortolotti argues that some irrational beliefs are epistemically innocent and deliver significant epistemic benefits that could not be easily attained otherwise. While the benefits of the irrational belief may not outweigh the costs, epistemic innocence helps to clarify the epistemic and psychological effects of irrational beliefs on agency.
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    Raising the Stakes in the Ultimatum Game: Experimental Evidence from Indonesia, 37 ECON.Lisa A. Cameron - 1999 - Economic Inquiry 37 (1).
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    (1 other version)Cocooning: Umwelt und Geschlecht. Einleitung.Lisa Malich & Susanne Schmidt - 2020 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 29 (1):1-10.
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    The common and distinct neural bases of affect labeling and reappraisal in healthy adults.Lisa J. Burklund, J. David Creswell, Michael R. Irwin & Matthew D. Lieberman - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  7.  14
    (2 other versions)Sex, Gender, and Christian Ethics.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 1996 - Cambridge University Press.
    Cahill addresses the ethics of sexuality, marriage, parenthood and family from a feminist Christian standpoint. She wants to reaffirm the traditional unity of sex, love and parenthood, not as an absolute norm, but a guiding framework. The book also develops the significance of New Testament models of community and of moral formation, to argue that the human values associated with sex and family should be embodied in a context of concern for society's poor and marginalized. Roman Catholicism receives special but (...)
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  8.  76
    Biogeographical ancestry and race.Lisa Gannett - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 47:173-184.
  9. The health of the body-machine? Or seventeenth century mechanism and the concept of health.Lisa Shapiro - 2003 - Perspectives on Science 11 (4):421-442.
    . The concept of bodily health is problematic for mechanists like Descartes, as it seems that they need to appeal to something extrinsic to a machine, i.e., its purpose, to determine whether the machine is working well or badly, and so healthy or unhealthy. I take issue with this claim. By drawing on the history of medicine, I suggest that in the seventeenth century there was space for a non-teleological account of health. I further argue that mechanists can and did (...)
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    Genetics, commodification, and social justice in the globalization era.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 2001 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 11 (3):221-238.
    : he commercialization of biotechnology, especially research and development by transnational pharmaceutical companies, is already excessive and is increasingly dangerous to distributive justice, human rights, and access of marginal populations to basic human goods. Focusing on gene patenting, this article employs the work of Margaret Jane Radin and others to argue that gene patenting ought to be more highly regulated and that it ought to be regulated with international participation and in view of concerns about solidarity and the common good. (...)
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  11.  33
    Neural repetition suppression: evidence for perceptual expectation in object-selective regions.Lisa Mayrhauser, Jã¼Rgen Bergmann, Julia Crone & Martin Kronbichler - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  12.  35
    Turkish Literary Reader.Daisy Crystal & Andreas Tietze - 1967 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (4):630.
  13.  51
    Contribution of transcranial oscillatory stimulation to research on neural networks: an emphasis on hippocampo-neocortical rhythms.Lisa Marshall & Sonja Binder - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  14.  39
    Top-down influences on ambiguous perception: the role of stable and transient states of the observer.Lisa Scocchia, Matteo Valsecchi & Jochen Triesch - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  15.  31
    Anti-Libidinal Interventions in Sex Offenders: Medical or Correctional?Lisa Forsberg & Thomas Douglas - 2017 - Medical Law Review 24 (4):453-473.
    Sex offenders are sometimes offered or required to undergo pharmacological interventions intended to diminish their sex drive (anti-libidinal interventions or ALIs). In this paper, we argue that much of the debate regarding the moral permissibility of ALIs has been founded on an inaccurate assumption regarding their intended purpose—namely, that ALIs are intended solely to realise medical purposes, not correctional goals. This assumption has made it plausible to assert that ALIs may only permissibly be administered to offenders with their valid consent, (...)
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  16.  21
    The Hands of the Projectionist.Lisa Cartwright - 2011 - Science in Context 24 (3):443-464.
    ArgumentThis essay considers the work of projection and the hand of the projectionist as important components of the social space of the cinema as it comes into being in the nineteenth century and the early decades of the twentieth. I bring the concept of Maurice Merleau-Ponty on the place of the body as an entity that applies itself to the world “like a hand to an instrument” into a discussion of the pre-cinematic projector as an instrument that we can interpret (...)
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  17.  13
    Vom Mittel der Familienplanung zum differenzierenden Lifestyle-Präparat: Bilder der Pille und ihrer Konsumentin in gynäkologischen Werbeanzeigen seit den 1960er Jahren in der BRD und Frankreich.Lisa Malich - 2012 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 20 (1):1-30.
    Based upon flyers and advertisements for the contraceptive pill from 1961 until 2005, this paper discusses the ways in which the drug and its female users were represented in the marketing of two West European countries, France and the German Federal Republic. As my analysis suggests, national differences are only discernible in the marketing until the end of the 1970s. In West Germany, the pill was depicted from early on as a contraceptive, whereas, due to the restrictive legal situation, in (...)
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  18.  20
    Towards a More Just Canadian Education-migration System: International Student Mobility in Crisis.Lisa Ruth Brunner - 2022 - Studies in Social Justice 16 (1):78-102.
    Education-migration, or the multi-step recruitment and retention of international students as immigrants, is an increasingly important component of both higher education and so-called highly-skilled migration. This is particularly true in Canada, a country portrayed as a model for highly-skilled migration and supportive of international student mobility. However, education-migration remains under-analyzed from a social justice perspective. Using a mobility justice framework, this paper considers COVID-19’s impact on Canada’s education-migration system at four scales: individuals, education institutions, state immigration regimes, and planetary geoecologies. (...)
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  19.  32
    Elementary Preservice Teachers' Navigation of Racism and Whiteness through Inquiry with Historical Documentary Film.Lisa Brown Buchanan - 2016 - Journal of Social Studies Research 40 (2):137-154.
    This descriptive case study explores how on cohort of 17 White elementary preservice teachers examined counter-narratives of racism and Whiteness in selected documentary films using a historical inquiry approach. Findings indicate that by joining documentary film and historical inquiry in elementary social studies education, teacher educators can foster preservice teachers' engagement with perspective recognition while developing historical content knowledge. This study also documents White preservice teachers' acceptance of racism and resistance towards unpacking their White privilege and racism as status quo. (...)
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  20.  56
    Asking Different Questions: a Decolonial Reading of Merleau-Ponty’s Institution Course Notes.Lisa Guenther - 2022 - Chiasmi International 24:311-332.
    In this essay, I draw on Merleau-Ponty’s Institution Course Notes to clarify Patrick Wolfe’s claim that, for settler colonialism, “invasion is a structure, not an event.” I also engage critically with colonial assumptions in Merleau-Ponty’s own work, including his Eurocentric response to questions such as: “[I]s there a field of world history or universal history? Is there an intended accomplishment? A closure on itself? A true society?” In this essay, I ask different questions – with Merleau-Ponty, against him, and beyond (...)
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  21.  56
    Renegotiating Aquinas.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 2015 - Journal of Religious Ethics 43 (2):193-217.
    While Roman Catholic feminist ethicists typically endorse moral realism and crosscultural standards of justice, they also have been influenced by the postmodern interrogation of abstract reason and moral universalism. As theologians writing after the Second Vatican Council, they are increasingly sensitive to the communal and ecclesial dimensions of morality and of Christian ethics, and to the integral relation of Christian faith and ethics. This essay will consider two approaches to Catholic feminist ethics that differ in the relative weight they give (...)
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  22.  20
    Creating, maintaining and questioning (hetero)relational normality in narratives about vaginal reconstruction.Lisa Guntram - 2013 - Feminist Theory 14 (1):105-121.
    Analysing ten interviews with women diagnosed with and treated for congenital absence of the vagina, this article theorises the notion of ideal (hetero)relational normality. It explores how women in my case study negotiate, relate to and challenge this notion and examines the normative and bodily work for which it calls. The article specifically underscores the corporeal dimension of (hetero)relational normality. I argue that this notion of normality shapes the bodies of the women through medical interventions, while concurrently being reinforced through (...)
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  23.  15
    What Is Deviated Transcendency?: Woolf's The Waves as a Textbook Case.Simon De Keukelaere - 2005 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 12 (1):195-218.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:What Is Deviated Transcendency? Woolf's The Waves as a Textbook CaseSimon De Keukelaere (bio)The Waves, more than any of Virginia Woolf's other novels, conveys the complexities of human experience.—Kate FlintHumankind—according to mimetic theory—is not (as Marx thought) homo economicus but rather homo religiosus. Mensonge Romantique et Vérité Romanesque, Girard's first essay (1961), evocatively opens with a saying by Max Scheler: "L'homme possède ou un Dieu ou une idole" (Man (...)
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  24.  62
    Values as Hypotheses: Design, Inquiry, and the Service of Values.Nassim JafariNaimi, Lisa Nathan & Ian Hargraves - 2015 - Design Issues 31 (4):91-104.
  25. Queering the birthing space: Phenomenological interpretations of the relationships between lesbian couples and perinatal nurses in the context of birthing care.Lisa Goldberg, Ami Harbin & Sue Campbell - 2011 - Sexualities 14 (2):173-192.
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  26.  76
    Spinoza on Imagination and the Affects.Lisa Shapiro - 2012 - In Sabrina Ebbersmeyer, Emotional Minds: The Passions and the Limits of Pure Inquiry in Early Modern Philosophy. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 89.
  27.  39
    ‘What’s Disability Got To Do With It?’: Crippin’ Educational Studies at the Intersections.Lisa W. Loutzenheiser & Nirmala Erevelles - 2019 - Educational Studies 55 (4):375-386.
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  28.  56
    Comparative Global Humanities After Man: Alternatives to the Coloniality of Knowledge.Lisa Lowe & Kris Manjapra - 2019 - Theory, Culture and Society 36 (5):23-48.
    The core concept of ‘the human’ that anchors so many humanities disciplines – history, literature, art history, philosophy, religion, anthropology, political theory, and others – issues from a very particular modern European definition of Man ‘over-represented’ as the human. The history of modernity and of modern disciplinary knowledge formations are, in this sense, a history of modern European forms monopolizing the definition of the human and placing other variations at a distance from the human. This article is an interdisciplinary research (...)
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  29.  96
    A Phenomenological Investigation of Altruism as Experienced by Moral Exemplars.Lisa Mastain - 2007 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 38 (1):62-99.
    This research study used descriptive phenomenological methods to investigate and document the lived experience of altruism as described by moral exemplars. Six moral exemplars wrote descriptions of situations in which they engaged in spontaneous altruism. Altruism was defined for the purpose of this study as a motivational state with the ultimate goal of increasing another's welfare . These descriptions were then expanded and clarified through follow up interviews. The results of this descriptive phenomenological analysis produced two structures: the structure of (...)
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  30.  27
    “What is Dead May Not Die”: Locating Marginalized Concepts Among Ordinary Biologists.Erik L. Peterson & Crystal Hall - 2022 - Journal of the History of Biology 55 (2):219-251.
    Historians and biologists identify the debate between mechanists and vitalists over the nature of life itself with the arguments of Driesch, Loeb, and other prominent voices. But what if the conversation was broader and the consequences deeper for the field? Following the suspicions of Joseph Needham in the 1930s and Francis Crick in the 1960s, we deployed tools of the digital humanities to an old problem in the history of biology. We analyzed over 31,000 peer-reviewed scientific papers and learned that (...)
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    Delphic oracles as oral performances: Authenticity and historical evidence.Lisa Maurizio - 1997 - Classical Antiquity 16 (2):308-334.
    Much modern scholarship on Delphic oracles has revolved around the question of authenticity, where authenticity implies it is a fact that there was a consultation of the Delphic oracle, that a response was given and that the account of these events reports the occasion of the consultation and the response verbatim. This article challenges the usefulness and validity of this definition on two grounds. First, there is ample evidence that most Delphic oracles circulated orally for at least a generation before (...)
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  32.  18
    Perceptual dimensions differentiate emotions.Lisa A. Cavanaugh, Deborah J. MacInnis & Allen M. Weiss - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (8).
    Individuals often describe objects in their world in terms of perceptual dimensions that span a variety of modalities; the visual (e.g., brightness: dark–bright), the auditory (e.g., loudness: quiet–loud), the gustatory (e.g., taste: sour–sweet), the tactile (e.g., hardness: soft vs. hard) and the kinaesthetic (e.g., speed: slow–fast). We ask whether individuals use perceptual dimensions to differentiate emotions from one another. Participants in two studies (one where respondents reported on abstract emotion concepts and a second where they reported on specific emotion episodes) (...)
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  33.  91
    The Outward and Inward Beauty of Early Modern Women.Lisa Shapiro - 2013 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 138 (3):327-346.
    I explore some early modern philosophical thought about the relation of beauty and wisdom, a theme first expressed in Plato's Symposium. The thinkers I consider most centrally are two women, Lucrezia Marinella and Mary Astell, though I also consider the writers Aphra Behn and Sarah Scott. While women in particular might have a special interest in appropriating the Platonic image of the ladder of desire, this ought not to be conceived as a 'women's issue'. Rather, I suggest, this strand of (...)
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  34.  60
    Structural Brain Damage and Upper Limb Kinematics in Children with Unilateral Cerebral Palsy.Lisa Mailleux, Cristina Simon-Martinez, Katrijn Klingels, Ellen Jaspers, Kaat Desloovere, Philippe Demaerel, Simona Fiori, Andrea Guzzetta, Els Ortibus & Hilde Feys - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  35.  97
    The human genome project.Lisa Gannett - 2009 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  36. Who Follows Whom? Derrida, Animals and Women.Lisa Guenther - 2009 - Derrida Today 2 (2):151-165.
    In ‘L'Animal que donc je suis’, Derrida analyzes the paradoxical use of discourses on shame and original sin to justify the human domination of other animals. In the absence of any absolute criterion for distinguishing between humans and other animals, human faultiness becomes a sign of our exclusive capacity for self-consciousness, freedom and awareness of mortality. While Derrida's argument is compelling, he neglects to explore the connection between the human domination of animals and the male domination of women. Throughout ‘L'Animal’, (...)
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  37.  34
    From Non-minds to Minds: Biosemantics and the Tertium Quid.Crystal L'Hôte - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 85--95.
    I present and evaluate the prospects of the biosemantic program, understood as a philosophical attempt to explain the mind’s origins by appealing to something that non-minded organisms and minded organisms have in common: representational capacity. I develop an analogy with ancient attempts to account for the origins of change, clarify the biosemantic program’s aims and methods, and then distinguish two importantly different forms of objection, a priori and a posteriori. I defend the biosemantic program from a priori objections on the (...)
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  38.  21
    White Matter Plasticity in Reading-Related Pathways Differs in Children Born Preterm and at Term: A Longitudinal Analysis.Lisa Bruckert, Lauren R. Borchers, Cory K. Dodson, Virginia A. Marchman, Katherine E. Travis, Michal Ben-Shachar & Heidi M. Feldman - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  39.  44
    The status of the embryo and policy discourse.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 1997 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 22 (5):407-414.
  40.  13
    Chemokines: extracellular messengers for all occasions?Lisa M. Gale & Shaun R. McColl - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (1):17-28.
    Movement of leukocytes from peripheral blood into tissues, also called leukocyte extravasation, is absolutely essential for immunity in higher organisms. Over the past decade, our understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in white blood cell extravasation during both normal immune surveillance and the generation of protective immune responses has taken a great leap forward with the discovery of the chemokine gene superfamily. Chemokines are low-molecular-weight cytokines whose major collective biological activity appears to be that of chemotaxis of both specific and (...)
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  41.  51
    In the Company of Women: enacting autonomy within the perinatal nursing relationship.Lisa Goldberg - 2003 - Nursing Ethics 10 (6):580-587.
    An understanding of autonomy has important significance in North American health care. Although a respect for autonomy is necessary to protect the self-determination and agency of birthing women in hospital settings, I suggest that enactments of autonomy that are independent of relationships offer only an incomplete interpretation of such a vital concept. In this article I explore an understanding of autonomy situated within the context of a relational birthing narrative. In so doing, autonomy becomes conceptualized as contextual and concrete, giving (...)
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  42.  17
    Women, Pregnancy, and Health Information Online: The Making of Informed Patients and Ideal Mothers.Nicole Smith Dahmen, Lisa Lundy, Jennifer Ellis West & Felicia Wu Song - 2012 - Gender and Society 26 (5):773-798.
    While the Internet has emerged as a significant resource for women negotiating the questions and circumstances that arise during conception, pregnancy and childbirth, it remains unclear what role the Internet plays in challenging the current biomedical paradigm and empowering women to make meaningful choices. This article explores how women use the Internet to manage their pregnancies and mediate their doctor–patient relationships, particularly examining the role of social class and personal health history in shaping such Internet use. Drawing from in-depth interviews (...)
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  43.  10
    (1 other version)The Gōngsūn Lóngzǐ and Other Neglected Texts – Aligning Philosophical and Philological Perspectives: An Introduction.Rafael Suter, Lisa Indraccolo & Wolfgang Behr - 2020 - In Rafael Suter, Lisa Indraccolo & Wolfgang Behr, The Gongsun Longzi and Other Neglected Texts: Aligning Philosophical and Philological Perspectives. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 1-20.
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  44.  24
    Differences between kinematic synergies and muscle synergies during two-digit grasping.Michele Tagliabue, Anna Lisa Ciancio, Thomas Brochier, Selim Eskiizmirliler & Marc A. Maier - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  45. What goes up: Proclus against Aristotle on the fifth element.Dirk Baltzly with Lisa Wendlandt - 2002 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 80 (3):261-87.
  46. Methods in cross-linguistic semantics.Lisa Matthewson - 2019 - In Paul Portner, Klaus von Heusinger & Claudia Maienborn, Semantics: noun phrases, verb phrases and adjectives. Boston: De Gruyter.
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  47. Silent nothings : undisciplined language.Lisa A. Mazzei - 2016 - In Jytte Bang & Ditte Winther-Lindqvist, Nothingness: philosophical insights into psychology. New Brunswick (U.S.A.): Transaction Publishers.
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    Non-Ideal Theorizing, Social Groups, and Knowledge of Oppression: A Response.Lisa H. Schwartzman - 2009 - Hypatia 24 (4):177 - 188.
    In responding to Anderson, Tobin, and Mills, I focus on questions about non-ideal theory, normative individualism, and standpoint theory. In particular, I ask whether feminist theorizing can be "liberal" and yet not embody the problematic forms of abstraction and individualism described in "Challenging Liberalism". Ultimately, I call for methods of theorizing that illuminate and challenge oppressive social hierarchies.
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    Performing Hypo-Linguistics.Minka Stoyanova & Lisa Park SoYoung - 2018 - Technoetic Arts 16 (1):63-73.
    Language is the original technological prosthesis mediating all transfer of human cognition. The relationships between language, communication and cognition have long been the subject of scientific, philosophic and linguistic inquiry. However, it is through contemporary advancements in neuroscience that we now have unprecedented access to the inner workings of the human brain. Particularly, consumer grade neural scanning technologies like the Muse headset allow non-scientists to view, manipulate and draw conclusions from data generated by their own neural processes. Hence, artists Minka (...)
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  50.  27
    A Pretabular Classical Relevance Logic.Lisa Galminas & John G. Mersch - 2012 - Studia Logica 100 (6):1211-1221.
    In this paper we construct an extension, ℒ, of Anderson and Belnap's relevance logic R that is classical in the sense that it contains p&p → q as a theorem, and we prove that ℒ is pretabular in the sense that while it does not have a finite characteristic matrix, every proper normal extension of it does. We end the paper by commenting on the possibility of finding other classical relevance logics that are also pretabular.
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