Results for 'Liliane Kshensky Baxter'

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  1.  72
    Explorations in Morality and Nonviolence.Liliane Kshensky Baxter - 1992 - The Acorn 7 (2):5-17.
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    Dichotomous Images in McEwan’s Saturday: In Pursuit of Objective Balance.Joanna Kosmalska - 2011 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 1 (1):270-277.
    Saturday sets out to depict the contemporary world with its ambiguities and paradox. In the novel, like in a mirror painting, every event, character and conflict is highlighted from diverse, often contradictory, angles by the narrator's extensive commentary, flashback and reference to other books. The prevailing happiness of mass protests against the war on Iraq is countered by the recollection of mass graves, an element of Saddam's callous regime, the real terrorist threat is contrasted with national paranoia, and the Prime (...)
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  3. Many-one identity.Donald L. M. Baxter - 1988 - Philosophical Papers 17 (3):193-216.
    Two things become one thing, something having parts, and something becoming something else, are cases of many things being identical with one thing. This apparent contradiction introduces others concerning transitivity of identity, discernibility of identicals, existence, and vague existence. I resolve the contradictions with a theory that identity, number, and existence are relative to standards for counting. What are many on some standard are one and the same on another. The theory gives an account of the discernibility of identicals using (...)
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    Entropy and Entropic Differences in the Work of Michel Serres.Lilian Kroth - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (2):21-35.
    Michel Serres’s philosophy of entropy takes what he famously calls the ‘Northwest Passage’ between the sciences and the humanities. By contextualizing his approach to entropy and affirming the role of a philosophy of difference, this paper explores Serres’s approach by means of ‘entropic differences’. It claims that entropy – or rather, entropies – provide Serres with a paradigmatic case for critical translations between different domains of knowledge. From his early Hermès series, through to The Birth of Physics and later writings (...)
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  5. The Discernibility of Identicals.Donald L. M. Baxter - 1999 - Journal of Philosophical Research 24:37-55.
    I argue via examples that there are cases in which things that are not two distinct things qualitatively differ without contradiction. In other words, there are cases in which something differs from itself. Standard responses to such cases are to divide the thing into distinct parts, or to conceive of the thing under different descriptions, or to appeal to different times, or to deny that the property had is the property lacked. I show these responses to be unsatisfactory. I then (...)
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  6. Identity, Discernibility, and Composition.Donald L. M. Baxter - 2014 - In Aaron J. Cotnoir & Donald L. M. Baxter (eds.), Composition as Identity. Oxford: Oxford University Press USA. pp. 244-253.
    There is more than one way to say that composition is identity. Yi has distinguished the Weak Composition thesis from the Strong Composition thesis and attributed the former to David Lewis while noting that Lewis associates something like the latter with me. Weak Composition is the thesis that the relation between the parts collectively and their whole is closely analogous to identity. Strong Composition is the thesis that the relation between the parts collectively and their whole is identity. Yi is (...)
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    The Cratylus: Plato's Critique of Naming.Timothy M. S. Baxter (ed.) - 1992 - New York: E.J. Brill.
    This book aims to give a coherent interpretation of the whole dialogue, paying particular attention to these etymologies.The book discusses the rival theories ...
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  8. A Pyrrhonian Interpretation of Hume on Assent.Donald L. M. Baxter - 2018 - In Diego E. Machuca & Baron Reed (eds.), Skepticism: From Antiquity to the Present. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 380-394.
    How is it possible for David Hume to be both withering skeptic and constructive theorist? I recommend an answer like the Pyrrhonian answer to the question how it is possible to suspend all judgment yet engage in active daily life. Sextus Empiricus distinguishes two kinds of assent: one suspended across the board and one involved with daily living. The first is an act of will based on appreciation of reasons; the second is a causal effect of appearances. Hume makes the (...)
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  9.  41
    The World Unclaimed: A Challenge to Heidegger's Critique of Husserl.Lilian Alweiss - 2003 - Ohio University Press.
    The World Unclaimed argues that Heidegger's critique of modern epistemology in Being and Time is seriously flawed.
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  10. Oneness, Aspects, and the Neo-Confucians.Donald L. M. Baxter - 2017 - In Philip J. Ivanhoe, Owen Flanagan, Victoria S. Harrison, Hagop Sarkissian & Eric Schwitzgebel (eds.), The Oneness Hypothesis: Beyond the Boundary of Self. New York, NY, USA: Columbia University Press.
    Confucius gave counsel that is notoriously hard to follow: "What you do not wish for yourself, do not impose on others" (Huang 1997: 15.24). People tend to be concerned with themselves and to be indifferent to most others. We are distinct from others so our self-concern does not include them, or so it seems. Were we to realize this distinctness is merely apparent--that our true self includes others--Confucius's counsel would be easier to follow. Concern for our true self would extend (...)
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    Sheng shi wei yan: Zheng Guanying wen wu ji.Lilian Chen & Xin Xu (eds.) - 2008 - [Aomen]: Aomen Tebie Xingzhengqu zheng fu wen hua ju.
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  12. The "Soul" of the Primitive.Lilian A. Clare - 1929 - Humana Mente 4 (15):421-422.
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  13. William Tyndale: Translator, Scholar, and Martyr.Lilian F. Gray - 1936 - Hibbert Journal 35:101-107.
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    Philosophical Theories.Brian Baxter - 1978 - Philosophical Quarterly 28 (110):81-83.
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    Carl Einstein et Benjamin Fondane: avant gardes et émigration dans le Paris des années 1920-1930.Liliane Meffre & Olivier Salazar-Ferrer (eds.) - 2008 - New York: Lang.
    Dans le Paris cosmopolite des années 1920 et 1930, les avant-gardes fleurissent et se fécondent mutuellement, grâce notamment à l'afflux d'émigrés du monde entier qui se sont expatriés pour des raisons politiques, idéologiques ou personnelles. Parmi eux, Carl Einstein, Allemand, et Benjamin Fondane, d'origine roumaine, tous deux Juifs et Parisiens de coeur, ont oeuvré en phase avec les courants d'avant-garde du début du siècle, travaillé au carrefour de l'esthétique, de la poésie, de la critique littéraire, de la philosophie et du (...)
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    Hannah Arendt besucht Karl Jaspers.Liliane Weissberg - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 72 (2):178-197.
  17. Aspects and the Alteration of Temporal Simples.Donald L. M. Baxter - 2016 - Manuscrito 39 (4):169-181.
    ABSTRACT According to David Lewis, alteration is "qualitative difference between temporal parts of something." It follows that moments, since they are simple and lack temporal parts, cannot alter from future to present to past. Here then is another way to put McTaggart's paradox about change in tense. I will appeal to my theory of Aspects to rebut the thought behind this rendition of McTaggart. On my theory, it is possible that qualitatively differing things be numerically identical. I call these differing, (...)
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  18. Identity in the loose and popular sense.Donald L. M. Baxter - 1988 - Mind 97 (388):575-582.
    This essay interprets Butler’s distinction between identity in the loose and popular sense and in the strict and philosophical sense. Suppose there are different standards for counting the same things. Then what are two distinct things counting strictly may be one and the same thing counting loosely. Within a given standard identity is one-one. But across standards it is many-one. An alternative interpretation using the parts-whole relation fails, because that relation should be understood as many-one identity. Another alternative making identity (...)
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    CSR Information Disclosure on the Web: A Context-Based Approach Analysing the Influence of Country of Origin and Industry Sector.Lilian Soares Outtes Wanderley, Rafael Lucian, Francisca Farache & José Milton Sousa Filho - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (2):369-378.
    Corporate social responsibility has become a much-discussed subject in the business world. The Internet has become one of the main tools for CSR information disclosure, allowing companies to publicise more information less expensively and faster than ever before. As a result, corporations are increasingly concerned with communicating ethically and responsibly to the diversity of stakeholders through the web. This paper addresses the main question as whether CSR information disclosure on corporate websites is influenced by country of origin and/or industry sector. (...)
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  20.  48
    Modern Moral Philosophy.Brian Baxter - 1984 - Philosophical Quarterly 34 (137):509-509.
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  21. Plato and modern justice.J. F. G. Baxter - 1962 - Giornale di Metafisica 17:125.
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    Social pragmatism.Lilian May] Fried - 1948 - London,: Watts.
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    Naturalism.Lilian R. Furst - 1971 - [London]: Methuen. Edited by Peter N. Skrine.
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  24. La universidad y la escuela de filosofía como ámbitos terapéuticos.Lilian González - 2011 - Apuntes Filosóficos 20 (39):221-245.
    La Universidad, y específicamente la escuela de filosofía, como centros de educación y de formación, están llamados a jugar un rol trascendental frente a la grave situación actual en relación con todos los aspectos de la vida. En tanto dominios de formación y transformación, entonces, han de a dejar de lado su condición de críticos y analistas pasivos de un contexto sistemáticamente difícil para devenir en un frente activo de reflexión y de búsqueda de posibilidades y de respuestas, en aras (...)
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    L’histoire intellectuelle des techniques au Centre d’histoire des techniques et de l’environnement du Conservatoire national des arts et métiers.Liliane Pérez - 2009 - Revue de Synthèse 130 (1):147-164.
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    Hymnes aux kālī: la roue des énergies divines.Lilian Silburn - 1995 - Institut de Civilisation Indienne.
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    Kuṇḍalinī: The Energy of the Depths.Lilian Silburn & Jacques Gontier - 1990 - Philosophy East and West 40 (3):406-407.
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    Kann das Judentum erneuert werden?Liliane Weissberg - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 73 (2):104-120.
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  29. Réception de Madame Claire Lejeune à l'Académie Royale de Langue et de Littérature Françaises. 6 juin 1998.Liliane Wouters - 2008 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 119:213-220.
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    The Impact of St. Augustine’s Writings on the Arts.Lilian H. Zirpolo - 1998 - Augustinian Studies 29 (1):83-109.
  31. Instantiation as partial identity.Donald L. M. Baxter - 2001 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 79 (4):449 – 464.
    Construing the instantiation of a universal by a particular in terms of my theory of aspects resolves the basic mystery of this "non-relational tie", and gives theoretical unity to the four characteristics of instantiation discerned by Armstrong. Taking aspects as distinct in a way akin to Scotus's formal distinction, I suggest that instantiation is the sharing of an aspect by a universal and a particular--a kind of partial identity. This approach allows me to address Plato's multiple location and One over (...)
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    Infant-directed speech is consistent with teaching.Baxter S. Eaves, Naomi H. Feldman, Thomas L. Griffiths & Patrick Shafto - 2016 - Psychological Review 123 (6):758-771.
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    La dynamique interactionnelle au service du codéveloppement professionnel d’enseignants associés réunis en communauté de pratique.Liliane Portelance, Colette Gervais, Geneviève Boisvert & Mylène Quessy - 2018 - Revue Phronesis 7 (4):65-79.
    Given his expertise in the classroom and in school, the cooperating teacher is essential to teacher training. Expectations towards him are coming from ministerial authorities (gouvernement du Québec, 2002, 2008), but also from student teachers (Caron, Portelance and Martineau, 2013). In order to meet these expectations, the cooperating teacher is strongly encouraged to enroll in a continuous training process leading to enhance his training practices. With the intention of supporting the development of the expected cooperating teacher’s competencies (Portelance, Gervais, Lessard, (...)
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    Moral Responsibility and the Psychopath: The Value of Others.Jim Baxter - 2021 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Are psychopaths morally responsible? Should we argue with them? Remonstrate with them, blame them, sometimes even praise them? Is it worth trying to change them, or should we just try to prevent them from causing harm? In this book, Jim Baxter aims to find serious answers to these deep philosophical questions, drawing on contemporary insights from psychiatry, psychology, neuroscience and law. Moral Responsibility and the Psychopath is the first sustained, book-length philosophical work on this important and fascinating topic, and (...)
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    CSR Information Disclosure on the Web: A Context-Based Approach Analysing the Influence of Country of Origin and Industry Sector.Lilian Wanderley, Rafael Lucian, Francisca Farache & José Sousa Filho - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (2):369-378.
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become a much-discussed subject in the business world. The Internet has become one of the main tools for CSR information disclosure, allowing companies to publicise more information less expensively and faster than ever before. As a result, corporations are increasingly concerned with communicating ethically and responsibly to the diversity of stakeholders through the web. This paper addresses the main question as whether CSR information disclosure on corporate websites is influenced by country of origin and/or industry (...)
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  36.  24
    Property and “le Propre”.Lilian Kroth - 2024 - Environmental Ethics 46 (1):71-89.
    This paper is concerned with Michel Serres’s critique of property. Through the concept of ‘le propre,’ which in French can mean both ‘clean’ and ‘one’s own,’ and a naturalist reading of Rousseau, he proposes a ‘stercorian’ eco-criticism of property. Focusing on concepts of limits provides a fruitful angle from which to illuminate Serres’s critique of law and property. The first section will introduce Serres as a thinker of limits, borders, and boundaries. In the second and third parts, attention will be (...)
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  37. Corporeal Substances and True Unities.Donald L. M. Baxter - 1995 - Studia Leibnitiana 27 (2):157.
    In the correspondence with Arnauld, Leibniz contends that each corporeal substance has a substantial form. In support he argues that to be real a corporeal substance must be one and indivisible, a true unity. I will show how this argument precludes a tempting interpretation of corporeal substances as composite unities. Rather it mandates the interpretation that each corporeal substance is a single monad.
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  38. Hume's theory of space and time in its sceptical context.Donald L. M. Baxter - 1993 - In David Fate Norton & Jacqueline Taylor (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Hume. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 105-146.
    Hume's Treatise arguments concerning space, time, and geometry, especially ones involving his denial of infinite divisibility; have suffered harsh criticism. I show that in the section "Of the ideas of space and time," Hume gives important characterizations of his skeptical approach, in some respects Pyrrhonian, that will be developed in the rest of the Treatise. When that approach is better understood, the force of Hume's arguments can be appreciated, and the influential criticisms of them can be seen to miss the (...)
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  39. Instant et cause. Le discontinu dans la pensée philosophique de l'Inde.Lilian Silburn - 1956 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 18 (4):684-686.
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    The Evidence of Reason in Proof of the Immortality of the Soul, Independent on the More Abstruse Inquiry Into the Nature of Matter and Spirit. Collected [by John Duncan] from the Manuscripts of Mr. Baxter... To which is Prefixed a Letter from the Editor to the Reverend Dr. Priestley.Andrew Baxter, J. Duncan & T. Cadell - 1779 - Printed for T. Cadell, in the Strand.
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    The great defixio from Selinus: a reply.Lilian Η Jeffery - 1964 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 108 (1-4):211-216.
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    Sobre a psicologia no contexto da infância: da psicopatologização à inserção política.Lílian Cruz & Neuza Guareschi - 2004 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 20:77-90.
    Este artigo objetiva fazer um resgate histórico da infância no Brasil a partir do período denominado filantrópico-higienista até os dias atuais. Inicia com o Movimento da Escola Nova, com a instauração sutil das formas de disciplinarização. Logo, a introdução da Psicologia nas políticas públicas se ..
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  43. Les Sources Du De Physiognomonia De Pomponius Gauricus.Liliane Defradas - 1970 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 32 (1):7-39.
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    Une édition féministe est-elle possible?Liliane Kandel - 2001 - Clio 13:13-13.
    Françoise Pasquier, qui vient de disparaître prématurément (Le Monde du 5 janvier 2001), était une figure marquante (bien que discrète) du mouvement féministe. Elle avait compris très vite qu’un mouvement politique qui ne peut pas faire connaître ses initiatives, ses analyses, ou son histoire, est condamné soit à la stérilité soit, à terme, à la disparition : elle engagea toute sa compétence, son talent, et une force de conviction peu commune dans la publication des textes issus du mouvement...
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    Culture and Universal Dialogue.Lilian Karali - 2013 - Dialogue and Universalism 23 (4):181-185.
    The paper considers the importance of culture for achieving universal dialogue. It clarifies the meanings of the terms “culture” and “art”, focusing on their historical transformations, and on the historical development of the history of art and archaeology, two academic disciplines which investigate art and culture. The recognition of the meanings is treated here as a basic initiating and necessary step in investigating intercultural dialogue.
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  46. From Deborah to Esther: Sexual Politics in the Hebrew Bible.Lilian R. Klein - 2003
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    In the Air of the Natural History Museum: On Corporate Entanglement and Responsibility in Uncontained Times.Lilian Moncrieff - 2020 - Law and Critique 31 (3):253-273.
    This paper discusses corporate entanglement, impactfulness and responsibility in the Anthropocene, amidst events and conditions that ‘uncontain’ time. It takes its direction of travel from artist Brian Jungen’s ‘Cetology’ (2002), a whalebone sculpture made out of cut-up plastic garden chairs, which conjoins the times of earth and world history, as it hangs in the air of the art gallery, ‘as if’ exhibited in the natural history museum. The paper relates ‘Cetology’s’ engagement with natural history, time, and commodification to matters of (...)
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    Metodologias ativas: as tic como ferramentas inclusivas para ensinar ple a cegos espanhóis.Lilian Dos Santos Ribeiro - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (1):1-11.
    Este artigo pretende mostrar e propor adaptações metodologias centradas na abordagem comunicativa, usando metodologias ativas e as ferramentas TIC para facilitar o ensino-aprendizagem de PLE a deficientes visuais espanhóis. Dada a natureza e índole de caráter introdutório, panorâmico, sistemático e claramente didático deste trabalho, o leitor poderá ter uma compreensão direta e científica do mundo educativo que rodeia o educando deficiente visual.A metodologia utilizada neste trabalho foi quantitativa e qualitativa, a abordagem foi respaldada em bibliografia pertinente e em dados empíricos (...)
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    On some models of modal logics.R. J. Baxter - 1973 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 14 (1):121-122.
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  50. Conditional Clauses: External and Internal Syntax.Liliane Haegeman - 2003 - Mind and Language 18 (4):317-339.
    The paper focuses on the difference between event‐conditionals and premise‐conditionals. An event‐conditional contributes to event structure: it modifies the main clause event; a premise‐conditional structures the discourse: it makes manifest a proposition that is the privileged context for the processing of the associated clause. The two types of conditional clauses will be shown to differ both in terms of their ‘external syntax’ and in terms of their ‘internal syntax’. The peripheral structure of event conditionals will be shown to lack the (...)
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