Results for 'Lello Frascolla'

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  1.  90
    Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mathematics.Pasquale Frascolla - 1994 - New York: Routledge.
    Wittgenstein's role was vital in establishing mathematics as one of this century's principal areas of philosophic inquiry. In this book, the three phases of Wittgenstein's reflections on mathematics are viewed as a progressive whole, rather than as separate entities. Frascolla builds up a systematic construction of Wittgenstein's representation of the role of arithmetic in the theory of logical operations. He also presents a new interpretation of Wittgenstein's rule-following considerations - the `community view of internal relations'.
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    Understanding Wittgenstein's Tractatus.Pasquale Frascolla - 2005 - New York: Routledge.
    Understanding Wittgenstein's Tractatus provides an accessible and yet novel discussion of all the major themes of the Tractatus. The book starts by setting out the history and structure of the Tractatus. It then investigates the two main dimensions of the early Wittgenstein's thought, corresponding to the division between what language can say by means of its propositions and what language can only show. It goes on to discuss picture theory, logical atomism, extensionality, truth-functions and truth-operations, semantics, metalogic and mathematics, solipsism (...)
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  3. Philosophy of mathematics.Pasquale Frascolla - 2001 - In Hans-Johann Glock, Wittgenstein: a critical reader. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
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    (2 other versions)Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mathematics.Pasquale Frascolla - 1994 - Mind 108 (429):159-162.
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  5. a. Blum, P. Frascolla, A. Voltolini.A. Blum, P. Frascolla & A. Voltolini - 1998 - Epistemologia 21 (1):131-142.
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    Contingentism versus Necessitism: The Tractatus Standpoint.Pasquale Frascolla - 2020 - Philosophical Investigations 44 (1):3-18.
    Philosophical Investigations, EarlyView.
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    Giovanni Gentile: il pensiero dell'Italia.Aldo Di Lello, Gerardo Picardo & Giovanni Gentile (eds.) - 2004 - Roma: Pantheon.
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    Rileggere Wittgenstein di James Conant e Cora Diamond.Pasquale Frascolla & Martin Gustafsson - 2011 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 24 (1):199-212.
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  9. The Early Wittgenstein's Logicism Rejoinder to M. Wrigley.Pasquale Frascolla - 1998 - Acta Analytica 13:133-138.
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  10. Tractatus logico-philosophicus: Sources, Themes, Perspectives.P. Frascolla (ed.) - 2002 - Università degli studi della Basilicata.
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  11. Wittgenstein e la grammatica del comprendere.Pasquale Frascolla - 2001 - Studi Filosofici 24.
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    The Official View on Education.John Lello - 1965 - British Journal of Educational Studies 13 (2):235.
  13.  16
    Cause e ragioni: modelli esplicativi nelle scienze della natura e nelle scienze umane.Pasquale Frascolla - unknown
    CAUSES AND REASONS: EXPLICATIVE MODELS IN NATURAL AND HUMAN SCIENCES Starting from Wittgenstein’s distinction between causes and reasons of an action, the paper presents two influential models in the methodology of explanation: the deductive‐nomological model elaborated by C. G. Hempel and the model based on Aristotle’s practical syllogism, in G. H. von Wright’s version. The controversy between methodological monism and methodological dualism, which has its roots in the opposition between explaining and understanding, is examined.
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    Volontà, conoscenza e causalità nel Tractatus di Wittgenstein.Pasquale Frascolla - 2007 - Rivista di Estetica 34 (34):27-40.
    1 Qualche considerazione preliminare È opportuno cominciare citando per intero la sezione 5.1362 del Tractatus, attorno alla quale ruoterà gran parte di ciò che andrò sostenendo: Il libero arbitrio consiste nell’impossibilità di conoscere ora azioni future. Noi le potremmo conoscere solo se la causalità fosse una necessità interiore, come quella della conclusione logica. — La connessione di conoscere e conosciuto è quella della necessità logica. (“A sa che p" è priva di senso, se p è una taut...
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    Wittgenstein: mind, meaning and metaphilosophy.Pasquale Frascolla, Diego Marconi & Alberto Voltolini (eds.) - 2010 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Leading scholars discuss whether some of the main tenets or theses that are currently or traditionally ascribed to Wittgenstein are still both theoretically and exegetically viable, by focusing on three well-established Wittgensteinian themes: mind, meaning, and metaphilosophy.
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    Wittgenstein's Notes on Logic – By Michael Potter.Pasquale Frascolla - 2010 - Dialectica 64 (3):458-463.
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  17. Wittgenstein on mathematical proof.Pasquale Frascolla - 2004 - In Annalisa Coliva & Eva Picardi, Wittgenstein Today. Il poligrafo. pp. 167--184.
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  18.  60
    A Note on Saying Nothing and Saying More in the Tractatus.Pasquale Frascolla - 2018 - History and Philosophy of Logic 39 (2):135-139.
    On the basis of an analysis of the relevant parts of Tractatus logico-philosophicus, a definition of the property of saying something, and of the obviously correlated property of saying nothing, is given. By applying that definition, both tautologies and contradictions are sanctioned as saying nothing, as lacking sense, in full agreement with Wittgenstein's explicit statements. On the other hand, a recent systematic attempt by A. Negro to extract from the Tractatus a criterion for sense containment and a criterion for saying (...)
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  19. The tractatus system of arithmetic.Pasquale Frascolla - 1997 - Synthese 112 (3):353-378.
    The philosophy of arithmetic of Wittgenstein's Tractatus is outlined and the central role played in it by the general notion of operation is pointed out. Following which, the language, the axioms and the rules of a formal theory of operations, extracted from the Tractatus, are presented and a theorem of interpretability of the equational fragment of Peano's Arithmetic into such a formal theory is proven.
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  20.  97
    On the nature of tractatus objects.Pasquale Frascolla - 2004 - Dialectica 58 (3):369–382.
    A conjecture on the metaphysical nature of Tractatus objects is put forward and its interpretative adequacy is tested. The clarification of the true import of the metaphor of logical space and the recognition of the theoretical role played by Wittgenstein's explicit claim that the emptiness of logical space is conceivable enable us to account for the thesis that objects are the substance of the world. Once objects are identified with those universal abstract entities which are qualia, and complexes or states (...)
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  21.  58
    The Role of the Disquotational Schema in Wittgenstein's Reflections on Truth.Pasquale Frascolla - 2016 - Philosophical Investigations 40 (3):205-222.
    In the first paragraph, the focus is on the early Wittgenstein's conception of truth: the Disquotational Schema is shown to be derivable from the semantic and ontological principles of the picture theory. Then, the article scrutinises the way the Disquotational Schema provides the basis for what the later Wittgenstein takes as a philosophically appropriate description of the practice of making assertions. The general abstract notion of truth makes room for a situated notion of warranted assertibility as the key-notion. Last, the (...)
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  22.  40
    (1 other version)Realism, anti-realism, quietism: Wittgenstein’s stance.Pasquale Frascolla - 2014 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 89 (1):11-21.
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  23. Il modello costruttivistico nella filosofia della matematica di Wittgenstein.Pasquale Frascolla - 1980 - Rivista di Filosofia 17:297.
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    Rejoinder to Marconi.Pasquale Frascolla - 2005 - Dialectica 59 (1):109–112.
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    Sull’eccezionalità della filosofia: esiste una discontinuità tra filosofia e scienza?Pasquale Frascolla - 2020 - Scienza E Filosofia 24:52–67.
    On the Exceptionality of Philosophy: Is There Discontinuity between Philosophy and Science? The article is devoted to a short presentation of the controversy between the meta-philosophical conception of the nature of philosophy and its relation with natural science known as exceptionalism, and the opposite anti-exceptionalist conception. The exceptionalist view is traced back to the linguistic turn and is illustrated by focusing on the early and intermediate Wittgenstein, Waismann and Schlick. Quine’s naturalism is identified as the background of the anti-exceptionalist view, (...)
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  26.  11
    On Bergmann’s Reading of the “Tractatus” Ontology.Pasquale Frascolla - 2008 - In Guido Bonino & Rosaria Egidi, Fostering the Ontological Turn: Gustav Bergmann (1906-1987). Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag. pp. 81-98.
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  27.  12
    Scienza, filosofia, senso comune: come l’incredibile può diventare ovvio.Pasquale Frascolla - unknown
    SCIENCE, PHILOSOPHY, COMMON SENSE: HOW THE EXTRAORDINARY COULD TURN INTO THE OBVIOUS The paper is devoted to an examination of some aspects of the relation between science, philosophy and common sense. By referring to crucial episodes of the history of astronomy and physics such as the Copernican Revolution and the birth of Relativity Theory, attention is paid to the process by which new scientific ideas contrasting with deeply entrenched intuitions and socially shared beliefs are gradually absorbed into the conceptual schema (...)
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  28. Sulla natura degli oggetti del Tractatus.Pasquale Frascolla - 2004 - Rivista di Estetica 44 (26):61-73.
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    Rejoinder to carpintero.Pasquale Frascolla - 2005 - Dialectica 59 (1):107–109.
  30.  14
    A analogia da religião.Bruna Frascolla Bloise - 2012 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 6 (2):20-29.
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  31. Il laico cristiano: una nuova cittadinanza nella Chiesa e nella società.Romolo Pietrobelli, Paolo Rabitti, Giovanni Bachelet, Bruno Musso, Nanni Russo, Edoardo Perollo & Lello Terminiello - 2003 - Studium 99 (1):95-143.
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    Frascolla on tractarian logical pictures of facts.Manuel García-Carpintero - 2005 - Dialectica 59 (1):87–97.
    Critica discussion of Pasquale Frascolla, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. Introduzione alla lettura, Carocci, Roma, 2000, 322 pp.
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  33. Pasquale Frascolla, Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mathematics.L. Goldstein - 1996 - Philosophical Investigations 19:337-341.
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  34.  68
    Frascolla on logic in the tractatus.Diego Marconi - 2005 - Dialectica 59 (1):97–107.
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    Review of P. Frascolla, Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mathematics[REVIEW]Victor Rodych - 1995 - Philosophia Mathematica 3 (3).
  36. Wittgenstein's Picture Theory of Pictures.Enrico Terrone - 2013 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 6 (1):275-290.
    I rely on Frascolla's interpretation of the Tractatus ontology to develop an account of depiction in which a picture is conceived of as a visual structure constituted by pixels that are conceived of, in their turn, as elementary propositions. Then I argue that such an account is complementary to the considerations about «noticing aspects» in the Philosophical Investigations, to the extent that the visual structure constituted by pixels provides a design allowing the picture’s viewer to notice aspects. Finally I (...)
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    Making Sense of Sense Containment.Antonio Negro - 2017 - History and Philosophy of Logic 38 (4):364-385.
    Proposition 5.122 of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus has been the source of much puzzlement among interpreters, so much so that no fully satisfactory account is yet available. This is unfortunate, if only because the containment account of logical consequence has a venerable tradition behind it. Pasquale Frascolla’s interpretation of proposition 5.122 is based on a valid argument and one true premise. However, the argument explains sense containment only in an indirect way, leaving some crucial questions unanswered. Besides, Frascolla does not (...)
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    Operar e Exibir: Aspectos do Conhecimento Simbólico na Filosofia Tractariana da Matemática.Gisele Dalva Secco & Pedro Maggi Rech Noguez - 2017 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 73 (3-4):1463-1492.
    We offer a reading of some passages from Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus in which, dealing with the symbolic constructions of arithmetic, Wittgenstein puts in motion the most outstanding features of Leibniz’s concept of Symbolic Knowledge: the computational and the “ecthetic” functions of the notion of Symbolic Blind Though. We begin with a brief presentation of some conceptual distinctions proposed by Oscar Miguel Esquisabel in his investigation about the Leibnizian origin of the tradition of Symbolic Knowledge. We then contrast these topics with (...)
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    A note on arithmetic and logic in the ``Tractatus''.Michael B. Wrigley - 1998 - Acta Analytica 13.
    The extra propositions which Wittgenstein added to Ramsey's copy of\nthe 'Tractatus' during their discussions in 1923 provide evidence,\nWrigley argues, that Wittgenstein's view of mathematics was quite\ndifferent from logicism. Contrary to this, Frascolla tries to prove\nthat the label 'no-classes logicism' tallies with the 'Tractarian'\nview of arithmetic.
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  40. Tractatus 5.1362.Giovanni Mion - 2017 - Philosophical Inquiries 5 (1):27-32.
    The paper analyzes the conception of free will defended by the Tractatus, and in contrast to Pasquale Frascolla’s recent verificationist reading of 5.1362, it argues that Wittgenstein’s conception of free will squarely places future contingencies within the boundaries of truth-conditional semantics.
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  41. Ensaios sobre a filosofia de Hume.Jaimir Conte, Marília Cortês de Ferraz & Flávio Zimmermann - 2016 - Santa Catarina: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC).
    1. Hume e a Magna Carta: em torno do círculo da justiça, Maria Isabel Limongi; 2. Hume e o problema da justificação da resistência ao governo, Stephanie Hamdan Zahreddine; 3 O surgimento dos costumes da sociedade comercial e as paixões do trabalho, Pedro Vianna da Costa e Faria; 4. O sentido da crença: suas funções epistêmicas e implicações para a teoria política de Hume, Lilian Piraine Laranja; 5. O Status do Fideísmo na Crítica de Hume à Religião Natural, Marília Côrtes (...)
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