Results for 'Legal polycentricity History'

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  1.  9
    Legal pluralism explained: history, theory, consequences.Brian Z. Tamanaha - 2021 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Throughout the medieval period law was seen as the product of social groups and associations that formed legal orders, as Max Weber elaborates, "either constituted in its membership by such objective characteristics of birth, political, ethnic, or religious denomination, mode of life or occupation, or arose through the process of explicit fraternization." During the second half of the Middle Ages, roughly the tenth through fifteenth centuries, there were "several distinct types of law, sometimes competing, occasionally overlapping, invariably invoking different (...)
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    Entangled Legalities Beyond the State.Nico Krisch (ed.) - 2021 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Law is usually understood as an orderly, coherent system, but this volume shows that it is often better understood as an entangled web. Bringing together eminent contributors from law, political science, sociology, anthropology, history and political theory, it also suggests that entanglement has been characteristic of law for much of its history. The book shifts the focus to the ways in which actors create connections and distance between different legalities in domestic, transnational and international law. It examines a (...)
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    Law addressing diversity: pre-modern Europe and India in comparison (13th-18th centuries).Thomas Ertl & Gijs Kruijtzer (eds.) - 2017 - Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
    Of late, historians have been realising that South Asia and Europe have more in common than a particular strand in the historiography on "the rise of the West" would have us believe. In both world regions a plurality of languages, religions, and types of belonging by birth was in premodern times matched by a plurality of legal systems and practices. This volume describes case-by-case the points where law and social diversity intersected.
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    Navigating Emerging Climate Crises Through Adaptive Polycentric Meta-networks.Tim Staub & S. Aqeel Tirmizi - 2025 - Humanistic Management Journal 10 (1):165-181.
    Without urgent, systemic, and collective global interventions to address the emerging climate emergency, we are likely to continue to see a range of increasingly significant adverse impacts globally. Temperatures will continue to increase, ice shelves will melt, seas will rise, crops will fail, water scarcity will increase and spread, wildfires will accelerate, and food and water insecurity, violence, and the largest human migration in history will ensue. According to the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), these climate changes will (...)
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    Global prescriptions: the production, exportation, and importation of a new legal orthodoxy.Yves Dezalay & Bryant G. Garth (eds.) - 2002 - Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
    Global Prescriptions scrutinizes the movement to export a U.S.-oriented version of the " rule of law," found in the activities of philanthropic foundations, the World Bank, the U.S. Agency for International Development, and several other developmental organizations. Yves Dezalay and Bryant G. Garth have brought together a group of scholars from a variety of disciplines--anthropology, economics, history, law, political science, and sociology--to create tools for understanding this movement. Comprised of two sections, the volume first develops theoretical perspectives key to (...)
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    A Duty to Vote? The Polycentric Alternative.Aylon Manor - forthcoming - Res Publica:1-21.
    I critically assess the arguments advocating for the duty to vote, highlighting their implicit reliance on a monocentric conception of democracy. Through a comparative analysis, I demonstrate that a polycentric model of civic excellence is preferable to the traditional voting-centric monocentric alternative. This analysis underscores the limitations of the monocentric approach and advocates for a broader, more inclusive understanding of civic engagement within democratic systems.
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    Religious Culture and Customary Legal Tradition: Historical Foundations of European Market Development.Leonard P. Liggio - 2015 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 21 (1-2):33-66.
    This paper traces back the sources of our present legal system and of market economy to Medieval Europe which itself benefited from Hellenistic and Roman legal culture and commercial practices. Roman provinces placed Rome in the wider Greek cultural and commercial world. If Aristotle was already transcending the narrow polis-based conceptions of his predecessors, after him Hellenistic Civilization saw the emergence of a new school of philosophy: Stoicism. The legal thought in the Latin West will hence be (...)
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    The world of rules: a somewhat different measurement of the world.Gunnar Folke Schuppert - 2017 - Frankfurt am Main: Max Planck Institute for European History. Edited by Rhodes Barrett.
    This book takes a stand against the narrowing focus of (German) jurisprudence on state law, rooted in the history of the territorially organised nation state. In the shadow of this tradition, state( -hood) law was only conceived of as state law. However, a gradual decoupling of state and law is observable - not least because of globalisation - which inevitably entails a pluralisation of legal regulations. Jurisprudence has to react to this, if it wants to remain relevant.
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  9. Reflections on legal polycentrism.Gerard Casey - 2010 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 22 (1):22-34.
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    Legal Hermeneutics: History, Theory, and Practice.Gregory Leyh (ed.) - 1992 - University of California Press.
    Interpretation of the law is based on assumptions about the nature of texts, language, and the act of interpretation itself. These fourteen new essays trace the origin of these assumptions, examine their philosophical implications, and extend legal interpretation in new and constructive directions.
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  11. Inhalt: Werner Gephart.Oder: Warum Daniel Witte: Recht Als Kultur, I. Allgemeine, Property its Contemporary Narratives of Legal History Gerhard Dilcher: Historische Sozialwissenschaft als Mittel zur Bewaltigung der ModerneMax Weber und Otto von Gierke im Vergleich Sam Whimster: Max Weber'S. "Roman Agrarian Society": Jurisprudence & His Search for "Universalism" Marta Bucholc: Max Weber'S. Sociology of Law in Poland: A. Case of A. Missing Perspective Dieter Engels: Max Weber Und Die Entwicklung des Parlamentarischen Minderheitsrechts I. V. Das Recht Und Die Gesellsc Civilization Philipp Stoellger: Max Weber Und Das Recht des Protestantismus Spuren des Protestantismus in Webers Rechtssoziologie I. I. I. Rezeptions- Und Wirkungsgeschichte Hubert Treiber: Zur Abhangigkeit des Rechtsbegriffs Vom Erkenntnisinteresse Uta Gerhardt: Unvermerkte Nahe Zur Rechtssoziologie Talcott Parsons' Und Max Webers Masahiro Noguchi: A. Weberian Approach to Japanese Legal Culture Without the "Sociology of Law": Takeyoshi Kawashima - 2017 - In Werner Gephart & Daniel Witte, Recht als Kultur?: Beiträge zu Max Webers Soziologie des Rechts. Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klosterman.
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  12. Searching for contemporary legal thought : history, image, and structure.Justin Desautels-Stein & Christopher Tomlins - 2017 - In Justin Desautels-Stein & Christopher Tomlins, Searching for Contemporary Legal Thought. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
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    History of Econometric Ideas, Mary Morgan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990, xxx + 296 pages. [REVIEW]Philippe Legall & Claude Ménard - 1992 - Economics and Philosophy 8 (2):286-290.
  14. Everything old is new again" : stateless law, the state of the law schools and comparative legal/normative history.Seán Patrick Donlan - 2015 - In Helge Dedek & Shauna Van Praagh, Stateless law: evolving boundaries of a discipline. Burlington, VT, USA: Ashgate.
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    Jurisdictional Choice in International Trade: Implications for Lex Cybernatoria.Bruce L. Benson - 2000 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 10 (1):3-32.
    L’émergence des marchés en Europe de l’Est, en Asie et celle du cyber-espace ne se fait pas avec la rapidité que beaucoup d’observateurs voudraient. La lenteur de ce développement provient de l’environnement institutionnel : les systèmes législatifs ne soutiennent pas les droits de propriété privée et ne font pas plus respecter les contrats. Ainsi, beaucoup soutiennent que les Etats doivent intensifier leurs efforts pour établir un droit commercial. En réalité, il faut réclamer un désengagement de l’Etat dans le droit commercial. (...)
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    Five Legal Revolutions Since the 17th Century: An Analysis of a Global Legal History.Jean-Louis Halpérin - 2014 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book presents an analysis of global legal history in Modern times, questioning the effect of political revolutions since the 17th century on the legal field. Readers will discover a non-linear approach to legal history as this work investigates the ways in which law is created. These chapters look at factors in legal revolution such as the role of agents, the policy of applying and publicising legal norms, codification and the orientations of (...) writing, and there is a focus on the publicization of law. The author uses Herbert Hart's schemes to conceive law as a human artefact or convention, being the union between primary rules of obligations and secondary rules conferring powers. Here we learn about those secondary rules and the legal construction of the Modern state, and we question the extent to which codification and law reporting were likely to revolutionize the legal field. These chapters examine the hypothesis of a legal revolution that could have concerned many countries in modern times. To begin with, the book considers the legal aspect of the construction of Modern States in the 17th and 18th centuries. It goes on to examine the consequences of the codification movement as a legal revolution before looking at the so-called "constitutional" revolution, linked with the extension of judicial review in many countries after World War II. Finally, the book enquires into the construction of an EU legal order and international law. In each of these chapters, the author measures the scope of the change, how the secondary rules are concerned, the role of the professional lawyers and what are the characters of the new configuration of the legal field. This book provokes new debates in legal philosophy about the rule of change and will be of particular interest to researchers in the fields of law, theories of law, legal history, philosophy of law and historians more broadly. (shrink)
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    Polycentricity: the multiple scenes of law.Ari Hirvonen (ed.) - 1998 - Sterling, Va.: Pluto Press.
    This work sets out to demonstrate the inadequacy of current legal paradigms in explaining the phenomena of fragmentation through conceptions of modern law. It also addresses the possibility of legal and ethical alternativesand political counterstrategies.
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    Global legal pluralism: a jurisprudence of law beyond borders.Paul Schiff Berman - 2012 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    A world of legal conflicts -- The limits of sovereigntist territoriality -- From universalism to cosmopolitanism -- Towards a cosmopolitan pluralist jurisprudence -- Procedural mechanisms, institutional designs, and discursive practices for managing pluralism -- The changing terrain of jurisdiction -- A cosmopolitan pluralist approach to choice of law -- Recognition of judgments and the legal negotiation of difference.
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    Comparative history and legal theory: Carl Schmitt in the first German democracy.Jeffrey Seitzer - 2001 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    Seitzer seeks to provide a more effective criticism of Schmitt than commentaries that focus on Schmitt's treatment of key works and concepts in legal and ...
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  20. Comparative legal history.Adolfo Giuliani (ed.) - 2019
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  21. Legal theory and legal history.Fernanda Pirie - 2016 - In Maksymilian Del Mar & Michael Lobban, Law in theory and history: new essays on a neglected dialogue. Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing.
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    Mixed legal systems, east and west.Vernon V. Palmer, Muḥammad Yaḥyá Maṭar & Anna Koppel (eds.) - 2015 - Burlington, VT, USA: Ashgate.
    This book takes us far beyond the usual focus of comparative law with analysis of a broad range of jurisdictions, including mixtures of common and civil law, and also those mixing Islamic and/or traditional legal systems with those derived from common and/or civil law traditions. The discussion is situated within the broader context of the continuing tides of globalization, the emergence of Islamic governments in some parts of the Middle East, the calls for a legal status for Islamic (...)
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  23. Law and History: Current Legal Issues 2003 Volume 6.Andrew Lewis & Michael Lobban (eds.) - 2004 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Law and History contains a broad range of essays by prominent legal historians, which explore the ways in which history has been used by lawyers. Largely theoretical in focus, the volume covers a broad range of issues, including discussions of norms in medieval England, the works of Montesquieu, Maine, and Weber, and of the nature of legal argument in nineteenth-century England, and in twentieth- century war crimes trials.Readership: Scholars of law and history, social historians, (...) historians. (shrink)
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  24. Legal education and legal history.Simpson Awb - 1991 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 11 (1).
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    Legal pluralism: new trajectories in law.Alex Green - 2025 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Jennifer Hendry.
    This book examines the development and fundamental nature of legal pluralism. Legal pluralism evokes two distinctions: 'state' vs 'non-state' law; and 'law' vs 'non-law'. As such, although this book focuses upon circumstances where two or more legal orders compete to govern the same social space, it also addresses the nature of law in general. Drawing on material conflicts arising within jurisdictions such as Australia, Burundi, Cameroon, Gambia, the United States, and Zambia, this book explores the conceptual, moral, (...)
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    Philosophical Legal Ethics: An Affectionate History.David Luban & W. Bradley Wendel - 2017 - Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics 30 (3):337-364.
    The modern subject of theoretical legal ethics began in the 1970s. This brief history distinguishes two waves of theoretical writing on legal ethics. The “First Wave” connects the subject to moral philosophy and focuses on conflicts between ordinary morality and lawyers’ role morality, while the “Second Wave” focuses instead on the role legal representation plays in maintaining and fostering a pluralist democracy. We trace the emergence of the First Wave to the larger social movements of the (...)
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  27. Legal theory and legal history : which legal theory?Sionaidh Douglas Scott - 2016 - In Maksymilian Del Mar & Michael Lobban, Law in theory and history: new essays on a neglected dialogue. Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing.
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    A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence, Volume 6: A History of the Philosophy of Law from the Ancient Greeks to the Scholastics.Fred D. Miller Jr & Carrie-Ann Biondi (eds.) - 2007 - Springer.
    The first-ever multivolume treatment of the issues in legal philosophy and general jurisprudence, from both a theoretical and a historical perspective. The work is aimed at jurists as well as legal and practical philosophers. Edited by the renowned theorist Enrico Pattaro and his team, this book is a classical reference work that would be of great interest to legal and practical philosophers as well as to jurists and legal scholar at all levels. The work is divided (...)
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  29. Legal history and legal theory shaking hands : towards a gentleman's agreement about a definition of the state.Pierre Brunet & Jean-Louis Halperin - 2016 - In Maksymilian Del Mar & Michael Lobban, Law in theory and history: new essays on a neglected dialogue. Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing.
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  30. Legal theory and legal history : prospects for dialogue.Michael Lobban - 2016 - In Maksymilian Del Mar & Michael Lobban, Law in theory and history: new essays on a neglected dialogue. Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing.
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    Legal pluralism and development: scholars and practitioners in dialogue.Brian Z. Tamanaha, Caroline Sage & Michael J. V. Woolcock (eds.) - 2012 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book brings together contributions from academics and practitioners to explore the implications of legal pluralism for legal development.
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    Women in the Legal Academy: A Brief History of Feminist Legal Theory.Robin West - unknown
    Women’s entry into the legal academy in significant numbers—first as students, then as faculty—was a 1970s and 1980s phenomenon. During those decades, women in law schools struggled: first, for admission and inclusion as individual students on a formally equal footing with male students; then for parity in their numbers in classes and on faculties; and, eventually, for some measure of substantive equality across various parameters, including their performance and evaluation both in and in front of the classroom, as well (...)
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    Applied legal pluralism: processes, driving forces and effects.Ghislain Otis - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Jean Leclair, Sophie Thériault & Vera Roy.
    This book offers a comparative study of the management of legal pluralism. The authors describe and analyse the way state and non-state legal systems acknowledge legal pluralism - defined as the coexistence of a state and non-state legal systems in the same space in respect of the same subject matter for the same population - and determine its consequences for their own purposes. The book sheds light on the management processes deployed by legal systems in (...)
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    History, casuistry and custom in the legal thought of Francisco Suárez (1548-1617): collected studies.Dominique Bauer & Randall Lesaffer (eds.) - 2021 - Boston: Brill Nijhoff.
    The thought and work of the Jesuit Francisco Suárez (1548-1617) is widely acknowledged as the culmination point of the contribution of the theologians and jurists of the so-called School of Salamanca to the development of modern Western law. This collection of studies on the legal work of Suárez explores some of his major forays into the law. Both his theoretical system-building as well as his interventions in practical questions are covered. Next to discussions on the nature of law and (...)
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  35.  14
    Polycentric mission leadership: Toward a new theoretical model: OCMS Montagu Barker Lecture Series: “Polycentric Theology, Mission, and Mission Leadership”.Joseph W. Handley - 2021 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 38 (3):225-239.
    As the world faces rapidly increasing cycles of disruption, challenges, and disorder, mission leaders are stretched to adapt, trying to catch up with the pace of change and provide leadership to further the mission God has given his Church. This paper, presented at the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies Montagu Barker Lecture Series: “Polycentric Theology, Mission, and Mission Leadership,” focuses on ways leadership is changing, suggesting a new theoretical model for mission leadership. It reviews the idea of polycentrism through mission (...)
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  36.  14
    Legal pluralism in Muslim contexts.Norbert Oberauer, Yvonne Prief & Ulrike Qubaja (eds.) - 2019 - Boston: Brill.
    Approaches to legal pluralism vary widely across the spectrum of different disciplines. They comprise normative and descriptive perspectives, focus both on legal pluralist realities as well as public debates, and address legal pluralism in a range of different societies with varying political, institutional and historical conditions. Emphasising an empirical research to contemporary legal pluralist settings in Muslim contexts, the present collected volume contributes to a deepened understanding of legal pluralist issues and realities through comparative examination. (...)
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    Indigenous peoples tribal self government: Legal history and public policy manifestations in canada, new zealand and the united states.Michael Lane - unknown
    Contemporary notions of what constitutes tribal self government for Indigenous Peoples in the legal systems of the nation-states Canada, New Zealand and the United States of America have their origins in philosophies and theories developed by European nation-states generally, in relation to their colonial expansion into what is now called the Americas. This thesis examines the nature of these theories, and how they have formed the basis for legal precedent and public policy in the three nation-states. A representative (...)
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    Immanence and Transcendence: History's Roles in Normative Legal Theory.Chloë Kennedy - 2017 - Jurisprudence 8 (3):557-579.
    The fractious but potentially fruitful dialogue between legal history and legal theory has been the subject of much recent scholarly attention. Despite this, instances of meaningful engagement over the role of history in legal theorising remain scarce. This is particularly true in respect of normative theorising—the difficult but crucial tasks of critiquing and reforming law—where history is frequently considered to play a relativising role that threatens to destabilise strong evaluation. In this article, I argue (...)
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    Legal Process Unearthed: A New Source of Legal History of Early Imperial China.Maxim Korolkov - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (2):383.
    A group of Qin documents inscribed on bamboo slips was acquired by the Yuelu Academy on the antique market in Hong Kong in 2007. Four of these manuscripts are criminal case records dated from the final decades before the unification of China by the state of Qin in 221 B.C. These texts shed light not only on the administration of justice on the eve of imperial unification but also on various aspects of social, economic, and cultural history and historical (...)
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    Ordering pluralism: a conceptual framework for understanding the transnational legal world.Mireille Delmas-Marty - 2009 - Portland, Ore.: Hart. Edited by Naomi Norberg.
    From the viewpoint of the constitutional crisis in Europe, slow UN reforms, difficulties implementing the Kyoto Protocol and the International Criminal Court, and tensions between human rights and trade, Mireille Delmas-Marty's 'journey through the legal landscape' of the early years of the 21st century shows it to be dominated by imprecision, uncertainty and instability. The early 21st century appears to be the era of great disorder: in the silence of the market and the fracas of arms, a world overly (...)
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  41.  16
    Human Rights and Legal History: Essays in Honour of Brian Simpson.A. W. Brian Simpson, Katherine O'Donovan & Gerry R. Rubin - 2000 - Oxford University Press on Demand.
    This book brings together essays on themes of human rights and legal history, reflecting the long and distinguished career as academic writer and human rights activist of Brian Simpson. Written by colleagues and friends in the United States and Britain, the essays are intended to reflect Simpson's own legal interests. The collection opens with biography of Simpson's academic life which notes his major contribution to legal thought, and closes with an account of his career in the (...)
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    Papers on the legal history of government: difficulties fundamental and artificial.Melville Madison Bigelow - 1920 - Littleton, Colo.: F.B. Rothman.
    Unity in government -- The family in English history -- Medieval English sovereignty -- The old jury -- Becket and the law.
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  43. After Comparative Legal History.Adolfo Giuliani - 2021 - In E. Calzolaio, Liber Amicorum Luigi Moccia. pp. 215-241.
    The 1930-60s saw the beginning of a fertile stream of research based on a historical-comparative methodology focused on case-law viewed as the paradigm of the true living law. Today, the new frontier is in the information age and in thinking law as information.
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  44. History, casuistry and custom in the legal thought of Francisco Suárez : an Introduction.Dominique Bauer - 2021 - In Dominique Bauer & Randall Lesaffer, History, casuistry and custom in the legal thought of Francisco Suárez (1548-1617): collected studies. Boston: Brill Nijhoff.
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    The History and Foundations of Criticism of H.L.A. Hart’s Legal Positivism in R. Dworkin’s Philosophy of Law.Sofya V. Koval - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (7):124-142.
    The paper discusses the Anglo-American philosophy of law of the 20th century, more specifically the philosophy of law of Ronald Myles Dworkin and his criticism of the legal positivism of Herbert Lionel Adolphus Hart. The author presents the history of the criticism of legal positivism in Ronald Dworkin’s philosophy of law and distinguishes historical stages. The subject of the study is the critique of legal positivism but not the Hart-Dworkin debate itself, well known in Western philosophy (...)
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    What is comparative legal history? Legal historiography and the revolt against formalism, 1930–60.Adolfo Giuliani - 2019 - In Comparative legal history. pp. 30-77.
    What is comparative legal history? This essay argues that to understand this new field of legal-historical studies, we need first to clarify how legal historiography has changed over time. To this purpose, this essay begins from two main ideas. -/- First, the writing of legal history is deeply intertwined with an image of law that tells us what law is, how it is created and by whom. This is, in fact, the premise for writing (...)
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    Human Rights and Legal History: Essays in Honour of Brian Simpson.Katherine O'Donovan & Gerry R. Rubin (eds.) - 2000 - Oxford University Press UK.
    A collection of essays with themes in human rights and legal history, spanning several centuries, containing a tribute to one of the most remarkable jurists of our time. Linked by an historical and contextual approach, these essays add to knowledge of legal history and human rights and provide a reference point for future research.
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    Major trends in the history of legal philosophy.H. J. Van Eikema Hommes - 1979 - New York: distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier North-Holland.
  49. Natural law, contingency and history in the legal thought of Francisco Suárez.Dominique Bauer - 2022 - In Hans Willem Blom, Sacred Polities, Natural Law and the Law of Nations in the 16th-17th Centuries. Boston: BRILL.
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    Towards a Truly Common Law: Europe as a Laboratory for Legal Pluralism.Mireille Delmas-Marty - 2007 - Cambridge University Press.
    As we move towards a more global legal community, often with accompanying injustice and violence, Mireille Delmas-Marty demonstrates an urgent need to reconstruct the national and international legal landscapes. She argues that legal reasoning can be applied to concepts such as human rights for European citizens in the new world order. The book will be of interest to all comparative European lawyers, and to social scientists and legal theorists grappling with contemporary issues in legal pluralism (...)
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