Results for 'Laxer Cary'

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  1.  28
    John Christian Laursen, Cary J. Nederman Beyond Persecuting Society. Religious Toleration before the Enlightenment.John Christian Laursen & Cary J. Nederman - 1999 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 2 (1):63-65.
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  2. What is Posthumanism?Cary Wolfe - 2009 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    In What Is Posthumanism? he carefully distinguishes posthumanism from transhumanism (the biotechnological enhancement of human beings) and narrow definitions of the posthuman as the hoped-for transcendence of materiality.
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    Attachment strategies across sex, ontogeny, and relationship type.Cari D. Goetz, Carin Perilloux & David M. Buss - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (1):28-29.
    We propose that middle childhood female ambivalent attachment, given the adaptive problem of uncertainty of future investment, is designed to evoke immediate investment from current caregivers, rather than new investment sources. We suggest greater specificity of strategic attachment solutions to adaptive problems that differ by sex, time, and relationship type.
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    Sexualität und Judentum.Caris-Petra Heidel (ed.) - 2018 - Frankfurt am Main: Mabuse-Verlag.
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    Animal Rites: American Culture, the Discourse of Species, and Posthumanist Theory.Cary Wolfe & W. J. T. Mitchell - 2003 - University of Chicago Press.
    In Animal Rites, Cary Wolfe examines contemporary notions of humanism and ethics by reconstructing a little known but crucial underground tradition of theorizing the animal from Wittgenstein, Cavell, and Lyotard to Lévinas, Derrida, ...
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    Evolutionary Mismatch in Mating.Cari D. Goetz, Elizabeth G. Pillsworth, David M. Buss & Daniel Conroy-Beam - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  7.  43
    (1 other version)Before the law: humans and other animals in a biopolitical frame.Cary Wolfe - 2013 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Bringing these two emergent areas of thought into direct conversation in Before the Law, Cary Wolfe fosters a new discussion about the status of nonhuman animals and the shared plight of humans and animals under biopolitics.
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    Augustine's Invention of the Inner Self: The Legacy of a Christian Platonist.Phillip Cary - 2000 - Oup Usa.
    Phillip Cary argues that Augustine invented or created the concept of self as an inner space--as space into which one can enter and in which one can find God. This concept of inwardness, says Cary, has worked its way deeply into the intellectual heritage of the West and many Western individuals have experienced themselves as inner selves. After surveying the idea of inwardness in Augustine's predecessors, Cary offers a re-examination of Augustine's own writings, making the controversial point (...)
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    Crossing Borders: Love between Women in Medieval French and Arabic Literatures (review).Cary Howie - 2009 - Intertexts 13 (1):156-159.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Crossing Borders: Love between Women in Medieval French and Arabic LiteraturesCary Howie (bio)Sahar Amer, Crossing Borders: Love between Women in Medieval French and Arabic Literatures. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 2008, xii + 254 pp.Sahar Amer’s Crossing Borders adds to the expanding bibliography on medieval sexualities by showing the resonances between certain female same-sex relationships in medieval French literature and analogous, though generally more explicit, relationships between women (...)
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    Between republic and monarchy? Liberty, security, and the kingdom of France in Machiavelli.Cary J. Nederman & Tatiana V. Gomez - 2002 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 26 (1):82–93.
  11. Scripture Comments.Cary G. Speaker & D. Min - forthcoming - Ethics.
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  12.  82
    Implications of Liberal Neutrality for Environmental Policy.Cary Coglianese - 1998 - Environmental Ethics 20 (1):41-59.
    The principle of liberal neutrality requires governments to avoid acting to promote particular conceptions of the good life. Yet by determining who uses natural resources and how, environmental policy makers can affect the availability of resources needed by individuals to carry on meaningful lives and in doing so can effectively privilege some versions of the good life at the expense of others. A commitment to liberal neutrality by implication promotes environmental policy that accommodates competing activities in order to provide a (...)
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    Book Review: Carys Moseley, Nationhood, Providence, and Witness: Israel in Protestant Theology and Social Theory. [REVIEW]Carys Moseley & Jeremy Worthen - 2015 - Studies in Christian Ethics 28 (2):245-247.
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    Embracing the Learning Turn: The ecological context of learning.Cary Campbell - 2022 - Biosemiotics 15 (3):469-481.
    My aim in this commentary article is to observe and comment on some of the main conceptual and methodological continuities and discontinuities between recent biosemiotics-informed learning theory and the model of Unlimited Associative Learning (UAL) that Jablonka and Ginsburg ( 2022 ) present in this Target Article. UAL as a model, presents important synthesis and clarity around the ecological context and evolutionary dynamics underlying learning, with a wide range of implications. Still, there are conceptual “grey areas” that the authors themselves (...)
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    Chapter Five: The Constitutionalization of Individual Rights in Canada: A Case Study in the 'Dynamic' of Legal Rationalization.Cary Boucock - 2000 - In In the Grip of Freedom: Law and Modernity in Max Weber. University of Toronto Press. pp. 131-155.
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    Index.Cary Boucock - 2000 - In In the Grip of Freedom: Law and Modernity in Max Weber. University of Toronto Press. pp. 225-230.
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  17. Style matters : on pattern analysis in the study of regulation.Cary Coglianese - 2018 - In Thomas Frederick Burke & Jeb Barnes, Varieties of legal order: the politics of adversarial and bureaucratic legalism. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  18. Critical copyright law and the politics of "IP".Carys J. Craig - 2019 - In Emilios Christodoulidis, Ruth Dukes & Marco Goldoni, Research handbook on critical legal theory. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
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    Waiting for Criticism.Cary Howie - 2008 - Diacritics 38 (4):43-58.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Waiting for CriticismCary Howie (bio)1Critical AttentionIf it is often the case that so much of what we do, as writers in a certain idiom and profession, is to wait for criticism—in the form of peer reviews, book reviews, tenure reviews, and so many other kinds of review that one would not be wrong to characterize the profession as constitutively myopic, incapable of seeing anything without looking at it again—there (...)
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  20.  10
    Hope and Christian Ethics. By David Elliot.Cari Myers - 2020 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 40 (1):189-190.
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  21.  5
    Joseph Torchia, OP, Plotinus and Augustine on the Mid-Rank of the Soul: Navigating Two Worlds.Phillip Cary - 2024 - Augustinian Studies 55 (2):275-278.
  22.  4
    Tyranny, Despotism, and Consent in Marsiglio of Padua’s Defensor pacis.Cary J. Nederman - forthcoming - The European Legacy:1-18.
    Within the political lexicon of the European Middle Ages, tyranny (along with related terms such as tyrant and tyrannical) constituted one of its most ubiquitous and flexibly applied discursive fields. Moreover, once Aristotle’s Ethics and Politics began to circulate in the West after their translation into Latin in the mid-1200s, a closely related term for tyranny emerged: despotism. Yet when we turn to Marsiglio of Padua, the fourteenth-century political theorist who is often regarded to be the quintessential medieval exponent of (...)
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  23.  82
    ’Animal Studies‘, Disziplinarität und die (Post-)Humanities.Cary Wolfe - 2013 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 4 (1):149-169.
    The paper by Cary Wolfe is an abridged translation of the chapter »Animal Studies«, Disciplinarity, and the (Post)Humanities from the monograph (Minnesota 2009). Wolfe discusses the relation between (trans-)disciplinarity and posthumanism with reference to concepts by Derrida, Foucault and Luhmann, allowing to consider a form of social communication in which human subjects still may participate, but no longer are their sovereign initiators.
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    Impaired Communication Between the Dorsal and Ventral Stream: Indications from Apraxia.Carys Evans, Martin G. Edwards, Lawrence J. Taylor & Magdalena Ietswaart - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:167852.
    Patients with apraxia perform poorly when demonstrating how an object is used, particularly when pantomiming the action. However, these patients are able to accurately identify, and to pick up and move objects, demonstrating intact ventral and dorsal stream visuomotor processing. Appropriate object manipulation for skilled use is thought to rely on integration of known and visible object properties associated with ‘ventro-dorsal’ stream neural processes. In apraxia, it has been suggested that stored object knowledge from the ventral stream may be less (...)
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  25.  10
    Constructing Kinds of Persons in 1886: Corporate and Criminal.Cary Federman - 2003 - Law and Critique 14 (2):167-189.
    This essay is about the United States Supreme Court's discursive creation of two kinds of persons, one corporate the other criminal, during its 1886 term. The aim is to contrast the Supreme Court's construction of corporate personhood in County of Santa Clara v. Southern Pacific Railroad with its view of the criminal's body in Ex parte Royall, a habeas corpus case. The Court's purpose in deciding these two cases was to design a way to disperse newly emergent and conflicting interests (...)
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  26.  35
    A Euboean Colony in Corcyra?M. Cary - 1926 - The Classical Review 40 (05):148-149.
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    Jonah.Phillip Cary - 2008 - Grand Rapids, MI, USA: Brazos.
    A theological exegesis of the book of Jonah.
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    Technological neutrality: recalibrating copyright in the information age.Carys J. Craig - 2016 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 17 (2):601-632.
    This Article aims to draw the connection between how we conceptualize legal rights over information resources and our capacity to develop technologically neutral legal norms in the information age. More specifically, it identifies and critically examines three competing approaches to the idea of technological neutrality apparent in copyright jurisprudence. Ultimately, it is argued that true technological neutrality requires not simply the seamless expansion of legal rights into new technological contexts, but the careful, contextual recalibration of rights and interests in light (...)
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    „ erster Linie nur um das Wohl und Wehe der Zahnärzte“ – „Reichszahnärzteführer“ Ernst Stuck.Caris-Petra Heidel - 2007 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 15 (3):198-219.
    From the very beginning German dentists and their scientific and professional organizations were involved in the disastrous developments following the Nazi assumption of power of 1933. After purging and both organisational and ideological streamlining which had been comparatively rapidly accomplished in 1933/34 a development started which was characterized by extreme professional confrontation and lust for power in close entanglement with Nazi health policy objectives and deformation of scientific dentistry. A decisive role was assigned to the Reichszahnärzteführer Ernst Stuck (1893-1974) who (...)
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  30. La realtà dell'anima, trad. it. di Paolo Santarcangeli, Roma.CarI Gustav Jung - forthcoming - Astrolabio.
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    Ethics in College Sexual Assault Research.Cari B. Rosoff - 2018 - Ethics and Behavior 28 (2):91-103.
    The persistently high rates of sexual assault on college campuses have led to an increasing demand for a solution to the problem. In response, research in the field is growing rapidly. With any expanding field, proper focus needs to be given to ethical dilemmas that may arise when studying a sensitive topic. College students who have experienced a sexual assault are a highly vulnerable population. As the current literature is limited, this article considers the ethical implications of conducting research with (...)
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  32.  34
    Echographies from my life in the bush of ghosts.Cary Wolfe - 2008 - Angelaki 13 (1):85 – 94.
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    Neither Beast nor Sovereign.Cary Wolfe - 2019 - Environmental Philosophy 16 (1):201-221.
    This essay combines deconstruction (chiefly the later work of Jacques Derrida) and systems theory (both social and biological systems theory) to rethink the question of ecological poetics in the work of Wallace Stevens, and in particular some of his most important poems that focus on birds and bird song. Ecocriticism has typically approached literature in general and poetry in particular in terms of its representation of nature. This essay argues for a non-representationalist ecopoetics that derives from replacing the concept of (...)
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    Soliciting Self-Knowledge: The Rhetoric of Susan Sontag's Criticism.Cary Nelson - 1980 - Critical Inquiry 6 (4):707-726.
    Sontag is certainly attracted to the aesthetic she describes but not so wholeheartedly as many readers have assumed.1 One of the ironies of her career has been her reputation as an enthusiast for works toward which she actually expresses considerable ambivalence. Many of her essays include overt advocacy, but it is rarely uncomplicated or uncompromised.2 Despite her reputation for partisanship, she more typically begins her essays by recounting an experience of alienation, annoyance, uncertainty, or shock. For example, she describes the (...)
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  35. Unraveling students' misconceptions about the earth's shape and gravity.Cary I. Sneider & Mark M. Ohadi - 1998 - Science Education 82 (2):265-284.
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    Quibus Patet Curia: Livy 23.23.6 and the Mid- Republican Aristocracy of Office.Cary Barber - 2020 - História 69 (3):332.
    Mid-Republican censors were bound by few formal restrictions in their lectiones of the Senate. So holds the scholarly communis opinio, at any rate, based primarily on Carolus Sigonius' emendation of Livy 23.23.6. This article shows Sigonius' emendation to be fatally flawed, however, and popular election to be a legal requirement for senatorial enrollment – and not just a social desideratum. This prerequisite is shown to originate in the fourth-century lex Ovinia, with ramifications for models of aristocratic rule at Rome, mid-Republican (...)
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    Acknowledgments.Cary Boucock - 2000 - In In the Grip of Freedom: Law and Modernity in Max Weber. University of Toronto Press.
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    Abbreviations.Cary Boucock - 2000 - In In the Grip of Freedom: Law and Modernity in Max Weber. University of Toronto Press.
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    Chapter Six: The Limits of Formal Legal Rationality: An Interpretation of Weber's Theory of Modern Politics.Cary Boucock - 2000 - In In the Grip of Freedom: Law and Modernity in Max Weber. University of Toronto Press. pp. 156-181.
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    Chapter Three: The Developmental History of Modern Law.Cary Boucock - 2000 - In In the Grip of Freedom: Law and Modernity in Max Weber. University of Toronto Press. pp. 81-105.
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    Asinvs Germanvs.M. Cary - 1923 - Classical Quarterly 17 (2):103-107.
    It is a familiar story that on April 5, 56 B.C., Cicero made a motion in the Senate concerning Caesar's Campanian land law, and that this action of his was one of the reasons for the conference of Luca. Query: What were the terms of the motion?
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    Between structure and agency: assassination, social forces, and the production of the criminal subject.Cary Federman - 2011 - History of the Human Sciences 24 (5):73-88.
    Assassins are often regarded as ahistorical figures of evil. In this article, I contest this view by analysing the assassination of President William McKinley by Leon Czolgosz in 1901. There are two purposes to this article. The first is to situate McKinley’s assassination within the history and development of the social sciences, principally sociology, rather than assume that the assassin is a trans-historical representation of willful irresponsibility. The second is to describe and critique the discourse that made Czolgosz into a (...)
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  43.  21
    Oath betrayed: torture, medical complicity, and the war on terror.Cary Federman - 2007 - Nursing Inquiry 14 (1):95-95.
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  44.  28
    Never again would birds’ song be the same, or, ecopoetics when “there is no world”.Cary Wolfe - 2018 - Angelaki 23 (6):66-77.
    This essay rethinks the meaning of ecopoetics by exploring poems about birds’ song – one of the most canonical themes in all of poetry – and how their poetics may be understood in relation to our growing ornithological knowledge about birds and how, why, and what they sing. While ecocriticism has traditionally thought such questions in terms of the experience – and the representation of the experience – of an auditor who, in her rapt attention, establishes the well-known bird/bard matrix (...)
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  45.  57
    Old orders for new: ecology, animal rights, and the poverty of humanism.Cary Wolfe - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (2):21-40.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Old Orders for New Ecology, Animal Rights, and the Poverty of HumanismCary Wolfe (bio)Luc Ferry. The New Ecological Order. Trans. Carol Volk. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1995.1Early on in The New Ecological Order, the French philosopher Luc Ferry characterizes the allure and danger of ecology in the postmodern moment. What separates it from various other issues in the intellectual and political field, he writes, is thatit can call (...)
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    “Do you feel held?”: gender, community, and affective design in midsommar.Cary Elza - 2023 - Journal for Cultural Research 27 (3):272-285.
    Ari Aster’s 2019 folk horror film Midsommar, which enjoyed both critical and popular success, features a bright colour palette and an eerily playful tone alongside a dark narrative exploring complexities of grief, depression, and bad relationships. The remote Swedish community to which protagonist Dani, her boyfriend, and his friends travel for a mid-summer festival is designed around beautiful objects, collective experiences, and rituals that foreground communal emotions, all of which contrast the technologically mediated communications foregrounded at the film’s outset. In (...)
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  47. Right‐wing postmodernism and the rationality of traditions.Phillip Cary - 2017 - Zygon 52 (3):807-821.
    Modern thought typically opposes the authority of tradition in the name of universal reason. Postmodernism begins with the insight that the sociohistorical context of tradition and its authority is inevitable, even in modernity. Modernity can no longer take itself for granted when it recognizes itself as a tradition that is opposed to traditions. The left-wing postmodernist response to this insight is to conclude that because tradition is inevitable, irrationality is inevitable. The right-wing postmodernist response is to see traditions as the (...)
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  48. Building a Culture of Faith: University-Wide Partnerships for Spiritual Formation.Cary Balzer & Rod Reed - 2012
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    Chapter Four: The 'Dynamic' of Legal Rationalization: An Interpretation of Recent Trends in Legal Development.Cary Boucock - 2000 - In In the Grip of Freedom: Law and Modernity in Max Weber. University of Toronto Press. pp. 106-130.
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    Chapter One. The 'Specific and Peculiar Rationalism of Western Culture'.Cary Boucock - 2000 - In In the Grip of Freedom: Law and Modernity in Max Weber. University of Toronto Press. pp. 19-40.
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