Results for 'Lawfare. '

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  1.  14
    Lawfare: aspectos conceituais e desdobramentos da guerra jurídica no Brasil e na América Latina.Silvina María Romano, Larissa Ramina, Lucas Silva de Souza, Carol Proner & Danielle Cevallos Soares (eds.) - 2022 - Curitiba: Editora Íthala.
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    Lawfare: Law as a Weapon of War, Orde F. Kittrie , 504 pp., $29.95 cloth.Claire Finkelstein - 2017 - Ethics and International Affairs 31 (3):383-385.
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    Memoirs of the Plague: Lawfare.Oscar Guardiola-Rivera - 2021 - Law and Critique 32 (2):139-146.
    This is an entry into a collective journal of the twenty-first century years of plague. It introduces the notion of ‘lawfare’ by way of the contemporary case concerning Lula da Silva and Brazil’s fall from grace. The latter is presented as an instance of violence in the international context, the managerial attitude to global disasters and, indeed, a plague. It chronicles the social struggles around the case and on that basis builds a somewhat playful manifesto for a new relationship between (...)
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  4. Climate Change Lawfare.Siri Gloppen & Asuncion Lera St Clair - 2012 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 79 (4):899-930.
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    El poder judicial frente al problema de la única respuesta correcta.Milagros Otero Parga - 2025 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 59.
    Los ciudadanos necesitan seguridad y certeza en sus relaciones sociales, y los poderes del Estado deben proporcionárselas. Sin embargo, hoy en día no es así. El principio de separación de poderes amenaza con quiebra. El poder del Estado se debilita y los ciudadanos ya no confían ni en la independencia, ni en la transparencia de sus actuaciones. En esta situación, el poder judicial se muestra como el último reducto de confianza para los ciudadanos. Sin embargo, su actuación también plantea problemas. (...)
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    Environmental Just Wars: Jus ad Bellum and the Natural Environment.Tamar Meisels - forthcoming - Journal of Applied Philosophy.
    War is bad for the environment, yet the environmental ramifications of warfare have not been widely addressed by just war theorists and revisionist philosophers of war. The law and legal scholars have paid more attention to protecting nature during armed conflict. But because the law focuses invariably on rules mitigating the conduct of hostilities rather than on objective justice of cause, environmental jus ad bellum has been explored even less extensively than environmental ethics in war. Setting out with the presumption (...)
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  7.  29
    Soft War: The Ethics of Unarmed Conflict.Michael L. Gross & Tamar Meisels - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    Just war theory focuses primarily on bodily harm, such as killing, maiming, and torture, while other harms are often largely overlooked. At the same time, contemporary international conflicts increasingly involve the use of unarmed tactics, employing 'softer' alternatives or supplements to kinetic power that have not been sufficiently addressed by the ethics of war or international law. Soft war tactics include cyber-warfare and economic sanctions, media warfare, and propaganda, as well as non-violent resistance as it plays out in civil disobedience, (...)
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  8.  6
    Ideas in conflict: international law and the global war on terror.Eric Engle - 2013 - The Hague, The Netherlands: Eleven International Publishing.
    Contemporary international law. Methodology -- The origin of sovereignty in Roman and medieval law -- The transformation of sovereignty and international law in late modernity -- The transformation of international law by human rights -- The UN convention system and US foreign policy -- IR realism and the positivity of international law -- Containment and disengagement -- Assassination and international law -- Humanitarian intervention and international law -- Lawfare, Wikileaks, and the rule of law.
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    The power of legality: practices of international law and their politics.Nikolas Rajkovic, Tanja E. Aalberts & Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen (eds.) - 2016 - Cambridge, United Kingdom : New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Legality, interdisciplinarity and the study of practice -- Re-thinkinking interdisciplinarity by re-reading hume -- Tainted love : the struggle over legality in international relations and international law -- The power of legality, legitimacy and the (im)possibility of interdisciplinary research -- Moving while standing still : law, politics and hard cases -- International law, Kelsen and the aberrant revolution : excavating the politics and practices of revolutionary legality in Rhodesia and beyond -- Juris dicere : custom as a matrix, custom as (...)
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  10.  54
    ¿Debería un delincuente convicto ser el próximo presidente de los Estados Unidos? Los ciudadanos estadounidenses confrontan un posible dilema ineludible.Vicente Medina - 2024 - Https://Americanuestra.Com.
    Ya sea que uno favorezca o se oponga al expresidente Trump, es evidente que, contrario a lo que él ha argumentado, este juicio demostró que ningún ciudadano de los EE. UU. está por encima de la ley. Según el expresidente y sus simpatizantes, el sistema legal estadounidense está «amañado». Alegan que el presidente Biden y el liderazgo del partido demócrata han librado “una guerra legal” (lawfare) es decir, convertir la ley en un arma para obtener una ventaja política sobre el (...)
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  11. Nonviolent Protesters and Provocations to Violence.Shawn Kaplan - 2022 - Washington University Review of Philosophy 2:170-187.
    In this paper, I examine the ethics of nonviolent protest when a violent response is either foreseen or intended. One central concern is whether protesters, who foresee a violent response but persist, are provoking the violence and whether they are culpable for any eventual harms. A second concern is whether it is permissible to publicize the violent response for political advantage. I begin by distinguishing between two senses of the term provoke: a normative sense where a provocateur knowingly imposes an (...)
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