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Laura Ackerman Smoller [5]Laura Smoller [3]Laura A. Smoller [1]
  1.  35
    Astrology and the Sibyls: John of Legnano's De adventu Christi and the Natural Theology of the Later Middle Ages.Laura Ackerman Smoller - 2007 - Science in Context 20 (3):423-450.
    ArgumentMedieval authors adopted a range of postures when writing about the role of reason in matters of faith. At one extreme, the phrase “natural theology” was used, largely pejoratively, to connote something clearly inferior to revealed theology. At the other end, there was also a long tradition of what one might term “the impulse to natural theology,” manifested perhaps most notably in the embrace of Nature by certain twelfth-century authors associated with the school of Chartres. Only in the fifteenth century (...)
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    A Newly Identified Copy of a Prognostication by John of Legnano.Laura Ackerman Smoller - 2017 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 80 (1):221-230.
    At some time between 1375 and 1378 the Bologna jurist John of Legnano composed a judgement on the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in October 1365. One of a number of contemporary authors offering...
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    Miracle, Memory, and Meaning in the Canonization of Vincent Ferrer, 1453–1454.Laura A. Smoller - 1998 - Speculum 73 (2):429-454.
    These two quotations encapsulate stories told on the same day, within hours of one another, to commissioners at an inquest into the sanctity of the itinerant Dominican preacher Vincent Ferrer . Both Katherina Guernezve and Oliverius Bourric had come before the commission in order to testify to Vincent Ferrer's miraculous resurrection of Johannes Guerre, an archer employed by the duke of Brittany. Both told how Guerre had been wounded in a fight with a fellow archer, how he had been tended (...)
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    Teste Albumasare cum Sibylla: astrology and the Sibyls in medieval Europe.Laura Ackerman Smoller - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 41 (2):76-89.
    In the 1480s Dominican humanist Filippo de’ Barbieri published an illustration of a supposedly ancient female seer called the ‘Sybilla Chimica’, whose prophetic text repeated the words of the ninth-century astrologer Abu Ma‘shar. In tracing the origins of Barbieri’s astrological Sibyl, this article examines three sometimes interlocking traditions: the attribution of an ante-diluvian history to the science of the stars, the assertion of astrology’s origins in divine revelation, and the belief in the ancient Sibyls’ predictions of the birth of Christ (...)
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    Carlos Steel; Steven Vanden Broecke; David Juste; Shlomo Sela (Editors). The Astrological Autobiography of a Medieval Philosopher: Henry Bate’s Nativitas (1280–81).(Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, Ser. 1, 17.) xiii + 290 pp., notes, bibl., apps., index. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2018. €85 (cloth). E-book available. [REVIEW]Laura Ackerman Smoller - 2020 - Isis 111 (3):662-663.