Results for 'Latinx theology'

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  1. Atando Cabos: Latinx Contributions to Theological Education.[author unknown] - 2021
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    Decolonial Christianities: Latinx and Latin American Perspectives.Raimundo Barreto & Roberto Sirvent (eds.) - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    What does it mean to theorize Christianity in light of the decolonial turn? This volume invites distinguished Latinx and Latin American scholars to a conversation that engages the rich theoretical contributions of the decolonial turn, while relocating Indigenous, Afro-Latin American, Latinx, and other often marginalized practices and hermeneutical perspectives to the center-stage of religious discourse in the Americas. Keeping in mind that all religions—Christianity included—are cultured, and avoiding the abstract references to Christianity common to the modern Eurocentric hegemonic (...)
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  3. Metaphilosophy: Defining Latin American and Latinx Philosophy,.Lori Gallegos de Castillo & Francisco Gallegos - 2019 - In Sanchez Eli (ed.), Introduction to Latin American and Latinx Philosophy.
    Some of the central questions that have been explored by Latin American and Latinx philosophers are questions of metaphilosophy. "Metaphilosophy" refers to philosophical reflections on the nature of philosophy itself. For example, we might ask: What is the purpose of doing philosophy? How does philosophy compare and contrast with other disciplines, such as science, theology, or literature? And what is the best way of categorizing the different kinds and traditions of philosophy? These are philosophical questions about philosophy as (...)
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    Introduction to Focus Issue on Laudato Si'.Willis Jenkins - 2018 - Journal of Religious Ethics 46 (3):404-409.
    The encyclical Laudato si’ can be read as a religious ethic in several different ways. Contributors to this focus issue read it as magisterial teaching, as environmental thought, as Global South criticism, as Latinx theology, and as philosophy of religion. Foregrounding South American and Latinx receptions, the cumulative argument of this focus issue is that LS represents a cultural event that invites interpretations from contexts and disciplines beyond North Atlantic theological ethics.
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    Liberation Pneumatology: On the Unfettered Work of the Holy Spirit in the World.Gloria L. Schaab - 2023 - Heythrop Journal 64 (3):383-397.
    Despite the frequent refrain concerning the paucity of attention paid to pneumatology in the theological discipline, a review of literature over the past fifty years reveals that pneumatology is an idea whose time has come. However, while writings on the Holy Spirit are manifold, systematically developed pneumatologies are not. In response to this reality, this essay explores four contextually constructed pneumatologies based in communities experiencing marginalisation, oppression, and exclusion: Latin American, womanist, Latinx, and black. These pneumatologies not only represent (...)
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  6. What the Emerging Protestant Theology was about. The Reformation Concept of Theological Studies as Enunciated by Philip Melanchthon in his Prolegomena to All Latin and German Versions of Loci.Seminary Matthew OsekaConcordia Theological & Scholar Hong Kongemailother Articles by This Author:De Gruyter Onlinegoogle - 2017 - Perichoresis 15 (3).
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    A perspective on natural theology from continental philosophy.Avoidance of Natural Theology - 2013 - In J. H. Brooke, F. Watts & R. R. Manning (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Natural Theology. Oxford Up.
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    Postmodernism and natural theology.of Natural Theology - 2013 - In J. H. Brooke, F. Watts & R. R. Manning (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Natural Theology. Oxford Up.
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  9. Moral Faith, and Religion.".Rational Theology - 1992 - In Paul Guyer (ed.), The Cambridge companion to Kant. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 394--416.
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  10. Explaining design.Natural Theology - 2004 - In Christopher Stephens & Mohan Matthen (eds.), Elsevier Handbook in Philosophy of Biology. Elsevier. pp. 144--83.
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  11. the Scientific Revolution in the 17th Century.Theology Scepticism - 1968 - In Imre Lakatos & Alan Musgrave (eds.), Problems in the philosophy of science. Amsterdam,: North-Holland Pub. Co.. pp. 1--39.
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    Reditus into self-inflicted immaturity: Agamben’s perversions.Agata Bielik-Robson Theology - 2024 - Journal for Cultural Research 28 (3):234-250.
    In my essay, I offer an interpretation of Giorgio Agamben’s political thought as a case of philosophical perversion. According to Lacan, perverse practice is based on a structural non-personal enjoyment, in which a pervert assumes the role of an executioner, meticulously executing his task. My analysis will focus on Agamben’s perverse use of the messianic discourse, the aim of which is to explode it from within: while applying all elements of the messianic idiom, Agamben assumes a mission the goal of (...)
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  13. Myth and Incarnation,'.Negative Theology - 1981 - In Dominic J. O'Meara (ed.), Neoplatonism and Christian thought. Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press [distributor]. pp. 213.
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  14. Decolonizing Feminist Theory: Latina Contributions to the Debate.Linda Martín Alcoff - 2020 - In Andrea J. Pitts, Mariana Ortega & José Medina (eds.), Theories of the Flesh: Latinx and Latin American Feminisms, Transformation, and Resistance. Oxford University Press. pp. 11-28.
    This chapter suggests an approach to decolonial feminism drawing from Latina feminist theory and practice. Rejecting an imperial feminism involves something else besides “going local”: it requires a genuine reorientation of feminist theory toward the everyday. This chapter considers how this affects the central debates about gender identities and gender liberation. How might we approach gender questions in the context of learning from, rather than teaching, lo cotidiano of the impoverished? This would counter the popular accounts of identity formation that (...)
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  15. 3 Better Than Normal?Relational Theological Ethic - 2011 - In S. Jim Parry, Mark Nesti & Nick Watson (eds.), Theology, ethics and transcendence in sports. New York: Routledge.
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  16. by Leon P. Turner.Self-Multiplicity in Theology'S. Dialogue - forthcoming - Zygon.
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    The transforming presence of mystery: a perspective of spiritual theology.R. Zas Friz de - 2019 - Bristol, CT: Peeters.
    Spiritual Theology's journey through these last decades shows an itinerary of development, the fruit of which is an ever more solid identity. This book seeks to present a perspective in that itinerary and in tune with the signs of our times: on one hand, militant secularism and, on the other, a widespread, concrete resurgence of experiences of transcendence. In this sense, the author is presenting a path of study organized around five concepts: presence, mystery, transcendence, lived experience, and transformation. (...)
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  18. Diversity, complementarity and synergy: The reception of ecological theology in China.Haoran Zhang - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):9.
    This article explores ecological theology in mainland China from 1990 to 2024 through the lens of Stephen B. Bevans’ contextual theology. By analysing its reception, it becomes clear that a distinctly contextualised ecological theology has not yet emerged in China. Considering this gap, the article examines potential directions for Chinese ecological theology across four dimensions of contextual theology. The academic and religious communities should focus on diversified yet overlapping approaches to develop Chinese ecological theology (...)
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  19. Creaturely Theology: On God, Humans, and Other Animals.Celia Deane-Drummond & David Clough - 2010 - Ars Disputandi 10.
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    Nick Trakakis The End of Philosophy of Religion.(London: Continuum, 2009). Pp. vii+ 173.£ 60.00 (Hbk). ISBN 9781847065346. [REVIEW]Princeton Theological Seminary - 2010 - Religious Studies 46 (3).
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  21. Human Rights and the Image of God.International Theological Commission - unknown
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  22. (1 other version)Theology in the Age of Scientific Reasoning.Nancey Murphy - 1991 - Religious Studies 27 (2):270-272.
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    Can Theology Have a Role in “Public” Bioethical Discourse?Lisa Sowle Cahill - 1990 - Hastings Center Report 20 (4):10-14.
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    Overcoming onto-theology: toward a postmodern Christian faith.Merold Westphal - 2001 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Overcoming Onto-theology is a stunning collection of essays by Merold Westphal, one of America’s leading continental philosophers of religion, in which Westphal carefully explores the nature and the structure of a postmodern Christian philosophy. Written with characteristic clarity and charm, Westphal offers masterful studies of Heidegger’s early lectures on Paul and Augustine, the idea of hermeneutics, Schleiermacher, Hegel, Derrida, and Nietzsche, all in the service of building his argument that postmodern thinking offers an indispensable tool for rethinking Christian faith. (...)
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    (1 other version)The philosophical theology of John Duns Scotus.Allan Bernard Wolter - 1990 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Edited by Marilyn McCord Adams.
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    Theology and the Knowledge of Persons.Eleonore Stump - 2021 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 69 (3):9-27.
    The aim of the paper is to discern between philosophy and theology. A philosopher is looking after impersonal wisdom, a theologian searches for a personal God. This differentiation is fundamental because knowledge of persons differs from knowledge that. The author shows how taking into account the fact that theology is based on the second-person knowledge changes the way one should approach the hiddenness argument.
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  27. Critical Reflections on Theology’s Handmaid.H. Tristram Engelhardt - 2006 - Philosophy and Theology 18 (1):53-75.
    Orthodox Christian theology gives philosophy the same role it played in the Church of the first half-millennium. This article distinguishes among nine senses of philosophy and four senses of theology in order to highlight the characteristic features of Orthodox Christian theology’s use of philosophy and philosophical reasoning. It shows why, given the metaphysics and epistemology of Orthodox Christian theology (e.g., God is recognized as fully transcendent, such thatthere is no analogia entis between created and Uncreated Being, (...)
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    Radical Political Theology: Religion and Politics After Liberalism.Clayton Crockett - 2011 - Columbia University Press.
    In the 1960s, the strict opposition between the religious and the secular began to break down, blurring the distinction between political philosophy and political theology. This collapse contributed to the decline of modern liberalism, which supported a neutral, value-free space for capitalism. It also deeply unsettled political, religious, and philosophical realms, forced to confront the conceptual stakes of a return to religion. Gamely intervening in a contest that defies simple resolutions, Clayton Crockett conceives of the postmodern convergence of the (...)
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    Cumhuriyet Theology Journal New Issue: Volume 25 Issue 1.Sema Yilmaz - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (1):1-4.
    Welcome to the 25th volume 1st issue of Cumhuriyet Theology Journal. With this issue, we are excited and happy to be 25 years old. Cumhuriyet Theology Journal has gained a rapid momentum with its format and publishing principles, and managed to attract the attention of the world of science. With the Isnad Citation System developed within the Cumhuriyet Theology Journal and the work-shops held in 2018 and 2019, a number of decisions were taken to increase the publication (...)
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    Theology of Culture.B. G. Mitchell - 1962 - Philosophical Quarterly 12 (48):286-286.
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    Religion and Rational Theology.Allen W. Wood & George di Giovanni (eds.) - 2001 - Cambridge University Press.
    This volume collects for the first time in a single volume all of Kant's writings on religion and rational theology. These works were written during a period of conflict between Kant and the Prussian authorities over his religious teachings. His final statement of religion was made after the death of King Frederick William II in 1797. The historical context and progression of this conflict are charted in the general introduction to the volume and in the translators' introductions to particular (...)
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  32. Theology of the Kingdom of God.Wolfhart Pannenberg - 1969
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  33. (2 other versions) Systematic Theology, Vol. I.Paul Tillich - 1951
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  34. Cognitive Theology and Emotive Mysteries in Berkeley's Alciphron.David Berman - 1981 - Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 81:219-229.
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    Hegel & Christian Theology: A Reading of the Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion.Peter C. Hodgson - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    Peter C. Hodgson engages the speculative reconstruction of Christian theology that is accomplished by Hegel's Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion, and provides a close reading of the critical edition of the lectures. He analyses Hegel's concept of the object and purpose of the philosophy of religion, his critique of the theology of his time, his approach to Christianity within the framework of the concept of religion, his concept of God, his reconstruction of central Christian themes, and his (...)
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    On Augustine’s theology of hope: From the perspective of creation.Chen Yuehua - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):5.
    Augustine was a representative of the theology of hope in the patristic age. He saw hope as the grasp of eschatological eternal happy life for human in this world. Together, the three virtues of faith, hope and love constitute the three interdependent faculties of the soul to know God. Hope, which comes from the grace of God given through Christ, is the knowledge of eternity, not of a future in time, and it helps one to resist the temptation of (...)
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  37. Theology and tense.Roderick M. Chisholm & Dean W. Zimmerman - 1997 - Noûs 31 (2):262-265.
  38. Department of Foreign Literature and Linguistics Ben Gurion University of the Negev PO Box 653 Be'er Sheva 84 105 Israel. [REVIEW]Edna Aphek, Jewish Theological Seminary & Neve Schechter - forthcoming - Semiotics.
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    Rational theology and the creativity of God.Keith Ward - 1982 - Oxford: Blackwell.
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    Religion, theology and the social sciences in a society in transition.Etienne De Villiers - 2004 - HTS Theological Studies 60 (1/2).
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  41. Theology bulletin and medieval philosophies.Thomas Jeschke, Christian Rode & Guy Guldentops - 2011 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 78 (2):507-545.
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    Theology, Contemplation and the University.Andrew Louth - 2004 - Studies in Christian Ethics 17 (1):69-79.
    Theology was one of the original faculties of the medieval university, which grew out of the earlier monastic and cathedral schools, where theology was central. The purpose of theology in monastic education was to provide not simply information about theological topics, but to prepare one to contemplate God, contemplation being the true knowledge of God. Contemplation as the goal of intellectual development, however, goes behind the Christian education of monastery and university to the intellectual and cultural ideals (...)
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  43. Theology of the Old Testament.Walther Eichrodt & J. A. Baker - 1961
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    Wittgenstein and theology.Tim Labron - 2009 - London: T & T Clark.
    Pt. I. Wittgenstein. Introduction -- Short biography -- Pt. II. Philosophy. Wittgenstein and philosophy -- Wittgenstein's later philosophy -- Pt. III. Theology. Wittgenstein and theology -- Wittgenstein and the theologian -- Wittgenstein in theological practice -- Explanations, doubt and redemption.
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    Theology and Science in Copernicus’ Universe.Alessandro Giostra - 2021 - Scientia et Fides 9 (1):131-147.
    The publication of Copernicus’ On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres marked the beginning of the Scientific Revolution. Christian doctrine played a key role for the emergence of the scientific turning point, that brought about the transition from a qualitative to a quantitative approach to natural phenomena. Although the Polish scientist was not a philosopher in the ordinary sense of the term, he shared with many other protagonists of modern science the idea of the universe as mathematical harmony created by (...)
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  46. (1 other version)Rational Theology and the Creativity of God.Keith Ward - 1983 - Philosophy 58 (224):272-273.
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  47. The Theology of Jonathan Edwards: A Reappraisal.Conrad Cherry - 1966
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  48. A theology of wisdom.Kieran Conley - 1963 - Dubuque, Iowa,: Priory Press.
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    Theology and Intelligibility.M. Curtin - 1973 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 22:306-307.
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    Teaching theology from a distance: Experiences of the Institute of Distance Learning at St Tikhon’s Orthodox University in Moscow, Russia.Gennady Egorov, Tatiana V. Melanina & Jennifer J. Roberts - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (1).
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