Results for 'Latin language Semantics.'

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  1. Latin as a Formal Language.G. Klima - 1991 - Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec Et Latin 61:78-106.
    An attempt at a Montague-style reconstruction of the semantics of Buridan's logic on a regimented fragment of Latin.
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  2. Semantic Equivalence and the Language of Philosophical Analysis.Jorge J. E. Gracia - manuscript
    For many years I have maintained that I learned to philosophize by translating Francisco Suárez’s Metaphysical Disputation V from Latin into English. This surely is a claim that must sound extraordinary to the members of this audience or even to most twentieth century philosophers. Who reads Suárez these days? And what could I learn from a sixteenth century scholastic writer that would help me in the twentieth century? I would certainly be surprised if one were to find any references (...)
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    On The Semantic Field 'Put-Throw' in Latin.J. N. Adams - 1974 - Classical Quarterly 24 (01):142-.
    It is well known that mitto comes to mean ‘put’ in late Latin and that it shows reflexes with this sense in the Romance languages . But the nature of this semantic change has not been fully explained, nor has the relationship of the word with other placing-terms in Latin. E. Löfstedt has stated simply that it ‘takes over the meaning ot ponere’.2 But as pono itself remains common in all types of Latin, the question arises whether (...)
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    Formal approaches and natural language in medieval logic: proceedings of the XIXth European Symposium of Medieval Logic and Semantics, Geneva, 12-16 June 2012.L. Cesalli (ed.) - 2016 - Barcelona: Fédération Internationale des Instituts d'Études Médiévales.
    Is medieval logic formal? And if yes, in what sense? There are striking affinities between medieval and contemporary theories of language. Authors from the two periods share formal ambitions and maintain complex, and at time uneasy, relations with natural language. However, modern scholars became careful not to overlook the specificities of theories developed more than five hundred years apart, in particular with respect to their 'formal' character. In 1972, Alfonso Maieru noted that the efforts of medieval logicians to (...)
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    Can figures persuade? Zeugma as a figure of persuasion in latin.William Michael Short - 2021 - Classical Quarterly 71 (2):632-648.
    Use of rhetorical figures has been an element of persuasive speech at least since Gorgias of Leontini, for whom such deliberate deviations from ordinary literal language were a defining feature of what he called the ‘psychagogic art’. But must we consider figures of speech limited to an ornamental and merely stylistic function, as some ancient and still many modern theorists suggest? Not according to contemporary cognitive rhetoric, which proposes that figures of speech can play a fundamentally argumentative role in (...)
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    Representing Latin America through Pre-Columbian Art.João Feres - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (7-8):182-207.
    Latin America has often been represented by images of pre-Columbian artifacts and artwork on book covers and in other printed materials produced by Latin American studies. This article tries to show that there are strong connections between this type of representation and the semantics of Latin America both in everyday English language and in the discourses of the social sciences. First, the author reviews the history of the concept of Latin America in everyday English (...), showing how it has been defined as the opposite of a glorified collective self-image of America, in cultural, temporal, and racial terms. Next, chief approaches of Latin American studies (modernization theory, studies of corporatism, and the present-day textbook literature) are examined, focusing on how social scientific discourses have defined Latin America. Before returning to the topic of pre-Columbian representation, the covers of the best-selling present-day textbooks are surveyed to show how these pictorial representations reproduce the cultural and temporal perceptions of otherness already present in the texts, plus a racial perception that is mostly absent in them. The author argues that the pre-Columbian representation reproduces the three aspects of Latin America’s othering in a powerful and synthetic way. Last, the results of the present analysis are evaluated in the light of some contributions to postcolonial theory, visual culture studies and picture theory. (shrink)
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    Possible correlation of Genetivus Objectivus semantics with socio-practice in different philosophical cultures.Р. В Псху - 2022 - Philosophy Journal 15 (4):78-87.
    The article suggests specific grammatical features of some languages of the leading philosophical traditions of Eurasia, which can explain some of the differences in philo­sophical thinking that exist in these traditions. In particular, the use of Genetivus Objec­tivus in Sanskrit, New European, Latin and Arabic languages is considered, its possible correlation with the socio-practice of cultures in which these languages are dominant is analyzed. As a theoretical preamble, which allows not only to raise, but also to compre­hend the designated (...)
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    Aristotle and Us: Some Observations on His Philosophical Language.Vrasidas Karalis - 2008 - Thesis Eleven 93 (1):36-51.
    The study discusses Aristotle's special use of Greek language as a historical construct defined by the need to accommodate the communicative needs of an expanding world (morphoplastic synapses). It addresses the paradoxical synthesis of Platonic idealism and empirical cognition which is expressed in his philosophical language and detects a deep incommensurability in their structural form. It argues that such conflict of paradigms in the work of Aristotle neutralized the interpretive potential of Greek language which focused on commentaries (...)
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    Greek–Latin Philosophical Interaction: Collected Essays of Sten Ebbesen Volume 1.Sten Ebbesen - 2007 - Ashgate. Edited by Katerina Ierodiakonou.
    The Greek under the Latin and the Latin under the Greek -- Greek-Latin philosophical interaction -- The odyssey of semantics from the Stoa to Buridan -- The Chimera's diary -- Where were the stoics in the late Middle Ages? -- Theories of language in the Hellenistic age and in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries -- Late-ancient ancestors of medieval philosophical commentaries -- Boethius on Aristotle -- Boethius on the metaphysics of words -- Western and Byzantine approaches (...)
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    Investigating the Semantic Development of Modal Markers: The Role of Context.Tomaž Potočnik & Matej Hriberšek - 2019 - Clotho 1 (2):35-53.
    The article tackles the problem of studying diachronic semantic changes of modal markers in Latin. It proposes to do so by using context as a proxy for tracing the development of otherwise unchanging forms. In the first part, the main theoretical positions in modality studies are presented, especially the notions of deontic modality, epistemic modality, and pathways of modality. In the second part, Heine’s model for studying the role of context in language change is presented and applied to (...)
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    Echoes of Latin comedy in More’s Epigrams.Concepción Cabrillana - 2022 - Moreana 59 (2):193-207.
    This paper aims at an accurate and detailed analysis of some of the main echoes of the Latin comedy of Plautus and Terence in Morean epigrams. The fundamental Greek background from which More’s epigrams spring is somehow enriched by the Latin contributions by virtue, among other factors, of the cultural legacy of the language in which the humanist chose to write them. A contextualized analysis of the clearest echoes found allows distributing them in a general way in (...)
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    Notes on the metrical semantics of Russian, French and German imitations of Janus Secundus’s Basium II.Igor Pilshchikov - 2012 - Sign Systems Studies 40 (1/2):155-175.
    This article links Konstantin Batiushkov’s poem Elysium (1810) to the tradition of poetic imitations of Janus Secundus’s Basium II. A French equivalent for this poem’s pythiambic distichs was invented by Ronsard (Chanson, 1578), who used cross-rhymed quatrains with regular alternation of dodecasyllabic and hexasyllablic lines. However, the French translators of Basia of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries could not use this metre, because its semantic aura was drastically changed by Malherbe’s Consolation a Monsieur du Perier (1598). Batiushkov’s Elysium as (...)
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    IDL-PMCFG, a Grammar Formalism for Describing Free Word Order Languages.François Hublet - 2022 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 31 (3):327-388.
    We introduce _Interleave-Disjunction-Lock parallel multiple context-free grammars_ (IDL-PMCFG), a novel grammar formalism designed to describe the syntax of free word order languages that allow for extensive interleaving of grammatical constituents. Though interleaved constituents, and especially the so-called hyperbaton, are common in several ancient (Classical Latin and Greek, Sanskrit...) and modern (Hungarian, Finnish...) languages, these syntactic structures are often difficult to express in existing formalisms. The IDL-PMCFG formalism combines Seki et al.’s parallel multiple context-free grammars (PMCFG) with Nederhof and Satta’s (...)
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  14.  35
    Qvae saga, qvis magvs: On the vocabulary of the Roman witch.Maxwell Teitel Paule - 2014 - Classical Quarterly 64 (2):745-757.
    The Latin language is uncharacteristically rich when it comes to describing witches. A witch may be called acantatrixorpraecantrix, asacerdosorvates. She may bedocta,divina,saga, andmaga, avenefica,malefica,lamia,lupula,strix, orstriga. She may be simplyquaedam anus. The available terms are copious and diverse, and the presence of such an abundant differential vocabulary might suggest that Latin made clear linguistic distinctions between various witch types. It would seem a reasonable expectation thatpraecantrices, a word evocative of those who sing of events before they happen, would (...)
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  15. (1 other version)Bedeutungslehre.Erdmann Struck - 1940 - Leipzig und Berlin,: B. G. Teubner.
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    Logic and Philosophy of Logic: Recent Trends in Latin America and Spain.Max A. Freund, Max Fernandez de Castro & Marco Ruffino (eds.) - 2018 - College Publications.
    Logic and philosophy of logic have increasingly become areas of research and great interest in Latin America and Spain, where significant work has been done and continues to be done in both of these fields. The goal of this volume is to draw attention to this work through a collection of original and unpublished papers by specialists from Latin America and Spain. Some of the papers are of importance for set-theory and model theory. They cover topics such as (...)
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    "Happiness" and "pain" across languages and cultures.Cliff Goddard & Zhengdao Ye (eds.) - 2016 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    In the fast-growing fields of happiness studies and pain research, which have attracted scholars from diverse disciplines including psychology, philosophy, medicine, and economics, this volume provides a much-needed cross-linguistic perspective. It centres on the question of how much ways of talking and thinking about happiness and pain vary across cultures, and seeks to answer this question by empirically examining the core vocabulary pertaining to âeoehappinessâe and âeoepainâe in many languages and in different religious and cultural traditions. The authors not only (...)
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    Metaphysics Through Semantics: The Philosophical Recovery of the Medieval Mind.Joshua P. Hochschild (ed.) - 2023 - Springer.
    “More than any other living scholar of medieval philosophy, Gyula Klima has influenced the way we read and understand philosophical texts by showing how the questions they ask can be placed in a modern context without loss or distortion. The key to his approach is a respect for medieval authors coupled with a commitment to regarding their texts as a genuine source of insight on questions in metaphysics, theology, psychology, logic, and the philosophy of language—as opposed to assimilating what (...)
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    Antiqui und Moderni.Albert Zimmermann (ed.) - 1973 - New York: De Gruyter.
    The series MISCELLANEA MEDIAEVALIA was founded by Paul Wilpert in 1962 and since then has presented research from the Thomas Institute of the University of Cologne. The cornerstone of the series is provided by the proceedings of the biennial Cologne Medieval Studies Conferences, which were established over 50 years ago by Josef Koch, the founding director of the Institute. The interdisciplinary nature of these conferences is reflected in the proceedings. The MISCELLANEA MEDIAEVALIA gather together papers from all disciplines represented in (...)
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  20. Charles Davis.Some Semantically Closed Languages - 1974 - In Edgar Morscher, Johannes Czermak & Paul Weingartner (eds.), Problems in logic and ontology. Graz: Akadem. Druck- u. Verlagsanst..
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    Antiqui und Moderni: Traditionsbewusstsein u. Fortschrittsbewusstsein im späten Mittelalter.Albert Zimmermann (ed.) - 1974 - New York: de Gruyter.
    The series MISCELLANEA MEDIAEVALIA was founded by Paul Wilpert in 1962 and since then has presented research from the Thomas Institute of the University of Cologne. The cornerstone of the series is provided by the proceedings of the biennial Cologne Medieval Studies Conferences, which were established over 50 years ago by Josef Koch, the founding director of the Institute. The interdisciplinary nature of these conferences is reflected in the proceedings. The MISCELLANEA MEDIAEVALIA gather together papers from all disciplines represented in (...)
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    Modernus und andere Zeitbegriffe des Mittelalters.Walter Freund - 1957 - Köln,: Böhlau Verlag.
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    Diachronic Analysis of the Philosophic Term “mōrālitās”.А. А Сочилин - 2023 - History of Philosophy 28 (2):5-20.
    The paper explores the origin and semantic derivation of Latin philosophic term “mōrālitās” (“morality”), keeping in mind its generalizing and object-giving function in modern moral philosophy, which is obvious in its derivates in European languages. The semantic derivation of “mōrālitās” is being examined by means of comparative analysis of lexicographical data in three dictionary groups: that of the Late Latin (when the word “mōrālitās” first occurs), of the Medieval Latin (when it enters philosophical lexicon) and that of (...)
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  24. The following classification is pragmatic and is intended merely to facilitate reference. No claim to exhaustive categorization is made by the parenthetical additions in small capitals.Psycholinguistics Semantics & Formal Properties Of Languages - 1974 - Foundations of Language: International Journal of Language and Philosophy 12:149.
  25.  13
    Four Notes on the Grammar of Ockham’s Mental Language.Claude Panaccio - 2023 - In Joshua P. Hochschild (ed.), Metaphysics Through Semantics: The Philosophical Recovery of the Medieval Mind. Springer. pp. 207-219.
    William of Ockham’s discussion of which grammatical categories are relevant for describing the syntax of mental language occurs in two short and closely related passages: Quodlibeta V, 8 and Summa logicae I, 3. In the present paper, I discuss four riddles that are raised by these two texts: (1) I point to an apparent anomaly in the structure of Summa logicae I, 3 and I propose an amendment to the St. Bonaventure edition in this regard; (2) I argue that (...)
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    A theory of individual-level predicates based on blind mandatory scalar implicatures.Giorgio Magri - 2009 - Natural Language Semantics 17 (3):245-297.
    Predicates such as tall or to know Latin, which intuitively denote permanent properties, are called individual-level predicates. Many peculiar properties of this class of predicates have been noted in the literature. One such property is that we cannot say #John is sometimes tall. Here is a way to account for this property: this sentence sounds odd because it triggers the scalar implicature that the alternative John is always tall is false, which cannot be, given that, if John is sometimes (...)
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  27.  31
    Natural language semantics: formation and valuation.Brendan S. Gillon - 2019 - Cambridge, Massachussetts: The MIT Press.
    This textbook, which is completely self-contained and can be read by anyone with a secondary school education, is the result of the author's material prepared over the past 15 years of teaching introductory natural language semantics to graduate and undergraduate students at McGill University. The intended audience comprises undergraduate and graduate students in linguistics as well as those in philosophy, computer science and psychology with an interest in natural language semantics. The aim of the textbook is to teach (...)
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  28. Natural language semantics.Keith Allan - 2001 - Malden, Mass.: Blackwell.
    This volume offers a general introduction to the field of semantics and provides coverage of the main perspectives.
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    Natural Language Semantics and Computability.Richard Moot & Christian Retoré - 2019 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 28 (2):287-307.
    This paper is a reflexion on the computability of natural language semantics. It does not contain a new model or new results in the formal semantics of natural language: it is rather a computational analysis, in the context for type-logical grammars, of the logical models and algorithms currently used in natural language semantics, defined as a function from a grammatical sentence to a set of logical formulas—because a statement can be ambiguous, it can correspond to multiple formulas, (...)
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  30. The Latin Language and Literature in Relation to Culture.W. M. Dwyer - 1916 - Classical Weekly 10:135-136.
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  31. Ordinary language semantics: the contribution of Brentano and Marty.Hamid Taieb - 2019 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (4):777-796.
    This paper examines the account of ordinary language semantics developed by Franz Brentano and his pupil Anton Marty. Long before the interest in ordinary language in the analytic tradition, Brentanian philosophers were exploring our everyday use of words, as opposed to the scientific use of language. Brentano and Marty were especially interested in the semantics of (common) names in ordinary language. They claimed that these names are vague, and that this is due to the structure of (...)
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    Concordance to Descartes' "Meditationes de Prima Philosophia" (review).Tuomo Aho & Mikko Yrjönsuuri - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (1):135-136.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Concordance to Descartes’ “Meditationes de Prima Philosophia.” by Katsuzo Murakami, Meguru Sasaki, Tetsuichi NishimuraTuomo Aho and Mikko YrjönsuuriKatsuzo Murakami, Meguru Sasaki, and Tetsuichi Nishimura. Concordance to Descartes’ “Meditationes de Prima Philosophia.” Hildesheim: Olms-Weidmann, 1995. Pp. v + 355. Cloth, DM 198.00.This is a product from the Descartes database of Tokyo University scholars. It gives an account of the occurrences and contexts of words in the Meditationes (the main (...)
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    The Latin Language and Native Survivance in North America.Craig Williams - 2022 - American Journal of Philology 143 (2):219-246.
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    Renaissance Truth and the Latin Language Turn (review).Alan R. Perreiah - 2006 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44 (2):319-321.
    Alan R. Perreiah - Renaissance Truth and the Latin Language Turn - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44:2 Journal of the History of Philosophy 44.2 319-321 Ann Moss. Renaissance Truth and the Latin Language Turn. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003. Pp. 306. Cloth, $74.00. Ann Moss offers an exciting and informative history of humanism from Johannes Balbus through Melanchthon, who completed the "turn" from scholastic to humanistic Latin. She marshals considerable evidence from lexicography (...)
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  35. Focus in discourse: Alternative semantics vs. a representational approach in sdrt.Semantics Vs A. Representational - 2004 - In J.M. Larrazabal & L.A Perez Miranda (eds.), Language, Knowledge, and Representation. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 51.
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    Language, semantics, and ideology.Michel Pêcheux - 1982 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
  37. The character of natural language semantics.Paul M. Pietroski - 2003 - In Alex Barber (ed.), Epistemology of language. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 217--256.
    Paul M. Pietroski, University of Maryland I had heard it said that Chomsky’s conception of language is at odds with the truth-conditional program in semantics. Some of my friends said it so often that the point—or at least a point—finally sunk in.
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  38. Cross-language semantic priming-evidence for independent lexical and conceptual contributions.J. F. Kroll, A. Sholl, J. Altarriba, C. Luppino, L. Moynihan & C. Sanders - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (6):443-443.
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    The Latin Language.Truman Michelson & Charles E. Bennett - 1908 - American Journal of Philology 29 (1):84.
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    Bayesian Natural Language Semantics and Pragmatics.Henk Zeevat & Hans-Christian Schmitz (eds.) - 2015 - Springer.
    The contributions in this volume focus on the Bayesian interpretation of natural languages, which is widely used in areas of artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and computational linguistics. This is the first volume to take up topics in Bayesian Natural Language Interpretation and make proposals based on information theory, probability theory, and related fields. The methodologies offered here extend to the target semantic and pragmatic analyses of computational natural language interpretation. Bayesian approaches to natural language semantics and pragmatics (...)
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    Natural Language Semantics and Guise Theory.Francesco Orilia - 1986 - Dissertation, Indiana University
    I assume that the task of natural language semantics is to provide an unambiguous logical language into which natural language can be translated in such a way that the translating expressions display a structure which is isomorphic to the meaning of the translated expressions. Since language is a means of thinking and communicating mental contents, the meanings of singular terms cannot be the individuals of the substratist tradition, because such individuals are not cognizable entities. Thus I (...)
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  42.  45
    The Latin Language - H. H. Janssen : Historische Grammatica van het Latijn. (Servire's Encyclopedic, B. 9a. 6.) Deel I: De Klanken. Pp. 120. The Hague: Servire, 1953. Cloth, fl. 3.90. - Max Niedermann : Historische Lautlehre des Lateinischen. Dritte neubearbeitete Auflage. Pp. vii+214. Heidelberg: Winter, 1953. Paper, DM.9. - Friedrich Stolz: Geschichte der lateinischen Sprache. Dritte, stark umgearbeitete Auflage von Albert Debrunner. (Sammlung Göschen, vol. 492.) Pp. 136. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1953. Paper, DM. 2.40. [REVIEW]D. M. Jones - 1954 - The Classical Review 4 (3-4):273-275.
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    Boethius of Dacia and Terence Parsons: Verbs and Verb Tense Then and Now.Mary Sirridge - 2024 - Open Philosophy 7 (1):5-16.
    Latin and English are good examples of languages in which temporal information is expressed to a significant extent by the tense system of verbs. Medieval speculative grammar dealt extensively with the grammar of tensed sentences and temporal adverbs. And starting in the 1960s, there was an explosion of theorizing about linguistic temporal indicators, principally tense systems and temporal adverbs, in anglophone linguistics and philosophical logic focused on semantics for natural language. I argue that despite important differences with respect (...)
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    Verbale Tautonyme lateinischer Herkunft in deutsch-polnischer Relation: ein Beitrag zur semantischen Beschreibung nach dem gebrauchstheoretischen Ansatz.Ryszard Lipczuk - 1987 - Göppingen: Kümmerle.
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    The latin language - Adams social variation and the latin language. Pp. XXII + 933. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2013. Cased, £110, us$180. Isbn: 978-0-521-88614-7. [REVIEW]Philip Baldi & Paul B. Harvey - 2014 - The Classical Review 64 (2):439-441.
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    Can natural language semantics explain syllogistic reasoning?Stephen E. Newstead - 2003 - Cognition 90 (2):193-199.
  47. Situations in natural language semantics.Angelika Kratzer - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Situation semantics was developed as an alternative to possible worlds semantics. In situation semantics, linguistic expressions are evaluated with respect to partial, rather than complete, worlds. There is no consensus about what situations are, just as there is no consensus about what possible worlds or events are. According to some, situations are structured entities consisting of relations and individuals standing in those relations. According to others, situations are particulars. In spite of unresolved foundational issues, the partiality provided by situation semantics (...)
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    Bilingualism and the Latin Language (review).Andrew R. Dyck - 2006 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 99 (2):197-198.
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    The Latin Language.D. M. Jones - 1954 - The Classical Review 4 (3-4):273-.
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  50. Idealisation in Natural Language Semantics: Truth-Conditions for Radical Contextualists.Gabe Dupre - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    In this paper, I shall provide a novel response to the argument from context-sensitivity against truth-conditional semantics. It is often argued that the contextual influences on truth-conditions outstrip the resources of standard truth-conditional accounts, and so truth-conditional semantics rests on a mistake. The argument assumes that truth-conditional semantics is legitimate if and only if natural language sentences have truth-conditions. I shall argue that this assumption is mistaken. Truth-conditional analyses should be viewed as idealised approximations of the complexities of natural (...)
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