Results for 'Lahn'

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  1.  15
    The “occlusis” model of cell fate restriction.Bruce T. Lahn - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (1):13-20.
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    How mammalian sex chromosomes acquired their peculiar gene content.Eric J. Vallender & Bruce T. Lahn - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (2):159-169.
    It has become increasingly evident that gene content of the sex chromosomes is markedly different from that of the autosomes. Both sex chromosomes appear enriched for genes related to sexual differentiation and reproduction; but curiously, the human X chromosome also seems to bear a preponderance of genes linked to brain and muscle functions. In this review, we will synthesize several evolutionary theories that may account for this nonrandom assortment of genes on the sex chromosomes, including 1) asexual degeneration, 2) sexual (...)
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    The Facial Action Coding System for Characterization of Human Affective Response to Consumer Product-Based Stimuli: A Systematic Review.Elizabeth A. Clark, J'Nai Kessinger, Susan E. Duncan, Martha Ann Bell, Jacob Lahne, Daniel L. Gallagher & Sean F. O'Keefe - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:507534.
    To characterize human emotions, researchers have increasingly utilized Automatic Facial Expression Analysis (AFEA), which automates the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) and translates the facial muscular positioning into the basic universal emotions. There is broad interest in the application of FACS for assessing consumer expressions as an indication of emotions to consumer product-stimuli. However, the translation of FACS to characterization of emotions is elusive in the literature. The aim of this systematic review is to give an overview of how FACS (...)
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    The Importance and Place of the Book of Sa‘leb Named Al-Faṣîḥ in Laḥn and Taṣḥîḥ Literature.Ali Sevdi̇ - 2022 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 8 (1):61-89.
    The encounter of different non-Arab nations and cultures with Arabs due to conquest and translation activities contributed to the development of Arabic language rules and caused erroneous readings in recitation and expression problems in hadiths and the deterioration of the Arabic language from different perspectives. Against this, some precautions were taken for the preservation of classical Arabic, such as the development of writing, the determination of grammar rules, the support of poets and lexicon studies. One of the measures taken is (...)
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    Contacto inter-dialectal en la Ceuta medieval: las variedades árabes andalusí y marroquí en una obra literaria de laḥn al-ʿāmma.Ángeles Vicente - 2024 - Al-Qantara 44 (2):e21.
    En la actualidad, la situación sociolingüística de la ciudad de Ceuta es propicia para el estudio de la interacción lingüística entre el árabe vernáculo y la variedad del español hablados en la ciudad. Esta realidad no es nueva ya que su localización geográfica ha permitido que durante siglos haya sido punto de encuentro de diferentes lenguas y culturas. En época medieval, Ceuta formó parte del territorio conocido como al-Andalus y, gracias a ello, las huellas lingüísticas del árabe andalusí en la (...)
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    Verantwortung in Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft, Schule und Gesellschaft für zukünftige Generationen: Vorträge gehalten bei der Jahrestagung 1989 in Weilburg (Lahn).Hans-Joachim Elster (ed.) - 1991 - Stuttgart: E. Schweizerbart.
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  7. Una obra de Ibn Suhayd sobre lahn al-'amma en el al-Andalus.José Pérez Lázaro - 1986 - Al-Qantara 7 (1):253-272.
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    Oekumenische Texte und Studien. 36: Hochkirche heute. 68 pp. 39: Carl Wagener: Das Geheimnis der Bosheit. 84 pp. Oekumenischer Verlag Dr. R. F. Edel, Marburg an der Lahn 1970. [REVIEW]Rainer Haas - 1971 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 23 (4):384-384.
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    Anne Marie Heiler (Hrsg.): Inter Confessiones. Beiträge zur Förderung des interkonfessionellen und interreligiösen Gesprächs. Friedrich Heiler zum Gedächtnis, Marburger Theol. Studien 10, hrsg. v. H. Graß und W. G. Kümmel, N. G. Elwert Verlag Marburg/Lahn 1972, VII, 198 pp. u. 14 Abb. [REVIEW]Heinz Röhr - 1974 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 26 (3):276-277.
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    Basilius Zenkowsky: Hilarion Petzold, Das Bild des Menschen im Lichte der orthodoxen Anthropologie. Oekumenischer Verlag Dr. R. F. Edel, Marburg/Lahn 1969. Reihe: Orthodoxe Beiträge 139 pp. [REVIEW]Wilhelm Kahle - 1972 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 24 (1):86-86.
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    The Problem of Superiority of Language Deviations in Terms of Literary Value: Poetic Necessity in the Period of Jāhiliyah.Mehdi Cengi̇z - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (2):893-907.
    Standard language, which follows rules of dictionary and grammar, undergoes various changes when it is the subject of literature, especially poetry. These changes, called linguistic deviation, are due to the poet’s expression of his feelings and thoughts by forcing the possibilities of language. In this direction, language deviations can be defined as the dispositions where the author goes out of the standard language, as in the examples of changes in the pronunciation (ṣavt), form (ṣarf) or spelling (kitābet) of the words, (...)
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  12.  22
    Niz'miye ve Müstansıriyye Medreselerinde Arap Dili Öğretimi.Ahmet Beken & Mohammed Türkmen - 2023 - Atebe 9:145-175.
    Dinin temel kaynaklarının Arapça olması, sınırların genişlemesine paralel olarak dilin Arap olmayanlara öğretilmesi ihtiyacı, dilde hataların (lahn) yaygınlaşması, resmî yazışmalarda Arapçanın hâkim dil olması ve bilim dili olarak kullanılması gibi sebeplerle Arapça, dinî ilimlerle birlikte öğretimi yaygın bir şekilde yapılan ilimler arasında yer almıştır. Dinî metinlerin daha iyi anlaşılmasını sağlamak, verilecek dersleri açık ve anlaşılır bir şekilde sunmak, nitelikli bir vaiz ve hatip olmak, delil getirmek ve düşünceyi temellendirmek, münazara ve cedelde başarılı olmak Arapçaya iyi derece hâkim olmayı gerektirmekteydi. (...)
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  13.  21
    Stratégies de topicalisation en occitan.Richard Faure & Michèle Oliviéri - 2013 - Corpus 12:231-270.
    Alors que toutes les langues romanes connaissent les deux types de topicalisation à gauche : le topique suspendu (HT, dans les propositions principales) et la dislocation gauche (LD, dans les propositions principales et les subordonnées), quelques dialectes occitans (et peut-être quelques dialectes italiens) se distinguent en présentant aussi un topique suspendu enchâssé. Cet article met en évidence les difficultés soulevées par les analyses antérieures, notamment celle de Sauzet (1989) qui suppose qu’un rôle prédicatif spécifique légitime ce type de topique et (...)
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    Abū al-Ḥasan al-Qābisī and the Methodology of Ḥadīth in the introduction of Kitāb al-Mulakhkhas al-Muwatta'.Zülal Kiliç & Hayati Yilmaz - 2023 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 25 (47):89-120.
    In this article, the introduction to the book of Kitāb al-Mulakhkhas al-Muwatta' by Qābisī (d. 403/1012), one of the hadith scholars of Maghrib geography, is discussed. The author wrote this work in order to bring together the continual documents in the Ibn al-Qāsim narra-tion of Mālik b. Anas' (d. 179/795) al-Muwatta. In the introduction, the author first stated the purpose of the writing of Kitāb al-Mulakhkhas al-Muwatta''s and the method followed in the work. Namely, he states that he compiled this (...)
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    Beyz'vî ve Lütfullah el-Erzurûmî’nin Tefsirlerinde İrab Olgusu.Mücahit Elhuut & Yakup Kizilkaya - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (2):1053-1072.
    İrap Arap dili ve İslami ilimlere dair tedvin faaliyetlerinin başlangıcından bu yana önemini devam ettiren bir olgudur. Bu sebeple farklı alanları konu alan İslami ilimlerin çoğunda esas alınan unsurlardan birisi olmuştur. Bu alanlardan biri olan ve öncelikli hedefi Kur’ân’ın anlaşılmasına katkı sağlamak olan tefsirin de önemli bir parçasıdır. Zira dile ait özelliklerin tam manasıyla gözetilmesiyle ancak doğru bir tefsir faaliyetinden söz etmek mümkün olabilmektedir. Arap dilinin tefsirle ilgili en bariz özelliklerinden biri ise iraptır. Bundan dolayı her bir müfessirin tefsir yönteminde (...)
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