Results for 'Kung-che Hsiung'

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  1. Yang chih chan yen.Kung-chê Hsiung - 1963
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  2. Pien chêng wei wu chu i jên shih lun tui shih chi kung tso ti i i.Chê-Ming Wang - 1956
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  3. Chung-kuo chêng chih ssŭ hsiang shih.Kung-chʻüan Hsiao - 1954
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  4. Che hsüeh kai lun = Introduction of philosophy.Kung-wei Huang - 1966
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  5. Chung-kuo che hsüeh ti tʻung ho ching shen.Kung-wei Huang - 1977 - Wei Hsin Shu Chü.
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  6. Yin-tu che hsüeh shih hua.Kung-wei Huang - 1975
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  7. Chung-kuo che hsüeh kai lun.Hsiung Yü - 1977 - Yüan Ch Eng Wen Hua T U Shu Kung Ying She ; Hsiang-Kang : Tsung Ching Hsiao P Ing Chia Shu Chü.
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  8. Chê hsüeh yü wên hua.Ching-Hsiung Wu - 1971 - 60 i.: E..
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  9. Jên shêng chê hsüeh tʻung i. Philosophy of life.Kung-wei Huang - 1963
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  10. Chê Hsüeh Chung Ti K'o Hsüeh Fang Fa.Bertrand Russell & Hsing-Kung Wang - 1966 - T'ai-Wan Shang Wu Yin Shu Kuan.
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  11. Kung chʻan chu i shih chieh kuan.Hsien-chên Yang - 1956
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  12. Kʻung-tzu hsüeh shuo, kuo fu ssu hsiang yü che hsüeh.Meng-Hsiung Chou - 1976
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  13. Mou Tsung-san hsien sheng ti che hsüeh yü chu tso.Kung Chʻen (ed.) - 1978
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  14. Tsai kung tso han tou chêng chung yün yung pien chêng fa.Chʻün Li - 1960
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  15. Tsʻung Lun yu tʻan chiu Kung-tzu ti tao te che hsüeh.Su-chʻin Cheng - 1976
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    Kung-Sun Lung’s Chih Wu Lun and Semantics of Reference and Predication.Kao Kung-yi & Diane B. Obenchain - 1975 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 2 (3):285-324.
  17.  67
    Tarski's theorem and liar-like paradoxes.Ming Hsiung - 2014 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 22 (1):24-38.
    Tarski's theorem essentially says that the Liar paradox is paradoxical in the minimal reflexive frame. We generalise this result to the Liar-like paradox $\lambda^\alpha$ for all ordinal $\alpha\geq 1$. The main result is that for any positive integer $n = 2^i(2j+1)$, the paradox $\lambda^n$ is paradoxical in a frame iff this frame contains at least a cycle the depth of which is not divisible by $2^{i+1}$; and for any ordinal $\alpha \geq \omega$, the paradox $\lambda^\alpha$ is paradoxical in a frame (...)
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  18. Jump Liars and Jourdain’s Card via the Relativized T-scheme.Ming Hsiung - 2009 - Studia Logica 91 (2):239-271.
    A relativized version of Tarski's T-scheme is introduced as a new principle of the truth predicate. Under the relativized T-scheme, the paradoxical objects, such as the Liar sentence and Jourdain's card sequence, are found to have certain relative contradictoriness. That is, they are contradictory only in some frames in the sense that any valuation admissible for them in these frames will lead to a contradiction. It is proved that for any positive integer n, the n-jump liar sentence is contradictory in (...)
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    (1 other version)The Thought of Confucius and Chinese Culture.Wu Ching-Hsiung - 1976 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 8 (1):77-88.
    Chinese culture is a lively and active organism. If we are to get to the real image of Chinese culture, we should take as a starting point the first passage of the Chung-yung [Doctrine of the Mean], which expounds its basic principles: "That which Heaven has decreed is called Nature, to follow that Nature is called tao [way] and to cultivate the tao is called instruction." This passage uses three phrases and one breath; these three phrases have a unified nature (...)
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  20. Hsin wei shih lun.Shih-li Hsiung - 1973 - Hsiung Shih-li.: T'ai-pei, Wen ching chʻu pan she. Edited by Shih-li Hsiung.
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    International Congress on “Die Muncher Phaenomenologie”.Guido Küng - 1972 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 3 (1):106-107.
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    Boolean Paradoxes and Revision Periods.Ming Hsiung - 2017 - Studia Logica 105 (5):881-914.
    According to the revision theory of truth, the paradoxical sentences have certain revision periods in their valuations with respect to the stages of revision sequences. We find that the revision periods play a key role in characterizing the degrees of paradoxicality for Boolean paradoxes. We prove that a Boolean paradox is paradoxical in a digraph, iff this digraph contains a closed walk whose height is not any revision period of this paradox. And for any finitely many numbers greater than 1, (...)
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  23. Tu I lun pien chêng fa.Chên Wang - 1955
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  24. Ming xin pian.Shih-li Hsiung - 1976
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  25. (1 other version)What Paradoxes Depend on.Ming Hsiung - 2018 - Synthese:1-27.
    This paper gives a definition of self-reference on the basis of the dependence relation given by Leitgeb (2005), and the dependence digraph by Beringer & Schindler (2015). Unlike the usual discussion about self-reference of paradoxes centering around Yablo's paradox and its variants, I focus on the paradoxes of finitary characteristic, which are given again by use of Leitgeb's dependence relation. They are called 'locally finite paradoxes', satisfying that any sentence in these paradoxes can depend on finitely many sentences. I prove (...)
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    Unwinding Modal Paradoxes on Digraphs.Ming Hsiung - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 50 (2):319-362.
    The unwinding that Cook, 767–774 2004) proposed is a simple but powerful method of generating new paradoxes from known ones. This paper extends Cook’s unwinding to a larger class of paradoxes and studies further the basic properties of the unwinding. The unwinding we study is a procedure, by which when inputting a Boolean modal net together with a definable digraph, we get a set of sentences in which we have a ‘counterpart’ for each sentence of the Boolean modal net and (...)
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    The meaning of the quantifiers in the logic of Leśniewski.Guido Küng - 1977 - Studia Logica 36 (4):309-322.
  28. Wang Chʻung chê hsüeh chʻu tʻan.Wên Chêng - 1958
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  29. Hsüeh tʻung.Tzʻu-lü Hsiung - 1975
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    Political pluralism.Kung-chʻüan Hsiao - 1927 - New York,: Harcourt, Brace & company.
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    Confucian ‘Harmony’, Maoist ‘Struggle’, and their Western Counter Parts : Adialectic Comparison.Jamesc Hsiung - 1977 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 4 (3):261-269.
  32. Funktory prologowe i kwantyfikatory u Stanisława Leśniewskiego.Guido Küng - 1978 - Studia Semiotyczne 8:199-210.
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  33. (2 other versions)Chung-kuo chêng chih ssŭ hsiang shih.Chên-yü Lü - 1949 - Shêng Huo Tu Shu Hsin Chih San Lien Shu Tien.
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  34. Chung-kuo chê hsüeh ssŭ hsiang pʻi pʻan.Chêng-tʻung Wei - 1968 - Shui Niu Ch'u Pan Shê.
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  35.  59
    Zur Erkenntnistheorie von Franz Brentano.Guido Küng - 1978 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 5 (1):169-181.
    Brentano hat in seinen Analysen der Wahrnehmung zwei wichtige Punkte hervorgehoben: (a) daß die innere Wahrnehmung nur ein Bewußtsein "nebenbei" sei; und (b) daß die äußere Wahrnehmung ein räumlich Ausgedehntes (und nicht eine Idee) zum Objekt habe. Er ging aber nicht weit genug, sondern blieb dem Kartesianismus verhaftet, indem er die innere Wahrnehmung immer noch ein Erkennen nannte, und andererseits vom Objekt der äußeren Wahrnehmung sagte, daß es in Wahrheit gar nicht bestehe. Wenn man aber weiter geht und zugesteht, daß (...)
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  36.  22
    (1 other version)Learn from Lenin's Theories on the Problem of the Critical Acceptance of the Literary Heritage.Kung Tun - 1973 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 5 (2):21-40.
    Lenin, the great teacher of the proletariat, was deeply concerned with both the development of socialist literature and the problem of the correct critical acceptance of the literary heritage by the proletariat. Lenin frequently spoke of the works of Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Nekrasov, Shchedrin, Chekov, and others. Among the western European classical authors he particularly respected Shakespeare, Goethe, Heine, Hugo, Dickens, and Zola. In the brilliant classical writings which Lenin has left us he frequently made use of artistic (...)
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  37. Fa yan yi shu [20 juan.Hsiung Yang - 1933 - Edited by Jung-pao Wang.
  38. Ingarden on Language and Ontology.Guido KÜng - 1972 - Analecta Husserliana 2:204.
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  39. Han Feizi shu lun.Kung-Cheng Chao - 1976
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  40. (1 other version)Mei hsüeh yüan lun. Chin, Kung-Liang & [From Old Catalog] - 1943
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    Legalism and Autocracy in Traditional China.Kung-Chuan Hsiao - 1976 - Chinese Studies in History 10 (1-2):125-143.
    There is ample justification for characterizing imperial China as a "Confucian State" (or "Confucian Society") as many students of Chinese history do. Such characterization is justified by the fact that Confucianism had contributed much to shaping and sustaining the imperial system from the Han dynasty to the Ch'ing. But it should be pointed out that Legalism had also played a crucial part in the development of that system and that, insofar as the above-mentioned characterization ignores the Legalist role, it is (...)
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    Political Pluralism: A Study in Contemporary Political Theory.Kung Chuan Hsiao - 1927 - Routledge.
    First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  43. Shō-shi.Yang Kung-sun & Kiyoshi Shimizu - 1970 - Meitoku Shuppan. Edited by Yang Shang.
  44. Jen sheng chia chih lun.Kung-hsüan Teng - 1973
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  45. Li tse hsüeh yü kʻo hsüeh fang fa.Kung-hsüan Teng - 1977
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  46.  11
    Gender-Typed Skill Co-Occurrence and Occupational Sex Segregation: The Case of Professional Occupations in the United States, 2011–2015.Constance Hsiung - 2022 - Gender and Society 36 (4):469-497.
    Studies of occupational sex segregation rely on the sociocultural model to explain why some occupations are numerically dominated by women and others by men. This model argues that occupational sex segregation is driven by norms about gender-appropriate work, which are frequently conceptualized as gender-typed skills: work-related tasks, abilities, and knowledge domains that society views as either feminine or masculine. The sociocultural model thus explains the primary patterns of occupational sex segregation, which conform to these norms: Requirements for feminine skills increase (...)
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    Introduction: Epistemologies of the Match.Hansun Hsiung & Elena Serrano - 2021 - Isis 112 (4):760-765.
    Algorithmically driven online dating platforms today promise the ability to sort through relevant data and identify one’s ideal amorous matches effectively. Yet the appeal of technological and scientific solutions to the messy problem of finding partners is hardly new. This introduction to the Focus section “It’s a Match!” argues that the history of amorous matching has long been part and parcel of the history of science, in particular the social sciences. Taking matching as an “applied science of social harmony,” the (...)
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  48. The Ethical Framework of the Global Market Economy.Hans Küng - 2004 - In John H. Dunning, Making Globalization Good: The Moral Challenges of Global Capitalism. Oxford University Press.
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    Chiang Kai-shek and the Anti-Yuan Movement.Li Shou-Kung - 1987 - Chinese Studies in History 21 (1):70-111.
  50. Knowledge Through Imagination.Amy Kind & Peter Kung (eds.) - 2016 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
    Imagination is celebrated as our vehicle for escape from the mundane here and now. It transports us to distant lands of magic and make-believe, and provides us with diversions during boring meetings or long bus rides. Yet the focus on imagination as a means of escape from the real world minimizes the fact that imagination seems also to furnish us with knowledge about it. Imagination seems an essential component in our endeavor to learn about the world in which we live--whether (...)
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