Results for 'Key words and phrases:Wholeness Axiom – Elementary embeddings –HOD– Regular classes – Laver sequences'

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  1.  62
    Consistency of V = HOD with the wholeness axiom.Paul Corazza - 2000 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 39 (3):219-226.
    The Wholeness Axiom (WA) is an axiom schema that can be added to the axioms of ZFC in an extended language $\{\in,j\}$ , and that asserts the existence of a nontrivial elementary embedding $j:V\to V$ . The well-known inconsistency proofs are avoided by omitting from the schema all instances of Replacement for j-formulas. We show that the theory ZFC + V = HOD + WA is consistent relative to the existence of an $I_1$ embedding. This answers (...)
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  2.  34
    The wholeness axiom and Laver sequences.Paul Corazza - 2000 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 105 (1-3):157-260.
    In this paper we introduce the Wholeness Axiom , which asserts that there is a nontrivial elementary embedding from V to itself. We formalize the axiom in the language {∈, j } , adding to the usual axioms of ZFC all instances of Separation, but no instance of Replacement, for j -formulas, as well as axioms that ensure that j is a nontrivial elementary embedding from the universe to itself. We show that WA has consistency (...)
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  3. Laver sequences for extendible and super-almost-huge cardinals.Paul Corazza - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (3):963-983.
    Versions of Laver sequences are known to exist for supercompact and strong cardinals. Assuming very strong axioms of infinity, Laver sequences can be constructed for virtually any globally defined large cardinal not weaker than a strong cardinal; indeed, under strong hypotheses, Laver sequences can be constructed for virtually any regular class of embeddings. We show here that if there is a regular class of embeddings with critical point κ, and there (...)
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    Guessing models and generalized Laver diamond.Matteo Viale - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (11):1660-1678.
    We analyze the notion of guessing model, a way to assign combinatorial properties to arbitrary regular cardinals. Guessing models can be used, in combination with inaccessibility, to characterize various large cardinal axioms, ranging from supercompactness to rank-to-rank embeddings. The majority of these large cardinal properties can be defined in terms of suitable elementary embeddings j:Vγ→Vλ. One key observation is that such embeddings are uniquely determined by the image structures j[Vγ]≺Vλ. These structures will be the prototypes (...)
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  5.  18
    Reflection of elementary embedding axioms on the L[Vλ+1] hierarchy.Richard Laver - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 107 (1-3):227-238.
    Say that the property Φ of a cardinal λ strongly implies the property Ψ. If and only if for every λ,Φ implies that Ψ and that for some λ′<λ,Ψ. Frequently in the hierarchy of large cardinal axioms, stronger axioms strongly imply weaker ones. Some strong implications are proved between axioms of the form “there is an elementary embedding j:Lα[Vλ+1]→Lα[Vλ+1] with ”.
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  6.  67
    Genericity.Alda Mari, Claire Beyssade & Fabio Del Prete (eds.) - 2012 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This book provides an up-to-date introduction to the study of generics and pursues the enterprise of the influential Generic Book edited by Gregory Carlson and Jeffry Pelletier, which was published in 1995. Genericity is a key notion in the study of human cognition as it reveals our capacity to organize our perceived reality into classes and to describe regularities. The generic can be expressed at the level of a word or phrase (ie the potato in The Irish economy became (...)
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  7.  32
    Implications between strong large cardinal axioms.Richard Laver - 1997 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 90 (1-3):79-90.
    The rank-into-rank and stronger large cardinal axioms assert the existence of certain elementary embeddings. By the preservation of the large cardinal properties of the embeddings under certain operations, strong implications between various of these axioms are derived.
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  8.  9
    On the consistency of ZF with an elementary embedding from Vλ+2 into Vλ+2.Farmer Schlutzenberg - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Logic.
    According to a theorem due to Kenneth Kunen, under ZFC, there is no ordinal [Formula: see text] and nontrivial elementary embedding [Formula: see text]. His proof relied on the Axiom of Choice (AC), and no proof from ZF alone is has been discovered. [Formula: see text] is the assertion, introduced by Hugh Woodin, that [Formula: see text] is an ordinal and there is an elementary embedding [Formula: see text] with critical point [Formula: see text]. And [Formula: see (...)
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  9.  44
    Certain very large cardinals are not created in small forcing extensions.Richard Laver - 2007 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 149 (1-3):1-6.
    The large cardinal axioms of the title assert, respectively, the existence of a nontrivial elementary embedding j:Vλ→Vλ, the existence of such a j which is moreover , and the existence of such a j which extends to an elementary j:Vλ+1→Vλ+1. It is known that these axioms are preserved in passing from a ground model to a small forcing extension. In this paper the reverse directions of these preservations are proved. Also the following is shown : if V is (...)
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  10.  30
    Strongly compact cardinals and ordinal definability.Gabriel Goldberg - 2023 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 24 (1).
    This paper explores several topics related to Woodin’s HOD conjecture. We improve the large cardinal hypothesis of Woodin’s HOD dichotomy theorem from an extendible cardinal to a strongly compact cardinal. We show that assuming there is a strongly compact cardinal and the HOD hypothesis holds, there is no elementary embedding from HOD to HOD, settling a question of Woodin. We show that the HOD hypothesis is equivalent to a uniqueness property of elementary embeddings of levels of the (...)
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  11.  52
    The spectrum of elementary embeddings j: V→ V.Paul Corazza - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 139 (1):327-399.
    In 1970, K. Kunen, working in the context of Kelley–Morse set theory, showed that the existence of a nontrivial elementary embedding j:V→V is inconsistent. In this paper, we give a finer analysis of the implications of his result for embeddings V→V relative to models of ZFC. We do this by working in the extended language , using as axioms all the usual axioms of ZFC , along with an axiom schema that asserts that j is a nontrivial (...)
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  12.  52
    Double helix in large large cardinals and iteration of elementary embeddings.Kentaro Sato - 2007 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 146 (2):199-236.
    We consider iterations of general elementary embeddings and, using this notion, point out helices of consistency-wise implications between large large cardinals.Up to now, large cardinal properties have been considered as properties which cannot be accessed by any weaker properties and it has been known that, with respect to this relation, they form a proper hierarchy. The helices we point out significantly change this situation: the same sequence of large cardinal properties occurs repeatedly, changing only the parameters.As results of (...)
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  13.  33
    (1 other version)A comparative study of artistic play and.Mitsuru Fujie - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 37 (4):107-114.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 37.4 (2003) 107-114 [Access article in PDF] A Comparative Study of Artistic Play and Zoukei-Asobi[Tables] "Artistic Play" and "Zoukei-Asobi" Recently, I found an article in Art Education which led me to believe that "artistic play" is not as popular among North America art educators as it is in Japan. 1 For Japanese art educators, especially at the elementary level, this word is well-known (...)
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  14.  95
    Lifting elementary embeddings j: V λ → V λ. [REVIEW]Paul Corazza - 2007 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 46 (2):61-72.
    We describe a fairly general procedure for preserving I3 embeddings j: V λ → V λ via λ-stage reverse Easton iterated forcings. We use this method to prove that, assuming the consistency of an I3 embedding, V = HOD is consistent with the theory ZFC + WA where WA is an axiom schema in the language {∈, j} asserting a strong but not inconsistent form of “there is an elementary embedding V → V”. This improves upon an (...)
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  15.  59
    Formal languages defined by the underlying structure of their words.J. P. Ressayre - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (4):1009-1026.
    i) We show for each context-free language L that by considering each word of L as a structure in a natural way, one turns L into a finite union of classes which satisfy a finitary analog of the characteristic properties of complete universal first order classes of structures equipped with elementary embeddings. We show this to hold for a much larger class of languages which we call free local languages. ii) We define local languages, a class (...)
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  16.  4
    On the consistency of ZF with an elementary embedding from [math] into [math].Farmer Schlutzenberg - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Logic.
    Journal of Mathematical Logic, Ahead of Print. According to a theorem due to Kenneth Kunen, under ZFC, there is no ordinal [math] and nontrivial elementary embedding [math]. His proof relied on the Axiom of Choice (AC), and no proof from ZF alone is has been discovered. [math] is the assertion, introduced by Hugh Woodin, that [math] is an ordinal and there is an elementary embedding [math] with critical point [math]. And [math] asserts that [math] holds for some (...)
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  17.  42
    Critical points in an algebra of elementary embeddings.Randall Dougherty - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 65 (3):211-241.
    Dougherty, R., Critical points in an algebra of elementary embeddings, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 65 211-241.Given two elementary embeddings from the collection of sets of rank less than λ to itself, one can combine them to obtain another such embedding in two ways: by composition, and by applying one to the other. Hence, a single such nontrivial embedding j generates an algebra of embeddings via these two operations, which satisfies certain laws . (...) has shown, among other things, that this algebra is free on one generator with respect to these laws.The set of critical points of members of this algebra is the subject of this paper. This set contains the critical point κ0 of j, as well as all of the other ordinals κn in the critical sequence of j ). But the set includes many other ordinals as well. The main result of this paper is that the number of critical points below κn grows so quickly with n that it dominates any primitive recursive function. In fact, it grows faster than the Ackermann function, and even faster than a slow iterate of the Ackermann function. Further results show that, even just below κ4, one can find so many critical points that the number is only expressible using fast-growing hierarchies of iterated functions. (shrink)
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  18.  92
    Elementary embedding between countable Boolean algebras.Robert Bonnet & Matatyahu Rubin - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (4):1212-1229.
    For a complete theory of Boolean algebras T, let MT denote the class of countable models of T. For B1, B2 ∈ MT, let B1 ≤ B2 mean that B1 is elementarily embeddable in B2. Theorem 1. For every complete theory of Boolean algebras T, if T ≠ Tω, then $\langle M_T, \leq\rangle$ is well-quasi-ordered. ■ We define Tω. For a Boolean algebra B, let I(B) be the ideal of all elements of the form a + s such that $B\upharpoonright (...)
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  19.  75
    Generalizations of the Kunen inconsistency.Joel David Hamkins, Greg Kirmayer & Norman Lewis Perlmutter - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (12):1872-1890.
    We present several generalizations of the well-known Kunen inconsistency that there is no nontrivial elementary embedding from the set-theoretic universe V to itself. For example, there is no elementary embedding from the universe V to a set-forcing extension V[G], or conversely from V[G] to V, or more generally from one set-forcing ground model of the universe to another, or between any two models that are eventually stationary correct, or from V to HOD, or conversely from HOD to V, (...)
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  20.  26
    The Combinatorics and Absoluteness of Definable Sets of Real Numbers.Zach Norwood - 2022 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 28 (2):263-264.
    This thesis divides naturally into two parts, each concerned with the extent to which the theory of $L$ can be changed by forcing.The first part focuses primarily on applying generic-absoluteness principles to how that definable sets of reals enjoy regularity properties. The work in Part I is joint with Itay Neeman and is adapted from our paper Happy and mad families in $L$, JSL, 2018. The project was motivated by questions about mad families, maximal families of infinite subsets of $\omega (...)
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  21. A Revolutionary New Metaphysics, Based on Consciousness, and a Call to All Philosophers.Lorna Green - manuscript
    June 2022 A Revolutionary New Metaphysics, Based on Consciousness, and a Call to All Philosophers We are in a unique moment of our history unlike any previous moment ever. Virtually all human economies are based on the destruction of the Earth, and we are now at a place in our history where we can foresee if we continue on as we are, our own extinction. As I write, the planet is in deep trouble, heat, fires, great storms, and record flooding, (...)
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  22. Descriptive Properties of I2-Embeddings.Vincenzo Dimonte, Martina Iannella & Philipp Lücke - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-26.
    We contribute to the study of generalizations of the Perfect Set Property and the Baire Property to subsets of spaces of higher cardinalities, like the power set ${\mathcal {P}}({\lambda })$ of a singular cardinal $\lambda $ of countable cofinality or products $\prod _{i<\omega }\lambda _i$ for a strictly increasing sequence $\langle {\lambda _i}~\vert ~{i<\omega }\rangle $ of cardinals. We consider the question under which large cardinal hypothesis classes of definable subsets of these spaces possess such regularity properties, focusing on (...)
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  23.  73
    The Wholeness Axioms and V=HOD.Joel David Hamkins - 2001 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 40 (1):1-8.
    If the Wholeness Axiom wa $_0$ is itself consistent, then it is consistent with v=hod. A consequence of the proof is that the various Wholeness Axioms are not all equivalent. Additionally, the theory zfc+wa $_0$ is finitely axiomatizable.
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  24.  46
    Children’s Production of Unfamiliar Word Sequences Is Predicted by Positional Variability and Latent Classes in a Large Sample of Child-Directed Speech.Danielle Matthews & Colin Bannard - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (3):465-488.
    We explore whether children’s willingness to produce unfamiliar sequences of words reflects their experience with similar lexical patterns. We asked children to repeat unfamiliar sequences that were identical to familiar phrases (e.g.,A piece of toast) but for one word (e.g., a novel instantiation ofA piece ofX, likeA piece of brick). We explore two predictions—motivated by findings in the statistical learning literature—that children are likely to have detected an opportunity to substitute alternative words into the final (...)
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  25.  34
    Introduction.Paul Standish - 2022 - The Pluralist 17 (1):96-99.
    It Is My Pleasure To Introduce this discussion of Naoko Saito's American Philosophy in Translation. We have contributions from three experts in American philosophy, all of whom have been in conversation with the author for many years: Jim Garrison, Vincent Colapietro, and Steven Fesmire. Prior to their contributions, I would like to set the scene with some brief remarks to introduce the book and to explain something of its background.Over the past two decades, I have worked closely with Saito on (...)
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  26.  37
    Recursive events in random sequences.George Davie - 2001 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 40 (8):629-638.
    Let ω be a Kolmogorov–Chaitin random sequence with ω1: n denoting the first n digits of ω. Let P be a recursive predicate defined on all finite binary strings such that the Lebesgue measure of the set {ω|∃nP(ω1: n )} is a computable real α. Roughly, P holds with computable probability for a random infinite sequence. Then there is an algorithm which on input indices for any such P and α finds an n such that P holds within the first (...)
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  27.  34
    ULTRA: Universal Grammar as a Universal Parser.David P. Medeiros - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:307789.
    A central concern of generative grammar is the relationship between hierarchy and word order, traditionally understood as two dimensions of a single syntactic representation. A related concern is directionality in the grammar. Traditional approaches posit process-neutral grammars, embodying knowledge of language, put to use with infinite facility both for production and comprehension. This has crystallized in the view of Merge as the central property of syntax, perhaps its only novel feature. A growing number of approaches explore grammars with different directionalities, (...)
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  28.  22
    Some Stable Non-Elementary Classes of Modules.Marcos Mazari-Armida - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (1):93-117.
    Fisher [10] and Baur [6] showed independently in the seventies that if T is a complete first-order theory extending the theory of modules, then the class of models of T with pure embeddings is stable. In [25, 2.12], it is asked if the same is true for any abstract elementary class $(K, \leq _p)$ such that K is a class of modules and $\leq _p$ is the pure submodule relation. In this paper we give some instances where this (...)
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  29. Plato’s Metaphysical Development before Middle Period Dialogues.Mohammad Bagher Ghomi - manuscript
    Regarding the relation of Plato’s early and middle period dialogues, scholars have been divided to two opposing groups: unitarists and developmentalists. While developmentalists try to prove that there are some noticeable and even fundamental differences between Plato’s early and middle period dialogues, the unitarists assert that there is no essential difference in there. The main goal of this article is to suggest that some of Plato’s ontological as well as epistemological principles change, both radically and fundamentally, between the early and (...)
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  30. Species Nova [To See Anew]: Art as Ecology.David Haley - 2003 - Ethics and the Environment 8 (1):143-150.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ethics & the Environment 8.1 (2003) 143-150 [Access article in PDF] Species Nova [To See Anew]Art as Ecology David Haley Looking Back From space, looking back at earth, we may see three key issues: the accelerating increase of the human species, the accelerating decrease of other species, and the accelerating effects of climate change. We might ask, how are we to cope with these changes creatively?That our societies tend (...)
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  31.  29
    Trees and Keislers problem.Ali Enayat - 2001 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 40 (4):273-276.
    We give a new negative solution to Keisler's problem regarding Skolem functions and elementary extensions. In contrast to existing ad hoc solutions due to Payne, Knight, and Lachlan, our solution uses well-known models.
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  32.  56
    An elementary proof of strong normalization for intersection types.Valentini Silvio - 2001 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 40 (7):475-488.
    We provide a new and elementary proof of strong normalization for the lambda calculus of intersection types. It uses no strong method, like for instance Tait-Girard reducibility predicates, but just simple induction on type complexity and derivation length and thus it is obviously formalizable within first order arithmetic. To obtain this result, we introduce a new system for intersection types whose rules are directly inspired by the reduction relation. Finally, we show that not only the set of strongly normalizing (...)
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  33.  76
    (1 other version)Elementary embeddings and infinitary combinatorics.Kenneth Kunen - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (3):407-413.
    One of the standard ways of postulating large cardinal axioms is to consider elementary embeddings,j, from the universe,V, into some transitive submodel,M. See Reinhardt–Solovay [7] for more details. Ifjis not the identity, andκis the first ordinal moved byj, thenκis a measurable cardinal. Conversely, Scott [8] showed that wheneverκis measurable, there is suchjandM. If we had assumed, in addition, that, thenκwould be theκth measurable cardinal; in general, the wider we assumeMto be, the largerκmust be.
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  34.  5
    From real-life to very strong axioms. Classification problems in Descriptive Set Theory and regularity properties in Generalized Descriptive Set Theory.Martina Iannella - 2024 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 30 (2):285-286.
    This thesis is divided into three parts, the first and second ones focused on combinatorics and classification problems on discrete and geometrical objects in the context of descriptive set theory, and the third one on generalized descriptive set theory at singular cardinals of countable cofinality.Descriptive Set Theory (briefly: DST) is the study of definable subsets of Polish spaces, i.e., separable completely metrizable spaces. One of the major branches of DST is Borel reducibility, successfully used in the last 30 years to (...)
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  35.  46
    Index sets and parametric reductions.Rod G. Downey & Michael R. Fellows - 2001 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 40 (5):329-348.
    We investigate the index sets associated with the degree structures of computable sets under the parameterized reducibilities introduced by the authors. We solve a question of Peter Cholakand the first author by proving the fundamental index sets associated with a computable set A, {e : W e ≤ q u A} for q∈ {m, T} are Σ4 0 complete. We also show hat FPT(≤ q n ), that is {e : W e computable and ≡ q n ?}, is Σ4 (...)
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  36.  57
    Leibniz filters and the strong version of a protoalgebraic logic.Josep Maria Font & Ramon Jansana - 2001 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 40 (6):437-465.
    A filter of a sentential logic ? is Leibniz when it is the smallest one among all the ?-filters on the same algebra having the same Leibniz congruence. This paper studies these filters and the sentential logic ?+ defined by the class of all ?-matrices whose filter is Leibniz, which is called the strong version of ?, in the context of protoalgebraic logics with theorems. Topics studied include an enhanced Correspondence Theorem, characterizations of the weak algebraizability of ?+ and of (...)
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  37.  39
    A Note on the Axioms for Zilber’s Pseudo-Exponential Fields.Jonathan Kirby - 2013 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 54 (3-4):509-520.
    We show that Zilber’s conjecture that complex exponentiation is isomorphic to his pseudo-exponentiation follows from the a priori simpler conjecture that they are elementarily equivalent. An analysis of the first-order types in pseudo-exponentiation leads to a description of the elementary embeddings, and the result that pseudo-exponential fields are precisely the models of their common first-order theory which are atomic over exponential transcendence bases. We also show that the class of all pseudo-exponential fields is an example of a nonfinitary (...)
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  38.  40
    Infinitary Jónsson functions and elementary embeddings.Masahiro Shioya - 1994 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 33 (2):81-86.
    We give an extender characterization of a very strong elementary embedding between transitive models of set theory, whose existence is known as the axiom I2. As an application, we show that the positive solution of a partition problem raised by Magidor would refute it.
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  39.  53
    Strong axioms of infinity and elementary embeddings.Robert M. Solovay - 1978 - Annals of Mathematical Logic 13 (1):73.
  40.  17
    Topological elementary equivalence of regular semi‐algebraic sets in three‐dimensional space.Floris Geerts & Bart Kuijpers - 2018 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 64 (6):435-463.
    We consider semi‐algebraic sets and properties of these sets that are expressible by sentences in first‐order logic over the reals. We are interested in first‐order properties that are invariant under topological transformations of the ambient space. Two semi‐algebraic sets are called topologically elementarily equivalent if they cannot be distinguished by such topological first‐order sentences. So far, only semi‐algebraic sets in one and two‐dimensional space have been considered in this context. Our contribution is a natural characterisation of topological elementary equivalence (...)
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    The algebraic structure of the isomorphic types of tally, polynomial time computable sets.Yongge Wang - 2002 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 41 (3):215-244.
    We investigate the polynomial time isomorphic type structure of (the class of tally, polynomial time computable sets). We partition P T into six parts: D −, D^ − , C, S, F, F^, and study their p-isomorphic properties separately. The structures of , , and are obvious, where F, F^, and C are the class of tally finite sets, the class of tally co-finite sets, and the class of tally bi-dense sets respectively. The following results for the structures of and (...)
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  42.  29
    The large cardinals between supercompact and almost-huge.Norman Lewis Perlmutter - 2015 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 54 (3-4):257-289.
    I analyze the hierarchy of large cardinals between a supercompact cardinal and an almost-huge cardinal. Many of these cardinals are defined by modifying the definition of a high-jump cardinal. A high-jump cardinal is defined as the critical point of an elementary embedding j:V→M\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${j: V \to M}$$\end{document} such that M is closed under sequences of length sup{j|f:κ→κ}\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\sup\{{j\,|\,f: \kappa \to \kappa}\}}$$\end{document}. Some of (...)
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  43. On elementary embeddings from an inner model to the universe.J. Vickers & P. D. Welch - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (3):1090-1116.
    We consider the following question of Kunen: Does Con(ZFC + ∃M a transitive inner model and a non-trivial elementary embedding j: M $\longrightarrow$ V) imply Con (ZFC + ∃ a measurable cardinal)? We use core model theory to investigate consequences of the existence of such a j: M → V. We prove, amongst other things, the existence of such an embedding implies that the core model K is a model of "there exists a proper class of almost Ramsey cardinals". (...)
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  44.  39
    More on the Preservation of Large Cardinals Under Class Forcing.Joan Bagaria & Alejandro Poveda - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (1):290-323.
    We prove two general results about the preservation of extendible and $C^{(n)}$ -extendible cardinals under a wide class of forcing iterations (Theorems 5.4 and 7.5). As applications we give new proofs of the preservation of Vopěnka’s Principle and $C^{(n)}$ -extendible cardinals under Jensen’s iteration for forcing the GCH [17], previously obtained in [8, 27], respectively. We prove that $C^{(n)}$ -extendible cardinals are preserved by forcing with standard Easton-support iterations for any possible $\Delta _2$ -definable behaviour of the power-set function on (...)
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  45.  53
    ‘Enlisting in the struggle to be free’: A feminist wrestle with gender and religion.Kochurani Abraham - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (39):1296-1314.
    This paper looks at the gendered underpinnings of religion using a feminist lens. It names the violence embedded in the gendered notions of religious ideology and praxis and shows how religion can be “injurious” to women’s growth because of the following factors: the hierarchical dualism that alienates them from the Spirit and identifies them with the body while marginalizing them through their positioning on the lower rungs of the hierarchical ladder; the exclusive male imagery of God and its mediation by (...)
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    An Approach for Generating Pattern-Based Shorthand Using Speech-to-Text Conversion and Machine Learning.H. K. Anasuya Devi & K. R. Abhinand - 2013 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 22 (3):229-240.
    Rapid handwriting, popularly known as shorthand, involves writing symbols and abbreviations in lieu of common words or phrases. This method increases the speed of transcription and is primarily used to record oral dictation. Someone skilled in shorthand will be able to write as fast as the dictation occurs, and these patterns are later transliterated into actual, natural language words. A new kind of rapid handwriting scheme is proposed, called the Pattern-Based Shorthand. A word on a keyboard involves (...)
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    The Hungarian Nominal Functional Sequence.Éva Dékány - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    The Hungarian Nominal Functional Sequence combines the methods of syntactic cartography with evidence from compositional semantics in a comprehensive exploration of the structure of Noun Phrases. Proceeding from the lexical core to the top of DP, it uses Hungarian as a window on the underlying universal functional hierarchy of Noun Phrases, but it also regularly complements and supports the analysis with cross-linguistic evidence. The book works out a minimal map of the extended NP in the sense that the (...)
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    Obscene Words and their Functions, I.Joel Feinberg - 1987 - In The Moral Limits of the Criminal Law: Volume 2: Offense to Others. New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Obscene words have the capacity to offend and shock listeners, and in some cases even fill with dread and horror. The class of words that are either obscene, totally disreputable, or naughty enough to be forbidden, is diverse and heterogeneous. These include sexual vulgarities, other “dirty words”, political labels, ethnic slurs, insulting terms, and religious blasphemies. Obscene-to-naughty words and phrases can be classified into two main categories: profanities and vulgarities. Derivative uses of obscenity are discussed.
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    The Discussion of Noun Complements with no Suffixes and the Relation between Word Classes and Phrases.Caner Keri̇moğlu - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:1487-1501.
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  50. Kissing in the Shadow.Paul Thomas & Tim Morton - 2012 - Continent 2 (4):289-334.
    In late August 2012, artist Paul Thomas and philosopher Timothy Morton took a stroll up and down King Street in Newtown, Sydney. They took photographs. If you walk too slowly down the street, you find yourself caught in the honey of aesthetic zones emitted by thousands and thousands of beings. If you want to get from A to B, you had better hurry up. Is there any space between anything? Do we not, when we look for such a space, encounter (...)
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