Results for 'Keith Lewis Topper'

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  1. The Disorder of Political Inquiry.Keith Topper - 2007 - Human Studies 30 (3):275-280.
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    In Defense of Disunity.Keith Topper - 2000 - Political Theory 28 (4):509-539.
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    The theory of international politics? An analysis of neorealist theory.Keith Topper - 1998 - Human Studies 21 (2):157-186.
    In recent years a number of writers have defended and attacked various features of structural, or neo-realist theories of international politics. Few, however, have quarrelled with one of the most foundational features of neorealist theory: its assumptions about the nature of science and scientific theories. In this essay I assess the views of science underlying much neorealist theory, especially as they are articulated in the work of Kenneth Waltz. I argue not only that neorealist theories rest on assumptions about science (...)
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    Not So Trifling Nuances: Pierre Bourdieu, Symbolic Violence, and the Perversions of Democracy.Keith Topper - 2001 - Constellations 8 (1):30-56.
  5.  36
    Arendt and Bourdieu between Word and Deed.Keith Topper - 2011 - Political Theory 39 (3):352-377.
    This essay investigates questions about the relationship between language, speech, and democratic institutions by bringing into conversation Hannah Arendt's and Pierre Bourdieu's distinctive views of the politics of language and speech. First, I explicate Arendt's account of the connection between speech, action, and identity disclosure, as well as its role in her broad conception of political institutions. Next, I complicate this outlook by examining Bourdieu's political sociology of language, focusing on the ways that linguistic competences valorized in particular institutional settings (...)
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    The disorder of political inquiry.Keith Topper - 2005 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Engaging the work of thinkers such as Richard Rorty, Charles Taylor, Pierre Bourdieu, Roy Bhaskar, and Hannah Arendt, as well as recent literature in political ...
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    Books in Review.Keith Topper - 1998 - Political Theory 26 (2):253-261.
  8.  55
    Book ReviewsIan Shapiro,. The Flight from Reality in the Human Sciences.Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2005. Pp. 232. $24.95. [REVIEW]Keith Topper - 2007 - Ethics 117 (3):571-576.
  9. Evolutionary Discovery of Fuzzy Concepts in Data.Lewis L. H. Chung & Keith C. C. Chan - 2003 - Brain and Mind 4 (2):253-268.
    Given a set of objects characterized by a number of attributes, hidden patterns can be discovered in them for the grouping of similar objects into clusters. If each of these clusters can be considered as exemplifying a certain concept, then the problem concerned can be referred to as a concept discovery problem. This concept discovery problem can be solved to some extent by existing data clustering techniques. However, they may not be applicable when the concept involved is vague in nature (...)
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    Book in Review: Logics of Critical Explanation in Social and Political Theory, by Jason Glynos and David Howarth. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2007. 288 pp. $150.00 (cloth), $41.95 (paper). [REVIEW]Keith Topper - 2010 - Political Theory 38 (5):731-734.
  11. Lewis on ‘Might’ and ‘Would’ Counterfactual Conditionals.Keith DeRose - 1994 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 24 (3):413-418.
    Letting denote ‘would’ counterfactual conditionals like If I had looked in my pocket, I would have found a penny and letting denote ‘might’ counterfactual conditionals like If I had looked in my pocket, I might have found a penny,David Lewis’s thesis regarding the connection between these two types of conditionals is that.
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    Causal effects and counterfactual conditionals: contrasting Rubin, Lewis and Pearl.Keith A. Markus - 2021 - Economics and Philosophy 37 (3):441-461.
    Rubin and Pearl offered approaches to causal effect estimation and Lewis and Pearl offered theories of counterfactual conditionals. Arguments offered by Pearl and his collaborators support a weak form of equivalence such that notation from the rival theory can be re-purposed to express Pearl’s theory in a way that is equivalent to Pearl’s theory expressed in its native notation. Nonetheless, the many fundamental differences between the theories rule out any stronger form of equivalence. A renewed emphasis on comparative research (...)
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    Lewis's Notion of a Convention.Keith Coleman - unknown
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    To Gilbert Keith Chesterton.Lewis Filewood - 1974 - The Chesterton Review 1 (1):36-37.
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    Lewis Carroll , Das Spiel der Logik, Germam Translation by Micheal Zöllner of 671, Edited and with an afterword by Paul Good. Tropen Verlag, Cologne, and Frommann-Holzboog, Stuttgart, 1998, 199 pp. - Paul Good, Logik—ein Spiel, Therein, pp. 103–119. [REVIEW]Keith Stenning - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (3):1368-1370.
  16. C. I. Lewis and the Foundations of Necessary Truth.Keith S. Donnellan - 1961 - Dissertation, Cornell University
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  17. Now you know it, now you don’t.Keith DeRose - 2000 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 5:91-106.
    Resistance to contextualism comes in the form of many very different types of objections. My topic here is a certain group or family of related objections to contextualism that I call “Now you know it, now you don’t” objections. I responded to some such objections in my “Contextualism and Knowledge Attributions” a few years back. In what follows here, I will expand on that earlier response in various ways, and, in doing so, I will discuss some aspects of David (...)’s recent paper, “Elusive Knowledge.”. (shrink)
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  18. Atomism and Semantics in the Philosophy of Jerrold Katz.Keith Begley - 2020 - In Ugo Zilioli (ed.), Atomism in Philosophy: A History from Antiquity to the Present. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 312-330.
    Jerrold J. Katz often explained his semantic theory by way of an analogy with physical atomism and an attendant analogy with chemistry. In this chapter, I track the origin and uses of these analogies by Katz, both in explaining and defending his decompositional semantic theory, through the various phases of his work throughout his career.
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    The Survival of Culture. [REVIEW]V. Bradley Lewis - 2004 - Review of Metaphysics 57 (3):630-631.
    The lead-off essay by Kenneth Minogue is an Oakeshottian reflection on the extent to which modern people have become passive spectators of action, detached from traditional loyalties and modes of identity and thus a kind of new Epicurean, shorn of the genuinely contemplative character of the originals. Eric Ormsby follows this with a judicious appraisal of the possibilities and perils for culture associated with the advent of the new information technology. Anthony Daniels provides a similarly sober account of the many (...)
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    Taking Political Science Seriously: Mixing Methods Makes for a More Contingent but Self-Reflective Discipline: Keith Topper, The Disorder of Political Inquiry. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2005, ix + 336 pp.Sanford F. Schram - 2007 - Human Studies 30 (3):275-280.
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    The Disorder of Political Inquiry ‐ by Keith Topper.Jason Frank - 2007 - Constellations 14 (1):147-150.
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    C. S. Lewis: The Question of Multiple Incarnations.Paul Brazier - 2014 - Heythrop Journal 55 (3):391-408.
    Formulated by Aquinas, commented on by post-Copernican philosophers and theologians, analysed in depth by C.S. Lewis, and deliberated by some contemporary writers, the question of multiple incarnations either within humanity or amongst extra-terrestrial sentient species is all too intermittently examined: ‘Can the Christ be incarnated more than once in our reality, or somewhere else in the universe, or another reality?’ In this paper, we examine the debate and the conclusions: that is, Lewis’s position within his philosophical theology and (...)
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    A Lost Lesson in Keith Lehrer’s Reply to the Consequence Argument.Michael McKenna - 2020 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 97 (4):545-558.
    In this article, the author examines Keith Lehrer’s response to the Consequence Argument. He argues that his response has advantages over David Lewis’s. Contrary to what Lewis suggests in a footnote, Lehrer’s assessment of an ability to affect the laws of nature in deterministic settings is largely the same as Lewis’s. However, Lehrer’s position has an advantage that Lewis’s lacks. Lehrer integrates his proposal within a positive account of freedom, and this helps to explain how (...)
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  24. Are Knowledge Claims Indexical?Wayne A. Davis - 2004 - Erkenntnis 61 (2-3):257-281.
    David Lewis, Stewart Cohen, and Keith DeRose have proposed that sentences of the form S knows P are indexical, and therefore differ in truth value from one context to another.1 On their indexical contextualism, the truth value of S knows P is determined by whether S meets the epistemic standards of the speakers context. I will not be concerned with relational forms of contextualism, according to which the truth value of S knows P is determined by the standards (...)
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  25. Proper names and identifying descriptions.Keith S. Donnellan - 1970 - Synthese 21 (3-4):335 - 358.
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    Mentality and Machines.Keith Gunderson - 1972 - Doubleday.
    This edition's postscript includes further reflections on these themes and others, and relates them to recent writings of other philosophers and computer ...
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    Handbook of Emotions.M. Lewis & J. Havil (eds.) - 1999 - Guilford Press.
    Now in a thoroughly revised and expanded third edition, this authoritative Handbook reviews current knowledge about all aspects of emotion and its role in human ...
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  28. (1 other version)Body and Mind.Keith Campbell - 1970 - Philosophy 47 (181):286-287.
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    Perceptions and representations: the theoretical bases of brain research and psychology.Keith Oatley - 1978 - London: Methuen.
    problems in psychology The three themes of this book are the relation of the brain's structure to psychological function, the problem of how people perceive ...
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    Counterfactual success and negative freedom.Keith Dowding & Martin van Hees - 2007 - Economics and Philosophy 23 (2):141-162.
    Recent theories of negative freedom see it as a value-neutral concept; the definition of freedom should not be in terms of specific moral values. Specifically, preferences or desires do not enter into the definition of freedom. If preferences should so enter then Berlin's problem that a person may enhance their freedom by changing their preferences emerges. This paper demonstrates that such a preference-free conception brings its own counter-intuitive problems. It concludes that these problems might be avoided if the description of (...)
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    Moral Responsibility and Leeway for Action.Keith Wyma - 1997 - American Philosophical Quarterly 34 (1):57 - 70.
  32. (2 other versions)A pragmatic conception of the a priori.Clarence Irving Lewis - 1923 - Journal of Philosophy 20 (7):169-177.
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    Belief and knowledge.Keith Lehrer - 1968 - Philosophical Review 77 (4):491-499.
  34.  40
    The IRB paradox: Could the protectors also encourage deceit?Patricia Keith-Spiegel & Gerald P. Koocher - 2005 - Ethics and Behavior 15 (4):339 – 349.
    The efforts of some institutional review boards (IRBs) to exercise what is viewed as appropriate oversight may contribute to deceit on the part of investigators who feel unjustly treated. An organizational justice paradigm provides a useful context for exploring why certain IRB behaviors may lead investigators to believe that they have not received fair treatment. These feelings may, in turn, lead to intentional deception by investigators that IRBs will rarely detect. Paradoxically, excessive protective zeal by IRBs may actually encourage misconduct (...)
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    Archimedes.Daniel C. Lewis & E. J. Dijksterhuis - 1958 - American Journal of Philology 79 (2):221.
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    Hierarchical conceptual spaces for concept combination.Martha Lewis & Jonathan Lawry - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence 237 (C):204-227.
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    Chisholm, Reid and the problem of the epistemic surd.Keith Lehrer - 1990 - Philosophical Studies 60 (1-2):39 - 45.
  38.  14
    Guiding Difficult Decisions on Scarce Investigational Therapeutic Agents in the COVID-19 Pandemic.Keith W. Hamilton - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (9):20-23.
    Volume 20, Issue 9, September 2020, Page 20-23.
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  39. Logic in the study of psychiatric disorders: Executive function and rule-following.Keith Stenning & Michiel van Lambalgen - 2007 - Topoi 26 (1):97-114.
    Executive function has become an important concept in explanations of psychiatric disorders, but we currently lack comprehensive models of normal executive function and of its malfunctions. Here we illustrate how defeasible logical analysis can aid progress in this area. We illustrate using autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as example disorders, and show how logical analysis reveals commonalities between linguistic and non-linguistic behaviours within each disorder, and how contrasting sub-components of executive function are involved across disorders. This analysis reveals (...)
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    Description of Situations: An Essay in Contextualist Epistemology.Nuno Venturinha - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book approaches classic epistemological problems from a contextualist perspective. The author takes as his point of departure the fact that we are situated beings, more specifically that every single moment in our lives is already given within the framework of a specific context in the midst of which we understand ourselves and what surrounds us. In the process of his investigation, the author explores, in a fresh way, the works of key thinkers in epistemology. These include Bernard Bolzano, René (...)
  41.  86
    Towards a connectionist cognitive architecture.Keith Butler - 1991 - Mind and Language 6 (3):252-72.
  42.  51
    Adam Smith’s Intriguing Solution to the Problem of Moral Luck.Keith Hankins - 2016 - Ethics 126 (3):711-746.
    In a brief section of The Theory of Moral Sentiments that has often been overlooked, we find a fascinating discussion of the phenomenon of moral luck. This article argues that Adam Smith’s discussion is important for two reasons: first, for what it tells us about the role our psychology, including some of its more ‘irregular’ features, plays in allowing us to reap the benefits of social cooperation and, second, for the novel solution it suggests to the problem of moral luck.
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    Review Essay: High-Heeled Red Imitation-Crocodile Boots.Anthony King - 2006 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 36 (3):367-378.
    The two works under review attempt to describe the outlines of a post-positivist social science of the future. Against objectivist approaches, these books emphasize the importance of hermeneutics and the cultural turn to the social sciences. Social sciences must recognize collective understandings and human agency. However, while affirming the importance of an interpretivist approach, both of these works also suggest that objective institutional reality must be recognized by social scientists today. Meaningful human agency and objective structure must be encompassed by (...)
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    Decolonizing Philosophy.Lewis R. Gordon - 2019 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 57 (S1):16-36.
    This article explores five ways in which philosophy could be colonized: (1) racial and ethnic origins, (2) coloniality of its norms, (3) market commodification, (4) disciplinary decadence, (5) solipsism—and what the author calls a teleological suspension of philosophy as consideration among other practices of thought.
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    Work and emancipatory practice: Towards a recovery of human beings' productive capacities.Keith Breen - 2007 - Res Publica 13 (4):381-414.
    This article argues that productive work represents a mode of human flourishing unfortunately neglected in much current political theorizing. Focusing on Habermasian critical theory, I contend that Habermas’s dualist theory of society, with its underpinning distinction between communicative and instrumental reason, excludes work and the economy from ethical reflection. To avoid this uncritical turn, we need a concept of work that retains a core emancipatory referent. This, I claim, is provided by Alasdair MacIntyre’s notion of ‹practice’. The notion of ‹practice’ (...)
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  46. The Development of Kant’s View of Ethics.Keith Ward - 1972 - Philosophy 48 (183):96-97.
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    A note on the liar paradox.Keith S. Donnellan - 1957 - Philosophical Review 66 (3):394-397.
  48. The Taming of Content: Some Thoughts About Domains and Modules.Keith J. Holyoak & Patricia W. Cheng - forthcoming - Thinking and Reasoning.
  49. God in the Dock: Essays on Theology and Ethics.C. S. Lewis & Walter Hooper - 1970
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    Medicolegal Complications of Apnoea Testing for Determination of Brain Death.Ariane Lewis & David Greer - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (3):417-428.
    Recently, there have been a number of lawsuits in the United States in which families objected to performance of apnoea testing for determination of brain death. The courts reached conflicting determinations in these cases. We discuss the medicolegal complications associated with apnoea testing that are highlighted by these cases and our position that the decision to perform apnoea testing should be made by clinicians, not families, judges, or juries.
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