Results for 'Kasım Yildirim'

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  1.  41
    Spoof, Bluff, Go For It: A Defence of Spoofing.Kasim Khorasanee - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 189 (1):201-215.
    Spoofing—placing orders on financial exchanges intending to withdraw them prior to execution—is widely legally prohibited. I argue instead on two main grounds that spoofing should be permitted and legalised. The first is that spoofing as a form of bluffing remains within the market practice of making legally binding offers—as opposed to lying or betraying trust—and primarily concerns the spoofer’s personal information. As a form of bluffing spoofing helps prevent financial speculators, in particular high-frequency algorithmic traders, from easily profiting by other (...)
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    Being Open-Minded about Open-Mindedness.Kasim Khorasanee - 2024 - Philosophy 99 (2):191-221.
    Within the field of virtue and vice epistemology open-mindedness is usually considered an archetypal virtue. Nevertheless, there is ongoing disagreement over how exactly it should be defined. In this paper I propose a novel definition of open-mindedness as a process of impartial belief revision and use it to argue that we should shift our normative assessments away from the trait itself to the context in which it is exercised. My definition works by three sequential stages: not screening new claims, impartially (...)
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  3. Supported Voting: A How‐To Guide.Kasim Khorasanee & Matilda Carter - 2021 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 38 (4):674-685.
    This article takes as its starting point the moral requirement to include persons with serious cognitive impairments in democratic decision‐making. That said, including such persons poses particular practical challenges to effective democratic participation. Nussbaum has set out the most extensive proposals for inclusion based on a model of guardianship, but we find they fall short due to not suitably respecting and facilitating the subjective decision‐making of impaired persons. Instead, we argue for a model of co‐constitution, whereby aides work within a (...)
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    Filozofska i umetnička kritika.C. Kasim Prohi - 1988 - Sarajevo: "Veselin Masleša".
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    (1 other version)Filozofsko i umjetničko iskustvo.Kasim Prohić - 1985 - Sarajevo: Veselin Masleša. Edited by Kasim Prohić.
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  6. Figure otvorenih značenja: ka kritici pojmovnog pozitivizma.Kasim Prohić - 1976 - Zagreb: Studentski centar Sveučilišta.
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  7. Odvažnost izricanja.Kasim Prohić - 1970 - Zagreb: [Studentski centar Sveučilišta].
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    Otvorena značenja.Kasim Prohić - 2000 - Sarajevo: Nakl. Zoro.
    Filosofiske betragtninger over æstetik, kunst og litteratur.
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    The Distinction of Ordinary (‘Awām) and Elite (Khawāṣ) People in Islamic Thought.Emine Taşçi̇ Yildirim - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (2):665-685.
    Distinction of ‘awām- khawāṣ (the ordinary and the elite) is a general distinction in philosophical literature that shows the difference of people in their level of understanding the truth. It is possible to take this distinction back to Plato in Ancient Greek philosophy. Plato's hesitation in expressing his philosophical thoughts in written form, and Aristotle's use of obscure expressions and symbols in his works against the possibility of reaching those who are not competent, is a result of the distinction between (...)
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    Ahk'm Ayetlerini Yorumlamada Fıkhî Mezhep Faktörü: Cess's, Ebû Bekr İbnü’l-Arabî ve Kiy' el-Herr'sî Örneklemleri.İlyas Yildirim - 2019 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 5 (2):623-653.
    Ayetler, ele aldıkları konular itibariyle geniş bir konu yelpazesine sahiptir. Bu konuları ise bazen doğrudan ve yoruma gerek bırakmayacak şekilde bazen de bu netlikte olmadan ortaya koyarlar. Bu durum, ayetle muhatap olan kişinin metni doğru anlamasında belli bir yöntem ve birikime sahip olmasını gerekli kılar. Bu ise muhatabın metni anlama ve yorumlamasında, sahip olduğu bakış açısının etkisini baskın hale getirir. Bu bağlamda ahkâm ayetlerine bakıldığında onların sınırlı ve bazı alanları düzenleyici oldukları görülür. Ayrıca içerdikleri ahkâma dair de çoğu kez farklı (...)
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    Arendt’s Promise to Civil Society: Bridging the Social and the Political.Senem Yildirim - 2014 - The European Legacy 19 (7):869-882.
    In Arendt’s political theory the concept of civil society is often read as an extension of her concept of the social and is therefore dismissed as irrelevant to her political vision. This view leaves Arendtian theory in an exclusivist position with regard to contemporary political contexts and experiences. My aim in this essay is to address this problem by discussing the relationship of Arendtian theory and the concept of civil society in the context of contemporary political experience. This calls for (...)
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  12.  26
    High confidence and low accuracy in redundancy masking.Fazilet Zeynep Yildirim & Bilge Sayim - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 102:103349.
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    (1 other version)Towards an understanding of science.Cemal Yildirim - 1970 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 1 (1):104-118.
    Summary In the attempt to understand science, definition is not much of a help. Due to the ever growing complexity of science, no unique and universally valid set of defining criteria is available. Hence, certain distinctions are resorted to: science is both a body of tested knowledge and a method of inquiry. The latter, in turn, consists of two phases: discovery and confirmation. The writer argues that it is mainly in respect of its method that science can best be characterized (...)
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  14.  22
    The Stylistic Characteristics of a Commentary Belonging to Old Anatolian Turkish.Kübra Yildirim - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1217-1227.
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    Learning social navigation from demonstrations with conditional neural processes.Yigit Yildirim & Emre Ugur - 2022 - Interaction Studies 23 (3):427-468.
    Sociability is essential for modern robots to increase their acceptability in human environments. Traditional techniques use manually engineered utility functions inspired by observing pedestrian behaviors to achieve social navigation. However, social aspects of navigation are diverse, changing across different types of environments, societies, and population densities, making it unrealistic to use hand-crafted techniques in each domain. This paper presents a data-driven navigation architecture that uses state-of-the-art neural architectures, namely Conditional Neural Processes, to learn global and local controllers of the mobile (...)
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    1933 Yılında Âli İktisat Meclisi'nin Sanayi Raporu ve Sümerbank'ın Kurulması.Vehbi Emre Yildirim - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 7):561-561.
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  17. Hē anaplasis tou politeumatos.Basileios P. Kasimēs - 1961
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  18. Materialist dialektika vă su̇rʼătlăndirmă, i̐enidăngurma konsepsii̐asy: elmi ăsărlărin tematik măjmuăsi = Materialisticheskai︠a︡ dialektika i kont︠s︡ept︠s︡ii︠a︡ uskorenii︠a︡, perestroĭki: tematicheskiĭ sbornik nauchnykh trudov.F. F. Kasim-Zade (ed.) - 1987 - Baky: Azărbai̐jan Dȯvlăt Universiteti.
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    Toponymic Legends of Kazakh Turks.Seyfullah Yildirim - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:2101-2121.
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    A Marketplace for Honest Ideas.Kasim Khorasanee - forthcoming - Moral Philosophy and Politics.
    The marketplace of ideas is a colourful metaphor with a long history of being used to argue for freedom of speech. This paper draws on its historical antecedents to begin with an orthodox understanding of the metaphor whereby the absence of substantive regulation is taken to be conducive to the good functioning of both economic markets and public discourse. This anti-regulation reading is then challenged by analysing a series of legal cases showcasing prohibitions on misrepresentation and fraud. These speech regulations (...)
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    Okul Müdürlerinin Müzakere Becerilerine İlişkin Bir Analiz.M. Cevat Yildirim - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 8):2277-2277.
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    İnönü Dönemi'nin "Resmi Olmayan" Tarihi Muhafazakarların Dün Algısı.Erdal Yildirim Erinç - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 4):1199-1199.
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    Halkevlerinde Tarih Eğitimi Faaliyetlerine Bir Örnek: Tarihi Konferanslar (1932.Tercan Yildirim - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 19):825-825.
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    Kerkükî Abdüssett'r Efendi ve Mir'ciyyesi.İsmail Yildirim - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 6):1163-1163.
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    Nazire Geleniğine 19. Yüzyıldan Bir Örnek: R''if Bey ve Leyl' Hanım'ın Birbirler.Hafsanur Yildirim - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 4):1111-1111.
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    The Gate Opened From Literature To Philosophy.Eren Yildirim - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:987-989.
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    Yazma Gelişim Dosyası Uygulamasının Yabancı Dil Olarak Türkçe Öğrenen Öğrenciler.Mehmet Yildirim - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 14):827-827.
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    Sosyal Bi̇Li̇Mlerde Meta-Metodoloji̇K Bi̇R Unsur Olarak Zaman.Yılmaz Yildirim & Muhammet Ertoy - 2018 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 13 (1):71-90.
    Sosyal bilimsel yaklaşımlar önemli ölçüde kültürel ayrımlara ve varsayımlara, kültürel ayrımlar ise örtük bir zaman tasavvuruna bağlıdır. Kültürün bir bileşeni olan zaman, gerçekliğin toplumsal ve tarihsel inşası sürecine dahildir. Toplumsal/tarihsel gerçekliğin incelenmesi adeta toplumun kurumsallaşmış unsurlarından biri olan zamanın da incelenmesini gerekli kılar. Kültürelci yaklaşımlarda zaman konusu bilhassa tarihselcilik ve eleştirisi bağlamında ele alınmaktadır. Tarihselciliği eleştiren ve buna alternatif teşkil eden yaklaşımlar da zaman tasavvuru ve bunun seçilen yönteme etkisi bakımından tarihselciliğin bazı ön kabullerini paylaşmaktadır. Bu alternatifler modernist sosyal bilimlerin (...)
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    Djela.Kasim Prohić - 1988 - Sarajevo: "Veselin Masleša". Edited by Kasim Prohić.
    1. Odvažnost izricanja ; Figure otvorenih značenja -- 2. Činiti i biti ; Apokrifnost poetskog govora -- 3. Prizma i ogledalo -- 4. Filozofsko i umjetničko iskustvo -- 5. Filozofska i umjetnička kritika -- 6. Marksistička kultura mišljenja.
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  30. Filozofska i umetnička kritika.Kasim Prohić - 1988 - Sarajevo: "Veselin Masleša".
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  31. Odvažnost izricanja: fenomenologija životnih formi ; Figure otvorenih značenja: ka kritici pojmovnog pozitivizma.Kasim Prohić - 1988 - Sarajevo: "Veselin Masleša. Edited by Kasim Prohić.
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  32. Prizma i ogledalo: Đerđ Lukač, Ernst Bloh, Teodor V. Adorno.Kasim Prohić - 1988 - Sarajevo: "Veselin Masleša".
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    A Study of Epicurism and a ghazel of Baki’s.Ali Yildirim - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:2701-2709.
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    Kırgız Türkçesinde Geçen Eski Türkçe Kelimeler.Talip Yildirim - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 4):1155-1155.
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    Transfer of object category knowledge across visual and haptic modalities: Experimental and computational studies.Ilker Yildirim & Robert A. Jacobs - 2013 - Cognition 126 (2):135-148.
  36.  20
    Erken Ortaçağlarda Übülle Liman Kentinin İran Körfezi Açısından Önemi.Taner Yildirim - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 4):1185-1185.
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    Okul Öncesi Dönemdeki Çocukların Sosyal Duygusal Uyumları İle Sosyal Beceri Düze.Günseli Yildirim - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 9):965-965.
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    Sosyal Bilgiler ve Sınıf Öğretmenliği Öğrencilerinin Coğrafya Okuryazarlığı Algı.Tahsin Yildirim - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 14):847-847.
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  39. A Rational Analysis of the Acquisition of Multisensory Representations.Ilker Yildirim & Robert A. Jacobs - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (2):305-332.
    How do people learn multisensory, or amodal, representations, and what consequences do these representations have for perceptual performance? We address this question by performing a rational analysis of the problem of learning multisensory representations. This analysis makes use of a Bayesian nonparametric model that acquires latent multisensory features that optimally explain the unisensory features arising in individual sensory modalities. The model qualitatively accounts for several important aspects of multisensory perception: (a) it integrates information from multiple sensory sources in such a (...)
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    Mobbing Behaviors Encountered By Nurse Teaching Staff.Dilek Yildirim, Aytolan Yildirim & Arzu Timucin - 2007 - Nursing Ethics 14 (4):447-463.
    The term `mobbing' is defined as antagonistic behaviors with unethical communication directed systematically at one individual by one or more individuals in the workplace. This cross-sectional and descriptive study was conducted for the purpose of determining the mobbing behaviors encountered by nursing school teaching staff in Turkey, its effect on them, and their responses to them. A large percentage (91%) of the nursing school employees who participated in this study reported that they had encountered mobbing behaviors in the institution where (...)
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    Din Sosyolojisi Tarih ve Teoriler.Tamer Yildirim - 2015 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 16 (30).
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    Ironic Discourse in Ahmet Mithat Efendi’s “Felatun Bey and Rakım Efendi” Novel.Farız Yildirim - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:1783-1794.
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    Outlines of Early Tabgach History.Kürşat Yildirim - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:2711-2738.
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    Sosyali̇zmi̇n alfabesi̇.Tamer Yildirim - 2016 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 17 (32):227-227.
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    The tool-belongings names in the Divanü Lügati't-Türk.Talip Yildirim - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1229-1249.
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  46.  18
    Arap Dilinde İtiraz Cümlesinin Kelamda Bulunabileceği Yerler.Muhammed Emin Yildirim - 2022 - Atebe 8:187-210.
    Kur’ân’daki belâgat yönleri sınırsızdır. Bununla birlikte âlimler tarafından bunların ortaya çıkarılması istenmiştir. Bu yönlerden biri de belâgatte itnâbın bir çeşidi olan i‘tirâz cümlesidir. İ‘tirâzın Türkçedeki karşılığı ara cümledir. Fakat bunun iki dildeki kullanılma amaçları farklıdır. Bu çalışma, Arap dilinde i‘tirâz cümlesinin kelamda bulunabileceği yerleri konu edinmektedir. Bu yüzden ara cümle yerine itirâz kavramının kullanılması tercih edilmiştir. Bu bağlamda öncelikle i‘tirâz kavramının sözlük, terim anlamı anlatılmış ve bu tanımın değerlendirilmesi yapılmıştır. Daha sonra klasik nahiv kitaplarından i‘tirâz cümlesinin kelamda bulunabileceği yerler tesbit (...)
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  47.  20
    Ibn Sīnā’s Debate in Shifā: Metaphysics 1/8 with Sophists and Instrumentalization of the Mind in the Face of Outside.Ömer Ali Yildirim - 2022 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 26 (1):287-301.
    This study aims to focus on the eight chapter of first article of Avicenna al-Shifā: Metaphysics. The necessity of the study on the sophists in the aforementioned chapter in terms of metaphysics, the mental background, the method used here and the reasons for this preferred method formed the general scope of the study. In the history of philosophy, leading philosophers such as Plato, Arsitotle and Avicenna had to answer the claims of the sophists by examining them, and especially the last (...)
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  48.  31
    Religion, Law (Sharī‘a) and Interpretation in al-Fārābī’s Philosophy.Ömer Ali Yildirim - 2018 - Dini Araştırmalar 21 (53 (15-06-2018)):99-120.
    Politics is among the most important concepts of al-Fārābī’s philosophy. For him, real happiness can only be achieved in a virtuous society and a virtuous society appears only in a regime led by the first chief. The most important feature of the first chief is that he communicates with the Active Mind. Religion is considered by al-Fārābī as the regime and life style implemented by the first chief in a virtuous society. This study tries to present how al-Fārābī perceives religion (...)
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    Orhan Kemal'in Romanlarının Fransızca, Almanca ve İngilizce Çevirileriyle Türk K.Ceylan Yildirim - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 4):1091-1091.
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    On The Data From Some Secret Languages In Derleme Sözlüğü.Yildirim Faruk - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:565-578.
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