Results for 'Kūkai'

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  1.  56
    Kûkai.John Krummel - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article on the founder of Shingon (Japanese Tantric) Buddhism, Kūkai (774-835CE).
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    Kūkai's Shingon: Embodiment of Emptiness.John W. M. Krummel - 2014 - In Bret W. Davis (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Japanese Philosophy. New York, NY: Oxford Handbooks.
    This chapter explicates the philosophy of the body of sixth-century Buddhist thinker Kūkai. Kūkai brings together what initially seem to be opposing concepts: body and emptiness. He does this in the context of formulating a system of cosmology inseparable from religious practice. We interact with the rest of the cosmos through our body. Kūkai characterizes the cosmos in turn as the body of the Buddha, who personifies the embodiment of the dharma. This cosmic body is comprised of (...)
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    Kūkai and Dōgen as Exemplars of Ecological Engagement.Graham Parkes - 2013 - Journal of Japanese Philosophy 1 (1):85-110.
    Although the planet is currently facing an unprecedented array of environmental crises, those who are in a position to do something about them seem to be paralyzed and the general public apathetic. This pathological situation derives in part from a particular concep­tion of the human relationship to nature which is central to anthro­pocentric traditions of thought in the West, and which understands the human being as separate from, and superior to, all other beings in the natural world. Traditional East Asian (...)
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    Embodied Implacement in Kūkai and Nishida.John W. M. Krummel - 2015 - Philosophy East and West 65 (3):786-808.
    Two Japanese philosophers not often read together but both with valuable insights concerning body and place are Kūkai 空海, the founder of Shingon 真言 Buddhism, and Nishida Kitarō 西田幾多郎, the founder of Kyoto School philosophy. This essay will examine the importance of embodied implacement in correlativity with the environment in the philosophies of these two preeminent intellects of Japan. One was a medieval religionist and the other a modern philosopher, and yet similarities inherited from Mahāyāna Buddhism are to be (...)
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  5. Saichō and Kūkai: A conflict of interpretations.Ryuichi Abe - 1995 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 22 (1-2).
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    On Knowing the Mystery: Kukai and Thomas Aquinas.Thomas P. Kasulis - 1988 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 8:36.
  7. Kinshiroku jimō kukai.Nakamura Tekisai kōjutsu - 1933 - In Tekisai Nakamura, Xi Zhu & Tōgai Itō (eds.), Kinshiroku, Yōjikaku. Tōkyō: Waseda Daigaku Shuppanbu.
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    Icons and Iconoclasm in Japanese Buddhism: Kukai and Dogen on the Art of Enlightenment.Pamela Winfield - 2013 - Oup Usa.
    Pamela D. Winfield offers a fascinating juxtaposition and comparison of the thoughts of two pre-modern Japanese Buddhist masters, Kukai (774-835) and Dogen (1200-1253) on the role of imagery in the enlightenment experience.
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    The Bodymind Experience in Japanese Buddhism: A Phenomenological Study of Kukai and Dogen. David Edward Shaner.Alban Cooke - 1987 - Buddhist Studies Review 4 (2):159-161.
    The Bodymind Experience in Japanese Buddhism: A Phenomenological Study of Kukai and Dogen. David Edward Shaner. State University of New York Press, New York 1985. 250 pp. Cloth $ 34.50, paper $ 10.95.
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    The Bodymind Experience in Japanese Buddhism: A Phenomenological Study of Kukai and Dogen.Steve Odin - 1987 - Philosophy East and West 37 (2):202-206.
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    Harmony, Attribute of the Sacred and Phenomenal in Aquinas and Kukai.John Brinkman - 1995 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 15:105–118.
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    Icons and Iconoclasm in Japanese Buddhism: Kūkai and Dōgen on the Art of Enlightenment by Pamela D. Winfield.Victor Forte - 2015 - Philosophy East and West 65 (2):647-650.
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    Reference and symbol in Plato's "cratylus" and kūkai's "shōjijissōgi".T. P. Kasulis - 1982 - Philosophy East and West 32 (4):393-405.
  14.  12
    Truth Words: The Basis of Kukai s Theory of Interpretation.Thomas P. Kasulis - 1988 - In Donald S. Lopez (ed.), Buddhist Hermeneutics. University of Hawaii Press. pp. 257-272.
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    A Study on the Tathāgata-garbha Thought of Kukai: Mainly Focused on Jeuksinseongbuleui(卽身成佛義). 이석환 - 2017 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 84 (84):115-138.
    본 연구는 일본 진언밀교의 개산조인 쿠카이(空海)가 중국유학에서 돌아와 진언종을 개창했을 때 당시 중국불교의 경향인 여래장사상이 진언밀교 사상형성에 어떠한 영향을 주었는지에 관한 연구이다. 쿠카이는 헤이안(平安) 초기의 승려로서 일본불교가 성립되는 시기에 중국의 밀교를 직접 도입한 인물로 일본불교사상사에서 중요한 인물이다. 쿠카이는 그의 저작인 『비밀만다라십주심론(秘密曼茶羅十住心論)』의 십주심체계를 통해 밀교의 수승함을 밝히고, 삼밀수행을 통한 가지에 의해 성불할 수 있다는 즉신성불(卽身成佛)의 원리를 제시하였다. 이러한 성불론을 바탕으로 체계화 된 사상이 진언밀교이고, 진언밀교의 교학이 완성되는 배경에는 『대승기신론』과 『석마하연론』을 중심으로 한 여래장사상이 기반이 된다. 또한 그는 『즉신성불의(卽身成佛義)』를 통해 즉신성불의 원리를 완성했는데, (...)
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    Book Review: Abe Ryuichi, The Weaving of Mantra: Kukai and the Construction of Esoteric Buddhist Discourse. [REVIEW]George J. Tanabe Jr - 2001 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 28 (1-2):153-156.
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    Japanese Philosophers.Graham Parkes, Mark L. Blum, John C. Maraldo & Yoko Arisaka - 1991 - In Robert L. Arrington (ed.), A Companion to the Philosophers. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 639–663.
    Dōgen Kigen (1200–1253 ce) is one of the most revered figures in the history of Japanese culture. A Zen master regarded by the Sōtō School as its spiritual founder, Dōgen is also considered by many to be Japan's greatest philosopher. (The other major contender is kūkai, with whose philosophy Dōgen's shares a number of features.) Possessed of a prodigious and subtle intellect, and master of a strikingly poetic style, he surely ranks among the world's most formidable thinkers.
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  18. Metaphor and maṇḍala in shingon buddhist theology.David Gardiner - 2008 - Sophia 47 (1):43-55.
    Buddhist maṇḍala that are made of colored sand or are painted on cloth have been well represented in Asian art circles in the West. Discussions of the role that they can play in stimulating religious contemplation or even as sacred icons charged with power have also appeared in English scholarship. The metaphorical meaning of the term maṇḍala, however, is less commonly referenced. This paper discusses how the founder of the Japanese school of Shingon Buddhism, the Buddhist monk Kūkai of (...)
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    Dialogues.Wayne Hudson - 2022 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2022 (200):195-199.
    A Dialogue between Kukai and John Scotus EriugenaThe Japanese philosopher and calligrapher Kukai (774–835), founder of esoteric Shingon Buddhism, talks to John Scotus Eriugena (800–877), an Irish philosopher and the author of The Division of Nature, who held that nature includes the things that are and the things that are not.
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    Engaging Japanese Philosophy: A Short History.Thomas P. Kasulis - 2017 - Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
    Philosophy challenges our assumptions—especially when it comes to us from another culture. In exploring Japanese philosophy, a dependable guide is essential. The present volume, written by a renowned authority on the subject, offers readers a historical survey of Japanese thought that is both comprehensive and comprehensible. Adhering to the Japanese philosophical tradition of highlighting engagement over detachment, Thomas Kasulis invites us to think with, as well as about, the Japanese masters by offering ample examples, innovative analogies, thought experiments, and jargon-free (...)
  21.  20
    Shinran as Global Philosopher.Sarah Mattice - 2022 - Religions 13 (2).
    Gutoku Shinran (1173-1263) is one of Japan’s most creative and influential thinkers. He is the (posthumous) founder of what ultimately became Jōdo Shinshū, better known today as Shin Buddhism, the most widely practiced form of Buddhism in Japan. Despite this, his work has not received the global attention of other historical Japanese philosophical figures such as Kūkai (774-835) or Dōgen (1200-1253). The relationships of influence between Shin Buddhism in general—or Shinran’s work more specifically—and earlier Chinese sources, especially non-Buddhist sources, (...)
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    Buddhism and Ecology: The Interconnection of Dharma and Deeds (review).Lucinda Joy Peach - 2002 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (1):222-228.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (2002) 222-228 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Buddhism and Ecology: The Interconnection of Dharma and Deeds Buddhism and Ecology: The Interconnection of Dharma and Deeds. Edited by Mary Evelyn Tucker and Duncan Ryuken Williams. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1997. 467 pp. As Mary Evelyn Tucker's foreword explains, this book is part of a series of conferences and publications exploring the relationship between religion and (...)
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  23.  15
    Early Japanese Philosophers in Konjaku monogatari shū.N. N. Trubnikova - 2018 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 8:23-45.
    The paper deals with the tales on the origins of Japanese Buddhism from the 11th scroll of the Konjaku monogatari shū. Particular attention is paid to the stories about Saichō and Kūkai, the founders of the Tendai and Shingon schools, thinkers, whose writings have built two versions of the doctrine of the Buddhist ritual aimed at “state protection” and “benefits in this world.” From the elements familiar to the Western reader – “lives, opinions and sayings,” according to Laertius, – (...)
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  24.  85
    Nietzsche and Japanese Buddhism on the Cultivation of the Body: To What Extent Does Truth Bear Incorporation?André van der Braak - 2009 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 1 (2):223-251.
    In order to overcome the unhealthy perspective of body-mind dualism and become capable of holding the “higher” and healthier perspective of body and mind as will to power, Nietzsche stresses that one must engage in a process of cultivation of the body. Such a practice of self-cultivation involves leaving behind incorporated illusory and life-denying perspectives and incorporating more “truthful” and affirmative perspectives on life. In this article, Nietzsche’s views on the body and its cultivation will be further explored and compared (...)
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