Results for 'Jungtinės Tautos'

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  1.  64
    Response to Large-Scale Atrocities: Humanitarian Intervention and the Responsibility to Protect.Saulius Katuoka & Agnė Čepinskytė - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 121 (3):157-175.
    The United Nations has shown recurrent inability to respond to international threats caused by severe human rights violations and thus failed to perform one of its main function—preservation of international peace and security in the world. This evidenced gaps in the United Nations, caused mainly by the veto right in the voting system within the Security Council and limited powers of the General Assembly. The international community gave a twofold answer to this problem: radical humanitarian intervention and the recent concept (...)
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  2.  57
    Social Contract Theory and the International Normative Order: A New Global Ethic?Paresh Kathrani - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 119 (1):97-109.
    Although people establish norms that enable them to live together, some of these have to be coupled with a system of enforcement. This conforms to broad social contract theory and can also be applied to the international sphere. The international community is also based on a system of norms. However, unlike the domestic context, there is no overreaching authority to direct states on what they should do. Rather it is left to states themselves to police this framework. However, this has (...)
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  3.  13
    (1 other version)Pavao Ritterio Vitezovićiaus Didžiosios (Jungtinės) Kroatijos idėja: ankstyvasis modernus nacionalinės tapatybės modelis ir nacionalinės kroatų-slavų valstybės kūrimas.Vladislav B. Sotirović - 2017 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 92:92-111.
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  4.  9
    Istorijos interpretacija ir Kazachstano tautos formavimasis: oficialioji istoriografija ir etniniai naratyvai.Doszhan Kaliyev - forthcoming - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art.
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  5.  53
    Responsibility of Transnational Corporations for Human Rights Violations: Deficiencies of International Legal Background and Solutions Offered by National and Regional Legal Tools.Saulius Katuoka & Monika Dailidaitė - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (4):1301-1316.
    The article deals with the question how transnational corporations can bear direct responsibility for human rights abuses they commit by analysing the deficiencies of the current international legal background with respect to human rights and transnational corporations, and the solutions offered by national and regional legal tools. By establishing that current international law is incapable of reducing or compensating for governance gaps, the case law analysis shows that the litigation system under the Alien Tort Claims Act in the United States (...)
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  6.  1
    Tautinių stereotipų kaita Lietuvoje pastarąjį dešimtmetį: studijuojančio jaunimo empirinis tyrimas.Dalia Antinienė & Rosita Lekavičienė - 2024 - Filosofija. Sociologija 27 (2).
    Straipsnyje pristatomi pastarąjį dešimtmetį įvykę stereotipinių vaizdinių apie įvairių tautų (lietuvių, vokiečių, rusų ir kt.) charakterio bruožus poslinkiai. Lietuvos studijuojančio jaunimo sąmonėje susiformavę apibendrinti lietuvių ir kitataučių stereotipai buvo tirti 2003, 2008 ir 2015 metais. Šiuo laikotarpiu pastebimai kito politinė situacija, tarptautiniai santykiai, todėl buvo galima tikėtis ir tautinės stereotipizacijos kaitos. Gauti tyrimo rezultatai tai patvirtino: neigiamas rusų tautos stereotipiškumo rodiklis pastebimai pakilo, o teigiamas krito; žydų tautos stereotipas, sprendžiant pagal teigiamo ir neigiamo stereotipiškumo vidurkių poslinkius, pastarąjį dešimtmetį (...)
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  7.  75
    On Substance Being the Same As Its Essence in Metaphysics Z 6: The Pale Man Argument.Norman O. Dahl - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (1):1-27.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:On Substance Being the Same As Its Essence in Metaphysics Z 6: The Pale Man ArgumentNorman O. Dahlin general Aristotle’s account of substance in the Categories is clear. Primary substances, the basic constitutents of the world, are independently existing individuals, paradigm examples of which are particular living organisms. However, the later use to which Aristotle puts matter and form provides him with two new candidates for primary substance.1 A (...)
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  8.  1
    Skyrybos ir sutuoktinių socialiniai ekonominiai ištekliai.Aušra Maslauskaitė, Aiva Jasilionienė, Domantas Jasilionis & Vlada Stankūnienė - 2014 - Filosofija. Sociologija 24 (4).
    Lietuva išsiskiria vienais aukščiausių ištuokų rodiklių ES, kurie su nedideliais svyravimais iš esmės nekinta jau daugiau nei tris dešimtmečius. Nors skyrybos gana dažnos, beveik nėra tyrimų, nagrinėjančių ištuokų socialinį mechanizmą. Šio straipsnio tikslas – remiantis tiksliausia populiacijos lygmens, o ne atrankinių tyrimų informacija, atskleisti individo socialinių ekonominių išteklių įtaką ištuokos rizikai Lietuvoje. Pristatomas tyrimas* yra išskirtinis dėl savo empirinio šaltinio – 2001 m. gyventojų surašymo ir pirmųjų santuokų ir ištuokų registrų duomenų jungtinės bazės, kuri teikia informaciją apie visus susituokusius (...)
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  9.  41
    Reforming an Unwritten Constitution? Exploring Changes in the United Kingdom, 1997–2010.Paul James Cardwell - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 121 (3):73-95.
    This article considers the major constitutional reforms which have taken place in the United Kingdom during the period of government by the Labour Party, 1997-2010. Within the context of the UK’s unwritten constitution, the article first considers how ‘constitutional’ law can be identified when compared with a written constitution, such as that of the Republic of Lithuania. The article then analyses the major reforms which have taken place since 1997, the political reasons behind them, the processes of reform and their (...)
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  10.  29
    March 11th: the Legal Framework of the Restoration of Independence (text only in Lithuanian).Vytautas Sinkevičius - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 121 (3):55-71.
    The article deals with the legal acts which were adopted by the Supreme Council Reconstituting the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania on 11 March 1990, and which are related to the restoration of the independent State of Lithuania. The author discloses the chronology of the legal acts adopted on that day and investigates why some particular act was adopted first, and only later another act was passed; he investigates the circumstances which determined the content of the legal acts and (...)
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  11.  38
    Cancellation of early elections by the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic: Beginning of a New Concept of “Protection of Constitutionality”.Jan Kudrna - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 122 (4):43-70.
    The ruling of the Constitutional Court of 10 September 2009 which repealed the proclaimed early elections to the Chamber of Deputies because of their alleged unconstitutionality fully manifests unjustifiability of the interference by the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic. The decision directly interfered with the process of democratic re-establishment of the Chamber of Deputies. At the same time, the Court´s intervention was only made possible by violating a number of constitutionally prescribed rules. Finally, the respective ruling could not be (...)
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  12.  37
    The Iranian Threat to Close the Strait of Hormuz: A Violation of International Law?Stefan Kirchner & Birutė M. Salinaitė - 2013 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 20 (2):549-567.
    Along with the Strait of Malacca and the Singapore Straits, the Strait of Hormuz is arguably the most important bottleneck in international navigation because a large part of the global oil production needs to be shipped through this passage, which is only a few kilometers wide. In the context of the dispute about Iran’s nuclear program and new sanctions, Iran has threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz for international shipping, effectively cutting off many Western countries from important oil imports. (...)
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