John Paul Russo [8]John Russo [1]
  1. The humanities in a technological society.John Paul Russo - 1998 - Humanitas 11 (1):175-190.
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    The Future Without a Past: The Humanities in a Technological Society.John Paul Russo - 2005 - University of Missouri.
    In _The Future without a Past,_ John Paul Russo goes beyond currently given reasons for the decline of the humanities and searches out its root causes in the technologization of everyday life. His main premise is that we are undergoing a transformation at the hands of technological imperatives such as rationalization, universalism, monism, and autonomy. The relation between ourselves and nature has altered to such a degree that we no longer live in a natural environment but in a technological one. (...)
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  3. Complementarities: Uncollected Essays.I. A. Richards & John Paul Russo - 1978 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 11 (3):215-218.
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    A Study in Influence: The Moore-Richards Paradigm.John Paul Russo - 1979 - Critical Inquiry 5 (4):683-712.
    "Hard task to analyze a soul. . . ." We would do well to let Wordsworth's comment guide our questioning. Have we avoided "a mystical and idle sense" of an influence? Have we lost our way tracking the "most obvious and particular thought?" Have our conclusions been "in the words of reason deeply weighed?" We might well wonder with such a supreme influence on a life that is firmly stamped by independence and originality, a source of an immense influence in (...)
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    Greece and Rome in America.John Paul Russo - 2013 - Modern Intellectual History 10 (1):177-192.
    The classics appear conspicuously in the pamphlet wars of the American Revolution, though in the opinion of Bernard Bailyn , their presence is “window-dressing” and their influence “superficial.” They are “ everywhere illustrative, not determinative, of thought” . Up the scale in influence comes Enlightenment rationalism, also “superficial” but only “at times”—that removes the foreigners, ancient and modern. Then, further up the scale are English common-law writers, “powerfully influential” though still insufficiently “determinative”; above them, a “major source,” New England Puritan (...)
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    I. A. Richards in Retrospect.John Paul Russo - 1982 - Critical Inquiry 8 (4):743-760.
    I. A. Richards ushered the spirit of Cambridge realism into semantics and literary criticism. When he arrived as an undergraduate in 1911, Cambridge was in the midst of its finest philosophical flowering since the Puritanism and Platonism of the seventeenth century. The revolution of G. E. Moore and Bertrand Russell against Hegelian idealism had already occurred; the Age of Principia was under way. There was a reassertion of native empiricism and a new interest in philosophical psychology, and the whole discussion (...)
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    New Media, New Era.John Paul Russo - 2004 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 24 (6):500-508.
    This article explores the impact of the new communications technologies on the generation born in the 1980s, the first to grow up under the dominance of the computer. It considers some of the parameters for discussing the close of one era and the beginning of another and draws on the writings of major civilizationist historians and futurologists, including Jacques Ellul, Samuel Huntington, and Romano Guardini.
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    The Great Forgetting: From the Library to the Media Center.John Paul Russo - 2001 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 21 (1):20-25.
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