Results for 'Johanna Gibson'

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  1.  38
    The influence of referential processing on sentence complexity.Tessa Warren & Edward Gibson - 2002 - Cognition 85 (1):79-112.
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    Orientation in visual perception; The perception of tip-character in forms.Minnie Radner & James J. Gibson - 1935 - Psychological Monographs 46:48-65.
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    Are Modular Activations Altered in Lower Limb Muscles of Persons with Multiple Sclerosis during Walking? Evidence from Muscle Synergies and Biomechanical Analysis.Tiziana Lencioni, Johanna Jonsdottir, Davide Cattaneo, Alessandro Crippa, Elisa Gervasoni, Marco Rovaris, Emilio Bizzi & Maurizio Ferrarin - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    A systematic application of the concepts of generalization and differentiation to verbal learning.E. J. Gibson - 1940 - Psychological Review 47 (3):196-229.
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  5. An Aesthetics of Insight.John Gibson - 2019 - In Wolfgang Huemer & Íngrid Vendrell Ferran, Beauty: New Essays in Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art. München, Deutschland: Philosophia. pp. 277-306.
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    The meaning and value of life.Rudolf Christoph Eucken & Lucy Judge Gibson - 1909 - London,: A. and C. Black. Edited by Lucy Judge Gibson & William Ralph Boyce Gibson.
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    Was spricht das Bild?: Gegenwartskunst und Wissenschaft im Dialog.Monika Leisch-Kiesl & Johanna Schwanberg (eds.) - 2011 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
    Was kann Gegenwartskunst zu gesellschaftsrelevanten Themen beitragen? Dieser Band präsentiert 19 Positionen der Gegenwartskunst, die seit dem Jahr 2000 im Rahmen des engagierten Projektes 'Im Vorbeigehen' an der Privatuniversität in Linz gezeigt wurden, und verknüpft sie mit theoretischen Reflektionen. In der Auseinandersetzung mit den Werken kommen Vertreter der Philosophie, Theologie, Kunstwissenschaften, Soziologie und Wirtschaftswissenschaften in Kontakt mit Schriftstellern und Kunstvermittlern. Es entsteht ein sprachlich vielfältiger und optisch anregender interdisziplinärer und intermedialer Dialog mit vielfältige Einsichten.
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    A critique of whole body gestational donation.Richard B. Gibson - 2023 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 44 (4):353-369.
    In her controversial paper, Anna Smajdor proposes that brain-dead people could be used as gestation units for prospective parents unable or unwilling to undertake the act themselves—what she terms whole body gestational donation (WBGD). She explores the ethical issues of such an idea and, comparing it with traditional organ donation, asserts that such deceased surrogacy could be a way of outsourcing pregnancy’s harms to a populace unable to be affected by them. She argues that if the prospect is unacceptable, this (...)
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  9. A Revolution in Method, Kant's “Copernican Hypothesis”, and the Necessity of Natural Laws.Martha I. Gibson - 2011 - Kant Studien 102 (1):1-21.
    In an effort to account for our a priori knowledge of synthetic necessary truths, Kant proposes to extend the successful method used in mathematics and the natural sciences to metaphysics. In this paper, a uniform account of that method is proposed and the particular contribution of the ‘Copernican hypothesis’ to our knowledge of necessary truths is explained. It is argued that, though the necessity of the truths is in a way owing to the object's relation to our cognition, the truths (...)
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    (1 other version)Handbook of Mereology.Stamatios Gerogiorgakis, Johanna Seibt & Guido Imaguire (eds.) - 2007 - Munich: Philosophia.
    The present volume is the first comprehensive reference work for research on part-whole relations. The Handbook of Mereology offers a wide scope, inclusive presentation of contemporary research on part-whole relations that draws out systematic, historical, and interdisciplinary trajectories, shows the subject’s fertility, and inspires future explorations. In particular, we want to impress that mereology is much more than the study of axiomatised systems. The relationship between part and whole is a basic schema of cognitive organisation that operates not only at (...)
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    Against Moral Purism.Francisco García Gibson - 2018 - Praxis Filosófica 46:189-198.
    Moral purism is the view that doing evil is never allowed, even as a means to prevent a greater evil. This article assesses two main versions of moral purism and shows that they are implausible. The first version claims that it is always impermissible to choose an option that results in a bad states of affairs, while the second version claims that it is always impermissible to choose an option that is wrong, even if it is only prima facie wrong. (...)
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    A genetic attack on the defense complex.Greg Gibson - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (6):487-489.
    An increasing number of non-model organisms are becoming accessible to genetic analysis in the field, as evolutionary biologists develop dense molecular genetic maps. Peichel et al.'s recent study[1] provides a microsatellite-based map for threespine stickleback fish (Gasterosteus aculeatus), and the first evidence for QTL affecting feeding morphology and defensive armor. This species has undergone rapid and parallel morphological and behavioral evolution, and there is now hope that some of the genes responsible for the divergence may soon be identified. BioEssays 24:487-489, (...)
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    An introduction to ethics.Kevin Gibson - 2014 - New Jersey: Pearson.
    "This book introduces you to the central concerns of classical and contemporary ethics, using examples and cases to highlight particular issues, show how theory can inform our discussions, and reflect on how we ought to treat one another and the world around us...The text paves the way for three outcomes. First, readers will become acquainted with the main figures and movements in classical and contemporary ethics, including feminist, post-modern, and non-Western perspectives. Second, it models a critical analysis of the material (...)
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    Against Penelope: An Invective Theme from Hellenistic Greece.Craig A. Gibson - 2019 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 113 (1):53-63.
  15. La construcción de la nación y la transformación de lo político.Ingrid Johanna Bolívar - 2001 - In Nación y sociedad contemporánea. Bogotá, Colombia: Ministerio de Cultura.
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    Evaluation of 92 cardiovascular proteins in dried blood spots collected under field‐conditions.Karin Broberg, Johanna Svensson, Karin Grahn, Eva Assarsson, Mikael Åberg, Jenny Selander & Stefan Enroth - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (9):2000299.
    Workplace‐collected blood spots deposited on filter paper were analysed with multiplexed affinity‐based protein assays and found to be suitable for proteomics analysis. The protein extension assay (PEA) was used to characterize 92 proteins using 1.2 mm punches in repeated samples collected from 20 workers. Overall, 97.8% of the samples and 91.3% of the analysed proteins passed quality control. Both within and between spot correlations using six replicates from the same individual were above 0.99, suggesting that comparable levels are obtained from (...)
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    An Australian Looks at America. [REVIEW]W. R. B. Gibson - 1927 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 5 (4):314.
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  18. (1 other version)Folk Psychology and the Interpretation of Decision Theory.Johanna Thoma - 2020 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 7.
    Most philosophical decision theorists and philosophers of the social sciences believe that decision theory is and should be in the business of providing folk psychological explanations of choice behaviour, and that it can only do so if we understand the preferences, utilities and probabilities that feature in decision-theoretic models as ascriptions of mental states not reducible to choice. The behavioural interpretation of preference and related concepts, still common in economics, is consequently cast as misguided. This paper argues that even those (...)
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  19. Risk aversion and the long run.Johanna Thoma - 2018 - Ethics 129 (2):230-253.
    This article argues that Lara Buchak’s risk-weighted expected utility (REU) theory fails to offer a true alternative to expected utility theory. Under commonly held assumptions about dynamic choice and the framing of decision problems, rational agents are guided by their attitudes to temporally extended courses of action. If so, REU theory makes approximately the same recommendations as expected utility theory. Being more permissive about dynamic choice or framing, however, undermines the theory’s claim to capturing a steady choice disposition in the (...)
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  20. Functions between reasons and causes : on picturing.Johanna Seibt - 2009 - In Willem A. DeVries, Empiricism, Perceptual Knowledge, Normativity, and Realism: Essays on Wilfrid Sellars. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
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    Experiences at a Federally Qualified Health Center Support Expanded Conception of the Gifts of Precision Medicine.Johanna Tayloe Crane & Carolyn P. Neuhaus - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (4):70-72.
    In “Obligations of the Gift,” Lee argues that ethical thinking regarding return of genetic research results has been too narrowly focused on individual consent and participants’ “right to kn...
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  22. Process Philosophy.Johanna Seibt - 2013 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Qu'est-ce que Dieu?: philosophie, théologie: hommage à l'abbé Daniel Coppieters de Gibson, 1929-1983.Daniel Coppieters de Gibson (ed.) - 1985 - Bruxelles: Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis.
    Par cet ouvrage, né de l'initiative des Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis, de nombreux collaborateurs et amis rendent hommage au travail et à la personnalité de l'abbé Daniel Coppieters de Gibson. Leurs textes rassemblés autour de la question : Qu'est-ce que Dieu? font écho à sa préoccupation majeure en théologie et en philosophie, comme en littérature et en sciences humaines. Au-delà du mémorial, ils attestent, chacun à sa manière, du bien-fondé de cette question impérieuse, quoique impertinente, et de l'attente d'une réponse (...)
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    Logic in the Husserlian context.Johanna Maria Tito - 1990 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    Acknowledgments I wish to express my gratitude to Dr. Jakob Amstutz for his continual feedback during my writing of this work. ...
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  25. Free process theory: Towards a typology of occurrings.Johanna Seibt - 2004 - Axiomathes 14 (1):23-55.
    The paper presents some essential heuristic and constructional elements of Free Process Theory (FPT), a non-Whiteheadian, monocategoreal framework. I begin with an analysis of our common sense concept of activities, which plays a crucial heuristic role in the development of the notion of a free process. I argue that an activity is not a type but a mode of occurrence, defined in terms of a network of inferences. The inferential space characterizing our concept of an activity entails that anything which (...)
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  26. Intra- and interbrain synchronization and network properties when playing guitar in duets.Johanna Sänger, Viktor Müller & Ulman Lindenberger - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
  27. Risk writ large.Johanna Thoma & Jonathan Weisberg - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (9):2369-2384.
    Risk-weighted expected utility theory is motivated by small-world problems like the Allais paradox, but it is a grand-world theory by nature. And, at the grand-world level, its ability to handle the Allais paradox is dubious. The REU model described in Risk and Rationality turns out to be risk-seeking rather than risk-averse on one natural way of formulating the Allais gambles in the grand-world context. This result illustrates a general problem with the case for REU theory, we argue. There is a (...)
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  28. Do Objects Depend on Structures?Johanna Wolff - 2012 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 63 (3):607-625.
    Ontic structural realists hold that structure is all there is, or at least all there is fundamentally. This thesis has proved to be puzzling: What exactly does it say about the relationship between objects and structures? In this article, I look at different ways of articulating ontic structural realism in terms of the relation between structures and objects. I show that objects cannot be reduced to structure, and argue that ontological dependence cannot be used to establish strong forms of structural (...)
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    Judgementalism about normative decision theory.Johanna Thoma - 2021 - Synthese 198 (7):6767-6787.
    Judgementalism is an interpretation of normative decision theory according to which preferences are all-things-considered judgements of relative desirability, and the only attitudes that rationally constrain choice. The defence of judgementalism we find in Richard Bradley’s Decision Theory with a Human Face relies on a kind of internalism about the requirements of rationality, according to which they supervene on an agent’s mental states, and in particular those she can reason from. I argue that even if we grant such internalism, attitudes other (...)
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    Ranken on Disharmony and Business Ethics.Kevin Gibson - 1989 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 6 (2):209-214.
    ABSTRACT This article is a response to Nani Ranken's paper ‘Morality in business: disharmony and its consequences’ . There she attacked the analogy sometimes made between businesses and persons, and concluded that businesses cannot be regarded as moral agents. Her thesis relies centrally on a very strict notion of a person's ‘true good’. By exploring and expanding the concepts of ‘true good’ and ‘moral agency’ we are able to recover a sense in which businesses are indeed members of the moral (...)
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  31. From the Death of the Author to the Freedom of Language: Foucault on Literature.Johanna Oksala - 2006 - Acta Philosophica Fennica 79:191.
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  32. Decision Theory.Johanna Thoma - 2019 - In Richard Pettigrew & Jonathan Weisberg, The Open Handbook of Formal Epistemology. PhilPapers Foundation. pp. 57-106.
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    The Messiness of Ethics in Education.Johanna Cliffe & Carla Solvason - 2021 - Journal of Academic Ethics 20 (1):101-117.
    This article considers the multifaceted concept of ethics and how, despite being a familiar notion within education, it is still much contested within literature and professional practice. Drawing on postmodern, feminist and political literature, the authors explore conceptualisations of ethics and ethicality in relation to ethical identity, professionalism and practice. Applying philosophical and metaphorical tools, such as the rhizome and nomad, the authors suggest there is the potential to accommodate the multiple and often divergent facets of ethics, thereby engaging with (...)
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  34. In Defence of Revealed Preference Theory.Johanna Thoma - 2021 - Economics and Philosophy 37 (2):163-187.
    This paper defends revealed preference theory against a pervasive line of criticism, according to which revealed preference methodology relies on appealing to some mental states, in particular an agent’s beliefs, rendering the project incoherent or unmotivated. I argue that all that is established by these arguments is that revealed preference theorists must accept a limited mentalism in their account of the options an agent should be modelled as choosing between. This is consistent both with an essentially behavioural interpretation of preference (...)
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  35. Taking Risks on Behalf of Another.Johanna Thoma - 2023 - Philosophy Compass 18 (3):e12898.
    A growing number of decision theorists have, in recent years, defended the view that rationality is permissive under risk: Different rational agents may be more or less risk-averse or risk-inclined. This can result in them making different choices under risk even if they value outcomes in exactly the same way. One pressing question that arises once we grant such permissiveness is what attitude to risk we should implement when choosing on behalf of other people. Are we permitted to implement any (...)
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  36. Beyond Endurance and Perdurance: Recurrent Dynamics.Johanna Seibt - 2007 - In Christian Kanzian, Persistence. Ontos. pp. 133-164.
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  37. It's how you get there: walking down a virtual alley activates premotor and parietal areas.Johanna Wagner, Teodoro Solis-Escalante, Reinhold Scherer, Christa Neuper & Gernot Müller-Putz - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  38. Social Science, Policy and Democracy.Johanna Thoma - 2023 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 52 (1):5-41.
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    Feminist experiences: Foucauldian and phenomenological investigations.Johanna Oksala - 2016 - Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
    How is feminist metaphysics possible? -- In defense of experience -- Foucault and experience -- The problem of language -- A phenomenology of birth -- A phenomenology of gender -- The neoliberal subject of feminism -- Feminism and neoliberal governmentality -- Feminist politics of inheritance.
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    The Cambridge Companion to Quine.Roger F. Gibson (ed.) - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    W. V. Quine was quite simply the most distinguished analytic philosopher of the later half of the twentieth century. His celebrated attack on the analytic/synthetic tradition heralded a major shift away from the views of language descended from logical positivism. His most important book, Word and Object, introduced the concept of indeterminacy of radical translation, a bleak view of the nature of the language with which we ascribe thoughts and beliefs to ourselves and others. Quine is also famous for the (...)
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    Influence of Match Status on Players’ Prominence and Teams’ Network Properties During 2018 FIFA World Cup.Gibson Moreira Praça, Bernardo Barbosa Lima, Sarah da Glória Teles Bredt, Raphael Brito E. Sousa, Filipe Manuel Clemente & André Gustavo Pereira de Andrade - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Foucault on Freedom.Johanna Oksala - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Freedom and the subject were guiding themes for Michel Foucault throughout his philosophical career. In this clear and comprehensive analysis of his thought, Johanna Oksala identifies the different interpretations of freedom in his philosophy and examines three major divisions of it: the archaeological, the genealogical, and the ethical. She shows convincingly that in order to appreciate Foucault's project fully we must understand his complex relationship to phenomenology, and she discusses Foucault's treatment of the body in relation to recent feminist (...)
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  43. On the possibility of an anti-paternalist behavioural welfare economics.Johanna Thoma - 2021 - Journal of Economic Methodology 28 (4):350-363.
    Behavioural economics has taught us that human agents don't always display consistent, context-independent and stable preferences in their choice behaviour. Can we nevertheless do welfare economics...
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  44. Pure processes and projective metaphysics.Johanna Seibt - 2000 - Philosophical Studies 101 (2-3):253-289.
    There is a well-known tension within Sellars' scheme arising from commitments to both an anti-foundationalist epistemology and a Peircean scientific realism. This tension surfaces conspicuously in his treatment of ontological category theory. On the one hand, Sellars applies and extends Carnap's metalinguistic deflation of ontology. On the other hand, however, Sellars is not prepared to 'go conventionalist' but upholds the possibility of a "positive ontology" (Rosenberg). I offer a new reading of Sellars’ Carus Lectures in which I combine two projects. (...)
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  45. Particulars.Johanna Seibt - 2010 - In Roberto Poli & Johanna Seibt, Theory and Applications of Ontology: Philosophical Perspectives. Springer Verlag. pp. 23--55.
    According to the standard view of particularity, an entity is a particular just in case it necessarily has a unique spatial location at any time of its existence. That the basic entities of the world we speak about in common sense and science are particular entities in this sense is the thesis of “foundational particularism,” a theoretical intuition that has guided Western ontological research from its beginnings to the present day. The main aim of this paper is to review the (...)
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    Preferences: What We Can and Can’t Do with Them.Johanna Thoma - 2024 - Philosophia 52 (5).
    In her Choosing Well, Chrisoula Andreou puts forth an account of instrumental rationality that is revisionary in two respects. First, it changes the goalpost or standard of instrumental rationality to include “categorial” appraisal responses, alongside preferences, which are relational. Second, her account is explicitly diachronic, applying to series of choices as well as isolated ones. Andreou takes both revisions to be necessary for dealing with problematic choice scenarios agents with disorderly preferences might find themselves in. Focusing on problem cases involving (...)
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    The dynamic constitution of things.Johanna Seibt - 2000 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 76:241-278.
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    More in Sixteenth-century France.Johanna M. Butler - 1974 - Moreana 11 (3):21-22.
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    Biblical Semantic Logic: A Preliminary Analysis.Arthur Gibson - 1982, 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 105 (4):735.
    Application and new theory of philosophical logic and philosophy of language to dead linguistics ancient Near East languages.
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    Factors contributing to the promotion of moral competence in nursing.Johanna Wiisak, Minna Stolt, Michael Igoumenidis, Stefania Chiappinotto, Chris Gastmans, Brian Keogh, Evelyne Mertens, Alvisa Palese, Evridiki Papastavrou, Catherine Mc Cabe, Riitta Suhonen & on Behalf of the Promocon Consortium - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (8):1367-1388.
    Ethics is a foundational competency in healthcare inherent in everyday nursing practice. Therefore, the promotion of qualified nurses’ and nursing students’ moral competence is essential to ensure ethically high-quality and sustainable healthcare. The aim of this integrative literature review is to identify the factors contributing to the promotion of qualified nurses’ and nursing students’ moral competence. The review has been registered in PROSPERO (CRD42023386947) and reported according to the PRISMA guideline. Focusing on qualified nurses’ and nursing students’ moral competence, a (...)
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