Results for 'Joaquín Gairín Sallán'

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  1. Utilización de informes externos para la mejora interna en los centros educativos.Joaquín Gairín Sallán & Carme Armengol - 2008 - Critica 58 (956):38-42.
    El proceso de construcción de una escuela de calidad es un reto permanente que intentan abordar tanto los sistemas educativos como los centros y los profesionales que trabajan en ambos. Sirven a este propósito las recientes muestras de evaluación externa y las experiencias de autoevaluación interna, que a menudo se acompañan de programas de innovación y cambio con o sin soporte externo. Sin embargo, lograr cambio no es fácil, dado el dinamismo de los sistemas educativos, las respuestas que no se (...)
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    The Neuroscience of Freedom and Creativity: Our Predictive Brain.Joaquin M. Fuster - 2013 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Joaquín M. Fuster is an eminent cognitive neuroscientist whose research over the last five decades has made fundamental contributions to our understanding of the neural structures underlying cognition and behaviour. This book provides his view on the eternal question of whether we have free will. Based on his seminal work on the functions of the prefrontal cortex in decision-making, planning, creativity, working memory, and language, Professor Fuster argues that the liberty or freedom to choose between alternatives is a function (...)
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    Ecos virgilianos en Una tempestad épica de silio itálico (pvnica XVII 236-290).Joaquin Villalba Alvarez - 2004 - Humanitas 56:365-382.
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  4. El nombre de al-Andalus.Joaquín Vallvé Bermejo - 1983 - Al-Qantara 4 (1):301-356.
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    Tiempo de caballeros andantes.Joaquín Mª Córdoba - 2005 - Arbor 180 (711/712):619-625.
    Entre los últimos años del siglo XVI y los primeros del XVII, aquel mundo sin límites de los navegantes y aventureros renacentistas comenzaba ya a cerrarse, pues las mismas potencias que antes los habían abierto precisaban ahora defenderlos. No obstante, hasta los inicios de la Guerra de los Treinta Años (1618), España y el Imperio por un lado y Francia e Inglaterra por otro vivirían un periodo de relativa paz. Por encima de rivalidades y controversias religiosas, la sociedad europea compartía (...)
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    Marcela Coria, Luis Esteban Hernández, Santiago Hernández Aparicio, Pedro Kóbila.Joaquín Lanza - 2023 - Argos 47:e0041.
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    Physician-assisted death with limited access to palliative care.Joaquín Barutta & Jochen Vollmann - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (8):652-654.
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    Individual consistency in the accuracy and distribution of confidence judgments.Joaquín Ais, Ariel Zylberberg, Pablo Barttfeld & Mariano Sigman - 2016 - Cognition 146 (C):377-386.
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  9. Rethinking memory impairments: Retrieval failure.Joaquín M. Alfei, Ralph R. Miller, Tomás J. Ryan & Gonzalo P. Urcelay - forthcoming - Psychological Review.
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    Aviadores en el desierto. Aventura y viaje del capitán Rafael Martínez Esteve en el Ḥamad jordano-iraquí (1926).Joaquín Mª Córdoba - 2005 - Arbor 180 (711/712):913-936.
    A comienzos del siglo XX, cuando el redescubrimiento de Oriente se había trocado en su colonización tras la I Guerra Mundial, la poesía del viaje y el reencuentro con gentes y paisajes parecían ya imposibles. De hecho, la literatura «clásica» del viaje a Oriente estaba ya más que acabada. Sin embargo, un accidente de la historia de la aviación española haría que el capitán Rafael Martínez Esteve, integrante de la patrulla que emprendió el viaje Madrid-Manila, viviera una trágica aventura en (...)
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    Medio Fílmico Como Herramienta Educativa.Joaquín David Garrido Parrilla - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (4):1-15.
    A lo largo de la historia, diversas han sido las funciones sociales que ha desarrollado el cine más allá de sus faceta lúdica basada en el entretenimiento. Entre estas funciones destacan su capacidad para registrar hechos históricos fundamentales, su gran eficacia como herramienta de publicidad o propaganda, su facultad a la hora de interactuar con otras disciplinas artísticas, su capacidad de educar y sensibilizar a la sociedad, su facultad ética o filosófica o su faceta informativa.
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    Divulgación y formación en nanotecnología: un puente hacia la bioética.Joaquín Darío Tutor Sánchez - 2016 - Escritos 24 (53):483-506.
    The aim of the article is to analyze the role played by popularization and training within nanotechnology as a mean to build a bridge between Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies; its applications in Biology, Biotechnology and Health Care Industry; and the object of study of Bioethics, mainly its general view. The article begins with a brief presentation of the basic concepts of Bioethics; of the paradigm of the relationship between science, technology and society; and of the contribution of general scientific and technological (...)
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    Historias de las teorías evolucionistas.Joaquín Templado - 1974 - Madrid : Alhambra,:
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    The American Appropriation of God in Select Foundational Documents of the United States.Joaquin Trujillo - 2011 - Analecta Hermeneutica 3.
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    Emancipación contra natura. La crítica ecológica a la teoría marxiana de la alienación.Joaquín Valdivielso - 2011 - Astrolabio 11:496-506.
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    Time and its dimensions.Joaquin Xirau - 1945 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 6 (3):381-399.
  17.  43
    An everyday aesthetic impulse: Dewey revisited.Joaquin Zuñiga - 1989 - British Journal of Aesthetics 29 (1):41-46.
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    Reconstrucción estructuralista de la teoría del movimiento circular de la sangre, de William Harvey.Joaquín Barutta & Pablo Lorenzano - 2012 - Scientiae Studia 10 (2):219-241.
    En las investigaciones sobre fisiología cardiovascular desarrolladas por William Harvey es posible distinguir entre dos teorías que responden a preguntas diferentes. La primera de ellas, que denominamos teoría del movimiento circular de la sangre, intenta dar una respuesta al problema sobre la cantidad de sangre que se mueve dentro del sistema. La segunda pretende dar cuenta de las causas de que la sangre se mueva y la denominamos teoría de las causas del movimiento de la sangre. En este trabajo, presentamos (...)
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  19. Dissolving the Is-Ought problem: An essay on moral reasoning.Jeremiah Joven Joaquin - manuscript
    The debate concerning the proper way of understanding, and hence solving, the “is-ought problem” produced two mutually exclusive positions. One position claims that it is entirely impossible to deduce an imperative statement from a set of factual statements. The other position holds a contrary view to the effect that one can naturally derive an imperative statement from a set of factual statements under certain conditions. Although these two positions have opposing views concerning the problem, it should be evident that they (...)
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  20. Espiritual pero no religiosa: la cultura de la transformación personal.Joaquín P. López Novo - 2012 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 17:77-99.
    This study analyzes the development of a culture of personal transformation in contemporary societies, showing its forms and orientations, and pointing to the factors that favor its development. This new culture unifies psychology and spirituality, emphasizes the transformational power of the experience of transcendence, and flourishes in an heterogeneous and loosely organized milieu driven by trends toward individualization and hybridization. The interpretative hypothesis is that this cultural development is a response to a societal change at the level of the individual: (...)
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    The Relevance of the Beautiful and Other Essays.Joaquin Zuniga - 1991 - Noûs 25 (1):139-142.
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    Hell, Heaven, Neither, or Both: the Afterlife and Sider’s Puzzle.Jeremiah Joven Joaquin - 2019 - Sophia 58 (3):401-408.
    Theodore Sider’s puzzle in Hell and Vagueness has generated some interesting responses in the past few years. In this paper, I explore yet another possible solution out of the conundrum. This solution implies three ways of denying a binary conception of the afterlife. I argue that while these solutions might first seem tenable, they might still succumb to a Sideresque revenge puzzle.
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    Teoría y Praxis en la Concepción del Saber.Joaquín Barceló - 2016 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 15 (1):7-25.
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    Del Éufrates y el Tigris a las montañas de Omán. Algunas observaciones sobre viajes, aventuras e investigaciones españolas en Oriente Próximo.Joaquín María Córdoba - 1998 - Arbor 161 (635-636):441-463.
    Durante el pasado siglo y como consecuencia de la proyección europea en Oriente, las potencias de la época apoyaron las investigaciones que llevarían al redescubrimiento de las capitales asirias y la verdadera historia del Oriente antiguo. Ajena al área por razones evidentes, España tenía, sin embargo, buenos motivos para haber participado en aquellos descubrimientos. Una tradición viajera importante, antiguos vínculos culturales e intereses económicos así lo sugerían, pero nuestro país hubo de contentarse con la empresa africana. Con todo, ciertos espíritus (...)
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  25. Reconciling the Influence of Task-Set Switching and Motor Inhibition Processes on Stop Signal After-Effects.A. Anguera Joaquin, Theodore Kyle Lyman, Jacob Bollinger P. Zanto & Adam Gazzaley - 2014 - In Ezequiel Morsella & T. Andrew Poehlman, Consciousness and action control. Lausanne, Switzerland: Frontiers Media SA.
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    Los estudios franciscanos y la espiritualidad de San Francisco de Asís.Joaquín Domínguez Serna - 2023 - Isidorianum 8 (15):39-72.
    El atractivo de la figura de San Francisco de Asís ha sido permanente desde el siglo XIII hasta nuestros días. A pesar de sus biografías y leyendas, que deben ser leídas e interpretadas según sus propias estructuras literarias, en su contexto histórico y como obras interdependientes (Cuestión Franciscana), la verdadera imagen del santo se muestra preferentemente en sus escritos personales. Los estudios franciscanos han aportado no sólo una imagen renovada de san Francisco, sino también de su espiritualidad.
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    The Letter of James: Authentic Solicitude as a Pathway to the Holy.Joaquin Trujillo - 2006 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 37 (2):173-183.
  28. Economía ambiental y economía ecológica: técnica y política de la gestión ambiental.Joaquín Valdivielso - 1999 - Laguna:313-319.
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    The Value in Nature: A Critical Reflection.Joaquin Valdivielso - 2025 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy:1-20.
    The relationship between value and nature has been central in philosophy of the environment, especially in the field known as ‘environmental ethics,’ and it has become even more complex in the wake of the rights of nature movement. The present article argues that such a movement in the domain of law shows a lack of coherence in the domain of ethics. Using the recent recognition of the Mar Menor lagoon in Spain as a legal person as a point of departure, (...)
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    Arthur N. Prior on ‘Unquestionably the Best Logical Symbolism for Most Purposes’.Jeremiah Joven B. Joaquin - 2021 - History and Philosophy of Logic 43 (2):158-174.
    In his Formal Logic, Arthur N. Prior declared that Jan Łukasiewicz's logical notation is ‘unquestionably the best logical symbolism for most purposes’. Whether he had a substantive, and...
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  31. Inscripción de obras ilegales prescritas (resoluciones de la DGRN de 17 de enero y 5 de marzo de 2012). Anexo sobre inscripción registral de las obras antiguas prescritas tras el RD Ley 8/2011: Resumen y comentarios por Joaquín Delgado Ramos. [REVIEW]Joaquín Delgado Ramos - 2012 - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho 2:100 - 117.
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  32. Gripaldo and Mabaquiao on Filipino Philosophy: A Critical Assessment of Two Attempts to Establish a Filipino Philosophy.Jeremiah Joven Joaquin - 2010 - Dalumat 1 (1).
    In this essay, I would like to look at two particular attempts of developing a preliminary question that paves the way for establishing a Filipino Philosophy: viz. Rolando Gripaldo’s Historian of Philosophy approach and Napoleon Mabaquiao’s Strict Discipline approach. The former envisages that the first question that needs to be considered in the discussion of Filipino Philosophy must be taken from the perspective of a scholar of the history of philosophy. The latter’s procedure is to take what academic philosophers deem (...)
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  33. Feminism without Philosophy: A Polemic.Jeremiah Joven Joaquin - 2016 - Kritike 10 (1):286-300.
    In this paper, I address the problem about the role of academic philosophy for the feminist movement. I argue that the professionalization of feminism, especially within the sphere of academic philosophy, is detrimental to the stated goal of the feminist movement, which, as historically understood, is to procure women’s rights and liberties and to reassess the treatment of women by different social institutions. The thought is that if feminism were to reap the rewards of a socio-political change, feminists should stop (...)
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    Producción teológica en América Latina y el Caribe Elenco bibliográfico 2022.Joaquín Silva - 2023 - Teología y Vida 64 (3):395-456.
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    Wittgenstein on the Happy Life.Jeremiah Joven Joaquin - 2011 - Dalumat 2 (1):23-31.
    In this paper, I offer a reconstruction of Wittgenstein's view of the happy life by sketching out three interconnected themes in his early works. The first theme is the distinction between a science of ethics and the ethical. The second is the idea of the willing subject. And finally, the third is the possibility of the happy life.
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    Does Logic Rest on a Metaphysical Foundation?Jeremiah Joven Joaquin - 2013 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 14 (1):86-103.
    Against the pervading opinion, the author takes the positive side of the question "Does logic rest on a metaphysical foundation?" Logic is generally understood as a science that investigates ways of distinguishing good from bad arguments. This conception leads many to think that logic does not rest on any metaphysical foundation - that it is not an ontologically-committing enterprise. To claim that "'Someone is male' logically follows from 'Joey is male"' does not commit one to the existence of maleness or (...)
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    The outraged people. Laclau, Mouffe and the Podemos hypothesis.Joaquín Valdivielso - 2017 - Constellations 24 (3):296-309.
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    Reincarnating the Body of the Future Through Speculative Science Fiction: The Employees (2018) by Olga Ravn.Joaquín Jesús Marto - 2023 - Iris 43.
    Through the epistemic potential of speculative science fiction, this article offers a reflection on the impacts of technologies on the human body. More precisely, this article illuminates how literary texts anticipate the challenges which will arise in relation with the body of the future from our most awaited and fantasized technologies. Olga Ravn’s novel, The employees (2018), will be the basis of this article’s inquiry into how the augmented body, extraterrestrial life and artificial intelligence impact the body and, by the (...)
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    Monólogo para un aniversario. En la muerte de Jesús Colombo.Joaquín Domínguez Serna - 2023 - Isidorianum 19 (38):213-223.
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    More than working memory rides on long-term memory.Joaquín M. Fuster - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (6):737-737.
    Single-unit data from the cortex of monkeys performing working-memory tasks support the main point of the target article. Those data, however, also indicate that the activation of long-term memory is essential to the processing of all cognitive functions. The activation of cortical long-term memory networks is a key neural mechanism in attention (working memory is a form thereof), perception, memory acquisition and retrieval, intelligence, and language.
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  41. Implicaciones políticas del puralismo de los valores en Max Weber e Isaiah Berlin.Joaquín Abellán García - 2011 - In Pablo Badillo O'Farrell, Filosofía de la razón plural: Isaiah Berlin entre dos siglos. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.
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  42. El valor del gesto= The value of the gesture.Joaquín Hinojosa, Nuria Espert, Peter Brook, Edward Albee & José Monleón Bennacer - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 44:31-34.
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    (1 other version)Presentación.Joaquín Lomba - 1998 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 5:7.
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  44. Sócrates, Trasímaco y el argumento de la banda de ladrones.Joaquín Meabe - 2009 - A Parte Rei 63:1.
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    Teoría crítica, dialéctica y capitalismo hoy.Joaquín Valdivielso Navarro - 2021 - Isegoría 64:22-22.
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    Dostoievski y los escorzos lacerados del alma.Joaquín Esteban Ortega - forthcoming - Pensamiento.
    De manera general se podría decir que en la modernidad ilustrada lo trágico deja de expresarse públicamente en un género cultural específico para ser conducido a los espacios íntimos que el individuo autónomo encuentra en la novela. La resistencia de lo trágico se hace tensión con lo filosófico en el nuevo lugar personal de la literatura. Dostoievski, en esta tesitura, se convierte en paradigma y destino. El presente artículo intenta insistir en la capacidad filosófica de su literatura para hacer transparentes (...)
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    Beyond a “New Intolerance”.Joaquin A. Pedroso - 2019 - Radical Philosophy Review 22 (2):239-256.
    In this article I tease out a conception of reason in Pierre-Joseph Proudhon’s writings that is both decoupled from Enlightenment notions of human nature, progress, and transcendental truth, as well as auto-critically engaged with the anti-authoritarian Enlightenment ethos of anarchist thought. In so doing, I hope to reveal how the Proudhonian deployment of reason retained a healthy skepticism of foundationalism, philosophical systems-building, and the intellectualism bred of its dogmatic excesses as well as reconsider Proudhon’s relation to our most privileged faculty.
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    Reducing the Hellenic Financial Crisis to Its Root Cause: A Cybernetic Analysis.Joaquin Trujillo - 2018 - Anthropology of Consciousness 29 (2):196-222.
    This article cybernetically (isomorphically) investigates the causes of the Hellenic financial crisis. It (1) describes the crisis and its commonly assessed root cause: systemic corruption coupled to the decisions of ample numbers of Greeks to endure the problem rather than resolve it; (2) reviewsSYRIZA's 2015 anti‐austerity campaign and identifies incompatibilities within its apparent collective purposes that imply processes more fundamental than corruption and bad faith may be causing the crisis; (3) situates cybernetics within a sociological framework to analyze those processes (...)
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  49. Crisis: Husserl and Bergson.Joaquin Xirau - 1946 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 27 (3):269.
  50. A Causal-Mentalist View of Propositions.Jeremiah Joven Joaquin & James Franklin - 2022 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 29 (1):47-77.
    In order to fulfil their essential roles as the bearers of truth and the relata of logical relations, propositions must be public and shareable. That requirement has favoured Platonist and other nonmental views of them, despite the well-known problems of Platonism in general. Views that propositions are mental entities have correspondingly fallen out of favour, as they have difficulty in explaining how propositions could have shareable, objective properties. We revive a mentalist view of propositions, inspired by Artificial Intelligence work on (...)
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