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  1.  56
    Experience of God an the Rationality of Theistic Belief.Jerome I. Gellman - 1997 - Cornell Up.
    Introduction i This work is a sustained argument for the rationality of belief in God based on the evidence that across various religions down through history people seem to have experienced God.1 If we conf1ne ourselves to rationality ...
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  2. Religious Diversity and the Epistemic Justification of Religious Belief.Jerome I. Gellman - 1993 - Faith and Philosophy 10 (3):345-364.
    There exists a diversity of "evidence-free" religions, contradicting one an- other. There will be an epistemic problem for a religious devotee either because evidence-free belief is in general not epistemically justified in the face of diversity, or because of a special problem in the religious case. I argue that in general evidence-free belief is epistemically justified in the face of diversity. Then I argue that recent arguments of Wykstra and Basinger fail to show that there is a special problem in (...)
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  3. Mysticism and religious experience.Jerome I. Gellman - 2005 - In William J. Wainwright, The Oxford handbook of philosophy of religion. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 138--167.
    This chapter discusses wide and narrow definitions of “mystical experience” and of “religious experience”; categories and attributes of mystical experience; perennialism vs. constructivism; on the possibility of experiencing God; epistemology: The doxastic practice approach and the argument from perception; criticisms of the doxastic practice approach and the argument from perception; religious diversity; naturalistic explanations; and mysticism, religious experience, and gender.
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  4.  65
    The limits of maximal power.Jerome I. Gellman - 1989 - Philosophical Studies 55 (3):329 - 336.
  5.  86
    Naming, and Naming God.Jerome I. Gellman - 1993 - Religious Studies 29 (2):193 - 216.
    In what follows I wish to make a contribution to the clarification of the logic of the name . I will do so in two stages. In the first stage I will be investigating the meaning of names in general, and how names refer. In the second stage I will attempt to apply the findings of the first stage to the name , in light of the way that name functions in religious discourse.
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    The name of God.Jerome I. Gellman - 1995 - Noûs 29 (4):536-543.
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  7. In Defense of Petitionary Prayer.Jerome I. Gellman - 1997 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 21 (1):83-97.
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  8.  31
    Abraham! Abraham!: Kierkegaard and the Hasidim on the Binding of Isaac.Jerome I. Gellman - 2003 - Routledge.
    Abraham! Abraham! is an adventure in contemporary theology addressing the akedah (the binding or sacrifice of Isaac) inspired by Kierkegaard and by the Hasidim, especially Rabbi Nachman of Breslav and Rabbi Mordecai Joseph Leiner of Izbica. Gellman presents his version of Kierkegaard and compares and contrasts this with Hasidic thinkers. He then proceeds to employ Kierkegaardian and Hasidic themes to develop a contemporary reading of the story, and, in contrast, presents an understanding of the akedah from Sarah's point of view. (...)
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  9.  44
    Experiencing God's Infinity.Jerome I. Gellman - 1994 - American Philosophical Quarterly 31 (1):53 - 61.
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  10. Inductive evidence for other minds.Jerome I. Gellman - 1974 - Philosophical Studies 25 (July):323-336.
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  11. Jeff Jordan and Daniel Howards-Snyder, eds., Faith, Freedom, and Rationality, Philosophy of Religion Today Reviewed by.Jerome I. Gellman - 1996 - Philosophy in Review 16 (5):355-357.
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  12.  39
    Kierkegaard's fear and trembling.Jerome I. Gellman - 1990 - Man and World 23 (3):295-304.
  13.  64
    Maimonides' "Ravings".Jerome I. Gellman - 1991 - Review of Metaphysics 45 (2):309 - 328.
    MAIMONIDES the great systematizer of Jewish Law, left no systematic philosophy for later generations. His philosophical legacy consists mainly of his Guide of the Perplexed and a few lesser philosophical tracts. The Guide is notoriously informal and unsystematic, moving from topic to topic in a manner that appears at times to have no inner logic. The lesser tracts yield only fragments of a whole. In addition, for whatever reasons, Maimonides felt obliged to conceal at least some of his true philosophical (...)
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  14. Non-Existence, Modalities, and Anselm's Ontological Argument.Jerome I. Gellman - 1970 - Dissertation, Wayne State University
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  15. On arguing from God's possibility to his necessity.Jerome I. Gellman - 1979 - Logique Et Analyse 22 (88):525.
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  16.  88
    Religion as Language.Jerome I. Gellman - 1985 - Religious Studies 21 (2):159 - 168.
    When are sentences A and B the same belief? Following Quine, observation sentences A and B are the same belief when they share the same stimulus–meaning, similar patterns of assent and dissent by subjects when the sentences are queried in the presence of the same non–linguistic stimuli. As for non–observation sentences we note a suggestion of Karl Schick: apply linguistic stimuli in the form of utterances of the language, and map the connections between sentences in the language in terms of (...)
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    Re-Identifying God in Experience.Jerome I. Gellman - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 36:80-85.
    If an alleged experience of God can constitute evidence for God’s existence, then it must be possible for God to be a perceptual particular, that is, a substantive, enduring object of perception. Furthermore, if several such experiences are to be cumulative evidence for God’s existence, then it must be possible to reidentify God from experience to experience. I examine both a "conceptual" and an "epistemological" argument against these possibilities that is derived from the work of Richard Gale. I argue that (...)
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  18.  70
    Suter on Russell on meinong.Jerome I. Gellman - 1969 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 29 (3):441-445.
  19.  33
    The Fear, the Trembling, and the Fire: Kierkegaard and Hasidic Masters on the Binding of Isaac.Jerome I. Gellman - 1993 - Upa.
    This book is an investigation into authenticity, certainty, and self-hood as they arise in the story of the binding of Isaac. Gellman provides a new interpretation of Kierkegaard with select Hasidic commentary. Contents: INTRODUCTION: Background to the Book; Hasidism and Existentialism; Preview of the Chapters; THE FEAR AND THE TREMBLING: Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling; The Problem of Hearing and the Problem of Choice; The 'Ethical' for Kierkegaard; The 'Voice of God' for Kierkegaard; The Resolution of the Problems; THE UNCERTAINTY: Mordecai (...)
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  20.  55
    The meta-philosophy of religious language.Jerome I. Gellman - 1977 - Noûs 11 (2):151-161.
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