Results for 'Jaina logic '

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    Jaina Nyāya pradīpikā.Vīrasāgara Jaina - 2022 - Nayī Dillī: Bhāratīya Jñānapīṭha.
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  2. Jaina darśana meṃ kāraṇa-kārya vyavasthā, eka samanvayātmaka dr̥shṭikoṇa: kāla, svabhāva, niyati, pūrvakr̥takarma, purusha /purushārtha kā vivecana.Śvetā Jaina - 2008 - Jodhapura: Anya Prāpti-sthāna Rājasthānī Granthāgāra.
    Study of Jaina logic with special reference to the relation of reason and action.
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    Jaina pramāṇaśāstra.Dharmacanda Jaina - 2019 - Jayapura: Samyagjñāna Pracāraka Maṇḍala evaṃ Rājasthānī Granthāgāra, Jodhapura.
    Research work on Jaina logic and epistemology.
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    Society, epistemology and logic in Indian tradition.Dharmacanda Jaina - 2016 - Jaipur: Prakrit Bharati Academy.
    With a special reference to Jaina epistemology and logic.
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  5. Bauddha pramāṇa-mīmāṃsā kī Jaina dr̥shṭi se samīkshā.Dharmacanda Jaina - 1995 - Vārāṇasī: Pārśvanātha Vidyāpīṭha.
    Comparative study of Buddhist and Jaina logic.
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  6. Jaina-Nyāya ko Ācārya Akalaṅkadeva kā avadāna: Rāshṭrīya saṅgoshṭhī, Śāhapura, Mujaphpharanagara, 27-29 Navambara 1996.Kamaleśakumāra Jaina, Jayakumāra Jaina & Aśoka Kumāra Jaina (eds.) - 1999 - Mujaphpharanagara, U. Pra.: Prācya Śramaṇa Bhāratī.
    On the contribution of Akalaṅkadeva, 8th cent, Jaina logician; reserach papers presented in national seminar.
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  7. Jaina Logic: A Contemporary Perspective.Graham Priest - 2008 - History and Philosophy of Logic 29 (3):263-278.
    Jaina philosophy provides a very distinctive account of logic, based on the theory of ?sevenfold predication?. This paper provides a modern formalisation of the logic, using the techniques of many-valued and modal logic. The formalisation is applied, in turn, to some of the more problematic aspects of Jaina philosophy, especially its relativism.
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  8. Jaina Logic and the Philosophical Basis of Pluralism.Jonardon Ganeri - 2002 - History and Philosophy of Logic 23 (4):267-281.
    What is the rational response when confronted with a set of propositions each of which we have some reason to accept, and yet which taken together form an inconsistent class? This was, in a nutshell, the problem addressed by the Jaina logicians of classical India, and the solution they gave is, I think, of great interest, both for what it tells us about the relationship between rationality and consistency, and for what we can learn about the logical basis of (...)
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  9. Jainadarśana meṃ niścaya aura vyavahāra naya, eka anuśīlana.Ratanacandra Jaina - 1997 - Vārāṇasī: Pārśvanātha Vidyāpīṭha.
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    Jainadarśana meṃ niścaya aura vyavahāra naya, eka anuśīlana.Ratanacandra Jaina - 1997 - Vārāṇasī: Parsvanatha Vidyapitha.
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    Jainadarśana meṃ Nayavāda.Sukhanandana Jaina - 2010 - Nayī Dillī: Bhāratīya Jñānapīṭha.
    Concept of Naya in Jaina logic and philosophy.
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    Jaina logic: anekānta, naya, and syādvāda.T. G. Kalghatgi - 1984 - New Delhi: Shri Raja Krishen Jain Charitable Trust.
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    Jainadarśana meṃ dravya, guṇa, aura paryāya kī avadhāraṇa.Sāgaramala Jaina - 2011 - Ahamadāvāda: Lālabhāī Dalapatabhāī Bhāratīya Saṃskr̥ti Vidyāmandira.
    On the fundamentals of Jaina philosophy and logic.
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  14. Ācārya Prabhācandra viracita Prameyakamalamārtaṇḍa para ādhārita Prameyakamalamārtaṇḍa pariśīlana.Udayacanda Jaina - 1998 - Mujaphpharanagara, U. Pra.: Prācya Śramaṇa Bhāratī.
    Study of Prameyakamalamārttaṇḍa of Prabhācandra, work on the basic tenets of Jaina epistemology and logic.
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    Jaina Logic and the Iconic Scenarios.Miguel López-Astorga - 2018 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 19 (2):189-198.
    An important contribution of the so-called ‘Indian logic’ is the set of predications developed by Jain philosophers. However, if assessed based on western classical logic, Jaina logic in general and its predications in particular are clear examples of incorrect or inconsistent frameworks. Against this last idea, in this paper, it is argued that Jaina logic has a great potential to explain the way human beings really make inferences, and that comparing it to modern standard (...)
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  16. Jainadarśana meṃ naya kī avadhāraṇā =.Dharmacandra Jaina - 1992 - Pañjāba Mālerakoṭalā, Jilā Saṅgarūra: Paccīsavīṃ Mahāvīra Nirvāṇa Śatābdī Saṃyojikā Samiti.
    On the concept of logic in Jainism; a study.
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  17. Paṃ. Rājamalla Kavirājakr̥ta Pañcādhyāyī meṃ pratipādita Jainadarśana.Manoramā Jaina - 1998 - Vārāṇasī: Pārśvanātha Vidyāpīṭha.
    Jaina philosophy as reflected in the Pañcādhyāyī of Rājamalla, 16th cent.; a study.
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    Jaina logic and epistemology.Vashishtha Narayan Jha (ed.) - 1997 - Delhi, India: Sri Sadguru Publications.
    Papers presented at the National Seminar on Joina Logic and Epistemology held at the Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, University of Poona from 27th to 29th March 1995.
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    Jaina logic and epistemology.Hari Mohan Bhattacharyya - 1994 - Calcutta: K.P. Bagchi & Co..
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    Jaina logic.Bhagchandra Jain - 1992 - Madras: Dept. of Jainology, University of Madras.
    Lectures delivered during the academic year 1987-88.
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    Hemacandra's Pramāṇamīmāṃsā: a critique of organ of knowledge, a work on Jaina logic: Sanskrit text in roman script with English translation, Pt. Sukhlalji's extensive introduction and philosophical notes. Hemacandra - 2002 - Ahmedabad: International Centre for Jaina Studies, Gujarat Vidyapith. Edited by Nagīna Jī Shah & Sukhlalji Sanghavi.
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    A plea for epistemic truth: Jaina logic from a many-valued perspective.Fabien Schang - 2009 - In A. Schuman (ed.), Logic in Religious Discourse. Ontos Verlag. pp. 54--83.
    We present the Jaina theory of sevenfold predication as a 7-valued logic, in which every logical value consists in a 3-tuple of opinions. A question-answer semantics is used in order to give an intuitive characterization of these logical values in terms of opinion polls. Two different interpretations are plausible for the latest sort of opinion, depending upon whether "non-assertability" refers to incompleteness or inconsistency. It is shown hat the incomplete version of JL_{G} is equivalent to Kleene's logic (...)
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    Comments on the Jaina Logic of Syadvada.R. T. Blackwood - 1964 - Memorias Del XIII Congreso Internacional de Filosofía 5:33-43.
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    Navigating the Excluded Middle: The Jaina Logic of Relativity.Jeffery D. Long - 2023 - Studia Humana 12 (1-2):88-100.
    The Jaina tradition is known for its distinctive approach to prima facie incompatible claims about the nature of reality. The Jaina approach to conflicting views is to seek an integration or synthesis, in which apparently contrary views are resolved into a vantage point from which each view can be seen as expressing part of a larger, more complex truth. Viewed by some contemporary Jaina thinkers as an extension of the principle of ahiṃsā into the realm of intellectual (...)
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    A Set of Meta-Systemetic Assumptions for Dovetailing Jaina Logic Into Jaina Metaphysics.Tushar K. Sarkar - 2023 - Studia Humana 12 (1-2):101-121.
    This paper presents an integralist approach to Jaina logic. This is built around an analysis of the pivotal notion of antarvyāpti in Jaina logic. It is shown in this connection why antarvyāpti needs to be considered the ‘Core Perspective/problem’ of Jaina logic. Next, it is shown how all the salient features of Jaina logic (as viewed from its language-oriented perspective and the epistemic perspective respectively) stand intimately related to the so-called core perspective. (...)
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    Abhinava Dharmabhūṣaṇa Yati's Nyāya-Dīpikā: primary text of Jaina logic & epistemology.Itaru Wakiryo - 2001 - Delhi: Pratibha Prakashan. Edited by Abhinavadharmabhūṣaṇācārya.
    Study with text of Nyāyadīpikā of Abhinavadharmabhūṣaṇācārya, 15th cent, work on Jaina logic and epistemology.
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    Prameyaratnamālā.Rame Sacanda Anantavirya, Jaina & Manikyanandi - 1992 - [Sonāgira, Datiyā, Ma. Pra.]: Bhāratavarṣīya Anekānta Vidvat Pariṣad. Edited by Rameśacandra Jaina & Māṇikyanandī.
    Classical commentary, with Hindi explanation on Parīkṣāmukha of Māṇikyanandī, 8th cent., treatise on Indian logic (Nyaya), according to the Jaina Digambara sect; includes original text.
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    Jaina epistemology in historical and comparative perspective: critical edition and English translation of logical-epistemological treatises: Nyāyâvatāra, Nyāyâvatāra-vivr̥ti and Nyāyâvatâra-ṭippana with introduction and notes.Piotr Balcerowicz - 2001 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag. Edited by Siddhasena Divākara & Siddharṣigaṇi.
    Despite its importance, the work is rather secondary in the sense that it relies, for the most part, on the Buddhist logical legacy. The first extant commentary is the Nyayavatara-vivrti of Siddharsigani.
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  29. Circularity in the inductive justification of formal arguments (tarka) in twelfth century indian jaina logic.Douglas Dunsmore Daye - 1979 - Philosophy East and West 29 (2):177-188.
  30. Existence proof & notion of inconsistency in jaina logic.Tushar K. Sarkar - 2003 - In Srilekha Datta & Amita Chatterjee (eds.), Some philosophical issues in Indian logic. Kolkata: Centre of Advanced Study in Philosophy, Jadavpur University in collaboration with Allied Publishers, New Delhi.
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    Comprehensive Rhetorical Pluralism and the Demands of Democratic Discourse: Partisan Perfect Reasoning, Pragmatism, and the Freeing Solvent of Jaina Logic.Scott R. Stroud - 2014 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 47 (3):297-322.
    One theme that unites many, if not all, pragmatists is the theme of community, whether in the form of communal matters of truth production and verification in shared experience or in the search for the ideal sociopolitical public. Thus Richard Bernstein closes his study of community, a concern “so fundamental in the pragmatic tradition,” by connecting it to the communicative interests of all the pragmatist thinkers he examines: “Fallibility, openness, criticism, mutual respect, and recognition are essential dimensions of their understanding (...)
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  32. Jaina darśanamāṃ Naya: Ācārya Devasena ane Upā. Yaśovijayanā pariprekshyamāṃ.Jitendra Śāha - 2002 - Amadāvāda: Śeṭha Bhoḷābhāī Jeśiṅgabhāī Adhyayana Saṃśodhana Vidyābhavana.
    Lectures on Jaina logic according to Devasena, fl. 933-947 and Yaśovijaya, 1624-1688, Jaina philosophers.
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    Jaina pramāṇamīmāṃsā, eka tulanātamaka adhyayana Tattvabodhavidyāyinī ke viśesha paripreccha meṃ.Pratimā Siṃha - 2020 - Vārāṇasī: Kalā Prakāśana.
    Study of Jaina logic and philosophy with reference to Tattvabodhavidhāyinī of Abhayadeva, 10th century, commentary on Sammatitarkaprakaraṇa of Siddhasena Divakara.
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  34. Jaina Tarkabhāṣā: Saṃskr̥ta vivaraṇa tathā Gurjara bhāvānuvāda samanvita. Yaśovijaya - 2004 - Ḍholakā, Amadāvāda: Divyadarśana Prakāśana Ṭrasṭa. Edited by Udayavallabhavijaya.
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  35. Jaina-tarka-bhāṣā: Tātparyasaṅgrahākhyavr̥ttisahitā. Yaśovijaya - 1938 - Ahamadābāda: Sarasvatī Pustaka Bhaṇḍāra. Edited by Sukhlalji Sanghavi, Mahendrakumāra & Dalsukh Bhai Malvania.
    Treatise, with Tātparyasaṅgraha commentary, on Jaina logic.
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  36. Mahāmahopādhyāya Satis Chandra Vidyābhūṣaṇa's nyāyāvatāra: the earliest Jaina work on pure logic.Siddhasena Divākara - 1981 - Calcutta: Sanskrit Book Depot. Edited by Satis Chandra Vidyabhusana, Satya Ranjan Banerjee & Candraprabha Sūri.
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  37. Vaidika-Bauddha-Jaina tarkabhāṣāṇāṃ tulanātmakaṃ samīkṣātmakamadhyayanam.Indumatī Miśrā - 2006 - Vārāṇasī: [Indumatī Miśrā].
    Comparative study of Hindu, Buddhist and Jaina logic.
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    Recollection, recognition, and reasoning: a study in the Jaina theory of Parokṣ̣a-Pramāṇu.S. S. Antarkar - 2011 - Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications. Edited by Pradīpa Gokhale, Meenal Katarnikar & Prabhācandra.
    Studies on Jaina logic based on third chapter of Prameyakamalamārtaṇḍa; includes text with English translation.
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  39. (1 other version)Jaina tarka bhāṣā. Yaśovijaya - 1964 - Pātharḍī [Jilā] Ahamadanagara,: Śrī Tiloka Ratna Sthānakavāsī Jaina Dhārmika Parīkṣā Borḍa. Edited by Śobhācandra Bhārilla & Indra Chandra Shastri.
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    Jaina dārśanika prakaraṇa saṅgraha.Nagīna Jī Śāha - 1973
    Collection of 10 Jaina philosophical tracts.
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    Saptabhaṅgī: The jaina theory of sevenfold predication: A logical analysis.Pragati Jain - 2000 - Philosophy East and West 50 (3):385-399.
    The system of sevenfold predication of the Jainas, while an invaluable tool in expounding the Jaina doctrine of "non-onesidedness" (Anekāntavāda), has also been criticized for being unsystematic and contradictory. In particular, the fourth predication has been suggested to embrace a kind of irrationality. An analysis is provided here that makes clear the logical basis underlying the seven predications. An interpretation is also offered of the problematic fourth predication that renders the system free from contradiction, and it is suggested that (...)
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  42. Jaina tarkaśāstrameṃ anumāna-vicāra.Darbari Lal Jain Kothia - 1969 - Viraseva Mandira Trust Prakasana.
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  43. Jaina nyāya. [lekhaka] Kailāśacandra Śāstrī.Kailash Chandra Jain - 1966 - [Kalakattā]: Bhāratīya Jñānapīṭha Prakāśana.
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    The logical structure of the naya method of the jainas.Piotr Balcerowicz - 2001 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 29 (3):379-403.
  45. The Jaina Concept of Logic.V. K. Bharadwaja - 1982 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 9 (4):363-375.
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  46. Jaina darśana aura pramāṇaśāstra pariśīlana =.Darabārīlāla Koṭhiyā - 1980 - Vārāṇasī: Vīra Sevā Mandira Ṭrasṭa Prakāśana. Edited by Gokulacandra Jaina.
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    Anumāna pramāṇa, Jaina evaṃ Bauddha Nyāya kī dr̥shṭi meṃ.Pradyumna Śāha Siṃhā - 2006 - Dillī: Bhāratīya Vidyā Prakā̄śana.
    Study of inference in Jaina and Buddhist logic.
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  48. Jaina tarkaśāstrameṃ anumāna-vicāra.Darabārīlāla Koṭhiyā - 1969
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  49. Jaina ninshikiron no kenkyū.Hōjun Nagasaki - 1988 - Kyōto-shi: Heirakuji Shoten.
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  50. Jaina nyāya kā vikāsa. Mahāprajña - 1977 - Jayapura: Jaina Vidyā Anuśīlana Kendra, Rājasthāna Viśvavidyl̄aya.
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