Results for 'J. Tam'

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  1.  44
    Morphogenetic tissue movement and the establishment of body plan during development from blastocyst to gastrula in the mouse.Patrick P. L. Tam, Jacqueline M. Gad, Simon J. Kinder, Tania E. Tsang & Richard R. Behringer - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (6):508-517.
    In many animal species, the early development of the embryo follows a stereotypic pattern of cell cleavage, lineage allocation and generation of tissue asymmetry leading to delineation of the body plan with three primary embryonic axes. The mammalian embryo has been regarded as an exception and primary body axes of the mouse embryo were thought to develop after implantation. However, recent findings have challenged this view. Asymmetry in the fertilised oocyte, as defined by the position of the second polar body (...)
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  2.  27
    A computerized tablet with visual feedback of hand position for functional magnetic resonance imaging.Mahta Karimpoor, Fred Tam, Stephen C. Strother, Corinne E. Fischer, Tom A. Schweizer & Simon J. Graham - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  3.  21
    Functional MRI of Letter Cancellation Task Performance in Older Adults.Ivy D. Deng, Luke Chung, Natasha Talwar, Fred Tam, Nathan W. Churchill, Tom A. Schweizer & Simon J. Graham - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  4.  39
    Tablet-Based Functional MRI of the Trail Making Test: Effect of Tablet Interaction Mode.Mahta Karimpoor, Nathan W. Churchill, Fred Tam, Corinne E. Fischer, Tom A. Schweizer & Simon J. Graham - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  5.  29
    Functional MRI of Handwriting Tasks: A Study of Healthy Young Adults Interacting with a Novel Touch-Sensitive Tablet.Mahta Karimpoor, Nathan W. Churchill, Fred Tam, Corinne E. Fischer, Tom A. Schweizer & Simon J. Graham - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  6.  26
    Building an Open Source Classifier for the Neonatal EEG Background: A Systematic Feature-Based Approach From Expert Scoring to Clinical Visualization.Saeed Montazeri Moghadam, Elana Pinchefsky, Ilse Tse, Viviana Marchi, Jukka Kohonen, Minna Kauppila, Manu Airaksinen, Karoliina Tapani, Päivi Nevalainen, Cecil Hahn, Emily W. Y. Tam, Nathan J. Stevenson & Sampsa Vanhatalo - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:675154.
    Neonatal brain monitoring in the neonatal intensive care units (NICU) requires a continuous review of the spontaneous cortical activity, i.e., the electroencephalograph (EEG) background activity. This needs development of bedside methods for an automated assessment of the EEG background activity. In this paper, we present development of the key components of a neonatal EEG background classifier, starting from the visual background scoring to classifier design, and finally to possible bedside visualization of the classifier results. A dataset with 13,200 5-minute EEG (...)
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  7. What Causes Racial Health Care Disparities? A Mixed-Methods Study Reveals Variability in How Health Care Providers Perceive Causal Attributions.Sarah E. Gollust, Brooke A. Cunningham, Barbara G. Bokhour, Howard S. Gordon, Charlene Pope, Somnath S. Saha, Dina M. Jones, Tam Do & Diana J. Burgess - 2018 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 55:004695801876284.
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  8. Living with AI personal assistant: an ethical appraisal.Lorraine K. C. Yeung, Cecilia S. Y. Tam, Sam S. S. Lau & Mandy M. Ko - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (6):2813-2828.
    Mark Coeckelbergh (Int J Soc Robot 1:217–221, 2009) argues that robot ethics should investigate what interaction with robots can do to humans rather than focusing on the robot’s moral status. We should ask what robots do to our sociality and whether human–robot interaction can contribute to the human good and human flourishing. This paper extends Coeckelbergh’s call and investigate what it means to live with disembodied AI-powered agents. We address the following question: Can the human–AI interaction contribute to our moral (...)
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  9.  56
    Tran Tam Tinh: Catalogue des peintures romaines (Latium et Campanie) du musée du Louvre. Pp. 128; 120 figures in black-and-white. Paris: Éditions des Musées Nationaux, 1974. Stiff paper. [REVIEW]J. M. C. Toynbee - 1977 - The Classical Review 27 (2):315-315.
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    V. Tran tam Tinh: Le culte des divinités orientales à Herculanum. (Études Préliminaires aux Religions Orientales dans l'Empire Romain, 17.) Pp. xii+104; 30plates. Leiden: Brill, 1971. Cloth, fl.76. [REVIEW]J. Gwyn Griffiths - 1975 - The Classical Review 25 (1):165-165.
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    Textual Notes on Lucan VIII. and Seneca Dialogi.J. P. Postgate - 1915 - Classical Quarterly 9 (02):99-.
    So in this outburst of Cornelia should line 104 be punctuated. For the poenas crudelis compare VII. 431 ‘quod semper saeuas debet tibi Parthia poenas’ and Verg. A. 6. 501 quis tam crudelis optauit sumere poenas? whence, or from ib. 585, ‘uidi et crudelis dantem Salmonea poenas’ we may suppose Lucan derived it. The feeble vulgate punctuation which puts the comma after crudelis, supposed to be vocative, well exemplifies the mischievous influence of propinquity.—I now find the correct punctuation in W. (...)
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  12.  44
    Notes on the Text of Pliny's Epistles.J. P. Postgate - 1922 - Classical Quarterly 16 (3-4):175-.
    The following notes are based on the apparatus criticus in the edition of E. T. Merrill : I. 20. 5 ‘uides ut statuas, signa, picturas, hominum denique multorumqne animalium formas, arborum etiam, si modo sint decorae, nihil magis quam amplitudo commendet.’ Why ‘many animals’ and not ‘many men’ and ‘many trees’ ? Read mutorum; with ‘animalia,’ a standing opposition to ‘homines,’ as in Seneca, Ep. 76. 26 'ea quae tam homini contingunt quam mutis animalibus, 'where also it has been corrupted (...)
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  13.  44
    Propertius 3. 3. 7–12 And Ennius.J. L. Butrica - 1983 - Classical Quarterly 33 (02):464-.
    Among the difficulties in Propertius is the question whether to retain ‘cecinit’ in 3. 3. 7 or to adopt the conjecture ‘cecini’. Propertius dreamed that he was reclining upon Helicon in a grove by Hippocrene and that he was able to compose a Roman historical epic: Visus eram molli recubans Heliconis in umbra, Bellerophontei qua fluit umor equi, Reges, Alba, tuos et regum facta tuorum neruis hiscere posse meis, Paruaque tam magnis admoram fontibus ora Vnde pater sitiens Ennius ante bibit, (...)
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    Dactylepitriti an Metra Choriambo-Ionica?W. J. W. Koster - 1934 - Classical Quarterly 28 (3-4):145-.
    Quomodo versus lyrici legendi sint, plerumque inter metricos constat, licet de origine singulorum versuum vel colorum dubia moveantur; at ne illud quidem confirmari potest in genere illo peculiari, quo multae strophae Pindari et Bacchylidis et nonnullae poétarum scenicorum compositae sunt. Quod in talibus versibus maxime conspicuum est, hoc est, quod metra τоû σоυ et διπλασíоυ γéνоυς; in eis coniunguntur vel coniungi videntur, ita, ut ambitus utriusque partis aut par aut non multum maior minorve sit. lam antiqui metrici parum compertum habebant, (...)
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    Healthcare Professionals’ Acceptance of Digital Cognitive Rehabilitation.Ineke J. M. van der Ham, Rosalie van der Vaart, Anouk Miedema, Johanna M. A. Visser-Meily & Milan N. A. van der Kuil - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    With technological possibilities in healthcare steadily increasing, more tools for digital cognitive rehabilitation become available. Acceptance of such technological advances is crucial for successful implementation. Therefore, we examined technology acceptance specifically for this form of rehabilitation in a sample of healthcare providers involved in cognitive rehabilitation. An adjusted version of the Technology Acceptance Model questionnaire was used, including the subscales for perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, subjective norm, and intention to use, which all contribute to actual use of a (...)
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    Young children's earliest transitive and intransitive constructions.Michael Tomasello & Patricia J. Brooks - 1998 - Cognitive Linguistics 9 (4):379-396.
    Much of children's early syntactic development can be seen as the acquisition of sentence-level constructions that correspond to relatively complex events and states of affairs. The current study was an attempt to determine the relative concreteness (verb-specificity) or abstractness (verb-generality) of such constructions for children just beginning to produce large numbers of multi-word utterances. Sixteen children at 2.0 years of age and sixteen children at 2,5 years of age participated (all English speaking). Each child was taught two novel verbs for (...)
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  17.  37
    Greek and Latin Inscriptions in the Manisa Museum (review). [REVIEW]Kent J. Rigsby - 1996 - American Journal of Philology 117 (1):167-169.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Greek and Latin Inscriptions in the Manisa MuseumKent J. RigsbyHasan Malay. Greek and Latin Inscriptions in the Manisa Museum. Vienna, 1994. 192 pp. 99 plates. (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Denkschriften 237, Ergänzungsbande zu den Tituli Asiae Minoris 19)For well over a century, inscriptions found in the Hermus Valley in Lydia have been making their way to the museum at Manisa. Hasan Malay presents here a full inventory of (...)
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    The New Fronto - Michael P. J. van den Hout (ed.): M. Cornelii Frontonis Epistulae. Schedis tam editis quam ineditis Edmundi Hauleri usus iterum edidit. (Bibl. Teubneriana.) Pp. xcvi + 296. Leipzig: Teubner, 1988. 98 DM. [REVIEW]Leofranc Holford-Strevens - 1991 - The Classical Review 41 (01):76-80.
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    Intertextuelle Relevanz bei Franz Kafk.Roman Sadziński - 2014 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 10.
    Teksty są co najmniej w dwójnasób transcendentne. Z jednej strony poprzez język, tworzywo tekstu, który konstytuując się w diachronii i funkcjonując w synchronii, transcenduje – żeby użyć sformułowania Karla Jaspersa – przeszłą rzeczywistość w postaci powstałych wtedy znaków i ich znaczeń w nieznaną z tamtej perspektywy przyszłość, a więc i w naszą teraźniejszość. Z drugiej zaś istniejące już teksty wchodzą z sobą w interakcję, co powoduje, że tworzą się niejako hiperteksty w czasie i w przestrzeni. Jest jeszcze i trzeci wymiar (...)
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  20.  15
    Phonological Variations Are Compensated at the Lexical Level: Evidence From Auditory Neural Activity.Hatice Zora, Tomas Riad, Sari Ylinen & Valéria Csépe - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Dealing with phonological variations is important for speech processing. This article addresses whether phonological variations introduced by assimilatory processes are compensated for at the pre-lexical or lexical level, and whether the nature of variation and the phonological context influence this process. To this end, Swedish nasal regressive place assimilation was investigated using the mismatch negativity component. In nasal regressive assimilation, the coronal nasal assimilates to the place of articulation of a following segment, most clearly with a velar or labial place (...)
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  21.  24
    Apuleius: Rhetorical Works (review).William Levitan - 2003 - American Journal of Philology 124 (1):156-160.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 124.1 (2003) 156-160 [Access article in PDF] S. J. Harrison, J. L. Hilton, and V. J. C. Hunink, trans. Apuleius: Rhetorical Works. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. x + 225 pp. Cloth, $65. Apuleius of Madauros, as this book reminds us, was no one-trick burro. Indeed he was always eager to reveal just how many tricks he had in store. "Uno chartario calamo me reficere (...)
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  22.  12
    Próby sprowadzenia logiki deontycznej do logiki modalnej aletycznej.Jan Gregorowicz - 1990 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 7:49-64.
    W rozwoju logiki deontycznej spotyka się próby sprowadzenia jej do logiki modalnej aletycznej. Próby takie podejmowane były m. in. przez A.R. Andersona, dążącego do stworzenia systemu mającego usunąć mankamenty systemu von Wrighta. Systemem zaproponowanym przez Andersona był 0X. Do rozważań Andersona nawiązał krytycznie A.N. Prior, próbując uprościć logikę deontyczną. Prior nie tylko rozwijał system Andersona, ale także dostrzegał pojawiające się tam trudności. Stanowiska Andersona i Priora zostały poddane krytyce przez tak ich autorów, jak H. N. Castaneda oraz F.J. Lemmon i (...)
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  23. Online Deliberation: Design, Research, and Practice.Todd Davies & Seeta Peña Gangadharan (eds.) - 2009 - CSLI Publications/University of Chicago Press.
    Can new technology enhance purpose-driven, democratic dialogue in groups, governments, and societies? Online Deliberation: Design, Research, and Practice is the first book that attempts to sample the full range of work on online deliberation, forging new connections between academic research, technology designers, and practitioners. Since some of the most exciting innovations have occurred outside of traditional institutions, and those involved have often worked in relative isolation from each other, work in this growing field has often failed to reflect the full (...)
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  24.  49
    C.S.J. The Harmony of Goodness. Mutuality and Moral Living according to John Duns Scotus by M. B. Ingham (review).Girard J. Etzkorn - 1998 - Franciscan Studies 55 (1):356-359.
  25.  24
    RETRACTED: Mental Health Problems Among Front-Line Healthcare Workers Caring for COVID-19 Patients in Vietnam: A Mixed Methods Study.Thu Kim Nguyen, Ngoc Kim Tran, Thuy Thanh Bui, Len Thi Tran, Nhi Tho Tran, Mai Tuyet Do, Tam Thanh Nguyen & Huong Thi Thanh Tran - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:858677.
    AimHealthcare workers have directly provided care for COVID-19 patients, and have faced many additional sources leading to poor mental health. The study aimed to investigate the mental health problems and related factors among healthcare staff in Vietnam.MethodsA descriptive cross-sectional mixed methods study, combining quantitative and qualitative research methods, was performed among 400 healthcare workers working at the National Hospital for Tropical Diseases and Ninh Binh General Hospital from the first day of treatment for COVID-19 patients to May 01, 2020.ResultsThe results (...)
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    Mélanges T.J. van Bavel.Tarsicius J. van Bavel, B. Bruning, J. van Houtem & M. Lamberigts - 1990
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    A Tribute to the Late William J. Curran.O. Lawrence & J. D. Gostin - 1996 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 24 (3):274-275.
    In the summer of 1979, a group of experts on law, medicine, and ethics assembled in Siracusa, Sicily, under the auspices of the International Commission of Jurists and the International Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Science, to draft guidelines on the rights of persons with mental illness. Sitting across the table from me was a quiet, proud man of distinctive intelligence, William J. Curran, Frances Glessner Lee Professor of Legal Medicine at Harvard University. Professor Curran was one of the (...)
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  28.  11
    Spacious Joy: An Essay in Phenomenology and Literature.J. L. Chretien - 2019 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    J.L. Chretien is a French public intellectual, philosopher and poet, widely published and revered in his home country and in academic circles worldwide. This translation makes his work available to an English-language audience for the first time and a crucial contribution to our understanding of the phenomenology of religious experience.
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    (1 other version)Are Women Beach Volleyballers ‘Too Sexy for Their Shorts?’.J. Angelo Corlett - forthcoming - Symposion. Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences.
    J. Angelo Corlett ABSTRACT: This is a paper on the philosophy of sport or the ethics of sport more specifically. It provides a critical assessment of a particular feminist approach to a specific issue in the ethics of sport with regard to what some feminist scholars refer to as the ‘sexualizing’ of women in sport...
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  30.  22
    Prof dr M J du P Beukes: In Terugblik op sy lewe en werk.T. F. J. Dreyer - 1999 - HTS Theological Studies 55 (2/3).
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    Van der Walt, B J & Naude, C F B - Chrisianity and democracy in South Africa: A vision for the future.M. J. Manala - 1999 - HTS Theological Studies 55 (2/3).
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  32.  8
    Self-Representation and Illusion in Senecan Tragedy.C. A. J. Littlewood - 2003 - Oxford University Press UK.
    C. A. J. Littlewood approaches Seneca's tragedies as Neronian literature rather than as reworkings of Attic drama, and emphasizes their place in the Roman world and in the Latin literary corpus. The Greek tragic myths are for Seneca mediated by non-dramatic Augustan literature. In literary terms Phaedra's desire, Hippolytus' innocence, and Hercules' ambivalent heroism look back through allusion to Roman elegy, pastoral, and epic respectively. Ethically, the artificiality of Senecan tragedy, the consciousness that its own dramatic worlds, events, and people (...)
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  33.  11
    Nature and command: on the metaphysical foundations of morality.J. Caleb Clanton - 2022 - Knoxville: The University of Tennessee Press. Edited by Kraig Martin.
    In this monograph, authors J. Caleb Clanton and Kraig Martin argue that two classical approaches to moral grounding (natural law theory and divine command theory), while commonly opposed, can nevertheless be combined into a "third way" through precepts derived from the Stone-Campbell tradition. As such, this work represents an attempt to show the rich potential the Stone-Campbell tradition has in contributing to important, long-standing metaethical and philosophical questions.
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    Pietas et eruditio en Alberto Hurtado, S.J.S. J. Costadoat C. - 2005 - Teología y Vida 46 (3).
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    Aaron Pidel, S.J.: Erich Przywara, S.J., and “Catholic Fascism:” A Response to Paul Silas Peterson.S. J. Aaron Pidel - 2016 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 23 (1):27-55.
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  36.  59
    Andrew J. McKenna., Violence and Difference: Girard, Derrida, and Deconstruction.Andrew J. Mckenna & Mark Youngerman - 1994 - International Studies in Philosophy 26 (4):149-150.
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  37. Pourquoi j'ai critiqué Maurice Blondel.J. De TonquÉdec - 1949 - Revue Thomiste 49 (3):563.
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  38.  21
    Einsicht in “Insight”: Bernard J. F. Lonergans kritisch-realistische Wissenschafts- und Erkenntnistheorie.Philipp Fluri & Bernard J. F. Lonergan - 1988
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  39.  11
    Moral dilemmas: biblical perspectives on contemporary ethical issues.J. Kerby Anderson - 1998 - Nashville, Tennessee: W Publishing Group. Edited by Charles R. Swindoll & Christopher W. Gowans.
    In this penetrating book J. Kerby Anderson asks just how much we modern Christians can embrace emrging scientific and technological discoveries and still be true to our Lord. Kerby frames biblical answers in the light of Christ's lordship.h.
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  40.  25
    Critical notices.J. S. Mackenzie - 1894 - Mind 3 (10):555-564.
    Burgess, J.P. and Rosen, G. Subject with No ObjectElliott, R.Faking Nature.
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  41.  53
    Jean-Philippe Deranty, Beyond Communication: A Critical Study of Axel Honneth's Social Philosophy.Jørgen Pedersen - 2010 - Critical Horizons 11 (3):497 - 500.
    Jean-Philippe Deranty, Beyond Communication: A Critical Study of Axel Honneth's Social Philosophy Content Type Journal Article Category Book Review Pages 497-500 Authors Jørgen Pedersen, The Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities, Bergen, Norway Journal Critical Horizons: A Journal of Philosophy & Social Theory Online ISSN 1568-5160 Print ISSN 1440-9917 Journal Volume Volume 11 Journal Issue Volume 11, Number 3 / 2010.
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  42.  79
    Greenidge on Infamia- Infamia; its Place in Roman Public and Private Law, by A. H. J. Greenidge. 1894. 10 s. 6 d.H. J. Roby - 1896 - The Classical Review 10 (07):338-340.
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  43.  22
    Joseph and Jesus. A Theological Study of Their Relationship By Francis L. Füas, S. J.Dominic J. Unger - 1953 - Franciscan Studies 13 (2-3):215-216.
  44.  32
    The Epistles of St. Clement of Rome and St. Ignatius of Antioch by James A. Kleist, S.J., Ph. D.Dominic J. Unger - 1947 - Franciscan Studies 7 (1):98-99.
  45. An Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting [by J. Collier].Jane Collier & S. C. J. - 1804
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  46.  38
    310 Name index Cockburn, Claud 68 Collins, S. 208, 210 Comaroff, J. 272.Auguste Comte, J. Daniel, Basil Davidson, Merryl Wyn Davies, W. D. Davies, David De Silva, P. A. Deiros, K. N. O. Dharmadasa, C. G. Diehl & E. Don-Yehiya - 1995 - In Wendy James, The pursuit of certainty: religious and cultural formulations. New York: Routledge.
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  47.  27
    Den Heyer, C J 1998 - Paulus. Man ven twee werelden.C. J. Den Heyer - 2000 - HTS Theological Studies 56 (1).
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  48. The Huxley-Wilberforce debate revisited.J. R. Lucas - manuscript
    According to the legend, Bishop Wilberforce at a meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science in Oxford on Saturday, June 30th, 1860, turned to Thomas Huxley, and asked him ``Is it on your grandfather's or your grandmother's side that you claim descent from a monkey''; whereupon Huxley delivered a devastating rebuke, thereby establishing the primacy of scientific truth over ecclesiastical obscurantism. Although the legend is historically untrue in almost every detail, its persistence suggests that it may nonetheless (...)
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  49. The History of Philosophy in Islam by D^R. T. J. De Boer.T. J. de Boer & Edward R. Jones - 1965 - Luzac & Co.
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    Lakatosian methodology and the practical implementation of a liberal notion of education.J. C. Glass & W. Johnson - 1991 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 25 (1):33–46.
    J C Glass, W Johnson; Lakatosian Methodology and the Practical Implementation of a Liberal Notion of Education, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 25, I.
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