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Jürgen Schröder [22]Joachim Schröder [5]Jan Schröder [4]Jona Schroder [2]
J. Schröder [2]Jörg Schröder [1]Jeremias Schröder [1]Jantine Schröder [1]

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  1.  99
    Emergence: Non-deducibility or downwards causation?Jurgen Schroder - 1998 - Philosophical Quarterly 48 (193):433-52.
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  2.  36
    Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste: A Long-Term Socio-Technical Experiment.Jantine Schröder - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (3):687-705.
    In this article we investigate whether long-term radioactive waste management by means of geological disposal can be understood as a social experiment. Geological disposal is a rather particular technology in the way it deals with the analytical and ethical complexities implied by the idea of technological innovation as social experimentation, because it is presented as a technology that ultimately functions without human involvement. We argue that, even when the long term function of the ‘social’ is foreseen to be restricted to (...)
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  3. Mental causation and the supervenience argument.Jürgen Schröder - 2007 - Erkenntnis 67 (2):221 - 237.
    One of several problems concerning the possibility of mental causation is that the causal potential of a supervenient property seems to be absorbed by its supervenience base if that base and the supervenient property are not identical. If the causal powers of the supervenient property are a proper subset of the causal powers of the supervenience base then, according to the causal individuation of properties, the supervenience base seems to do all the causal work and the supervenient property appears to (...)
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  4. The Supervenience Argument and the Generalization Problem.Jürgen Schröder - 2002 - Erkenntnis 56 (3):319 - 328.
    This paper tries to show that Kim's strategy of preventing the problem of generalization of mental causation is not successful and that his original supervenience argument can be applied to cases of nonmental macrolevel causation, with the effect that nonmental macroproperties which only supervene on, but are not identical with, configurations of microproperties turn out to be epiphenomenal after all.
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  5.  56
    Körner's criterion of relevance and analytic tableaux.Joachim Schröder - 1992 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 21 (2):183 - 192.
  6. Knowledge of Rules, Causal Systematicity, and the Language of Thought.Jürgen Schröder - 1998 - Synthese 117 (3):313 - 330.
    Martin Davies' criterion for the knowledge of implicit rules, viz. the causal systematicity of cognitive processes, is first exposed. Then the inference from causal systematicity of a process to syntactic properties of the input states is examined. It is argued that Davies' notion of a syntactic property is too weak to bear the conclusion that causal systematicity implies a language of thought as far as the input states are concerned. Next, it is shown that Davies' criterion leads to a counterintuitive (...)
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  7.  61
    Higher-order thought and naturalist accounts of consciousness.Jurgen Schroder - 2001 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 8 (11):27-46.
    This paper makes a comparison between naturalist and non-naturalist theories of consciousness with respect to their explanatory merits. It focuses on David Rosenthal's higher-order thought theory, arguing that the motives for higher-order theories are based on a confusion of three distinct meanings of the term 'intrinsic'. The explanatory power of HOT theories is compared with that of an alternative nonrepresentational theory, offered as an example of a naturalistic account. The latter is found overall to have more virtues and less shortcomings (...)
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  8. Mental causation: The supervenience argument and the proportionality constraint.Jurgen Schroder - 1999 - In La Filosofia Analitica En El Cambio de Milenio. Santiago de Compostela: S.I.E.U..
  9.  40
    Beyond words: Sensory properties of depressive thoughts.Steffen Moritz, Claudia Cecile Hörmann, Johanna Schröder, Thomas Berger, Gitta A. Jacob, Björn Meyer, Emily A. Holmes, Christina Späth, Martin Hautzinger, Wolfgang Lutz, Matthias Rose & Jan Philipp Klein - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (6):1047-1056.
  10.  23
    Under what conditions does confirmation seeking obstruct scientific progress?Klaus Moser, Volker Gadenne & Jürgen Schröder - 1988 - Psychological Review 95 (4):572-574.
  11.  13
    ῞Ωστε ἑϰάτερον αὐτῶν ἑϰατέρῳ τούτων τὸ αὐτὸ εί῀ναι.Joachim Schröder - 1985 - Hermes 113 (2):172-183.
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  12.  34
    A simple irredundance test for tautological sequents.Joachim SchrÖder - 1997 - Erkenntnis 46 (2):175-183.
  13.  24
    Benn in den dreißiger Jahren.Jürgen Schröder - 1979 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 53 (2):326-336.
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  14.  7
    Das Computermodell des Geistes in der analytischen Philosophie und in der kognitiven Psychologie des Sprachverstehens.Jürgen Schröder - 1992
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  15. „Die Naturalisierung der Semantik und ihre unzureichende Kritik aus kulturalistischer Sicht.“.J. Schröder - 1998 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 9 (2):241-244.
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  16. Das parabolische Geschehen der "Minna von Barnhelm".Jürgen Schröder - 1969 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 43 (2):221-259.
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  17.  20
    „..., dann wird die conclusio nicht notwendig sein.“ Zu W. Wielands Deutung der assertorisch-apodiktischen Syllogistik.Joachim Schröder - 1986 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 68 (2):136-152.
  18.  21
    Eine aristotelische Argumentation zur Unbeweisbarkeit von Definitionen.Joachim Schröder - 1984 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 66 (3):225-242.
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  19.  35
    Explanatory force, antidescriptionism, and the common structure of substance concepts.Jürgen Schröder - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (1):84-85.
    Millikan's proposal of a common structure of substance concepts does not explain certain conspicuous findings in the psychological literature such as typicality effects, the context sensitivity of these effects, and slips of the tongue. Moreover, it is unclear how antidescriptionism could be relevant to psychological theorizing. Finally, it does not seem to be true that concepts of individuals, stuff, and real kinds have a common structure in older children and in adults.
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  20. Ein methodologischer Physikalismus lindert keine ontologischen Schmerzen.Jürgen Schröder - 1995 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 6 (1):124.
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  21.  53
    Führt der physikalismus zu absurden konsequenzen?Jürgen Schröder - 1997 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 28 (2):385-388.
    Does Physicalism lead to absurd results? Franz von Kutschera argued in his book „Grundfragender Erkenntnistheorie” that the weakest version of physicalism, i. e. the thesis that physical facts determine all the facts there are, leads to the absurd result that events in a remote future determine the present brain states of a person. It is shown that the argument is flawed in several respects and that the absurd result is not a consequence of physicalism but of an auxiliary premiss of (...)
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  22.  11
    La Filosofia Analitica En El Cambio de Milenio.Jurgen Schroder - 1999 - Santiago de Compostela: S.I.E.U..
  23. On the reference of proper names.Jürgen Schröder - 1994 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 28 (71):219-237.
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  24. Physicalism and strict implication.Jürgen Schröder - 2006 - Synthese 151 (3):537-545.
    The aim of this paper is to determine the plausibility of Robert Kirk’s strict implication thesis as an explication of physicalism and its relation to Jackson and Chalmer’s notion of application conditionals, to the notion of global supervenience and to a posteriori identities. It is argued that the strict implication thesis is subject to the same objection that affects the notion of global supervenience. Furthermore, reference to an idealised physics in the formulation of strict implication threatens to make the thesis (...)
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  25.  9
    Politische Bildung in Bewegung – über Demokratie im Sportunterricht.Jörg Schröder - 2018 - Polis 22 (1):24-27.
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  26.  79
    Qualia und physikalismus.Jürgen Schröder - 1997 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 28 (1):159-183.
    Qualia and Physicalism. It is assumed that the following three relations exhaust the possibilities for a physicalist account of qualia: 1. determination, 2. identity, 3. realization. The first relation is immediately rejected because it does not exclude property dualism. The second faces the problem that it is probably impossible to discriminate empirically between the identity thesis and the epiphenomenalist position. The third cannot handle qualia adequately, for qualia are not functional properties and the realization relation is only plausible as a (...)
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  27.  67
    Searles kritik am funktionalismus — eine untersuchung Des chinesischzimmers.Jürgen Schröder - 1991 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 22 (2):321-336.
    Summary Searle claims that for a machine to have intentional states it is not sufficient that a formal programme be instantiated. Various types of objections to this claim have been brought up by Searle's critics. Searle's replies to some of these objections are analysed. It turns out that it is more to these objections than Searle wants to make us believe. What is crucial, however, is that Searle's „Gedankenexperiment results in a dilemma. At the outset of the dilemma there are (...)
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  28.  45
    Token-identity, consciousness, and the connection principle.Jürgen Schröder - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (3):615-616.
    Searle's (1990) argument for the seems to rest on a confusion between ontological and epistemological claims. The potential consciousness of a mental state does not yield the same effect as does its actual consciousness, namely, the preservation of aspectual shape. Searle's distinction between the consciousness of an intentional object and that of a mental state, which is meant to counter the objection that deep unconscious rules cease to be deep once they become conscious, fails to do its appointed task.
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  29.  22
    Theoretische und praktische Jurisprudenz. Die Verwissenschaftlichung der Rechtsgelehrsamkeit um 1800.Jan Schröder - 1993 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 16 (3-4):229-240.
    Two developments have been of crucial significance to create the today's relation of theoretical (scientific) jurisprudence and the practical pursuit of law:1. The process of forming a jurisprudence basing on scientific methods around 1800. This process is particularly based on the following epistemological changes:(a) The late 18th century gave birth to the idea of a system of science as an unchangeable context of science in abstracto. Therefore the practical application of parts of this system appeared no longer as an independent (...)
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  30.  39
    What has consciousness to do with explicit representations and stable activation vectors?Jürgen Schröder - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (1):166-167.
  31.  26
    Bücherschau: Wiedergelesen / Rezension / Ausstellungsbesprechung.Renate Wöhrer, Angelika Bartl, Inge Hinterwaldner, Jan Konrad Schröder, Susanne Baer & Michael Wetzel - 2017 - In Wöhrer Renate, Bartl Angelika, Hinterwaldner Inge, Schröder Jan Konrad, Baer Susanne & Wetzel Michael, Ereignisorte des Politischen. De Gruyter. pp. 94-102.
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  32. Freedom Evolves. [REVIEW]Jürgen Schröder - 2005 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 59 (2).
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  33.  26
    Gottfried Benn. The Artist and Politics (1910–1934). [REVIEW]Jürgen Schröder - 1981 - Philosophy and History 14 (2):131-133.
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  34. Michael Hagner, Homo cerebralis. Der Wandel vom Seelenorgan zum Gehirn/Olaf Breidbach, Die Materialisierung des Ichs. Zur Geschichte der Hirnforschung im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert/Wolf Singer, Der Beobachter im Gehirn. Essays zur Hirnforschung/Uwe Meixner/Albert Newen (Hgg.), Seele, Denken, Bewusstsein. Zur Geschichte der Philosophie des Geistes. [REVIEW]J. Schroder - 2004 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 111 (2):239-252.
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  35.  6
    Theorie der Interpretation vom Humanismus bis zur Romantik - Rechtswissenschaft, Philosophie, Theologie: Beiträge zu einem interdisziplinären Symposion in Tübingen, 29. September bis 1. Oktober 1999.Jan Schröder (ed.) - 2001 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
    Die Interpretation (seit dem 17. Jahrhundert auch aHermeneutiko) ist das wichtigste methodische Hilfsmittel der Geisteswissenschaften. Die Erforschung ihrer fruehneuzeitlichen Urspruenge ist zwar im letzten Jahrzehnt ein Stueck vorangekommen, aber nach wie vor gibt es keine zusammenfassende Geschichte der juristischen, der theologischen oder der allgemeinen Hermeneutik und schon gar keinen facheruebergreifenden Vergleich. Der vorliegende Band faat die Ertrage der bisherigen Forschung zusammen und liefert darueber hinaus wichtige Bausteine zu einer vergleichenden Geschichte der Hermeneutik. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die bisher vernachlassigte Geschichte (...)
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    Theorie der Interpretation vom Humanismus bis zur Romantik - Rechtswissenschaft, Philosophie, Theologie: Beiträge zu einem interdisziplinären Symposion in Tübingen, 29. September bis 1. Oktober 1999.Jan Schröder (ed.) - 2001 - Stuttgart: Steiner.
    Die Interpretation (seit dem 17. Jahrhundert auch aHermeneutiko) ist das wichtigste methodische Hilfsmittel der Geisteswissenschaften. Die Erforschung ihrer fruehneuzeitlichen Urspruenge ist zwar im letzten Jahrzehnt ein Stueck vorangekommen, aber nach wie vor gibt es keine zusammenfassende Geschichte der juristischen, der theologischen oder der allgemeinen Hermeneutik und schon gar keinen facheruebergreifenden Vergleich. Der vorliegende Band faat die Ertrage der bisherigen Forschung zusammen und liefert darueber hinaus wichtige Bausteine zu einer vergleichenden Geschichte der Hermeneutik. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die bisher vernachlassigte Geschichte (...)
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