12 found
  1.  36
    Discours de Cicéron contre Verres : Livre IV. De Signis. Par Émile Thomas. Paris: Hachette. 1887. 4 fres.J. S. Reid - 1888 - The Classical Review 2 (07):210-.
  2.  40
    Note on cic. De Fin. ii. 56.J. S. Reid - 1896 - The Classical Review 10 (03):155-.
  3.  22
    Note on Cicero, Ad Fam. 1, 2, 2 and 1, 1, 2.J. S. Reid - 1897 - The Classical Review 11 (05):244-246.
  4.  24
    Note on Lucretius, V. 311, 312.J. S. Reid - 1911 - The Classical Review 25 (07):202-203.
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  5.  26
    Notes on Some Passages in Cicero's Letters Ad Familiares.J. S. Reid - 1897 - The Classical Review 11 (07):350-351.
  6.  37
    Note on the Roman Portoria.J. S. Reid - 1904 - The Classical Review 18 (01):44-.
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  7.  40
    On the Fragments of an Epitome of Livy Discovered at Oxyrhynchus.J. S. Reid - 1904 - The Classical Review 18 (06):290-300.
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  8.  37
    Texts of Cicero.J. S. Reid - 1887 - The Classical Review 1 (5-6):135-139.
    M. Tulli Ciceronis libri qui ad rem publicam et ad philosophiam spectant; vol. ix. Cato Maior de Senectute, Laelius de Amicitia; 50 Pf. vol. x. De Officiis; 80 Pf. ed. Th. Schiche, Leipzig, Freytag.M. Tulli Ciceronis Orationes Selectae; vol. i. Oratio pro Sex. Roscio Arnerino; 30 Pf. vol. ii. In Q. Caecilium Diuinatio, in C. Verrem Accusationis, Lib. iv. v.; ed. H. Nohl; 80 Pf. Leipzig, Freytag.M. Tulli Ciceronis Scripta quae remanserunt omnia. Recognovit C. F. W. Mueller. Partis ii. vol. (...)
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  9.  52
    Fausset's Cluentius. M. Tullii Giceronis pro A. Chientio Oratio, with Explanatory and Critical Notes by W. Yoeke Faussett, M.A. Rivingtons. 1887. 6s. [REVIEW]J. S. Reid - 1889 - The Classical Review 3 (1-2):38-42.
  10.  35
    Scholia in Ciceronis Orationes Bobiensia. [REVIEW]J. S. Reid - 1909 - The Classical Review 23 (1):22-23.
  11.  43
    The Roman Equites in the Third Century A.D. The Rise of the Equites in the Third Century of the Roman Empire. By C. W. Keyes. Pp. 54. Princeton University Press and Oxford University Press, 1915. [REVIEW]J. S. Reid - 1917 - The Classical Review 31 (2):59-61.
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  12.  38
    The Satires of Persius by Conington and Nettleship. [REVIEW]J. S. Reid - 1893 - The Classical Review 7 (8):364-366.
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