John A. Hebert [3]J. Hébert [2]Jean-Claude Hébert [1]Johanne Hébert [1]
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    From ontological to relational: A scoping review of conceptions of dignity invoked in deliberations on medically assisted death.Isabelle Martineau, Naïma Hamrouni & Johanne Hébert - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-18.
    Dignity is omnipresent in Western ethics, but it also provokes dissension and controversy. One of the most striking examples is the debate on medically assisted death, where dignity is invoked to support antagonistic positions. While some authors conclude that the concept is useless as an ethical reference, many others invite us to deepen our analysis from a multidimensional perspective, to enrich it and make it useful. This scoping study is intended to provide an overview of the different conceptions of dignity (...)
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  2.  8
    Fenêtres sur la justice.Jean-Claude Hébert - 2006 - Montréal, QC: Boreal.
    Le volume réunit cinq essais qui abordent différents éléments du système judiciaire et réfléchissent sur leur fonctionnement et leur pertinence. Une part importante des exemples est empruntée à l'actualité canadiene et québécoise, mais le propos déborde ce contexte et envisage les mécanismes de la justice en tant que tels. Un exemple trop rare de réflexion sur l'appareil judiciaire qui, sans verser dans le populisme, demeure très abordable. [SDM].
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  3.  41
    Context and frequency effects in the generalization of a human voluntary response.John A. Hebert, Marsha Bullock, Lynn Levitt, Kim Groves Woodward & Frank D. McGuirk - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 102 (3):456.
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    Latency patterns in category Judgments.Frank D. McGuirk & John A. Hébert - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 1 (6):457-459.
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    Voluntary stimulus generalization as a three-category judgment process.Frank D. McGuirk & John A. Hébert - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 1 (1):53-55.